e-commerce website development – WDI Blog https://www.wdipl.com/blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Mon, 25 Jan 2016 11:15:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/black_logo-svg.png e-commerce website development – WDI Blog https://www.wdipl.com/blog 32 32 New Web Trends And Different Patterns https://www.wdipl.com/blog/new-web-trends-different-patterns/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/new-web-trends-different-patterns/#respond Mon, 25 Jan 2016 11:15:50 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=614 Every now and then artistic patterns are given a touch up for a new look. This post discusses several patterns which have been given an artistic touch-up, some static ones which are developed on the grid and other dynamic patterns that could be used in animations. Data inspired, generative and animation patterns rule the roost … Continue reading "New Web Trends And Different Patterns"

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Amazing Web Design & development Trends - Get in TouchEvery now and then artistic patterns are given a touch up for a new look. This post discusses several patterns which have been given an artistic touch-up, some static ones which are developed on the grid and other dynamic patterns that could be used in animations. Data inspired, generative and animation patterns rule the roost this year. They are the main tools for making web development projects look modern and outstanding. Traditional web trends patterns have been recently given a touch up for a more creative look. They are no longer 8 pixels sized or simple in shape. Most of them have been made into tiny illustrations, sketches and large drawings with several details and colors.

Le Coq Sportif

This traditional pattern has been amped up with some personality. A 3D flair has been introduced in the crafty pattern which blends well with line styled images and graphics that are scattered through the page neatly.

Cyborg Project

Apart from being about the cyborg world, it is a blog regarding colors. The radiant background catches the eye from the very first second. It is an ideal option although the canvas looks overwhelming on the whole. The content area has been kept above it so that visitors can read easily.

For Better Coffee

The background has been made quite loud by the large visual weight. Flat style and bright coloring play the first fiddle. Even though the background is content intensive and highly saturated, nonetheless, it does not overpower visitors. Rather, it takes then into this project gently.

iForex Blog

iForex Blog looks aesthetic and artistic. It has pretty illustrations which recreate the whole ambiance for transmitting the message. The pattern is an important detail on all the composition which adds to enrich the design.

Ford Responde

Ford Responde is an unparalleled website with several top notch details. The backdrop has been made of an animation pattern suited for dynamic objects at the center of the page. It supports the spirit and attitude of the site.


The page has a strong charisma and personality. The marvelous icons seem to be hand-drawn while the illustrations forming the background strengthen the aesthetics on the whole. Animation patterns have been used for making some objects blink which adds a sleek touch.

Blue Ridge

The Blue Ridge’s landing page has a dash of personality along with a power infused business vibe. The brand’s identity is easily complemented and a cozy environment cozy up. A grid pattern has been used on the backdrop that keeps everything together while strengthening the impression on the whole.

Good Patch

The Good Patch’s background can be attributed partly to a grid pattern. Several flat solid coloured circles are spread through the landing page that adds a zing to aesthetics. They contribute to the visual appeal and theme perfectly.

Do you want your online business to achieve success - Ask our expertsWeb trends patterns are very popular instruments that can be used for making great aesthetics. These patterns mentioned are original and fresh and can be used for decorating canvases. They look trendy although not all of them are popular. Grid and crafty patterns are rare even though they have much personality. They can be used for web development for creating a visually appealing site.

Also Check Android Application Development in India

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eCommerce Website Development? What’s That? https://www.wdipl.com/blog/e-commerce-website-development/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/e-commerce-website-development/#respond Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:28:09 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=43 eCOMMERCE WEB DEVELOPMENT E-commerce is a rage in almost every country and nation these days and more and more brands and companies are hitching themselves onto the online selling bandwagon. E-commerce is the rapidly growing present and the omnipresent future in all major customer centric markets and this is where early birds stand to benefit. … Continue reading "eCommerce Website Development? What’s That?"

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E-commerce is a rage in almost every country and nation these days and more and more brands and companies are hitching themselves onto the online selling bandwagon. E-commerce is the rapidly growing present and the omnipresent future in all major customer centric markets and this is where early birds stand to benefit. However, building eCommerce websites is not as easy as it looks. It requires time, energy and adherence to certain basic principles for maximum success. Here are some of the web design and development basics when it comes to eCommerce sites:

Finding products efficiently

Web design and development for any e-commerce site should be geared towards helping customers find products more efficiently and in quicker time than your counterparts. Payment options, price and customer service are indispensable options for any such site, navigational ease and user-friendliness is the biggest principle that one has to follow while building eCommerce websites. Customers will only suffer from frustration at their inability to find suitable products and this will eventually lead to lower conversion rates and fewer clicks. Hence, site navigation is the biggest and most important aspect that you have to consider in this regard.

Appropriate display of products

Products have to be displayed or showcased properly if you want customers to finally buy them after the process of searching is completed. Showcasing a product demands that you highlight benefits and features more than anything else. This is something that a professional web design services company can help you with as opposed to amateurs. Attractively showcased products with appropriate buttons for more information, cart additions, user review segments and other tabs will always generate more interest and actual sales in turn.

Making sure of the final deal

With the addition of an item to a shopping cart, the process of purchase is nearly finished. However, sales will dip if visitors are not at ease with the entire checkout and billing procedure. A competent web design services company will definitely recommend single page checkouts as long forms and multiple pages act as an irritant to customers. Alongside, a professional company will be able to build you a live chat and support option for solving payment and delivery related problems and handling queries. Proper information sections or FAQs are also an indispensable addition to any website.

When it comes to successfully helping customers make purchases, eCommerce websitesshould always have the option of confirmation emails and/or text messages to customers. This enables the possibilities of future correspondence and keeps your customers worry-free. Always opt for a web design company to do the job for you. A company will provide you with numerous e-commerce site templates along with full customization of design and development. More often than not, you will be able to interact with a design expert in the field and garner valuable inputs.

Building an e-commerce website can be smooth and hassle-free process provided you select the right web design company. A reputed and skilled company will ensure that the above-mentioned principles are followed and executed to perfection!

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