android app development – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Tue, 18 Jul 2023 09:58:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 android app development – WDI Blog 32 32 Top 7 Mobile App Development Ideas For Restaurant & Food Business? Fri, 09 Dec 2022 11:54:19 +0000 Are you an entrepreneur in the restaurant and food business looking for the latest mobile app development ideas?  Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore some of the top mobile app development ideas for restaurant and food businesses.  From loyalty programs and online ordering to delivery tracking and restaurant finders, you will … Continue reading "Top 7 Mobile App Development Ideas For Restaurant & Food Business?"

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Are you an entrepreneur in the restaurant and food business looking for the latest mobile app development ideas? 

Look no further! In this blog post, we will explore some of the top mobile app development ideas for restaurant and food businesses. 

From loyalty programs and online ordering to delivery tracking and restaurant finders, you will discover the latest trends and technologies that will help your business grow and succeed. Keep reading to learn more!

Mobile app development for restaurant and food businesses has become increasingly popular for both small business owners and large establishment owners alike. 

This is because mobile apps offer a number of benefits that can help increase revenue and customer loyalty.

From a customer perspective, having a mobile app can make the dining experience more enjoyable. 

Apps can provide customers with the ability to order food and drinks without having to wait in line at a restaurant, as well as allow them to view menus, order delivery, and even access loyalty rewards and discounts. 

This can help to increase customer satisfaction and engagement, while also encouraging customers to return to the restaurant.

From a business perspective, apps can be a great way to build customer loyalty and increase revenue. 

For example, restaurant owners can use apps to send out loyalty rewards and discounts or to provide customers with access to new menu items. 

Apps can also be used to collect customer data, allowing restaurants to better understand customer preferences and tailor their offerings accordingly.

In addition, apps can be used to streamline operations and improve efficiency. 

For example, restaurants can use apps to track orders, manage inventory, and provide service staff with real-time updates. 

This can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, and ensure customers receive their orders quickly and accurately.

Overall, mobile app development for restaurant and food businesses can offer a number of benefits to both customers and businesses. 

Customers can enjoy a more convenient and enjoyable dining experience, while businesses can use apps to increase revenue, build customer loyalty, and streamline operations.

According to Statista, the number of meal delivery app users would reach 2,644.2m by the end of 2027. This just shows the endless potential for restaurant and food business owners to invest in mobile app development.


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7 Best Mobile App Development Ideas For Food Businesses and Startups

There are infinite possibilities when it comes to mobile app development for restaurants and food businesses. 

However, we have narrowed them down to a select seven that have the highest chance of making your business successful.

1: Food Delivery App

A food delivery app for a restaurant offers many benefits for your restaurant and your customers. For you, a food delivery app can help increase sales, reduce costs, and improve customer service.

For customers, a food delivery app provides convenience and peace of mind.

Customers can order their favorite food from the comfort of their own homes, eliminating the need to wait in line or deal with other inconveniences associated with ordering food in a restaurant. 

Customers can also easily track their orders, ensuring that their food arrives quickly and safely.

For you, a food delivery app can help increase sales. 

By offering delivery options, restaurants can reach a wider range of customers, including those who may not have visited the restaurant before. 

This can lead to increased sales by allowing customers to order from the restaurant who may have been deterred by the inconvenience of visiting the restaurant itself. 

Additionally, you can offer discounts and promotions to customers ordering through the app, further increasing sales.

A food delivery app can also help reduce costs. 

By automating the order and delivery processes, you can reduce labor costs and eliminate the need for additional staff to facilitate delivery. 

This can also help reduce food waste since customers can order only what they need instead of having to purchase large amounts of food that may go to waste.

Finally, a food delivery app can help improve customer service. 

Customers can rate their orders, and you can use this feedback to improve your service and ensure that customers have the best possible experience. 

Additionally, customers can leave reviews, allowing other potential customers to make informed decisions before ordering.

Overall, a food delivery app can be an invaluable tool if you are looking to increase sales and improve customer service. 

By offering delivery options, you can reach more customers and reduce the costs associated with labor and food waste. 

Additionally, customers can benefit from the convenience and peace of mind that come from ordering food through an app.

2: E-Menu App

E-Menu App

A restaurant should invest in E-Menu mobile app development for a variety of reasons.

1: Easy Order Placement

An E-Menu app can provide a convenient and efficient way for customers to view and order food. 

Customers can quickly browse the menu, select what they want to order, and have their order sent directly to the kitchen. 

This eliminates the need for customers to wait in line to order, saving time and money for both the restaurant and the customer.

2: Increase Sales

Second, an E-Menu mobile app can help you increase your sales. 

Customers can quickly find what they are looking for and order with ease.

Plus, the app can be designed to offer customers special discounts and promotions, which can encourage them to order more.

3: Feedback

An E-Menu mobile app can help you improve your customer service.

Customers can easily access the menu, ask questions, and get help quickly. 

This can help speed up the process of ordering and result in a better overall experience for the customer.

4: Increase Brand Loyalty

An E-Menu mobile app can help you build brand loyalty. 

Customers can use the app to learn more about your restaurant, its offerings, and any upcoming events. 

This can help to create a more personal connection between the restaurant and its customers, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and customer retention.

Overall, investing in E-Menu mobile app development can have a number of benefits.

By enabling customers to quickly order from their mobile devices, it can help to save time and money. It can also help to increase sales, improve customer service, and build brand loyalty.

3: Leftover Food Management App

Leftover Food Management App

Investing in a leftover food management mobile app development has the potential to be a very profitable venture. Not only do such apps help reduce food waste, but they also offer a convenient way to manage leftover food, making them an appealing investment opportunity.

First and foremost, leftover food management apps offer a way to reduce food waste. 

By helping people plan out their meals, track their food consumption, and find new ways to use leftovers, these apps can help cut down on food waste and reduce the amount of food that goes to waste. 

This is great for the environment, and it can also help businesses save money on food costs.

Second, leftover food management apps make it easier for people to manage their leftovers. 

For example, these apps can help people plan meals ahead of time, keep track of what food they have already used, and even suggest recipes for how to use up leftovers. 

This makes it much easier for people to reduce their food waste as well as make sure they are getting the most out of their food budget.

Finally, leftover food management apps are a great way for businesses to increase their profits. 

By helping people reduce their food waste, businesses can save money on food costs and make sure they are getting the most out of their food budget. 

Additionally, these apps can help businesses reach new customers by providing them with an easy way to manage their leftovers.

Overall, investing in a leftover food management mobile app development has the potential to be a very profitable venture. 

Not only do these apps help reduce food waste, but they also offer a convenient way to manage leftovers, making them a great investment opportunity.

Mobile App Development

4: Table Booking App

Table Booking App

Investing in a restaurant table booking app can be a great way to increase profits and improve customer satisfaction.

Table booking apps allow customers to book tables quickly and easily, eliminating the need to wait in line or call ahead. 

Customers can also view menus, check prices, and read reviews of restaurants before making their reservations. 

This helps them make an informed decision about which restaurant to choose.

Table booking apps are also convenient for restaurant owners, as they can provide real-time updates on table availability and bookings. 

This makes it easier for restaurant owners to manage their tables and optimize their seating to maximize profits. 

Additionally, some table booking apps even offer features such as discounts and loyalty programs, which can help increase customer loyalty and attract new customers.

Overall, investing in a restaurant table booking app is a great way to improve customer satisfaction and increase profits. 

By providing customers with an easy and convenient way to make reservations, restaurants can increase their revenue and make their business more profitable. 

Additionally, table booking apps can help to improve customer loyalty and attract new customers, further increasing profits. 

So investing in a restaurant table booking mobile app development can be a great way to improve customer satisfaction and increase profits.

5: Food Marketplace

Investing in a food marketplace mobile app development can be a great way to capitalize on the current trend of online ordering and mobile delivery. 

With the rising popularity of food delivery apps and other online ordering solutions, a mobile food marketplace offers a great opportunity for businesses to expand their reach and tap into a wide range of customers.

In addition to the convenience of ordering food online, a food marketplace mobile app provides an efficient platform for customers to easily compare prices, read reviews, and make informed decisions regarding their food delivery. 

This helps to ensure that customers get the best possible value for their money. 

Additionally, customers can easily switch between restaurants and providers in a matter of seconds, allowing them to find the best deals in their area.

The mobile app also provides businesses with an effective marketing tool.

By leveraging the app, businesses can easily promote their products and services to a wider audience. 

This helps to increase brand visibility and loyalty, which can lead to increased sales and profits.

Moreover, a food marketplace mobile app also helps businesses build a strong customer base. 

By leveraging the app’s features, businesses can easily track customer engagement and behavior, allowing them to better understand their customers’ needs and preferences. 

This allows businesses to tailor their services and offerings to better meet customers’ requirements.

Overall, investing in a food marketplace mobile app development is a great way to capitalize on the current trend of online ordering and mobile delivery. The app provides businesses with an efficient platform for engaging customers, boosting brand visibility, and improving customer loyalty. 

Additionally, the app helps businesses better understand their customers’ needs and preferences, allowing them to tailor their services and offerings to better meet customer requirements.

6: VR Restaurant Explorer

VR Restaurant Explorer

Investing in VR restaurant explorer mobile app development is a great way to stay ahead of the competition and make your restaurant stand out from the rest. 

With the rise of virtual reality, the restaurant industry has seen an influx of customers who are looking for an immersive and interactive dining experience. 

By tapping into this technology, you can create an app that provides customers with an immersive experience that simulates a restaurant visit. 

The app can be used to showcase the different dishes, drinks, and specials that your restaurant offers, as well as the overall ambiance of the restaurant. 

Customers can view the menu and make their selections, then use the app to virtually explore the restaurant in 3D. 

This interactive experience gives customers the opportunity to “walk” through the restaurant, explore different rooms and seating areas, and get a feel for the atmosphere. 

Customers can also use the app to make reservations, order food and drinks, and leave reviews. 

This can help to create a more personalized experience for the customer, and help to build loyalty and trust.

Additionally, the app can be used to promote new specials and offer discounts and rewards to customers who use it. 

Developing a VR restaurant explorer mobile app is a great way to stay ahead of the competition and keep your customers engaged. 

Not only will it help to create a unique and memorable experience for your customers, but it will also help to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

This can ultimately lead to more customers and more repeat business, resulting in a greater overall return on your investment.

Mobile App Development


VR Restaurant Explorer

AI diet plan mobile applications are designed to help users create personalized diet plans based on their individual needs and preferences. 

These apps use AI algorithms to track user data and suggest meals, snacks, and recipes based on a user’s individual dietary requirements. 

Not only do these apps provide a convenient and effective way to plan and monitor your diet, but they can also aid in weight loss, weight management, and overall health and wellness. 

By investing in AI diet plan mobile app development, you can provide your customers with a powerful and convenient tool to help them reach their dietary goals. 

AI diet plan mobile apps can provide users with personalized meal plans and nutrition advice that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences, helping them make smarter, healthier food choices. 

Additionally, these apps can track user data and provide feedback on progress, helping users stay on track with their diet and nutrition goals. 

The popularity of AI diet plan mobile apps is growing rapidly, and investing in the development of such an app can be a great way to capitalize on this trend. 

As the demand for these apps increases, businesses that have invested in AI diet plan mobile app development can benefit from increased customer engagement, customer loyalty, and revenue. 

Additionally, developing an AI diet plan mobile app can help your business stand out from the competition, as it can offer customers a unique and personalized experience that is tailored to their individual needs and preferences. 

Overall, investing in AI diet plan mobile app development is a great way to provide customers with a convenient and powerful tool to help them reach their dietary goals. 

With the increasing popularity of AI diet plan mobile apps, businesses that invest in their development can benefit from increased customer engagement, customer loyalty, and revenue.

To know more about AI, read our blog on AI App Development.

Why Choose WDI

To get the best mobile app developed for your restaurant or business, you need to hire the best mobile app development company, WDI.

With over 21 years of experience in developing mobile apps, websites, and software, and hundreds of satisfied clients, WDI is the leading mobile app development company. 

From AI/ML to NLP, we have every service under our hood. With experts working across all the major technologies, we have all your needs covered.

Contact us and let us have a discussion over your mobile app development.  

Let us create something that sets the benchmark for food related mobile apps. 

The post Top 7 Mobile App Development Ideas For Restaurant & Food Business? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Why Hybrid is The Best Management System for your Mobile App Development. Tue, 08 Nov 2022 11:59:10 +0000 The post Why Hybrid is The Best Management System for your Mobile App Development. appeared first on WDI Blog.

Why Hybrid is The Best Management System for your Mobile App Development.

We are asked on a daily basis why we prefer to use the Hybrid project management process for our mobile app development.

Throughout our 21+ years of experience in mobile app development, we have worked with multiple management processes and have arrived at the conclusion that the Hyrbid methodology is the best one for our business.

To put this as simply as possible, the Hyrbid methodology combines the best parts of Waterfall and Agile to provide the best of both worlds.

If you want to know more in detail, sit back as we explain the intricacies of the process.

What Is The Waterfall Methodology?

What Is The Waterfall Methodology?

When the water drops from the top of the cliff, it directly reaches the bottom without any interference. That is what the Waterfall approach is about. Doing the project in one go without any breaks or changes.

This means proper planning needs to be done before moving ahead with development. The saying “measure twice and cut once” is extremely relevant here.

Everything is fixed beforehand to ensure that everything is done in a chronological manner.

With this method, everyone is preassigned to their task, thus minimizing the need for regular communication. Everyone can work on their own.

There are 5 stages in the Waterfall methodology.


As mentioned earlier, everything has to be known beforehand to ensure smooth sailing.

In the first stage, all information is extracted from the client, from requirements to objectives.


Wireframes and Prototypes are created based on the requirements to showcase how the mobile app will look once developed.


Coding for the final app starts based on the finalized prototype. Making changes here is difficult as it means returning back to the prototype and starting all over again. This is where the Waterfall approach can be a prick.


Once the app is developed, it is tested for bugs, vulnerabilities, and glitches to ensure that everything is fine.


After launching the app, it is updated with bug fixes, security patches, and additional features.

What Is The Agile Methodology

What is the Agile Methodology?

This method is the opposite of the Waterfall and does not believe in getting everything done in one go. Instead, it promotes breaking down the project into smaller milestones.

It involves constant communication between teammates to get things done.

The advantage of this methodology is that there are continuous improvements in the development process. It offers a lot more flexibility and opportunities for improvement.

Every worker is given their tasks daily instead of having predefined tasks. Constant monitoring is required.

Here are the 5 steps of the Agile methodology:

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1: Project Planning

After a discussion with the client, the requirements and objectives of the client are understood to create a plan of action.

As this is the Agile methodology, the plan of action can be changed when required.

2: Roadmap Creation

Here, the wireframes are created by defining the features that will be integrated into the app.

A product backlog is created that lists all the features and deliverables.

3: Release Planning

Short development cycles, popularly known as sprints, are planned along with their release dates.

4: Sprint Planning

Here the sprints are defined in detail with planning on what features are going to be delivered in each sprint.

5: Task Assigning

Every team member is given tasks daily with short 15-minute meetings, which are known as daily stand-up meetings.

This is what the Waterfall and Agile processes are at their simplest. To get a better understanding of the differences between both of them, here is a detailed comparison:

Waterfall V/s Agile

With both of these methods, you are losing out on something. Wouldn’t it be great to get the best out of both of them while minimizing their drawbacks? That is what Hybrid project management is about.

At WDI, we combine the Waterfall and Agile processes in such a way that it generates the best outcome for mobile app development. It has helped to get our work streamlined while reducing process adjustments.

How We Use Hybrid Project Management

How We Use Hybrid Project Management

Mobile app development is quite a lengthy process, depending on the scope of the project. This is why we need a project management system that is efficient in organizing long-term workloads without requiring any severe changes but also provides flexibility at the same time.

We have created our own custom Hybrid project management system based on our requirements. Here is a simple representation of our work process.

1: Discovery

Our mobile app development process begins with a discussion with the client.

● We understand what the client wants to achieve with the app.
● What is the app concept or idea?
● What are the requirements and objectives?
● What is your target audience and your competition?

This helps to create a scope of work with defined objectives, milestones, and deliverables.

Then we create a product specifications document. This includes all of the features that will be implemented in the app along with the technology used.

After this is finalized, we start with the development process.

2: Planning

We create a project master plan with detailed and actionable goals, along with their timeframes.

We design the wireframes, detailing all of the features and functionalities, and showcase how the app will look after development to our client.

We make the necessary changes based on the client’s feedback and get started with the prototype design.

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3: CX Design

We conduct in-depth research on the client’s business and your requirements which helps the UX designers to create the prototype.

A prototype is an advanced version of the wireframe. While wireframes are very basic and without much detail, a prototype is an exact replica of the app.

The prototype contains usable elements like buttons. These can be interacted with to get a feel of what the final app will be like.

4: MVP Delivery

A MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is the most basic version of the app. It only contains those features that are on the priority list and are essential for the app to run. This is usually delivered within 12 weeks.

Based on the scope of work, our mobile app developers figure out the most essential features required for the app to function and for the client to generate business.

Creating the whole app requires a ton of time. This means the client has to wait for months or even years, depending on the requirements.

At WDI, we solve this by delivering the MVP as soon as possible. This means the client can start the business without having to wait for the app to develop.

5: Testing

Any product needs to be tested before launching. We have a dedicated testing team that checks the MVP from top to bottom, ensuring that everything is running smoothly.

If any issues are detected, they are resolved as soon as possible so that the MVP is next to perfect.

Once the testing is done, the MVP is launched on the Play Store and App Store.

6: Sprints

The entire app is not yet complete. Many features still need to be implemented.

We do that by delivering updates every two weeks. These are known as “development sprints.”

The users will get an update notification from the Play Store or the App Store and can install the update.

At this stage, the client can plan and measure progress. They have complete control over what features need to be updated and at what time.

So, this is how we do things at WDI, putting it as simply as possible.

From the plan of action to MVP development, we follow the Waterfall methodology. Here, there is no change in the plan and everything is done from start to finish in one go.

This allows us to deliver the MVP as soon as possible and also allows the client to get the business running.

Also, there is a minimal requirement for changes during the MVP development stage, so everything can be done chronologically.

After the MVP is launched, we follow the Agile methodology and deliver the rest of the features in two-week sprints.

Here we get more flexibility to make changes if necessary. The app is also updated, making the user feel assured that there are improvements coming and that the app is not left stranded by the developers.

With the Hybrid Project Management approach, we get the best of both the Waterfall and Agile methodologies. Not only can we deliver on the client’s requirements really fast, but we can also provide updates and develop the app further.

Advantages Of Hybrid Project Management System

For many years now, we have been using the Hybrid Project Management System. We have experienced multiple benefits that have compelled us to continue using it for decades to come.

Here are the reasons why the Hyrbid methodology is our go-to choice:


Both Agile and Waterfall are great management systems and can be used effectively. But, they did suit our objectives.

This is why we use our custom version of the Hybrid Project Management System that is tailored perfectly to our requirements.

With over 21 years of experience in mobile app development, the Hyrbid system has been the best.

We are able to meet client expectations as fast as possible by using the Waterfall methodology in the MVP development phase. Then we get a lot of flexibility in the maintenance phase using the Agile Methodology, giving us opportunities for making changes in the app.

We hope this has cleared up all your doubts regarding the Hybrid Project Management System.

If you want to develop a mobile app for your startup, contact us and let us have a discussion over a cup of tea, or coffee, to create something your clients will love to use.

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The post Why Hybrid is The Best Management System for your Mobile App Development. appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development for Businesses & Startups Mon, 17 Oct 2022 13:34:22 +0000 The post Mobile App Development for Businesses & Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development

A mobile app is currently the most powerful tool you can own as a startup runner. It can multiply your engagement, expand your customer base, and take your business a level ahead.

In 2022, smartphone users will have long surpassed the number of desktop and laptop owners. Even those who have a laptop also use a smartphone. It has become an inseparable part of people’s lifestyles.

Compared to a laptop, a smartphone is more convenient for the majority of tasks.

Want to take a picture? Pull out your phone.

Want to order food? Just a few taps away.

Want to pay your bills? It’s a piece of cake.

Unless some tasks require high processing power, like animation, VFX, CGI, etc., a smartphone can get all tasks done. Looking at how powerful smartphones are becoming, it will not be long before people will be able to execute high-end tasks on their smartphones as well.

Many people’s smartphones have become the preferred gadget for working, learning, and enjoying life.

There is no better way to dominate the smartphone market than through mobile app development.

A mobile app is the most convenient way to use a smartphone. Yes, even websites can be accessed through a browser, but they are nowhere near the efficiency and features offered by a mobile app.

Here is a comparison between websites and mobile apps.

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Websites V/S Mobile Apps

Both websites and mobile apps are effective ways to get your business in the digital world. But, there are differences between them which can be deciding factors in the success of a digital startup.

HTML Table Generator
Websites Mobile Apps
Can be accessed on all devices.  Restricted to smartphones. 
Developed keeping desktop and laptop users in mind.   Developed only for smartphone users.
 Inconvenient to use on a smartphone.  More convenient for smartphone users.
 Limited reach.  Higher reach due to more smartphone users.
 Limited features and functionality.  Higher features and functionality
 Require a network connection.  Can be used offline.
 No push notifications.  Can send push notifications.
 Fast as the wind.  Fast as lightning.

1: Accessibility

As websites can be used on all devices with a browser, they have a higher reach compared to mobile apps. But, almost everyone owns a smartphone and this makes the difference even less of a deal.

2: Target Users

Most websites are developed with desktop and laptop users in mind. They can be made responsive to be used on smartphones, but the experience cannot be paralleled with that of desktops.

On the other hand, mobile apps are made solely for smartphone users, making them the perfect way to capture the smartphone market.

3: Convenience

A desktop or laptop has to be booted up to be made useful. This can take up to two minutes.

A smartphone can simply be pulled out of the pocket and used. The convenience is simply incomparable to any other.

4: Limited Reach

As the number of desktop users is very small, the reach of websites is also limited.

A mobile app can reach a larger number of people as the number of smartphone users is multiple times the number of desktop users

5: Limited Features

A website is meant to have faster loading speeds and this comes at the sacrifice of high-end features. Implementing a lot of features leads to the consumption of a lot of data and slow loading speeds.

A mobile app stores most of its data on the user’s device, and it does not have to be downloaded again and again like websites. This allows mobile app developers to implement high-end features

6: Offline Usage

The only offline use you are going to get out of a website is when the webpage is loaded.

Apps are meant to be used while offline unless they cannot function without a network. This allows you to help your users with your services even when they are offline.

7: Push Notifications

One of the biggest advantages a mobile app has over a website is the ability to send push notifications. You can notify your users about your latest offers, product launches, and discounts. This is something that a website cannot do.

8: Speed

The speed of the website is directly proportional to the user’s network speed.

As apps store most of their data like animations and elements on the user’s device, they can work much faster.

Now that you know the benefits you get by developing a mobile app, let us tell you how we can help you get the best mobile app developed for your startup with the latest technology, high-end features, and none of the stress related to it.

We understand that technology can be overwhelming for you. So, we will make the technical decisions for your app and make it as simple as possible for you. 

Here is what you will get by hiring WDI, the leading mobile app development company.


1: Scope Of Work

We understand what you have right now is a basic idea for an app. It could be something like this: I want to display my products on the app for users to buy them.

We will turn your idea into a plan of action. We will take you through the process of building a mobile app from the ground up.

From the signup screen to checkout, all sections of the app will be detailed in the scope of work. We are literally creating a mountain out of a molehill.

We predict where your app will stand in the market and any potential threats it may face. We analyze the competition and figure out ways for your app to stay a step ahead. This is done by our dedicated business analyst team.

We decide the time required for mobile app development, set the date for MVP delivery, and define sprints.

2: Wireframes and Prototype Development

Mobile App Development

Wireframes are the basic structure of your app. They show where each element—button, graphic, text, etc.—will be located. Consider them like a blueprint for your app. They serve as a guide for further developments.

Based on the wireframes, the UI/UX design team creates the prototype.

A prototype is a fully functioning design of your app. It shows in exact detail how the app will look once developed.

You will be kept in touch throughout the process. Mobile app development will take place once the prototype receives your approval. We will make the necessary changes based on your input.

3: UI/UX Design

An attractive design and a seamless user experience are crucial for the success of a mobile app. What is more important is that the design goes hand in hand with your brand identity.

Our UI design team will do in-depth research on your brand, and analyze the color theme, typography, philosophy, etc. to create a design that mirrors your brand.

We will implement the latest trends in UI design to provide a pleasing experience to your users.

After this is done, you just have to wait for the MVP to launch.

4: MVP Development

Mobile App Development

Mobile app development takes a lot of time. We can totally relate to how eager you would be to see your mobile app launched and working.

Developing an MVP(Minimum Viable Product) can cut the wait and get your business running.

An MVP is the most minimalistic version of your app.

The concept of your app will be very broad and will require a ton of time to develop. Our team will analyze the concept and decide the most important factors that are crucial for the app to run. Only those factors are implemented first, and the app is known as an MVP.

The advantage of an MVP is that it can be developed very fast and you do not have to wait for the entire app to be developed.

The remaining features will be released through timely updates.

5: Testing

Mobile App Development

We ensure that every app goes through rigorous testing drills before launch.

Our testing team will scrutinize your app from top to bottom to ensure that everything is perfect before giving it the green light for launch.

6: Sprint Delivery

The MVP is not the final app. There are a plethora of features and functionalities still to be implemented. These features are launched through timely 2-week updates or sprints.

The sprints we defined in the scope of work are brought into action and delivered as planned.

Every two weeks, your users will receive an update on the respective App Stores which they will be able to install.

7: Maintenance

App Development

Once the entire app is launched, it is vulnerable to cyber threats, bugs, and glitches.

The app also has to be made compatible with new system updates; otherwise, it becomes an open playground for hackers. It also has to be updated according to user feedback and the reported bugs have to be fixed.

We provide a dedicated maintenance team that will keep your app up-to-date and ensure that all potential bugs and threats are mitigated and the app runs smoothly as ever.

8: Digital Marketing

Mobile app development is incomplete without the necessary marketing to give it the reach it deserves.

Without marketing, you are throwing your app into a void. Estimates say that almost half of the apps on the App Store have not been downloaded even once. This just screams the importance of the right marketing for a mobile app.

We have a dedicated digital marketing team that will promote your app to the right audience using organic marketing techniques.

Here is what you can opt for under digital marketing:


1: App Store Optimization (ASO)

The App Store and Play Store are where your app is going to stay for its lifetime. So, we make sure they are comfy.

ASO basically helps to rank your app on the respective app stores just like SEO helps to rank websites.

We optimize the app description, images, and videos and make them more engaging, along with inserting the right keywords.

2: Microsite Creation

Mobile App Developemnt

Having a microsite provides added benefits in terms of increasing reach and getting more downloads. With decades of experience in website development, we will create a compact microsite for your app.

Here, visitors will be able to get all the information about the app. Compared to the app stores, a microsite allows for the display of more information, images, and videos about your app. This gives you a bigger opportunity to market your app.

With regular blog posts, we will drive more traffic to your app and answer queries related to the niche of your business

3: Social Media Promotion

In 2022, social media is the best way to get organic reach and get your brand in front of its target audience.

Our dedicated social media marketing team will create attractive and engaging posts with compelling CTAs for your app.

We know the best marketing tactics to get high engagement and interactions.

Social media also provides another way for users to contact you. In the event of any issue, they can message you on your social media accounts.

9: End To End Hand Holding

Our support team will be in contact with you throughout the entire process of mobile app development.

Your feedback and suggestions will be collected during every stage of mobile app development. This will happen through weekly online meetings.

We will also be in touch on Skype, where you can expect an instantaneous response during working hours.

10: Next-Gen Technologies

Mobile App Development

This is what most startups want while developing a mobile app.

With over 21 years of expertise in mobile app development, we have worked with the most advanced technologies.

We have dedicated teams working on Flutter, Laravel, React Native, etc. Do not be confused by these names. We will research and figure out the best technology for your requirements.

At WDI, we have worked on multiple types of apps like PWA, Hybrid, and Native. Our team will figure out the perfect type of app based on your needs and objectives.

How to Get Started

Getting your app developed by WDI is as simple as it gets. All you have to do is contact us, share your idea, and we will take it from there.

You do not have to stress about complex technologies or the mobile app development process. Our team will do all the work and provide you with the simplest of solutions.

We will be a part of the journey, and every sprint will begin only after your approval.

Build your app with us WDI

The post Mobile App Development for Businesses & Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.

I Have A Great App Idea. What Do I Do Next? Wed, 12 Oct 2022 07:55:09 +0000 The post I Have A Great App Idea. What Do I Do Next? appeared first on WDI Blog.


As a startup owner looking at the increment in mobile app usage, you feel that even your business needs a mobile app and come up with an app idea.

What you have now is just a desire to get a mobile app for your business. You will have to endure an insanely long process before the app is developed and launched for your customers.

But don’t worry. We at WDI can help you streamline the process, simplify certain things, and set you on the right path.

First, convert your desire into an idea. An app idea is the concept of your app in its simplest form. It will help define exactly what it is that you want with your app.

It is ideas that change the world. Having a good app idea is the key to success. But, what if we tell you that it is not even 1% of the total mobile app development process?

With an app idea, you have not even begun the process of mobile app development. First, you need to develop your idea before you develop your app.

Just having a one-line app idea is comparable to having a dream. And dreams are not real. To make your dreams come true, you need a plan of action.

Do not let this stress you. We have streamlined the entire process for you. Just follow the steps.

1: Define Your Idea


A one-line definition is not going to be enough. It is like saying, “I want a car.”

It says nothing about what you want aside from the fact that it is a car.

What type of car is it?

Is it a sedan, a sports car, a muscle car, etc.? Do you want it for going to the office or going offroading for a vacation? How many seats do you want? What is the price range you are planning to invest in?

This should give you an idea of why a one-line idea is not enough to get started. Start elaborating your idea bit by bit. Here are some points you need to define for your idea to be effective and actionable.

1: What Will Your Mobile App Do?

What purpose does your app serve?

Is it a ride-sharing app that will allow people to travel with a new buddy?

Is it a video-sharing platform where people can create and upload fun videos?

Is it an editing app where content creators can edit their photos or videos?

Get a clear understanding of what your app is supposed to do. Then research whether that functionality will solve problems. How will it help people?

Find answers to these questions. That will help you create a better plan of action.

But do not restrict it to just yourself. Go and talk to your friends. Ask them what their honest opinion is regarding your idea. Do not go directly to your employees, as they will most likely not give you their honest opinion.


2: What Will Your Mobile App Look Like?

You do not have to create some artwork. But, you should know what the app will look like.

What colors will be used in the app?

What type of font do you expect to use?

How many sections will there be?

What features does the app require?

How is the user supposed to interact with the app?

Answering these questions will help you get a clearer picture of your app.

You must know what it is that you want in the end.

3: Do People Really Need It?

You can be extremely confident about your idea, but that is limited to you.

If you are going to spend a ton of money on your app, you must be sure that it has the potential to stand out in the market.

Do a little research on the market demands. See if people are facing any problems that your app will be able to solve. Is it something that people need so badly that they will download your app?

Unless you are getting a confident yes, do not move ahead with your idea. Do some more research on your idea and see what you can improve.

2: Target Audience


You might develop the best app in your niche, but if no one downloads it, sorry to say it, but all your efforts go down the drain.

You cannot impress everyone with your application. It must be made with a purpose in mind.

Find the people that will benefit from your app’s services. If you are directly transferring your offline business to the app, the target group of your app is going to be the same as your business in most cases. But, it is still better to do separate audience research for your app as we are talking about a different world in itself.

If you are trying something new, you cannot afford to skip audience research as it will help you plan your marketing campaign for the app.

Here are some things you must know about your target audience.

1: Gender

Find out which gender is more likely to use your app. This will help you to specify your ad campaigns to a great extent.

For most apps, there will not be much imbalance in gender. But, if you are choosing a niche like makeup or men’s grooming, deciding your gender becomes a priority.

2: Age

You cannot expect kids to use a stock exchange app.

Identifying what age group will use your app will help you refine your marketing strategies. You can precisely select the channels that will reach that particular age group.

3: Occupation

Some apps are developed only for professionals working in a specific field.

An agriculture portal will only be used by farmers and wholesalers.

A project management app will be limited to corporates and service providers.

An education app will be used by students.

4: Likings

Some apps are made for people affiliated with a certain passion. A drawing app will mostly be used by artists.

A music portal will be used by musicians and music lovers.

A fitness app will be used by fitness enthusiasts.

If your app is niche-specific, consider who will use it. Even inside your niche, there will be sub-categories that you should understand.

If you are creating an app for classical music, you have to refine your marketing channels even further.

These were just a few pointers to help you understand how to do audience research.

You must have a clear image of what your ideal client will be.

What type of clothes will the client wear?

What type of device will the client use?

What food will the client like?

This might seem like over analyzing, but answering the questions above will help you take your app directly to your target audience.

3: Competitor Analysis

Before entering an area, you should know who you are fighting with and prepare accordingly, unless you want to bite the dust. Competitor analysis is a must, not only for developing your app but also for marketing it.

Here are some things you should look out for while doing competitor analysis.

1: Which Of Your Competitors Have An App

While doing competitor research for your startup, you must have created a list of your competitors. Find out which one of them has a mobile app.

Scrutinize their mobile apps and see what they are offering through them.

What technology are they using to create the app?

What is the design they are implementing?

What features are they offering?

How are they marketing their app?

And the biggest question of them all…

What can you do better?

Unless you are developing an app that is a level ahead of them, people will not download it. At least try to do something different, or else your app will be nothing but a clone among an army of clones.

2: The Best Apps In Your Niche

Competitors do not include just businesses. After analyzing your competing startups, find out the best apps in your niche.

Analyze them in and out, and see what are the things they are doing that resulted in their success.

Find out the reasons why people prefer to use those apps. Do a case study on that.

Look at the features they are offering and try to implement those.

Then find out their drawbacks. These are the loopholes you can cover and make your app the better choice.


3: Marketing Techniques Used

Digital marketing is the key to success in the digital world. Even a subpar mobile app can become successful with the right marketing.

Research how your competitors are marketing their apps.

What are the platforms they are promoting it on?

How much are they roughly spending on their ad campaigns?

How are they attracting leads through their ads?

What is their call to action?

Finding the answers to these questions will help you to create a better marketing strategy for your mobile app.

4: Pricing

This is not relevant if you are creating a non-profit app. But if you intend to generate income through your app, pricing becomes the most important factor after marketing to influence your success.

You may feel that you are offering the best price for your services, but an analysis of your competitors will tell you otherwise.

Unless you are offering something revolutionary, people will go for the cheapest services.

Look at the cost of the in-app purchases your competitors are offering. Try to keep your pricing in the same range unless you are confident that your services are miles ahead of them or your marketing is bang on so that people will buy them.

Researching all of these above points will help you to know where your app will stand in the market and what things you can improve upon to get success.

4: Develop Your App

Now that all the preparations are done, it is time for you to plan on how to create an app.

You have multiple pathways to take from here. You can hire a freelancer, get a full-stack in-house team, or use software like Appypie.

But, the best path to take is to hire a mobile app development company. It will help you get your app ready in no time and take all the stress off your shoulders.

You can read our detailed blog on the same here: How a Mobile App developer can help you to kick start your business

If you want to do it by yourself, here is what you need to do.

1: Technology

Based on your requirements, find out the best technology for your app. Then you will have to hire mobile app developers who have expertise in using that technology.

You need to be extremely confident about your technology. In case you feel like changing it, you will have to fire your current mobile app developers and hire new ones.

2: Wireframes & Prototype Development


A wireframe is a raw design concept for your app. It defines what your app will look like, where the buttons and elements will be placed, how the user will interact with the app, and many other things.

A prototype is created based on the wireframes. It is a more refined version of the wireframe. Consider it like a blueprint for your app.

A prototype is interactive and will give you a clear idea of what your app will be like once developed.

You will have to hire UI/UX designers to create wireframes and a prototype.

The prototype serves as a reference for the programmers who create your app.

3: App Development

Once the prototype is designed, your mobile app developers are ready to start developing the app.

Depending on the scope of your app, it can take anywhere between six weeks and two years to develop your app.

As you have hired new developers, it will take a lot of time for them to bond together and work as a team. You can expect to get nothing done for the first few days or weeks.

If you do not have an efficient project manager, the process will be dragged on for longer. The team will look up to you for guidance, and if you do not have the technical expertise, it will be a nightmare to guide them.

If you do not develop an MVP, you will have to wait for the complete app to be developed so that you can start your business.

So, try to develop an MVP and improve it through consistent updates.

4: Testing

Once the app or MVP is developed, you need to test it for bugs, errors, animation glitches, and user experience.

This ensures that the app is as perfect as possible when launched. No one likes to receive negative ratings and frustrated comments after putting in months of effort and money.

5: Launch

After all the previous steps are completed, launch your app on the intended platforms.

5: Digital Marketing

If you do not market your app, no one will download it. You will need a digital marketing team that will get your app to its intended audience.

Here are some things you need to do under digital marketing.

1: App Store Optimization


Once you launch the app, you have to promote it. ASO is a major part of organically promoting your app.

Just like SEO is for websites, ASO is for the App Store and the Play Store.

Create an app description that includes relevant keywords and is compelling enough for the reader to download your app.

Add attractive images that describe the features your app offers. You also get the option to add a video. Create a short and attractive video that showcases the functionalities of your app.

2: Reviews

People do read the reviews before downloading an app, especially if it is a paid one.

After launching your app, share it with everyone. Tell your family members to download it and rate it five stars on the App Store and the Play Store.

This initial engagement can help you get a boost in search rankings and impressions.

3: Social Media Promotions

Social media is one way you can reach your target audience. So, make the best use of it.

Research the types of posts that go viral and see if you can replicate them.

4: Create A Minisite

Creating a minisite is another option you can try. With informative blog posts, you can attract a significant number of people to your app.

This also helps in generating a unique identity for your app.

6: Maintenance & Optimization

Technology changes daily. There is a new software update or a new smartphone launched every week. You need to ensure that your app is compatible with all of them.

If your app is not functioning as intended on some devices, you are missing out on a huge customer base that uses those devices. It is very challenging considering the ton of smartphones out there, but it is necessary.

The next thing you need to do is check the feedback you have received through your app or through the Play Store and App Store.

See if people are reporting any bugs. Fix those bugs as soon as possible and launch a new version of the app.

You will need a dedicated maintenance team for this.

Add new features to your app as needed. Your competitors will not waste any time improving their apps and jumping ahead of you.

You have to ensure that it does not happen. Keep improving your app and implementing the latest features to be ahead of the curve.

How WDI Can Make It Easy

We hope that this blog helped you to understand how to develop your mobile app idea and how to create an app.

We understand that if you do not have the technical expertise, it will be back-breaking to manage this process by yourself.

This is where WDI can take all the burden off your shoulders. All you have to do is share your app idea with us, and we will take care of the entire mobile app development process.

We are a team of skilled mobile app developers, project managers, UI/UX designers, testers, digital marketers, and business analysts who will develop your app from scratch and bring it the success it deserves.

Contact us now and let us create something amazing!

The post I Have A Great App Idea. What Do I Do Next? appeared first on WDI Blog.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? Mon, 19 Sep 2022 12:22:09 +0000 The post How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Cost To Build A Mobile App

How much does developing a mobile app cost? This is one of the biggest questions startups have when they venture out to get a mobile app for their business.

How much budget do I need to allocate for mobile app development?

I have a fixed budget. What can I do?

Am I getting my money’s worth?

In what cases should I increase the budget?

Is it worth the money for mobile app development?

We would have loved to give you a one-shot answer, but we are afraid we can not. There are so many things to consider before the mobile app cost is decided.

A mobile app can be developed for anywhere between $20k and $500k, depending on various factors.

Sit back as we tell you what all goes into deciding a mobile app’s cost.

Factors Influencing Mobile App Cost

Whenever mobile app cost is decided, there is a detailed discussion with the client to understand the objectives and requirements. All the information required to develop a mobile app is extracted from the client.

At WDI, we decide the development cost based on various factors after a discussion with our client. Here are those:

1: Time Required for Development

Time Required For Development

Time is a big factor in mobile app development. As the development time increases, even the mobile app cost goes up.

With increased time, mobile app developers have to work longer. This means you have to hire them for a longer time, and if you hire them on a weekly basis, the cost will go up.

Based on the client’s requirements, we figure out how much time will be required for the development process.

Our mobile app developers have a weekly cost which we multiply by the number of weeks required for developing your mobile app and give the cost.

Development time is just one of the factors we have when determining your mobile app cost.

2: App Complexity

App Complexity

Depending on the complexity, apps can be divided into three categories.


The development cost changes based on the type of app you are trying to make.

Let’s look at each of these categories in detail and see what features come under them.

1: Simple App

A simple app is basically for those who have a small business they want to expand with a mobile app. It contains enough functionality that makes it usable without any advanced features, innovations, or out-of-the-box elements.

The user can create an account and navigate through the app to explore its functionalities. It might contain a search option and a messaging system.

You can check the user accounts and manage them as an administrator. You can edit the app content and handle business operations. You can also respond to feedback and send push notifications.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $20,000 – $70,000 for a simple app.

2: Complex App

If your app requires a lot of additional features, it will fall under the complex app category.

Along with the basic features, a complex app contains e-commerce, payment options, video playback, etc. The app can also use the device’s features like GPS, camera, microphone, etc.

If you want an e-commerce app or something with social media integrations, it will be categorized as a complex app.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $40,000 – $140,000 for a complex app.

3: Advanced App

This is where innovations come in. If you want to integrate the latest technologies in your mobile app, it will fall under the advanced app category.

What you can expect in an advanced app are features like augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and multi-language support.

Depending on what you want to innovate, the development time and the mobile app cost will increase. You will be required to have multiple meetings with your mobile app developers to fully understand the scope and plan the next steps.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $60,000 – $500,000 for an advanced app.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

3: Features to Be Implemented

Features to Be Implemented

When it comes to electronics, the ones with high-end features usually cost more. The same goes for mobile app development.

In today’s time, it is important to provide next-gen functionalities to zoom ahead of your competition and make your app stand out. Users download apps based on the features they offer, making it a big selling point.

High-end features require more time to develop, along with more experienced and skilled developers who can bring innovations to the table. This results in an increase in the mobile app development cost.

If you want to create something out of the box or something that has never been done before, it will require a ton of brainstorming.

Creating something new is not an easy task. It needs special technology and qualified mobile app developers who can pull it off. Even that will increase the cost of the mobile app.

If we just stick with already invented features, the mobile app cost fluctuates depending on the number of features to be implemented.

Here are some of the features along with their expected price

1: Login

This feature is necessary for your clients to create an account. Unless you want a free-to-use app, login would be required. It gives you an idea of how many people are registered with your app.

Under “simple app,” you can get options to log in with social media, email, or phone number. You will also get the “log out” and “forgot password” options.

All of this will require 30-40 hours and cost roughly $1000 – $2000 to develop.

2: User Profile

Once the user logs in, he should get the option to create his profile. This includes adding a profile photo, a short bio, and other information based on your app requirements.

This information allows you to segregate your users and also keep bots under check.

This will require roughly 20-30 hours and cost around $1000.

3: Profile Editing

Having a locked profile is never a good idea. The ability to edit your profile is a must-have. In many cases, the user will be required to edit details, and not being able to do so will compel him to quit your app.

The user should be able to edit every single detail entered. Complexities arise when editing passwords, emails, and credit card details. These require more coding to develop.

It will require roughly 40-60 hours and cost around $2,000.

4: Search

A search bar is crucial for fintech or e-commerce apps. It is a small feature that makes all the difference.

It will take 10-20 hours and cost $500-$1000 to develop.

5: Push Notifications

Push notifications are the key to retaining your users. You can notify your users about the latest update and improve your conversions.

These can also be automated so that the users receive notifications whenever some activity takes place.

It can take 25-35 hours and cost around $1200 to develop.

6: File Upload

This is the heart and soul of social media and photo-sharing mobile apps. Ensuring that your users are able to upload the images they want as quickly and hassle-free as possible is required for successful photo-sharing apps.

Some apps require users to upload a document or a zip file. That requires a different set of coding to get it done right.

This will require 20-30 hours and cost around $1000 to develop.

7: Admin Panel

As a business owner, the admin panel allows you to control everything within your app, especially the users.

You get to see how many users have created their accounts in your app along with their profile details. You get a clear understanding of what kind of people are using your app.

If you want to block a user from doing any activity or remove someone from your app, the admin panel is where you can do that.

It takes around 60-100 hours and costs $4000 – $5000 to develop.

8: Video/audio Streaming

If your app requires video or audio playback, you must ensure that it supports videos of all qualities and break-free playback.

This one is an advanced feature as it requires a lot of storage to host the videos without the app crashing.

It further includes features like downloads, pausing the video, changing playback speed, background playback, adding to the watchlist, continuing from the last played point if the app closes, etc.

This can take 100-150 hours and cost $4,000 – $6,000 to develop.

9: Map

The map is the core of ride-sharing and carpool apps.

Features like GPS, searching on the map, location sharing, and selecting destinations are some that can be implemented.

It can take 70-130 hours and $3000 – $5000 to implement.

10: Payments

This is the end goal of most startups with their mobile apps. There are many smaller features that are required to make sure that payment is smooth and safe.

The most important one is having multiple payment gateways to not lose out on potential clients.

Other smaller features like showing balance and transaction history enhance the user experience.

It can take 60-80 hours and $3,000 – $5,000 to develop.

11: Communication Tools

Some apps require communication tools like voice calls or video calls. These take longer to implement due to the end-to-end encryption they require for maximum security. User privacy is our topmost priority.

It can take 200-400 hours and cost $10,000 – $20,000 to develop.

Other advanced features, like augmented reality and virtual reality, can take a lot more to develop and also a long time to implement.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

4: Platforms


Currently, iOS and Android are the two most popular smartphone OSes out there. Depending on which one you want to develop your app, the mobile app cost varies.

Usually, the cost of developing for iOS and Android is almost similar. If you want to develop an app for both of them, the cost increases substantially.

There are multiple types of apps, and all of them have different relationships with platforms.

1: Native Apps

Both Android and iOS cost almost similar amounts, with Android costing slightly higher. This is thanks to the insane number of Android smartphones out there. While developing an app, you need to consider that the app is able to run perfectly on most popular Android smartphones.

This increases the development cost slightly as the app has to be developed to cater to all Android smartphone specifications.

If you want to develop for both platforms, you will have to pay for two native apps. This is because native apps are designed according to the platforms and this cannot be done using a single code. Both have to be coded separately.

2: Progressive Web App (PWA)

A PWA is basically a website turned into an application. It can run on all devices regardless of compatibility, but offers limited functionality due to being only a website.

Separate coding is not required to make it run across various devices. Once the PWA is launched, the user can simply add the page to their home screen and continue using it.

This reduces coding work to a great extent, and the app can be developed much faster.

The development cost ranges from $20,000 – $60,000 depending on the functionalities you want to implement.

3: Flutter Apps

Flutter is a framework developed by Google and runs on the Dart coding language. It allows you to create an app for both Android and iOS using a single code base. You do not have to develop separate apps, and this reduces the mobile app cost substantially.

Flutter also allows you to implement high-end features like high FPS and use device functionalities, which is difficult with PWAs.

To know more about their differences, read our detailed comparison between Flutter and PWA here: ADD LINK

The development cost is reduced as you can develop two apps with a single codebase. You can expect to pay anywhere between $20,000 – $100,000 for a Flutter app.

4: React Native

React Native is a framework developed by Facebook and runs on the JavaScript coding language. Just like Flutter, it allows you to create apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. This reduces the development cost.

With React Native, you can use the device’s native features like the camera, microphone, GPS, etc.

At first glance, both Flutter and React Native may seem similar, but there is more to them than meets the eye. Read our detailed comparison between Flutter and React Native here:

A React Native app also costs anywhere from $20,000 – $100,000 to develop.

5: Hybrid App

A Hybrid app is basically a web app put inside the skeleton of a native app. The user can install the app from the App Store, but the app will run like a website.

Due to the less time required for development, it can cost approximately half the cost of a Native app.

So, these are the types of apps you can develop and they run on various platforms

5: Optimization

After launching an app, it needs to be optimized for bugs and for newly launched smartphones. This is a crucial part of audience retention. If you are not providing consistent updates and building upon feedback, your users are most likely to quit your app.

From your total app budget, you must allocate 15% to 20% for yearly maintenance.

This includes optimizations like bug fixing, changing code to make it run on newer OS updates, improving performance and speed, and ensuring it supports the latest versions of third-party services.

If you want to add new features to your app, it will cost according to the complexity of the feature.

A design change might be the solution if your users are getting bored of using your app. It will help to keep your app up to date with the latest trends.

For best results, you should be ready to allocate 20% of the total app cost every year for maintenance.

6: Development Team

Development Team

Depending on the number and type of professionals you are hiring, the mobile app cost varies.

At WDI, we offer a wide cadre of professionals who handle every small part of your mobile app development process.

Here are some of the professionals we offer to our clients:

1: Business Analyst

Before creating an app, you need to know where it will stand in the market. This is exactly what a business analyst does.

Our business analyst will understand your idea, suggest improvements, and check for any issues it may face in the market. He will analyze your competitors and advise you on what steps you should take so that your app stands out in the market.

He defines the product specification document and decides the total mobile app cost.

2: UI/UX Design Team

Once the concept of the app is ready, the UI/UX designers create wireframes for your app.

Based on the suggestions, a fully functioning prototype of your app is created. This is the final design of your app.

3: Developers

The developers start coding for the app based on the prototype. Depending on the type of app, we have dedicated developers for Flutter, React Native, Hybrid, Android, and iOS.

4: Testers

Once the app is ready, our team of testers scrutinizes it from top to bottom, ensuring that everything is functioning perfectly.

Once everything is fine, the app is launched on the required platforms.

5: Project Manager

The project manager handles the entire project, ensuring that it is completed at the intended time and meets the client’s expectations.

With WDI, you get a full-stacked mobile app development team to create an app your users will love.


There are many complex factors influencing the mobile app cost, making it impossible to give a final price.

We have done our best to provide you with ranges that can help you make a rough estimate based on your requirements.

Even though you can create an app for as low as $20,000, we have never seen a successful app made for less than $50,000. High-end features require a high investment, but they also lead to high returns.

If you want to create an app, we will provide you with speedy MVP delivery, a transparent development process, and a dedicated support team for all your queries.

Let us create something magical!

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

The post How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? appeared first on WDI Blog.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for Your Business Growth? Tue, 26 Apr 2022 14:52:36 +0000 The use of mobile applications and the way Mobile App Development companies are rising has exploded its existence across the globe. By the end of 2020, there were about 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide.

The post What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for Your Business Growth? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development

The use of mobile applications and the way Mobile App Development Company are rising has exploded its existence across the globe. By the end of 2020, there were about 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. Approximately 1.4 billion smartphones were sold in the same year. This caused a humongous increase in the demand for mobile apps among the majority of huge firms and businesses. You’d also find business owners use such applications to boost their Return on Investment (ROI) in different ways unsaid or done. WDI’s expert Mobile App Developers are well-assured on providing more than asked and expected, We Provide The Extraordinary.

Website Developers India is one of the top Mobile App Development Companies you need to partner with. They’ve worked with top-notch companies and have recently launched Sattva Connect, a health and fitness app. We’ve examined and worked with top-notch companies globally. So it gets easier for you to outsource with confidence.

Does Your Business Need A Mobile Application?

Only in the UK, 80% of adults use mobile and smart devices to use the internet. In the year 2017, mobile devices became the most popular way for individuals to use the Internet, counting to approximately 73%. But, just 45% of users made use of the traditional desktop or laptop to use the internet. This causes the Marketing Team to engage in the branding of mobile apps, enabling Mobile App Development Companies to get into the limelight. A mobile application offers valuable marketing possibilities, with the help of expert Mobile App Developers, to help you reach your targeted audience offering many other advantages that will help you stay ahead of your competition.

WDI begins where every other company gives up. So, we’re basically your rescuer. We deliver high-quality work that is super fast while leveraging the best and new techniques available.

Let’s look into a few benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for your business.

  • Maintaining Loyal Customers

It offers you a hassle-free experience in terms of customer support, allowing you to retain your customers with attractive offers like discount coupons, vouchers, etc. 

  • Increase in Sales & Business

A Mobile App Development Company will help every business/industry will have all their concentration and hard work focused on the exploration of new avenues in the marketplace. Along with the increasing number of mobile users, there will also arise the number of sales along with satisfying user requirements.

  • Direct Marketing Channel

One of the biggest and proven benefits of having a mobile application is having all your product or service information like sales and promotions reached to your customers at their fingertips. 

  • Creates Brand Awareness

A one-stop point for receiving all relevant information related to the brand. This means a proper showcasing of your new products and services on the application with the help of advertisements. Mobile App Developers build your mobile application for business growth will use these tactics to increase the sales of your product.

  • Generate Greater Revenue

Mobile apps can be monetized easily without any effort. This would include the use of in-app purchases, paid apps, and freemium. You would find users willing to pay for applications if they really enjoy them and believe it provides great value. With the help of the right Mobile App Development Company, you can also add a new revenue stream to your business strategy by offering products or services with advertising.

  • Increase Customer Engagement

Allows you to deliver messages or notifications to mobile devices at any time and at any location. This also allows companies to keep their customers informed about their new rivals, products, special offers, and other important information. The power of push notifications is undeniable and offers great ideas delivering as high as 70% opt-in rate on average, as compared to email marketing’s 4%.

Mobile Application Development

Industries That Have Benefited From Mobile Application Development

Industries are putting all their efforts into investing in mobiles, for the obvious reason. Greater reach & revenue. If you’re still in a fix on how the use of mobile apps can help your business grow, let us display a few industry types that have taken advantage of such marketing and got great results with the guidance of the right and expert Mobile App Developers.

  • Healthcare Industry

The use of mobile applications has worked wonders for a very long time now. Apart from checkups and storing patient information in one tap, there are other different ways included in having a mobile application. These may include virtual assistance of doctors, identifying medical conditions through images and much more.

Example: The most prominent healthcare product of Apple, is the Health Application, which is a complete tracker for measuring the activities and health of its users. It also includes monitoring sleep, food, heart rate and other activities that provide a clear assessment of the user’s health data.

  • Travel Industry

The use of Mobile Applications by this industry to get greater customers and provide great services to them. The travel applications are amazingly revolutionizing the travel industry with great services to customers while allowing the application to check-in and also check out with the east. This would also include services for bookings and so much more.

Example: Mobile App Developers while building TripAdvisor, have done a terrific job! The application is an online travel company that provides recommendations and allows users to bookmark every detail of the places that the traveler is interested in. The application will also include reviews, photos, and other necessary details for other customers to refer to.

  • Restaurant Industry

One of the most successful industries that will easily allow customers to reserve seats, place orders, or/and find good places to eat. The mobile application is even used to display other restaurants based on their ratings, reviews and location for customers. One of the biggest benefits of mobile applications for the restaurant industry is they give a massive audience which easily increases profits.


Zomato is recognized as a global restaurant search and delivery service that now operates in 23 countries, becoming one of the most trendy covers over a thousand restaurants across 10,000 + cities. Many such independent restaurants are taking examples and inspiration from this application in getting their restaurant recognized.

Planning To Get Your Application Built by An Award-Winning Mobile App Development Company?

Let WDI do it for you!

Read all about How We Transform Your Ideas With Our Execution For A Result-Driven Mobile App.

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The use of Mobile App Development Services continues to be a necessity for every small and huge business. This means a greater workload, to reach a huge target audience, for more downloads! Just planning, launching, and branding an app won’t be enough. In order to reinforce your sales and customer relations, you have to run the extra mile.

The good news is, WE SWEAT WITH YOU!

WDI has an extravagant team of Mobile App Developers & Designers who are all experienced and proficient team players. They possess an intensive combination of technical knacks and creative thoughts. If you haven’t yet read about our recent yoga & fitness app launch, read the press release right away!

Well, that’s just not it. Besides Sattva, we’re working on some humongous mobile apps, which will surely be the next thing in the industry. Check them out!

  • IntoActiv: The world’s most comprehensive fitness tool

A mini Fitnesspedia in your pocket. It takes care of all concerning fitness goals. The app is in its developing stage, mainly for trainers and trainees to collaborate with the help of numerous tools on the market within the platform, InterActive will be a game-changer within the online fitness business.

  • Sattva Connect:  The Best Authentic Himalayan Yoga App

A health and fitness application that provides daily satsangs, kirtans, meditations, and different yogistic practices. This has been the best and the most humongous used app, with the most engaging user experience with video classes that could run both online and offline as well as a medium to communicate with the instructors. 

  • Card Stock Exchange: The Humongous & Global Card Stock Exchange App

The application provides many commercialism cards, with a trustee system for supreme infliction, a classic card game market with pragmatic accounts for simple transactions.

  • HeyPod: A Premier Social Help Enterprise App

A CDA recognized social enterprise that works with a mission to create its customers with additional and friendly People of Determination just by serving to unfold awareness concerning special wants.

One of the best ways to have a Top-Notch Mobile Application without any revisions is to go for an Agile Development Company. We’re looking into effective ways of how Agile Methodology can help your Mobile App Success Stories With Great Outcomes.

The use of Agile Methodology is one of the most effective ways for every mobile app development, that ensures minute work of coordination is done correctly. You will rest assured of how easily your company will deliver the highest quality, robust mobile applications and sustainability.

WDI offers a smooth and adaptable process control for complex software projects that promise great work! We leverage technologies to connect people, processes, & data effectively to deliver outstanding results.

Let Us Help You Build A User-Friendly App Today!

Social Media can be one of your company’s best friends and the most profitable marketing channel. The most friendly and excellent way that would help you build brand awareness, connect with your customers and generate leads in the most explicit way that fills your tunnel. But, there are over 60 social media platforms, which one is for you to choose from?

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The post What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for Your Business Growth? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps : Choose The Right One For Your Android/ iPhone App Development Tue, 23 Mar 2021 10:39:45 +0000 With the exponential advancements of the smartphone market, existing businesses, as well as startups, have adapted themselves with extensive developments of mobile applications for their services.

The post Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps : Choose The Right One For Your Android/ iPhone App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.


With the exponential advancements of the smartphone market, existing businesses, as well as startups, have adapted themselves with extensive developments of mobile applications for their services. Being a business owner there are a number of questions you need to be answered before you start, the most important of which is to choose between Hybrid Apps and Native Apps. Lucky for you, we have carefully analyzed the differences between both these options so that we can help you in selecting the best option for your iPhone or Android App Development.

Hybrid Vs Native Mobile App Development

What Is a Native Application?

A Native application is a software that runs exclusively on a mobile operating system. They amplify the performance of an app and work well with the latest technology. Since they are specific to an operating system , they can only be written in the programming language of a specific operating system (such as JAVA for Android or Swift for iOS). A great advantage of using Native applications is that they utilize most , if not all, of the built in capabilities of a users device. When you send or receive text messages or play music on your device using the devices’ music app (Apple music for iPhones) you are using Native applications tailored specifically for your device.

Advantages of Native Applications

Native mobile applications have a higher degree of accuracy and are quick to respond to a user’s requests. Furthermore they can easily access the device’s UI which means that all controls and layouts of an application can be particularly customised for every device.some advantages of using Native Apps for your iPhone App Development include –

  • Simple yet fast performance that induces a better User experience
  • Assured quality testing by ratings on App store (for iPhones) or Google Play store ( for Androids)
  • Offline compatibility for certain applications

Disadvantages of Native Applications

Though interesting, a Native app can prove to be a business owner’s nightmare especially considering its building and maintenance since each app would have to be re-coded in different languages for different devices. Other major disadvantages of using Native applications include –

  • Extremely high costs since there is a need for more developers
  • Highly time consuming as each application is created multiple times for different operating systems
  • More technical as a knowledge of various languages is required to create a Native app
  • Off the charts maintenance costs

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An Introduction to Hybrid Mobile Applications

A Hybrid application is a program that introduces you to the best of both worlds ( i.e Native Apps and web Apps). Hybrid Apps look and work exactly like Native applications but in reality they are a website that is packaged differently with the help of web technologies like Javascript, HTML and CSS. These Apps , similar to Native Apps, can be downloaded on a users system and then with the help of API’s ( Application programming interfaces) gain access to a large variety of a devices features.Furthermore, Hybrid applications operate in a similar fashion to web applications since at its core every Hybrid applications IS a web application. The only difference between the two is that a Hybrid app can be downloaded on a users device whereas a web app can only be accessed using a web browser. Some common features of a Hybrid application include-

  • A cross platform user interface allows the same app to run on multiple devices/operating systems
  • They work well with web based services

When developed well, a Hybrid application can imitate the workings of a Native application, which is why most social media websites such as Twitter and instagram, along with service providers like Uber prefer working on Hybrid applications compared to Native applications. Nevertheless Before you decide on building a Hybrid application you must be aware of its boons and banes and how choosing one over the other might impact your Android App Development.

Advantages of Developing a Hybrid Application

Hybrid applications have an abundance of advantages when compared to its rival , i.e Native applications. Some of these boons include –

  • COST! Developing a Hybrid application is significantly cheaper than a Native application
  • They work across a variety of platforms and can be operates on both iOS and Android devices
  • Hybrid applications are much faster to build ( Given the fact that you do not need tons of custom features)
  • MAINTENANCE! Since it is all written in one code, a Hybrid app is much easier to maintain.
  • Updating a Hybrid application is much easier and faster than a Native application as a single update is enough to refresh the app across all platforms.

Disadvantages of Developing a Hybrid Application

Though limited as they are, there are a few disadvantages you might come across while creating a Hybrid application for your business. Most of these disadvantages can be found listed below-

  • Since at their core all Hybrid Apps are web applications, they CANNOT work offline
  • While using only a single code might be an advantage, you might find that some features of a Hybrid application may not work on either device
  • They constantly require plugins to gain access of most built in features of a device

What Should You Choose?

When making a choice between Native Apps and Hybrid Apps it is essential that you take a decision that is not circling around the cost but the user experience. As discussed earlier, both Native and Hybrid Apps have their pros and cons. The choice depends entirely on the prerequisites of an organization. If you have just a couple of months on your hand we recommend developing a Hybrid application, But if you want an app Incorporated with tons and tons of customized features we’d suggest to go with a Native app.

It is advisable to discuss your project with industry professionals before you make a choice as we will help you in not only choosing but also shaping and developing your idea. Talk to Website Developers India to gain an insight about choosing the correct mobile application development strategy for your business idea TODAY!

Have An App Idea? Consult It To The Experts

The post Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps : Choose The Right One For Your Android/ iPhone App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

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The biggest difficulty with Android Apps – How to Solve? Tue, 18 Nov 2014 06:39:29 +0000 The post The biggest difficulty with Android Apps – How to Solve? appeared first on WDI Blog.



Almost every Android app enjoys customer appreciation and acknowledgement in today’s times. Android is the biggest thing in the technology sphere these days and multiple companies are getting into Android app development which is the best way to reach out to millions of customers with elan and sell services or other value offerings at competitive prices in the mainstream tech market. In this case, a good Android app developer is the need of the hour and this is not hard to find, provided you go to a professional web design company. A competent and experienced company will give you a solid team of the best app developers, designers and project managers to rely on.

A good web design company will join hands with you and execute and market your next big idea to perfection through cutting edge apps. However, there are multiple problems that can often plague any Android app. These are often hindrances at every stage of Android app development and need to be carefully looked into. Any Android app developer will tell you that apps often develop problems with regard to starting, initializing, switching between menus and carrying out other functions. There are some common steps towards fixing most issues with Android applications.

These steps include the following:

  • Updating the app to its latest version which automatically removes all bugs and fixes minor errors
  • Force stopping and restarting the app which can get it working perfectly again
  • Clearing cache and unnecessary data, the accumulation of which can often wreak havoc on your apps
  • Checking network access often helps solve the problem
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling any Android app often aids in fixing most errors
  • Changing your password is also of immense help in most cases

Common Android app development problems include missing source folders or build path errors or even inability to open class file This can be fixed by selecting the Clean option from the Project menu. Sometimes, content activity is not found for an Android app and it suddenly stops during execution or at the start of the application. This has to be solved by declaring the activity in your AndroidManifest.xml. In some cases, communication with the emulator or your Android-based device may be problematic. This is taken care of by the Android Debug Bridge and the adb has to be reset in order to fix the problem.

There are other problems involved in app development such as the following:

  • Fragmentation-based problems which can be solved by testing of apps on multiple devices. This will tell you how consistent user experience is across various devices. Cutting out traditional app versions is often the solution
  • Testing and Development related problems usually mean a wave of new updates that users are unable to handle and this puts a spanner in the works as far as new user updates are concerned. A proper gap of at least a week should be provided between version updates
  • Metrics is one area in which developers often neglect and hence cannot gauge customer interactivity with the app on Android. An appropriate analytics platform has to be tied up with for the best and most accurate statistics

Solving Android app related problems is possible with the right steps and techniques and the best app developers can be of immense help with regard to getting your app out of the rut and fully optimized again!

To get more information about the Android App services Contact Us at :  WDI Solutions

US: (+1) 970 556 9495            UK: 02036 514 195            India: +91 22 61274401

The post The biggest difficulty with Android Apps – How to Solve? appeared first on WDI Blog.

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