Mobile App – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Thu, 28 Dec 2023 08:30:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mobile App – WDI Blog 32 32 Mobile App Development for Pharmacy Management: Features, Steps, and Estimated Costs Demystified Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:41:55 +0000 The post Mobile App Development for Pharmacy Management: Features, Steps, and Estimated Costs Demystified appeared first on WDI Blog.

Pharmacy Management App

The whole world has adopted online methods for executing daily activities, especially when we talk about healthcare. Telemedicine apps and online consultations have become the norm today. One such niche is pharmacy management.

Pharmacy management involves various activities, such as inventory control, record keeping, customer service, compliance, and more. If your business deals with pharmacy, developing a mobile app will help increase your efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Pharmacy Management App Development

Developing a pharmacy app will be a beneficial investment for both you and your customers. Here’s how:

  • Streamline the workflow and reduce human errors.
  • Enhance collaboration between the pharmacy staff, suppliers, and customers.
  • Provide real-time data and alerts on stock levels, expiry dates, orders, and deliveries.</li.
  • Offer secure payment options and digital receipts.
  • Build customer loyalty by providing personalized offers.
  • Increase accessibility of medicines and healthcare services.

Pharmacy app development requires careful planning, research, design, development, testing, and maintenance. In this blog, we’ll discuss the features, steps, and costs of developing a mobile app for pharmacy management.

Features of a Mobile App for Pharmacy Management

Features of a Mobile App for Pharmacy Management Depending on the exact scope of the micro-niche of the pharmacy app you want to develop, the features may vary. However, we’ve listed some common features every pharmacy management app should have.

Login and Registration

This feature allows users to create an account using their email, phone number, or social media credentials.


Search and Filtering

Make browsing through available medicines and healthcare products easier with a search bar and filter system. Allow users to segregate the products based on name, brand, category, price, rating, etc. This feature will help users compare different products and make the right buying decision.

Cart and Payment

This feature is a staple of all eCommerce apps, pharmacy or otherwise. You must allow users to add, edit, and remove items from their cart and proceed to checkout. To reduce the cart abandonment rate, you need to provide all major payment methods, such as credit/debit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, etc.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are the key to keeping users engaged and compelling abandoned users to return. Provide users with timely reminders about their orders, deliveries, prescriptions, refills, offers, etc. Too many notifications can annoy users. So, give them the option to choose which notifications they want.


Navigating a pharmacy app can be overwhelming for normal people who lack knowledge about medicines. Having an AI-powered Chatbot can make the process as smooth as butter. However, the chatbot should redirect to a professional pharmacist in cases of serious issues.

Pharmacy Management App Development Steps

If you want to develop a pharmacy management app, there are certain things you need to get done before approaching a development partner. Here are the steps you should follow.

Analyze the Market and Research Competitors

You must test the waters before diving in. Understand the current trends, demands, and challenges of the online pharmacy market. Identify your target audience, their needs, demands, and pain points. This will give you an idea of how to refine your app idea for the best results.

Secondly, check what your competitors are up to. What are their strengths, weaknesses, and unique selling points?

Define Your App’s Features

We’ve already mentioned the essential features your app needs to have. Create a list of additional features your app will require. Once the list is finalized, create user stories and use cases that describe how your app will work and what value it will provide to customers.

Create a Product Roadmap

This is a plan that outlines the scope and timeline for your pharmacy management app development project. This document will allow you to effectively communicate your requirements and expectations with your development partner.

Find Developers

This is the most important step in your development project. Having the right development partner by your side can do wonders. Research the top mobile app development companies and compare them based on various factors such as quality, reliability, communication, and expertise.

Once you shortlist a development company, approach it and share your requirements. Read this blog for a detailed guide on finding the right development partner.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Pharmacy Management App?

The pharmacy app development cost depends on various factors, such as the type, complexity, and functionality of your app and the platform you want to target (iOS, Android, or both). Here’s a rough breakdown:

Basic App: A simple pharmacy management app with essential features can cost between $20,000 and $50,000.

Medium Complexity App: If you’re planning to include some additional features like an AI-based chatbot, advanced search algorithms, and integration with external databases, the cost can range from $50,000 to $100,000.

Advanced App: For a feature-rich app with advanced AI algorithms, real-time data analytics, and other advanced features, the cost goes north of $100,000.

Keep in mind that these features are just estimations. The actual cost will change based on the development team’s location, expertise, and the specific requirements of your app.

Develop Your Pharmacy Management App

WDI’s expert mobile app development team is the key to building a successful pharmacy app. Our command over prominent app development frameworks and advanced AI/ML integrations allows you to get complete services under one roof.

For 20+ years, we have developed many healthcare solutions for startups, corporations, and enterprises. We know the ins and outs of the industry and can help you build a robust solution for your audience.

Contact us today to start your pharmacy management app development project!


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Breaking It Down: Whats the Price Tag for Creating Mobile App Like KFC? Thu, 14 Dec 2023 07:33:52 +0000 The post Breaking It Down: Whats the Price Tag for Creating Mobile App Like KFC? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App

Have you got a fast-food restaurant chain or franchise for which you want to develop a mobile app? The KFC app is one excellent example you can refer to. It’s simple, it’s intuitive, and it’s just plain fun to use, as Steve Jobs rightfully said.

The KFC app is one of the most successful food delivery apps on the market. It offers a convenient way to order and relish their favorite fried chicken. But how much does KFC app development cost?

In this blog, we’ll look into the various factors that determine the price tag of this project. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a better understanding of the budget required to create a mobile app for your fast-food business.

Features of the KFC App

Features of the KFC App

The features play a huge role in determining the cost of the development project. The KFC app has numerous features that provide it with an edge over other food delivery apps. Let’s take a look at some of the main features of the KFC app.

CTAThe Menu

The KFC app allows users to browse through the complete range of their offerings, such as buckets, burgers, drinks, etc. The cost to develop a similar menu depends on the number of items, the categories, the filters, and the images that need to be displayed.

To give you a rough idea, developing a simple menu feature will cost around $5000 to $10000, while a complex one can cost up to $20,000 or more.

The Ordering System

Users can place their orders in just a few easy steps. The ordering system allows users to choose between delivery and pickup, select their preferred location, customize their meals, add or remove ingredients, and place an order. Once the order is placed, users can track it on the app in real-time.

The cost to develop a similar ordering system depends on the number of options, the logic, and the validation that needs to be implemented. A basic ordering system can cost around $10,000 to $15,000, while a more advanced one can cost up to $30,000 or more.

Payment Methods

KFC incorporates multiple payment gateways, such as credit or debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. It also allows users to save their payment information for future orders. The cost to develop one depends on the number of methods that need to be integrated.

A simple payment feature can cost around $5,000 to $10,000, while a more complex one can cost up to $20,000 or more.

The Loyalty Programt

KFC rewards its users with points for each order they make. Users can also redeem their points for free food, drinks, or discounts. KFC also has the Rewards Arcade, which rewards users with points and freebies for playing games.

The cost of developing the loyalty program depends on the number of rewards, the rules, and the gamification that needs to be applied. A simple loyalty feature can cost around $5,000 to $10,000, while a more complex one can cost up to $20,000 or more.

If you want to implement gamification like KFC, it’ll cost more than $20,000.


Augmented Reality

KFC is on top of the game when it comes to AR integrations. From simple AR animations to full-fledged games like The Great Bucket Hunt, KFC has integrated multiple AR features.

The cost of developing the augmented reality feature depends on the quality of the animation. A simple augmented reality feature can cost around $10,000 to $15,000, while a more complex one can cost up to $30,000 or more.

Voice Assistant

The KFC app can be fully controlled using an internal or external voice assistant. The cost to develop and integrate a voice assistant depends on the level of functionality you wish to provide.

A voice assistant will cost roughly $40,000. Integrating NLP-based features will increase the cost even further.

Contactless Payment

Users can pay for their orders without touching their cards. They can simply scan a QR code or use NFC to complete their payment. The cost of implementing something similar depends on the security and compatibility of the feature.

You can expect somewhere in the range of $5,000 to $20,000 on average to implement contactless payment.

Time Required to Develop

Mobile app development companies generally work on an hourly basis. They have varying hourly rates based on their expertise and proficiency in the technologies used. The more time the project requires, the more cost it will incur.

The time required to develop an app like KFC depends on the scope, the features, the design, and the complexity of the app. As advanced features take more time to develop, they end up costing more.

A rough estimate would be six months to a year to develop an app like KFC. However, it’s just an estimate. The actual time will depend on the specific requirements and revisions to the app.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App Like KFC?

Depending on the features you want to implement, the screens you want to develop, and the time required, you can expect a range of $50,000 to $300,000 to develop an app like KFC. However, the actual cost will vary depending on your project requirements.

KFC-Like App Development

WDI can provide you with the necessary developers and technologies to develop an app like KFC. If you want the best of mobile app development, we can give you that. Our 20+ years of expertise and award-winning services are the key to success in the digital realm.

From AI/ML to NLP, we can integrate advanced technologies to make your food delivery app stand out. Let’s sit down on a call and discuss how to move ahead with your project.

Contact us to start developing an app like KFC.


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EdTech Mobile App Development: Features, Challenges, Process Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:07:43 +0000 The post EdTech Mobile App Development: Features, Challenges, Process appeared first on WDI Blog.


Mobile devices have become the preferred choice for individuals to access educational content. During the pandemic, people switched to virtual learning methods from traditional ones, giving rise to EdTech apps. This presents an excellent opportunity for businesses in the Edutech industry to invest in EdTech mobile app development.

In this blog, WDI will explain the features, challenges, and steps you need to follow as a business to develop an EdTech app.

Types of EdTech Mobile Apps

First, let’s understand the different types of EdTech apps. Depending on the target audience and the features, various types of EdTech apps can be developed.

Immersive Tech Apps

These apps use advanced technologies like AR/VR to create immersive and interactive learning experiences.

Code and Technology Apps

These apps teach users how to code using tutorials, videos, and interactive games.

Learning Management System (LMS) Apps

These apps provide a centralized platform to manage online courses, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials. They facilitate student and teacher communication.

Language Learning Apps

These apps teach new languages to users using games, flashcards, videos, etc.

Early Childhood Learning Apps

These apps are designed for kids to develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills through playful activities.


These apps focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. The aim is to teach STEM subjects using interactive material.

Essential Features in EdTech App

To make your EdTech app stand out in the market, you need to provide some unique features that help you stand out. Here are some features you need to implement, regardless of the niche you’re dealing with.

Personalized Learning Paths

A major drawback of EdTech apps is that they provide generic information and fail to address individual problems. AI algorithms can help you fix that. They can analyze user behavior and performance, providing personalized content that is curated for individual learning journeys.

Multimedia Integration

Visual elements make learning more interesting. Incorporating multimedia elements like videos, animations, and interactive quizzes enriches the learning experience. They can be tailored to diverse learning styles to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Real-time Progress Tracking

Real-time performance tracking is key to monitoring student performance. Both learners and educators can identify areas for improvement and adjust the learning pace accordingly.

Collaborative Features

Having internal collaboration features, such as discussion forums, group projects, and peer-to-peer interaction, will allow users to stay on the same app. This will help build a community of learners.


Gamification can make any category of app interesting. Gamified elements, such as rewards, badges, and leaderboards, inject an element of fun into the learning process.

Challenges in EdTech App Development

Developing an EdTech app does have its share of challenges. Being aware of them beforehand will ensure that the project is executed in a streamlined manner. Let’s have a look at them.

Technological Integration

To make your app stand out, you’ve got to integrate advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality. This will require the expertise of a top mobile app development company.

Data Security and Privacy

EdTech apps have to deal with sensitive user data. To ensure the safety of your users and avoid legal complications, you’ve got to maintain robust data security measures and adhere to privacy regulations.

Device and Platform Fragmentation

An EdTech app will be accessed on smart TVs and desktops, along with mobile devices. The multitude of devices presents a challenge. Ensuring a consistent and optimized experience across different devices and operating systems requires thorough testing and adaptation.

Teacher Training and Integration

While younger students easily adapt to technology, teachers may find it difficult to use your app. You have to make your app as intuitive and easy to navigate as possible to ensure that people of all ages can use it.

Regulatory Compliance

There are a few educational regulations and standards, varying across regions and jurisdictions, that EdTech apps must comply with. Get the necessary compliances beforehand.

EdTech Mobile App Development Process

Here are the steps you need to follow as a business to start your EdTech app development project.

Identify Your Target Audience

As mentioned, your target audience defines the type of EdTech app you want to develop. For example, an EdTech app made for kids will be drastically different from the one developed for university students.

Here are the aspects of your target audience you need to define clearly:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education Level
  • Location
  • Interests

Market Research and Analysis

The EdTech market has witnessed some drastic changes in the past few years. The way people access information has changed due to AI and chatbots. Comprehensive market research is essential to stay in touch with these trends.

Eavesdrop on your competitors and understand what they’re doing and how you can do it better. You’ve got to provide something unique to persuade your target audience to use your app.

Secondly, research the market trends. Know what’s trending and what people are demanding. It’ll help you formulate a strategy for a successful app.

Select a Business Model

There are multiple business models available for EdTech apps. Here are some interesting ones:

EdTech Marketplace

You can connect educators with learners and charge a commission for each transaction. Go with this model if you offer online courses or coaching services. For example, Udemy is a platform that allows anyone to create and sell online courses.

Institutional Model

In this model, you sell your app to institutions, such as schools and colleges, and charge a subscription or license fee. If your app deals with learning management systems, assessment tools, or curriculum solutions, go with this model. For example, Moodle is an open-source LMS that is widely used by educational institutions.

Consumer Model

This model sells the app to individual learners for a one-time or recurring fee. It’s suitable for you if you offer personalized learning or gamified learning. For example, Duolingo is a language learning app that charges a monthly subscription for an ad-free and offline experience.

Sponsored Model

You can provide your app for free to the learners while generating revenue from sponsors and advertisers. This model is great for providing free education to underprivileged communities. For example, Khan Academy is a non-profit organization that offers free video lessons and exercises on various subjects.

Approach an EdTech Mobile App Development Company

Create a document that outlines the app’s requirements, features, competitors, and timeline. Share this document with WDI, the best EdTech mobile app development company. Our developers have decades of experience providing tailored solutions to the Edutech industry.

We can integrate advanced technologies like AI/ML, making your EdTech mobile app stand out. Our team is by your side from start to finish, ensuring that all your queries are addressed and feedback is implemented.

Contact WDI to start your EdTech app development process.

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How to Choose the Right Mobile App Development Partner in 2024? Tue, 05 Dec 2023 07:16:51 +0000 The post How to Choose the Right Mobile App Development Partner in 2024? appeared first on WDI Blog.

App Development Partner

Having the right partner by your side makes all the difference in life and mobile app development. In 2024, mobile apps are no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses and users alike. They offer a straightforward and seamless way for people to connect with your business.

However, developing an app is not a piece of cake. It calls for a lot of planning, research, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. Moreover, the technologies, hardware, platforms, and tools required are not readily available to everyone. That’s where outsourcing the mobile app development project to a dedicated company becomes a smart and strategic choice. It can handle your project from start to finish and develop an app that meets your exact requirements.

But how do you find the right mobile app development partner for your business? What are the factors you need to consider when selecting one?

In this blog, WDI will share some tips and best practices for choosing the right mobile app development partner in 2024.

Types of Mobile App Development Partners

There are different types of mobile app development partners that you can choose from, depending on your requirements. Here are some of them:


These are individuals who work independently or as part of a freelancing team. They offer their services on a project-by-project basis, charging either by the hour or by the milestone. They come cheap and are okay for a bare minimum project. However, they lack the quality assurance, security, and support that you may need for a large-scale app project.


Mobile app development companies like WDI provide strategic and technical guidance for your app project. They have a team of developers, designers, testers, project managers, and other specialists who work together to build your app. They offer immensely more expertise, quality, and reliability.

If you have a medium to large-sized app, a mobile app development company is the way to go.

The Steps to Choose the Right Mobile App Development Partner

Choosing the right application development partner is a decision that can make or break your project. We have outlined some steps that you can follow:

Define Your App Requirements

Here are the things you should lay out under the app requirements:

  • Purpose
  • Goals
  • Target audience
  • Features
  • Functionalities
  • Platform
  • Budget of your app
  • Complexity
  • Scope of your app project
  • Timeline
  • Expectations from your development partner

Having a clearly defined app or project requirements document will help you communicate the same with the potential development partner. You can also compare and evaluate their proposals.

Search For App Development Partners

The next step is to hunt for app development partners who can meet your app requirements. You can use various sources, such as online directories like Clutch, search engines, social media, referrals, reviews, ratings, and testimonials, to find and shortlist app development partners.

Go through the websites of your shortlisted partners and have a close look at their portfolios, testimonials, and case studies to get an idea of their expertise and work.

Filter out at least three to five app development partners, depending on your requirements.

Send Out a Request For Proposal

A Request For Proposal (RFP) is a document that outlines your app requirements. Here is what your RFP should contain:

Introduction: A brief overview of your company.
App Requirements: This should contain all of the pointers mentioned above.
Evaluation Criteria: These are the factors you will use to evaluate the app development partners. It includes portfolio, expertise, quality, and communication.

There are plenty of templates available out there, or you can create one on your own.

Share the RFP document with the development partners you have shortlisted. They will share proposals based on your requirements.

Review the Proposals

Go through all of the proposals you receive from mobile app development companies. Review them based on your evaluation criteria. You can use a scoring system or a checklist to rate each proposal and rank them accordingly.

Here are the things you should look out for in the proposals:

  • Have they understood your app requirements?
  • The proposed solution and approach
  • The experience of the company in your specific industry
  • The portfolio and previous work samples of the company
  • The timeline they provide for your project
  • The quality assurance and support services offered

You can also approach their previous clients to verify their credibility and performance. Filter out the companies even further based on this.

Conduct Meetings and Negotiations

Conduct online or offline meetings with the shortlisted development companies to get a better understanding of their capabilities, work culture, and communication style. Discuss the details of the contract, such as the scope and deliverables.

If you are still confused, you can ask the company for a prototype of your app to see how they work. If the prototype meets your expectations, you can hire that mobile app development company to deliver a full-fledged app.

Ensure clear and transparent communication throughout the development process.

Why WDI?

Choosing the right mobile app development partner in 2024 is crucial for the success of your project. You need to consider the various factors mentioned above to make the right decision.

At WDI, we are a top mobile app development company with 20+ years of experience in the field. We have worked with clients across various sectors and have in-depth knowledge about the nuances each industry brings. Our team of expert developers, designers, testers, and project managers can handle your app project from start to finish.

If you’re looking for a reliable mobile app development partner, contact us today.

Let’s start 2024 with a bang by working together on your app development project.

The post How to Choose the Right Mobile App Development Partner in 2024? appeared first on WDI Blog.

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Uber Like Mobile App Development – Features, Challenges, Process Wed, 29 Nov 2023 14:38:13 +0000 The post Uber Like Mobile App Development – Features, Challenges, Process appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development

The demand for ride-booking apps like Uber has grown substantially in the past few years. People prefer to use Uber for the convenience it offers. They can book a ride at their convenience without having to wait for a random cab.

There are a lot of opportunities for success for businesses planning to invest in Uber like mobile app development. If you’re one of them, this blog will serve as a guide on the exact steps you need to take to make your vision a reality.

First, let’s understand what features you’ll need to plan to develop an app like Uber.

Ride-Booking App Features

If you want to develop a successful ride-booking app, you have to offer better and more polished features than the competition. Here’s what you need to incorporate into your app:

User-Friendly Registration and Profile Management

You need the onboarding process to be as seamless as it gets. Allow users to register easily using their social media accounts or email. Include a feature-rich profile management system, enabling users to save multiple addresses, preferred routes, and payment details.

Real-Time Tracking

This feature is simply non-negotiable for any ride-booking app today. Implement GPS tracking to help users get the real-time location of their booked driver. This transparency is the key to keeping users chilled during the waiting time.

Fare Calculation

You might need a bit of AI for this. Your app should be able to provide an accurate estimate of the fare based on the travel distance and quality of the cab service booked by the user.

Multiple Payment Options

This feature is a must for all apps with payment features. Offer a variety of payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and even cash. This will ensure that you do not leave anyone out.

In-App Messaging

Allowing users to establish communication with the driver is critical for avoiding misunderstandings. In-app messaging is a nice way to facilitate this. You can also implement a web call function that does not require either the user or the driver to share their personal phone numbers.

Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and reviews are major decision-making factors for users. A rating system will foster accountability and also help you filter out bad service providers.

SOS Button

We hope such situations don’t arise, but it’s essential for both the driver and passenger to have a SOS button. It’ll allow them to call for help during emergencies. You need to have a prompt support team for this.

Challenges in Developing an App Like Uber

While the prospect of creating an Uber-like app is enticing, it comes with its fair share of challenges. Recognizing these challenges beforehand will help you stay prepared. Let’s have a look:

Regulatory Compliance

You must get all the necessary regulations in place before setting out on this venture.


A ride-booking app will be used by a large user base. So, design your app architecture with scalability in mind to handle increasing loads seamlessly.

Geographical Variations

If you’re planning to cater to a global audience, you should do research on the unique transportation needs and cultural nuances.

Driver Recruitment and Retention

Your drivers are going to be the driving force behind your app (pun intended). Develop features that incentivize drivers, such as flexible schedules, transparent earnings reports, and performance-based rewards.

User Trust and Safety

As a newcomer, you’ll have to work your way up to build a strong reputation and trust among users. Implement safety features such as real-time ride tracking, driver identification, and an SOS button to ensure users feel secure when using your platform.

Uber Like Mobile App Development Process

Now that you have a clear understanding of the features you need and the challenges you’re going to face, let’s get right down to the process.

Define Your Business Model

The success of your ride-booking app hinges not only on its technical capabilities but also on a well-thought-out business strategy. Here are some ways you can generate revenue from a ride-booking mobile app.

Commission-Based Model

This is the most widely used model of revenue generation. Here, you get a commission for every successful ride completed using the app. Typically, the commission is a percentage of the total fare paid by the passenger. The key here is to strike a balance between profitability and a competitive commission rate.

Partnerships and Collaborations

You can partner with local businesses, such as hotels or event organizers to offer integrated services. This can attract a larger user base initially, with the potential for users to upgrade for enhanced functionality.

Data Monetization

The data you collect from the app can be leveraged for targeted advertising, market analysis, and personalized promotions. However, it’s crucial to prioritize user privacy and adhere to data protection regulations.

Identify Target Audience and User Personas

You’ll have to define your target audience depending on location and income level primarily. This will affect everything from the development process to the marketing strategies of your app. For instance, a ride-booking app offering luxury cars will have a different target audience compared to one offering normal cabs.

Create detailed user personas to represent different segments of your audience. This insight will guide feature prioritization, marketing strategies, and user experience design.

Geographic Expansion

If you’re thinking about expanding your reach to other countries, now’s the time to plan it. Start with a targeted launch in a specific city or region, and gradually expand based on demand and operational capacity. Prepare plans for the challenges each new location brings.

Marketing and User Acquisition

Certain marketing tactics can be integrated into the app, so it’s important to prepare a marketing strategy before starting with the development process. For example, referral programs or discount codes have to be integrated into the app during the design and development phases.

Approach a Top Mobile App Development Company

Once you have strategized everything, write it down properly on a document. Present this document to a mobile app development company like WDI. It’ll allow them to strategize the development process according to your requirements.

We’ll handle everything from wireframes to app launch, allowing you to focus on your core competencies.

Connect with WDI today!

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Best Mobile App Development Company in Mumbai, India Tue, 28 Nov 2023 07:14:01 +0000 The post Best Mobile App Development Company in Mumbai, India appeared first on WDI Blog.

best mobile app development company

What makes WDI the best mobile app development company in Mumbai, India? From our hybrid processes to advanced technologies, we leverage only the best to craft mesmerizing digital experiences. We keep our clients at the forefront of everything, addressing their smallest queries and holding their hand throughout the process.

However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In this blog, we’ll explore in detail why WDI is an ideal mobile app development partner for enterprises, corporations, businesses, and startups.

Extensive Digital Solutions

We offer a complete package when it comes to mobile app development services in Mumbai. Let’s have a look at WDI’s digital solutions.

iOS App Development

Our iOS app development services focus on cohesive user experiences and seamless transitions between all devices in the iOS ecosystem. We understand the intricacies of iOS development and ensure that every app is optimized for performance and usability.

Android App Development

Diversity is key in the Android marketplace, and we know that. We take the utmost care that our Android apps are functional and resonate with the diverse user base of the platform. From smartphones, and tablets, to other Android devices, we develop apps that stand out in terms of features and design.

Cross-Platform App Development

Our cross-platform app development services allow businesses to reach a wider audience in a limited time frame. We leverage advanced technologies and frameworks to allow our clients to make their presence felt across multiple platforms simultaneously. This approach maximises reach while optimizing development time.

Progressive Web App (PWA) Development

We develop PWAs that are a powerful solution for bridging the gap between native apps and websites. We prioritize a responsive and unified UI across all devices. By seamlessly integrating native device features, we harness the full capacity of the user’s device.

Our clients get all the necessary services under one roof, saving time and effort.


We have expertise in all prominent mobile application development technologies. By staying at the forefront of technological advancement, we craft digital experiences that transcend expectations.


WDI stands out for its mastery of Swift. Our iOS app developers ensure that every iOS app is up-to-date and optimized for peak performance. They adhere to clean code structures to enhance the scalability of iOS applications. From third-party APIs to native iOS features, we seamlessly integrate functionalities to create a cohesive user experience.


WDI excels at using Kotlin, the modern and expressive programming language endorsed by Google. Our developers harness Kotlin’s compatibility with Android Studio for efficient project management. We ensure that your Android app surpasses industry standards in terms of performance, user experience, and future adaptability.

React Native

We build applications that run smoothly on both iOS and Android without compromising performance using React Native. The technology allows us to deliver a consistent user experience while saving time and resources.


Our expertise in Flutter allows us to create stunning natively compiled apps for smartphones. Using Flutter’s expressive and flexible framework, we push the boundaries of design to deliver visually appealing and feature-rich apps.


The future is intelligent. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of technology is evident in our proficiency in AI/ML. We infuse our apps with intelligent features that not only meet but also anticipate user needs.

Our zeal to innovate is what solidifies our position as the best mobile app development company in Mumbai.

Blending Efficiency and Flexibility

We embrace a hybrid methodology to execute projects in a precise way while minimizing uncertainty. It incorporates the structured nature of the Waterfall model with the iterative aspects of Agile development. This blend allows us to swiftly respond to changes in requirements and market dynamics.

The iterative approach of the Hybrid methodology enhances the quality of the app over time. We can incorporate feedback and optimize features continuously. The result is a robust and refined digital solution.

Our hybrid methodology places a strong emphasis on client involvement. We collect client feedback at every stage and ensure that the app is exactly as our client visualizes it.

Complete Support

Our commitment to excellence extends far beyond the development phase. We understand that launching an app is just the beginning of a digital journey. Our support services ensure that our clients navigate this journey with confidence.

Post-Launch Maintenance

We provide comprehensive maintenance services to ensure the long-term viability of your application. From updating your app with the latest features to optimizing performance, we ensure that your app continues to deliver amazing performance.

Security Measures

Our military-grade security protocols safeguard user information and maintain the integrity of transactions. We provide ongoing security assessments to ensure that your users trust your application with their valuable data.

Multiple Points of Contact

From emails and virtual meetups to messaging, we offer multiple ways for our clients to resolve their queries. The smallest of their queries is our top priority.

We believe in being a reliable partner and ensure that you always have the assistance you need.

Partner with the Best

For enterprises, corporations, businesses, and startups seeking a partner to transform their app ideas into reality, WDI is your pathway to success. You are guaranteed excellence by partnering with the best mobile app development company in Mumbai, India.

Contact us today if you want to create not just apps, but unforgettable digital experiences.

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How to Develop a Video Streaming App Like Amazon Prime Mon, 27 Nov 2023 09:57:54 +0000 The post How to Develop a Video Streaming App Like Amazon Prime appeared first on WDI Blog.


Video streaming apps like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, and Disney+ have grown exponentially in the past few years. They have replaced old-school television for good among Gen Z and the millennial population. Accessibility and a wider range of content are the primary reasons for this change.

WDI will explain to you the step-by-step process of video-streaming app development. So, let’s jump right into it.

Key Features of Video Streaming Apps

To develop a successful video streaming app, you need to implement the right features to make it stand out. Here’s what you’ll need to implement:

User-Friendly Interface

You’ll need a UI that’s both attractive and easy to navigate. Secondly, you’ll have to tailor content recommendations according to user preferences to keep them captivated.

Content Library

The content your app has is going to be the primary reason for people to download it, and we are sure you already have an amazing one.

Search and Recommendation Algorithms

Having good content is half the equation. You need a personalized search and recommendations to help people access it.

Offline Viewing

Allowing users to access your app without a network connection ensures that they are connected with your brand all the time.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

As people use multiple devices for multimedia consumption, ensure that the app is compatible with a variety of devices. This includes phones, tablets, and smart TVs.

High-Quality Streaming

Invest in robust streaming technology to deliver high-quality video content without buffering issues.

Challenges in Developing a Video Streaming App

While the rewards of creating an Amazon Prime-like app are immense, it’s not void of challenges. Here are some of the challenges you might face:

Licensing and Content Acquisition:

Acquiring licenses for popular content can be a complex and expensive process. You must plan strategically to negotiate with content providers and distributors.

Streaming Technology

You’ll need a large server size to provide a seamless streaming experience, especially during peak hours.


Along with the ton of opportunities, there are a lot of competitors in this niche. You’ll need to put a heavy emphasis on marketing to stand out in the saturated market.

What Makes Amazon Prime Special?

Amazon Prime is a great example for businesses to understand the strategies to stand out in the market. Let’s understand the several key factors contributing to its success:

Diverse Content Library

Amazon Prime Video offers a vast and diverse content library, including exclusive Amazon Originals. This allows them to cater to a wider range of audiences.

Bundle Services

A superb marketing tactic used by Amazon is bundling its video streaming service with other services like free shipping and access to eBooks.

Global Reach

Amazon Prime Video is available globally, contributing a lot to its wider reach.

Cross-platform Compatibility

The app is available on a variety of devices, ensuring that no user is left out.

Innovative Features

Amazon Prime Video continually introduces innovative features, such as X-Ray, which provides additional information about the content being watched. It also has support for HDR and Dolby-Vision, enhancing the content quality.

How to Get Started With Amazon Prime Video-Like App Development

Before you approach a mobile app development company, you need to get certain things cleared out from your end. Here’s how you can get started:

Decide Your Niche

A video streaming app category has multiple niches within itself. They all depend on the content you provide. Just saying it’s an entertainment app is not enough. Even the type of films or web series you provide can differentiate its niche.

For example, even though Amazon Prime Video and MUBI both stream movies, they’re quite different from each other. Amazon Prime Video is catered to a general audience, while MUBI is for cinephiles and Art House film lovers.

Narrowing down your niche will help you refine your app for the target audience.

Get Required Licenses

If you’re producing content in-house, it’s well and good. However, things get complicated when you’re providing third-party content. Reach out to media houses and ensure that you’ve got the licenses in place before starting with the development process.

Create a Monetization Strategy

There are many monetization methods you can go with for your video streaming app. All of them come with their advantages and disadvantages, which you must weigh to make a decision. Here are some of them:


This is the primary way most streaming platforms, like Amazon Prime Video, generate revenue. They offer multiple levels of subscription that users can choose from based on their preferences.


Advertisements are a great monetization pathway as they allow revenue generation from users who don’t pay. Some streaming platforms offer a free subscription that runs ads.

Pay Per View

Some users may just want to watch one or two videos from your app. Providing a pay-per-view model allows them to pay for only those videos they wish to watch.

Get Hosting

A large-scale hosting server is required for a video streaming app, considering the number of videos it has and the traffic it’ll handle. Whether you’re building your own server or seeking out a third-party service, ensure that everything is in place.

Payment Gateway

There are multiple payment gateways available, such as Stripe and Paypal. Research and decide the best one for you beforehand so that there’s no delay in the development phase.

Approach a Mobile App Development Company

Once you have the above-mentioned points in place, it’s time to approach a mobile app development company like WDI. We have the necessary technologies and resources for video streaming app development. With multiple video streaming apps under our belt, we know what it takes to stand out in this competitive landscape.

For example, one of our apps, SattvaConnect, allows people to watch yoga tutorials and attend live yoga classes. GSF, another fitness app we developed, offers similar features.

Contact us today to learn how we can develop a standout video streaming app for you.

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Appointment Booking Mobile App Development – Features, Challenges, Process Thu, 23 Nov 2023 14:45:44 +0000 The post Appointment Booking Mobile App Development – Features, Challenges, Process appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development

Appointment booking apps have emerged as a game changer for saving time and streamlining activities. Whether it’s scheduling a doctor’s appointment, reserving a table at a restaurant, or booking a spa session, these apps make the process more convenient for users.

There are so many businesses that can benefit from appointment booking mobile app development services. It’ll allow their clients to connect with them easily, saving time and effort. If you want to learn what things you need to take care of before developing one, you’re in the right place.

In this blog, we’ll explore the key features, challenges, and development process of appointment booking mobile apps.

Essential Features for Appointment Booking Apps

While most of the features will vary depending on your business, here are some essential features that are necessary for all types of appointment booking apps. Let’s have a look:

Integration with Calendar Apps

To enhance user convenience, appointment booking apps should seamlessly integrate with the calendar app on user devices. This enables users to sync their appointments with their personal calendars. It makes managing time a whole lot more effective.

Review and Rating System

A transparent review and rating system builds trust among users. Prompt users to give a rating and feedback after each appointment. This will help others make an informed decision when choosing service providers.

Real-Time Data

An effective appointment booking app must provide real-time information about the availability of services. You can integrate the app with the service provider’s calendar to ensure that the data is up to date.

Advanced Search Engine

Having a simple search function will not be enough in 2024. You need an advanced search bar and filters that allow users to refine their search based on criteria such as location, date, time, service type, and specific providers. Along with this, the search engine should understand user intent to provide relevant results.

In-App Messaging

Many times, users need more than the information provided on the app. With in-app messaging, users can seek clarification about services or make specific requests directly within the app.

Gamification Elements

An appointment booking app is usually designed to be boring. If you want to stand out in the saturated market, you’ve got to make it a little interesting. Gamification can help you with just that. Incorporate features like achievement badges, progress trackers, or challenges that users can complete to unlock special rewards.

The Challenges of Appointment Booking App Development

Security Concerns

An appointment booking app deals with sensitive user data, including personal and financial data. To deal with this, you need to implement encryption protocols and secure authentication methods.

User Engagement

Keeping users engaged with a dull app niche like appointment booking is challenging. So, you have to figure out features such as loyalty programs, special offers, or personalized recommendations.

Regulatory Compliance

If your app deals with healthcare, finance, or any other sensitive category, ensure that the app complies with relevant regulations and standards. This includes adherence to data protection laws and industry-specific guidelines.

Optimizing for Different Devices

If you want to cater to a wide user base, you must ensure that your app is compatible with as many devices as possible. This includes smartphones, tablets, and potentially wearable devices. The user experience should be consistent and intuitive across all of them.

How to Get Started with Appointment Booking App Development

Before you reach out to your mobile app developers, there are certain things you need to take care of. Here are the things you need to be prepared with:

Decide App Type

Even an appointment booking app has multiple subcategories depending on your industry. They include healthcare, finance, hotels, travel, entertainment, etc. Deciding on this will help you refine your development process. It’s obvious that a doctor’s appointment booking app will be drastically different from a movie ticket booking app.

Market Research

This involves two things: who you are serving and who you are going up against.

Audience Research: Knowing about your audience will help you understand how to reach out to them. Age, gender, location, education level, and preferences are some things you should be clear about. Everything from your app’s design to marketing will depend on your target audience.

Competitor Research: You should know your enemies better than your friends, and that’s absolutely true in today’s competitive landscape. Analyze your competitors’ apps to find potential gaps in the market you can fill.

Create a Monetization Strategy

Unless you are developing an appointment booking app for your internal clients, the right monetization pathway is going to be critical. Here are some monetization models you can employ:


Here, you charge the service provider a percentage of the transaction value for each successful booking made on the platform. This model aligns your revenue with the success of the businesses using your app, providing a win-win situation.

Subscription Plans

You can create multiple subscription plans offering incremental features. The higher-end subscription models can offer premium features such as enhanced visibility, promotional placement, or advanced analytics.

Freemium Model

With a freemium model, you offer the basic features for free, but users can opt for a premium subscription that gives access to advanced functionalities or ad-free experiences. The advantage of this approach is that the free model can attract a large user base.

Advertising Revenue

You can allocate dedicated spaces for advertisements. This model is effective if your app attracts a large user base.

White Label Solutions

Offer white-label versions of your app to businesses that want to use your platform for their appointment booking needs. You can charge these businesses a licensing or subscription fee.

How WDI Can Build an Appointment Booking App for You

Once you are done with the above-mentioned steps, approach WDI, your mobile app development partner. With our expertise, you can develop a robust appointment booking app that amazes users and stands out from the competition.

Our approach focuses on intuitive UI designs, seamless app navigation, and a clean interface. By partnering with us, you get all the necessary technologies and services under one roof.

Contact WDI today to start your appointment booking mobile app development project!

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How to Develop iOS Assets For Successful iOS App Development Wed, 22 Nov 2023 15:09:28 +0000 The post How to Develop iOS Assets For Successful iOS App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

iOS App Development

A successful iOS app needs a combination of an aesthetically pleasing UI design and a seamless UX. One crucial aspect of crafting a visually striking app is iOS asset development.

iOS asset development is the process of designing aesthetically pleasing assets that align with the brand guidelines and connect with users. This includes assets like icons, illustrations, elements, images, and animations that contribute to an app’s design.

Let’s understand iOS assets in more detail.

Understanding iOS Assets

iOS assets are the visual elements that make up the UI of an app. These include all of the graphical elements that users interact with to navigate through the app. Designing them is more than just the visual appeal. They should also be compatible with different screen sizes and resolutions.

Types of iOS Assets

App Icons

Your app’s icon will create a first impression on your users. It’s displayed on the app stores as well as the home screen of your user’s device. It’s going to be the defining factor of your app.

A well-designed app icon will make your app stand out among others.

Both the App Store and Play Store have specific guidelines for designing app icons. This includes size specifications and recommendations for avoiding common design pitfalls.

Launch Screens

This is what users will see once they open your app. It serves as a transition between the home screen and the app’s main interface.

Images and Illustrations

They make up a substantial part of most applications and are crucial for conveying the right information. These may include background images, product photos, or anything relevant to the app’s content.

Buttons and Icons

These are interactive elements that allow users to navigate through the app. They must be consistent throughout the app to provide a cohesive experience.

Tab Bar and Navigation Bar Icons

If your app has a tab bar or a navigation bar, then you must ensure that they’re clear and recognizable. This helps users smoothly navigate through the app.

Best Practices for iOS Asset Development

Maintain Consistency

Consistency is key to making your app feel unified and providing a cohesive user experience. All of the assets should have the same color scheme, typography, and design style. Users should feel they’re using the same app as they navigate through different screens.

Optimize for Different Devices

iOS has multiple iPhones with different screen sizes and resolutions. You must ensure that all your assets are optimized for all devices, from the iPhone SE to the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Apple provides guidelines on resolution and size specifications for different devices. You can provide a seamless user experience by adhering to them.

Understand iOS Design Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). These guidelines cover everything from the navigation bars to buttons and icons. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your app aligns with iOS design principles.

All our designers at WDI are adept with the HIG and design UIs that blend seamlessly with the Apple ecosystem.

Use Vector Graphics

Use vector graphics for your assets wherever possible. The big benefit of using vectors is that they are resolution-independent. This means you can scale them up without pixelation.

Vector assets will look sharp on iPhones with different screen sizes and resolutions.

Create Adaptive Layouts

iOS has support for adaptive layouts that allow your app’s interface to adjust dynamically based on factors like screen size and orientation. Keep adaptability in mind when designing assets to ensure that your app looks stunning on all devices. This also includes the landscape mode.

Consider Accessibility

Designing for accessibility is a fundamental aspect of iOS app development. Ensure that your assets, especially text and icons, are legible and distinguishable for users with different visual abilities.

Apple has guidelines for creating accessible apps that you can refer to.

Optimizing for Different Screen Sizes

Here are some tips to optimize assets for different screen sizes.

Auto Layout and Size Classes

Interface Builder has auto Layout and size classes that you can use to create adaptive layouts that adjust to different screen sizes and orientations.

Asset Catalogs

Use asset catalogs to manage and organize images for different devices. This makes it simple for you to incorporate assets into your Xcode project and manage various versions.

Storyboard and Interface Builder

You can leverage Storyboard and Interface Builder to design UIs visually. It’s easier to preview and adjust layouts for different screens.

Testing on Multiple Devices

Most iPhone models have similar screen sizes and resolutions. This means you have a limited number of devices to test. To make it easier, you have the iOS simulator on Xcode that allows you to simulate different devices.

Animation and Motion Design

Want to take your design to the next level? Adding animations and motion design elements can enhance the user experience by making interactions more enjoyable.

You can use UIKit Dynamics to provide physics-based animations. Along with this, you can implement core animations for more granular control over animation properties.

Keep in mind that older iPhones have limited processing power and GPU capabilities. Ensure that you test on those to provide a consistent user experience for users.

Develop a Stunning iOS App

To fully realize your vision for an app, you need the guidance of a top mobile app development company like WDI. With our technological prowess and experienced resources, we can create a captivating iOS app for your startup.

Get in touch to start your iOS app development project!

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Mobile App Development Trends in 2024 Startups Should Be Aware Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:28:48 +0000 The post Mobile App Development Trends in 2024 Startups Should Be Aware appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development

2024 is almost here and is going to bring a set of new opportunities for startups to excel. The mobile app development sector will witness a massive makeover with new technologies and trends. By leveraging these trends, startups can prepare themselves for success.

In this blog, WDI will list the top 10 trends you need to be aware of as a startup.

Top 7 Mobile App Development Trends in 2024

In the digital world, being just a few months old can make you obsolete. Whether you want to develop a mobile app or already have one, ensuring that it’s aligned with market trends is a must for success. Let’s have a look at the mobile app development trends of 2024.

PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

PWAs have been on the market for quite some time now. They serve as the middle ground between a website and a mobile app. In simple words, a PWA is a website packaged as a mobile app that can be installed through the respective app stores.

The fact that a PWA is still a website at its core limits it in terms of features and performance. Packing it with features will take a toll on its loading speed.

In recent years, smartphones have evolved multifold in terms of processing power. Most midrange to flagship smartphones are just as powerful as laptops. Add 5G to the equation, and you have a powerful mini-computer in your palms. They’re able to open large-scale websites within milliseconds.

In 2024, PWAs will be taken to a whole new level with advanced features and functionalities. Low-end devices or poor network connectivity won’t be the limiting factors anymore.

PWAs will allow startups to get both a website and a mobile app in one.

NLP (Natural Language Processing)

The world is going hands-free and NLP is the driving force behind it. People love to use voice commands to navigate through their phones while driving. It provides them with extreme convenience and ease of use.

In 2024, we’ll witness more apps incorporating voice navigation with NLP to be more user-friendly. Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, and Bixby are the forerunners of this technology, offering human-like conversations. NLP can make it even more seamless.

With NLP, talking to a mobile app will feel like having a conversation with an actual human. Mobile apps will be able to understand not just the command but the tone and intent as well.

Combine NLP with AI, and you’ve got yourself the formula for success.

IoT Expansion

In recent years, wearables like smartwatches, TWS, and smart rings have witnessed rapid developments. Today, people can do activities like taking calls and replying to messages just from their smartwatch. All of this is facilitated by the Internet of Things (IoT).

Apple has successfully established its system of interconnected devices, from iPhones to homepods. This allows for a seamless transition between all of their devices. Other companies like Google and Samsung are getting there with their ecosystem of devices.

With smart devices, we are moving towards smart cities, and IoT is going to be the driving force behind it. 2024 is going to see many apps integrate IoT in some way or another.

Apps for Foldables

In 2023, foldables saw a significant rise in popularity, with companies launching them at more affordable rates. They provide the functionality of a tablet in a much more compact form factor.

Foldables are the go-to choice for professionals and artists who want a productive device in the palm of their hands.

In 2024, you’ll see a massive rise in foldable devices in the midrange segment. This means you have to ensure that your app is compatible with foldable devices if you want maximum reach.

Interconnected Apps

In 2024, we’ll see more startups and businesses creating multiple apps that are interconnected with each other.

The best example of this is Meta. They have successfully built an ecosystem of apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Threads. Everything from posting content to running ad campaigns is interconnected between them.

If you have a large-scale business that requires multiple apps, interconnecting them is a great way to unite all your users. You’ll motivate users from one app to discover the other apps and services you offer, expanding your reach.

Extended Reality

Every year, we are inching closer to the Metaverse. The technology required to power the virtual world is already here, such as high-end VR headsets. However, most apps are still years behind in adapting to the new technology.

Certain apps like Ikea, Lenskart, and Snapchat have implemented AR technologies to provide next-level user experiences. In 2024, many more apps will leverage AR/VR to be prepared for the future.

This is an amazing opportunity for startups to make their apps AR/VR compatible and provide exceptional experiences to their users.


Blockchain technology is booming currently. It’s going to serve as the base for the decentralization of mobile apps, making them more secure and transparent.

Almost every sector is going to benefit from blockchain. It’ll be used for tracking digital assets and ensuring that none of them are being tampered with.

By implementing blockchain technology in your mobile apps, you can make them highly efficient and secure.

How WDI Can Help You

As a top mobile app development company, we can turn your idea into a technologically advanced and feature-enriched mobile application. Our business analysts know exactly what it takes to make an app stand out in the market. We’ll hold your hand and guide you through the process.

Contact us, and let’s start working together on your mobile app.

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