apps – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Wed, 18 Jan 2023 13:06:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 apps – WDI Blog 32 32 The A To Z Of Mobile App Development For Startups Thu, 10 Nov 2022 16:07:39 +0000 The post The A To Z Of Mobile App Development For Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.


Mobile app development is what most startups are going for. With the right concept, a mobile app can become your biggest asset and can drive success.

A mobile app is like building your office on everyone’s phone. You can stay connected with your clients 24/7.

All you need is a wonderful app that gets your business across.

It will require in-depth planning, strategizing, and managing of all the steps of mobile app development.

We understand that it is simply impossible to get all the knowledge about development, but you must know how the process works so you are able to go hand in hand with your mobile app developers.

With this blog, you will understand what all goes behind the mobile app development process, and you will be able to better guide your mobile app developers to get the best app for your startup.

Why Should You Invest In A Mobile App?

Mobile App Development image

The average smartphone user has at least 80 apps on their device.

A mobile app is the go-to choice of smartphone users for doing any activity. They will choose an app over a website at any given time of the day.

Almost every decent-earning person owns a smartphone nowadays.

On average, users spend four hours of their day on their phones. That is a lot when you consider that people barely get five to six hours of free time after deducting work and traveling time.

A smartphone has become a necessity now.

With the insane number of people using mobile phones, imagine how it would be to get business directly on mobiles.

People are very liberal when it comes to spending through in-app purchases.

In 2021, people spent over $170 billion on in-app purchases, which is enough to make you one of the richest people on the planet.

Mobile ad spent was $295 billion in 2021.

With such high earning possibilities, there is no better time than now to invest in mobile app development.

Here are some benefits you will get by developing a mobile app for your startup.

1: Expand Your Customer Base

With an offline business, you are limited to your locality. Expanding your business to your entire country or worldwide comes with exponential costs.

However, the digital world is limitless. With the right search engine optimization, you can reach out to people halfway across the world for free.

We at WDI specialize in SEO for websites and apps to give them the most necessary boost.

You can get your brand across to the world through a mobile app. There is no limit to how many people can download and use your app, but there sure is a limit to the number of people that can visit your shop or office.

2: Get Loyal Customers

Once you’ve gained traction and drawn people to your app, you must convert them into loyal customers. For this, you need to ensure that they buy your products or services again and again.

With an offline business, this is difficult unless you collect the client’s phone number or address. But with a mobile app, it becomes a piece of cake.

You can send customized notifications to your users and inform them about your offers, discounts, and other important updates.

With the right amount of clickbait, you can get your clients back to your app. If a customer repeatedly makes purchases from your app, he will become your loyal customer.

If your app is engaging enough, your users will not close your app in the first place. When you understand what the users want and create a strong bond with them, they will get addicted to your app.

3: Direct Communication

In the offline market, your customers will have to call you or visit your store for any issues. This is very inconvenient and time-consuming.

With a mobile app, you are basically building your store on your client’s phone.

The user can easily contact you through the app for any query.

4: Collect Data

Data is the most valuable currency in the digital world. People are willing to go to any extent to collect user data. This data helps them to understand where their target audience is and how they can reach it.

When people sign up for your mobile app, they give you a lot of valuable information, like their gender, age, location, etc. Along with this, you will get a lot of data by analyzing their behavior and through direct feedback channels.

This information can help you refine your app for success.

If this information is not enough, you can even conduct in-app surveys and directly ask the questions you want answers to.

Looking for Mobile App Development Services (2)

Must-Know Mobile App Development Factors

Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is a big process. There are many technical details that are unnecessary for you as a startup owner to get into.

We at WDI have simplified it for you and jotted down the points that are essential for you to know before starting your mobile app development journey.

1: Mobile App Types

Before you ask for the development of a mobile app, you need to know what types of mobile apps can be developed and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

This will help you figure out the ideal type according to your requirements.

There are three types of mobile apps.

1: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

A PWA, at its simplest, is a website that has been converted to the format of a mobile app. It is very small in size and can run across all devices with a network connection.

It can use some device features like GPS and gesture navigation. However, there are many more features that cannot be added due to their limitations, like camera, microphone, gyroscope, etc.

If you want to use these features, then the next type is what you should go for.

2: Native App

A native app is developed specifically for the platform it is supposed to be launched on.

These can use the device’s native features like camera, Bluetooth, gyroscope, Face ID, Touch ID, etc.

These can run offline as well.

If you want to implement the most advanced features in your app, a native app is what you should go for.

But there are some downsides as well. Due to being feature-packed, native apps require more time and money to develop. Also, you will have to develop separate apps for iOS and Android.

If you want to create a single app for iOS and Android while compromising on some native features, the next type of app is for you.

3: Hybrid Apps

When you put a web app into the skeleton of a native app, you get a hybrid app. You can consider these to be a combination of native apps and web apps.

Compared to native apps, these are faster and cheaper to develop.

The best part is, you can create apps for both iOS and Android with a single source code, thus eliminating the need to create two separate apps.

However, hybrid apps cannot be feature-packed like native apps and offer limited functionalities.

Here is a simple comparison between the three.

Depending on your requirements, you can choose the type of app you want to develop.

If you want to provide the best possible experience for your users and have no concern about the price, then a native app is the best option.

A simple PWA can get the job done if you have a limited budget or your requirements can be handled by a website.

If you want something in between, then a hybrid app is for you.

2: How To Develop A Mobile App

its simple graphic photograph of mobile app development

When it comes to developing a mobile app, there are many ways to move forward.
But, if you want a good outcome, then these three are your bets.

1: Hire A Freelancer

There are many good freelancers out there waiting to be discovered. The real challenge is finding them.

When you are hiring a freelancer, you are hiring a single person. If your app is very basic, then this is a viable option.

But, you will also have to hire a UI/UX designer and a tester as well.

The real challenge lies in getting them all to work together.

2: In-House Team

This is a viable option if you have technical proficiency. Otherwise, you will end up making a lot of mistakes and increasing the development time.

First of all, you need to be sure about the technology you are going to use. If you suddenly want to change the technology, you will have to fire your current developers and that will affect your brand image.

Next, you must be able to guide your team through the challenges of development. As you are in charge of the project, the team members will look to you for guidance.

In the event that there is no project at hand, you will still have to pay your employees, thus increasing unnecessary expenses.

3: Mobile App Development Company

The third and best option is to hire a dedicated mobile app development company like WDI.

Here, your entire project is handled by experts who develop apps day in and day out.

All that is required for smooth mobile app development is done by us.

Our team consists of qualified business analysts, mobile app developers, testers, digital marketers, and project managers who will handle your project from start to finish.

To know more about the benefits of hiring a mobile app development company, read our detailed blog here:

How Mobile App Developers Can Help You To Kick Start Your Business

Here is a comparison between the three options.

3: How To Market Your App

You might develop the best app in the world, but it will fail without the right marketing.

Having basic knowledge about marketing is a must to make your app successful.

You can reach your target audience, create specific ad campaigns, and use the right channels for your app.

Here are some things you must know about marketing.

1: Market Research

Before you step into the market, you must know what challenges and opportunities are present there. An in-depth study of the market is essential to know where your app will stand.

You will understand how to position your app in front of the audience, figure out your USP and weaknesses, and find out what marketing strategy will work best.

To know more about Mobile App Market Research, read our detailed blog on the same here.

2: App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is the way to make your app rank at the top of search results in the app store.

With the right app description, images, and videos, you can create a compelling sales pitch for your app.

Explain the unique features of your app in the description and add attractive screenshots along with a short video.

3: Digital Marketing

Compared to offline marketing, digital marketing is much cheaper and provides better targeting to reach your ideal customer.

You can invest in specific channels that reach your target audience.

There is a lot of scope in organic digital marketing as well.

WDI provides expertise in digital marketing techniques like SEO and microsite development that will get your app the reach it deserves.


These were the important aspects of mobile app development that you must know as a startup owner to ensure that you get the results you deserve.

It is important to have an idea of what goes on behind the scenes of mobile app development so that you can stay connected with your mobile app developers.

It should not be that you have no clue what is happening.

To summarize, there are three types of mobile apps, PWA, Native, and Hybrid. All come with their advantages and disadvantages.

To develop an app, you can go for a freelancer, hire in-house developers, or hire a mobile app development team, which is the best option of the three.

After the app is developed, you need to know how to market it. There are many aspects of marketing, of which mobile app market research, ASO, and digital marketing are the most important.

At WDI, we have 21+ years of expertise in software development. We have a track record of creating successful apps like CSE, MCCC, Sattva Connect, LocOff, and many more.

Allow us to handle your mobile app development project.

All you have to do is share your app idea with us and we will take it from there.

Let us build something majestic.

Mobile App Development Consult now

The post The A To Z Of Mobile App Development For Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.

Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid apps- What are the major variations? Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:30:38 +0000   Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid Apps People naturally remain curious about native apps, web apps and hybrid apps. These can often seem confusing and quite similar. Developers and publishers cannot often choose the best possible type for their needs and requirements. However, there are a few prominent differences and variations that are present among … Continue reading "Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid apps- What are the major variations?"

The post Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid apps- What are the major variations? appeared first on WDI Blog.


Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid Apps

People naturally remain curious about native apps, web apps and hybrid apps. These can often seem confusing and quite similar. Developers and publishers cannot often choose the best possible type for their needs and requirements. However, there are a few prominent differences and variations that are present among the trio. Here’s the lowdown:

Native apps

These apps are usually designed and coded for specific device types. This is what sets them apart from their hybrid and web counterparts. These are the apps that actually rest within your own applications tab and can be launched through a simple tap. For example, iPhone apps are usually written in Objective-C while Java is used for Android apps. These apps provide multiple advantages including heightened responsiveness, functionality and reliability. These apps are often very fast and can make use of multiple device features like accelerometers, cameras, gestures and compasses among others.

Native apps can be used for notifications and user alerts and may well help publishers keep their audience firmly ensconced in using the same. These apps are usually a hit with users and are more intuitive than the rest. However, specifically written apps will never run on other devices. The app has to be rewritten in different languages as per the needs of particular devices. Multiple platform apps in this format can be quite costly for developers. However, publishers should focus on building these apps in case budgetary constraints are absent. The sheer user experience and other benefits make it a good deal in most cases. Some top examples include Shazam and Angry Birds.

Web apps

These apps are usually mobile optimized and closely resemble mobile versions of websites. These usually load up within Chrome, Safari and other web browsers in the manner of sites. They usually feel like a proper application and make certain functionalities and content available in quick time. Yet, users often find these apps limited with regard to functionality and an internet connection is always required for them to work. This makes web apps somewhat different and incapable in comparison to real mobile applications.

Hybrid apps

These apps can be created faster and are reasonably cost-effective for developers as compared to their native counterparts. Cross compatible technologies are used for their creation including Java, HTML5 and CSS. Native code is also tapped to make apps more functional and boost user experiences. Only a few succinct native code portions have to be rewritten for multi-device functionality and this is indeed a big advantage.

However, this requires sufficient work on optimization for multiple platforms and costs may well rise in this regard. However, multiple versions of hybrid apps keep benefiting from the single built core version. There are no constant feature additions required like in the case of native applications. Some top examples include BridgeIt, LinkedIn, Facebook and others.

As can be seen, all three app types have their own variations and differences. You have to align your eventual goals with the kind of features offered by the trio and choose accordingly.

Visit our website for more info on native, Web & Hybrid AppsContact WDIdeas Now. Also, we provide the finest and best designers and developers.

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The post Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid apps- What are the major variations? appeared first on WDI Blog.

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