Capacity planning

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Choosing the right amount of memory based on number of shards in Elasticsearch

If the ratio of memory to number of shards in the cluster is low, it suggests that you have insufficient memory compared to the volume...

Disk Underutilization on Cold Tier in Elasticsearch

Follow the steps mentioned in this guide to resolve the issue of disk underutilization on the cold tier in Elasticsearch.

Disk Watermark

There are various watermark thresholds on an Elasticsearch cluster. As the disk fills up on a node, the 1st threshold to be crossed is...

Elastic Pricing Calculator - How to Use the Elastic Pricing Calculator

The different categories in the Elastic Pricing Calculator can impact your final cost. Here's how to efficiently use the pricing calculator.

Elasticsearch Capacity Planning: A Comprehensive Guide

In this guide, we'll discuss the key factors to consider when planning for Elasticsearch capacity and provide guidelines on...

Elasticsearch Cluster State

Elasticsearch clusters need to maintain the cluster state in memory on each and every nodes, which requires a large amount of resources...

Elasticsearch Cost Optimization: 12 Expert Tips 

Here are 12 tips to reduce and optimize your Elasticsearch costs. First, plan data retention: carefully adjust your...

Elasticsearch Disk Underutilization on Data Tier

If there is more disk space allocated to data nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster than needed, this means that the disk resources are...

Elasticsearch Excessive Replicas on Hot Nodes

Having too many replicas for certain indices on the hot tier of your Elasticsearch cluster can lead issues. To resolve this...

Elasticsearch Excessive Replicas on Warm Nodes

Having more replicas than necessary on the warm tier of your cluster can lead to inefficient resource usage & impact performance To resolve...

Elasticsearch Hardware Requirements: A High-Level Overview

This guide discusses the hardware and configuration requirements for Elasticsearch, including: CPU, memory, storage & network requiriements.

Elasticsearch Java Heap Size

Here's how to optimize the Elasticsearch Java Heap Size to ensure efficient resource utilization & prevent OutOfMemoryError issues.

Elasticsearch Large Cluster State - How to Discover, Resolve and Prevent (Customer Post Mortem)

When cluster state becomes too large it poses many challenges. In order to determine the size of your cluster state and reduce it, you...

Elasticsearch Memory: Reducing Memory Allocated to Hot Nodes

Follow the steps listed in this guide to reduce the memory allocated to hot nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster.

Elasticsearch Minimum Requirements

Here's a detailed guideline on the minimum requirements for Elasticsearch, including hardware specifications, JVM settings...

Elasticsearch Multi-Tier Architecture - How to Set Up a Hot/Warm/Cold/Frozen Elasticsearch Architecture

In Elasticsearch’s multi-tier architecture, the tiers are named hot, warm, cold & frozen. This Elasticsearch architecture allows better...

Elasticsearch Number of Allowed Shards Per Node is Too High

In order to understand the context of this event, we first need to explain the different settings at play that govern the allowed...

Elasticsearch system requirements

This article discusses the hardware and configuration requirements for Elasticsearch, focusing on aspects such as CPU...

Elasticsearch Too Much Memory Allocated to Content Nodes

The memory allocated to the content nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster can be reduced. This excess memory allocation...

Elasticsearch Too Much Memory Allocated to Frozen Nodes

If the current memory allocation for the frozen nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster is higher than necessary, the memory-to-disk...

Elasticsearch Too Much Memory Allocated to Warm Nodes

The memory allocated to the warm nodes in your Elasticsearch cluster can be reduced. Warm nodes are used to store...

Elasticsearch Unlimited Shards per Node Issue

This guide discusses the issue of having an unlimited number of shards per node in Elasticsearch. The cluster.max_shards_per_node setting...

Elasticsearch_disk_usage API

The Elasticsearch _disk_usage API helps get information about disk usage for each analyzed field of indices and/or data streams. To use it...

Excessive Replicas on Elasticsearch Data Nodes

Having an excess of replicas on certain indices within the Elasticsearch data nodes can lead to undesirable consequences. To fix the issue...

Flood Stage Disk Watermark

When the “disk flood stage” threshold is exceeded on an Elasticsearch cluster, it will start to block core actions. To resolve this issue...

Guide to Resolving Disk Underutilization on Hot Tier in Elasticsearch

If there is more disk space allocated to hot nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster than needed, this means that the cluster is not utilizing...

Heap Size Usage and JVM Garbage Collection

A high heap size in Elasticsearch will give your node more memory for indexing and search operations. However, your node also requires...

High Disk Watermark

High disk watermark is one of the various thresholds on your Elasticsearch cluster. Passing this threshold is a warning and you should not...

How to Change Nodes Heap Memory Allocation and Limits in Elasticsearch

This guide covers how to change node heap limits and memory allocation in Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch's heap memory allocation...

How to Choose the Correct Number of Shards per Index in Elasticsearch

Finding the right number of shards for your Elasticsearch indices, and the right size for each shard depends on many factors, including...

How to Optimize Elasticsearch Disk Space and Usage

If you don’t have enough disk space available, Elasticsearch will stop allocating shards to the node. This will eventually prevent you from...

How to Reduce the Number of Shards in an Elasticsearch Cluster

When you have too many shards in your Elasticsearch cluster, there are a few steps you can take in order to reduce the number of shards...

Loaded Data Nodes

Sometimes you can observe that the CPU and load on some of your data nodes is higher than on others. This can occasionally be caused by...

Low Disk Watermark

Low disk watermark is one of the various thresholds on your Elasticsearch cluster. Here are possible actions you can take to resolve...

Memory Allocation Issues in Cold Nodes

Cold nodes are used to store less frequently accessed data, and optimizing their memory allocation can lead to improved...

Memory Usage Guide

The Elasticsearch process is very memory intensive. Here are the memory requirements and some tips to reduce your Elasticsearch memory usage.

Optimizing Elasticsearch Storage: Best Practices and Advanced Techniques

In this article, we will discuss advanced techniques and best practices for optimizing Elasticsearch storage.


A large number of shards on an Elasticsearch cluster requires extra resources. Learn key ways to avoid and correct oversharding...

Shard Allocation is Unbalanced

Shard allocation is an algorithm by which Elasticsearch decides which unallocated shards should go on which nodes. To resolve unbalanced...

Shards Too Large - Shard Sizes

It is a best practice that Elasticsearch shard size should not go above 50GB for a single shard. If you go above this limit...

Understanding and Managing Elasticsearch Shards Limit

Elasticsearch imposes a soft limit on the total number of shards in a cluster. To effectively manage your Elasticsearch shards limit....

Understanding and Optimizing Elasticsearch -Xmx Setting

The Elasticsearch -Xmx setting is a critical configuration parameter that can significantly impact the performance and stability of your...

Understanding and Optimizing vm.max_map_count for Elasticsearch Performance

In Elasticsearch, the vm.max_map_count parameter refers to the maximum number of memory map areas a process may have. The default value...


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