web design company – WDI Blog https://www.wdipl.com/blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Wed, 26 Jul 2023 06:09:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/black_logo-svg.png web design company – WDI Blog https://www.wdipl.com/blog 32 32 Do Accelerated Mobile Pages affect SEO? https://www.wdipl.com/blog/do-accelerated-mobile-pages-affect-seo/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/do-accelerated-mobile-pages-affect-seo/#respond Wed, 08 May 2019 11:50:58 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2719 As a marketer, simply investing in mobile optimization for your website won't be enough, if you wish to stay on top of the trend. Mobile device users spend hours a day on their phone, they most certainly won't navigate your content if your interface is slow-loading, clunky and not finger-friendly.

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As a marketer, simply investing in mobile optimization for your website won’t be enough, if you wish to stay on top of the trend. Mobile device users spend hours a day on their phone, they most certainly won’t navigate your content if your interface is slow-loading, clunky and not finger-friendly.

Do Accelerated Mobile Pages affect SEO?Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is out and has been speculated to have two benefits for SEO.

  1. It will have a fast label designation on search engine result pages.
  2. It will be a ranking factor.

Let us now get through

amp-list: download data and create a list

amp-live-list: update content in real time

amp-app-banner: fixed banner what exactly AMP is and how you can use it to benefit your site’s mobile visitors.

What do you mean by AMP?

They are basically an open-source coding standard for publishers. The aim for AMP is for publishers to be able to load their sites quickly with the help of their mobile since mobile responsive could be clunky and slow as the desktop resources are heavier and plenty.

AMP was just for User Experience. Now, Google has backed it up and is further encouraging websites to follow suit. They have essentially stripped down HTML copies of existing webpage content that offer faster load times than standard HTML5 documents. Websites can serve AMP pages by implementing the rel=amphtml tag into their HTML. These pages with AMP code contain a three-step AMP configuration, which are:

– JS

Used to fetch resources and stripped down to eliminate unnecessary rendering


A stripped down and unique markup of traditional HTML code with unique tags


An optimized network designed to cache pages and adapt the same to AMP code.

Accelerated Mobile Pages also reduces the need for additional CSS requests and terminates certain on-page, including bulky pictures, CTAs in many other cases and much more backend code. Primarily, AMP speeds up webpage load times more than a second of total load speed by enabling AMP caching. AMP documents can also be pulled from the AMP library directly off from its original server. The AMP library consists of a document with AMP HTML and AMP JS.

Few of the things that helped to make AMP faster are :

– Critical rendering path flows better

– Experience had fewer requests, especially images

– It is designed to deal with JavaScript failing

– Extensions and embeds do not block rendering page layout

– CSS is limited to 50 kilobytes, AMP allows 50,000 characters of inline CSS

– Fonts require zero HTTP requests

– Intelligent resources prioritization optimizes downloads.

Why is AMP important?

Ever tried to load your site on mobile? Does the speed satisfy you? Loading of the site in desktop takes long even when the speed of your internet connection is fast. But what about your mobile?

Browsing on mobile while you are on the go will mean that your internet speed is not always fast. It is best to optimize the experience of mobile browsing for all users by standardizing a mobile version of your site with AMP.

AMP proves to be important because it simply helps web pages load faster. This potentially improves usability and convinces visitors to stay longer on your site engaging with your content. The logic for this is quite simple. Faster load time leads to a better and greater engagement, which further reduces bounce rate and improves mobile ranking.

However, Accelerated Mobile Pages does not improve engagement on its own. It does not make your content more useful or entertaining. If the load time is perfect, but the content is bad, your SERPs won’t increase due to a higher bounce rate. It has the potential to make your visitors happy, which means a lot more to Google. Pleasing Google helps with higher rankings, gives you more traffic and increases your revenue.

Web design company would have the need to use these pages for the benefit and greater rates of their websites, dragging in more traffic to their websites.

How to customize AMP?

The use of Google Search Console or your HTML can optimize AMP code to make them more customizable and trackable. Webmasters can further update their AMP cache by using the “Update-cache” request.

Few of those examples of how the customization needs to be done for your AMP HTML document are :

– amp-pixel: tracking pixel

– amp-animation: add animations

– amp-access: paywall access

– amp-dynamic-CSS-classes: dynamic CSS elements

– gtag.js tag implementation allows for events tracking across Google Ads and searches console

– amp-iframe: display an iframe

– amp- access-later pay: integrates with LaterPay

– amp-list: download data and create a list

– amp-live-list: update content in real time

– amp-app-banner: fixed banner

What are the SEO benefits of AMP?

While AMP pages enrich the mobile user experience, it can also be a huge benefit to your marketing and your SEO. How can that be done, given below are the reasons why:

  1. The main reason why AMP content will get an SEO boost is that the pages show up on the Google news carousel. Being featured as AMP pages means giving more attention. You can also be sure that as more and more companies sign up to publish their content, that amount of importance will be for you to be on the AMP network.
  2. Longer the loading time, greater and major is the factor in your SERP ranking. Your average mobile user won’t wait for more than six seconds for a page to load. The faster your page, the higher is your ranking and greater is the content seen. AMP pages will give articles a boost in results.
  3. Not only will speed have your readers staying on your page for longer, but it will also help reduce your bounce rate. While it may not be the most important SEO ranking factor a low bounce rate helps validate to search engines that your pages offer and what your audience finds helpful.

SEO services in India can benefit from these pages with some really powerful benefits, improved site speed, better user experience, and more revenue.  

Visit: Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies To Boost Sales In 2020 – Top eCommerce Marketing Agencies

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Modern Web Design And Its Elements In 2019 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/modern-web-design-and-its-elements-in-2019/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/modern-web-design-and-its-elements-in-2019/#respond Thu, 02 May 2019 14:57:18 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2704 Encompassing several different aspects, that also includes webpage layout, content production and graphic design. Web design is defined to be as the process of creating websites. It is technically a subset of the broader category of web development.

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All about web design

Encompassing several different aspects, that also includes webpage layout, content production and graphic design. Web design is defined to be as the process of creating websites. It is technically a subset of the broader category of web development.

Modern Web Design And Its Elements In 2019 - Read More

How are they created?

With the help of a markup language called HTML, web designers build web pages using HTML tags that define the content and metadata of each page. The appearance and the layout of an element within a webpage are typically defined with the help of CSS or cascading style sheets.

To get familiar with what web designing is and how it functions, get yourself well advanced with the following given skills.

1. Visual Design

– This sort of design focuses on digital products, to give a different look for your website. In this case, design principles are what determine the look and feel of a site. The same ranges from proportions to typography, to grid systems, to colour theory. In simple words, visual design is all about a chance to dig into creating mood boards and experiment with web fonts and colour palettes.

2. Design Software

– While designing your website, it is done right in a web browser and tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Sketch. These are the tools that almost all designers make use of for creating a mockup, designing assets and modifying or enhancing photos.

3. CSS

– CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is the code that tells the browser how to format and style HTML for a web page. It helps make all the text and different other content look good and even more appealing. You can adjust the colours, change the fonts or maybe just add a stunning background.

4. Communication

– You will need to keep clients up-to-date on the progress of their projects plus pitch the ideas and explain the needed creation. Having proper communication plays a vital role when it comes to deciding about the designing part.

Why are they important?

– Looking in-depth into redesigning your website, you may come across a question about why is web design that important for your website. Does it really impact your audience? we can help solve these questions, with the help of the following given reasons of how important is web design.

1. Sets the first impression

2. Aids your Search Engine Optimization strategy

3. It builds your trust with your audience

4. It helps in creating consistency

Quality elements of web design

Now, that you are familiar with the importance of having web design, you now need to know about the different types of elements needed to make a qualified web design

1. Solid navigation

2. Responsive design

3. Style guide

4. Purposeful visuals

5. Having a good copy

6. Call-to-action buttons (CTA)

7. Page speed

Things to consider when designing a website

Redesign your website with the help of these 7 guidelines

1. To be mobile-friendly

– It’s your mobile device that helps you in indicating the users who are searching for your services. Through your mobile, you can get in contact with your target.

2. Know your purpose

– Alignment, designing and navigation of anything in terms of your website should have a purpose. The purpose should align with your audience and their goals.

3. Time Management

– If you aren’t devoting in much time towards your website, you are not giving in much gap for it to get in to be successful. Your investment of time should be equal to your monetary investment.

4. Get Creative

– Do not be afraid or be hesitant about being creative when it comes to developing your website into one happening thing.

Web design trend to adapt for your website

These trends are a snapshot of where the industry is heading towards. Your design should not be a reference to blindly follow. Be sure you build a better experience for your users and not just a random site and an app that will make it all look similar.

Web designs and their trends have gone along really long, pushing towards rampant creativity. Besides creativity, it also abandons grids and traditional stock photos for vibrant illustration, bold colour schemes and asymmetrical layouts. Web design trends will be seen as two different sides of the coin.

– Aesthetic

– Technology

To help you have a much better understanding of how web design trends help in the betterment of a website, we’ve given below are 20 of those trends that are going to give you a great look for your website.

1. Intrinsic web design

2. Ambient design

3. CSS Variables

4. Better authentication patterns

5. 3- Dimensional illustration

6. Helveticization of brand identity

7. Different illustration styles

8. Asmmetrical layouts

9. Organic design and elements

10. Retro designs.

11. Monochromatic and absence of colour

12. Overlapping design elements

13. Reimagined header

14. Large and experimental navigations

15. Limited white space

16. Typography

17. Vibrant colour palettes

18. Animations

19. Abstract design

20. Flat designs

In this age of digital and marketing summing up together, most businesses have already developed their respective websites to become more accessible for their sets of customers. When you for yourself a well to do website design, business owners find it easier and are able to create a user-friendly and welcoming online environment where users can get useful information any time of the day.

Also, when you have a well-managed website, people around are able to rely on you and also build trust, while your visitors trust you, they won’t have doubts about getting your products and services.

To help you have one happening website with exceptionally developed web designs, you need to have that sort of contact with a happening web design company.

One of those happening company is Website Developers India. We are a software development company, that focuses on rebuilding and designing your website with the help of UI and Ux experts and the following technologies :

– HTML 5
– CSS 3
– Javascript
– Photoshop

Visit our website to know more about our services and the sort of work we handle and deliver with result driven websites.

Visit: SEO Keywords

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FAQs While Developing and Designing Your Website https://www.wdipl.com/blog/faqs-while-developing-and-designing-your-website/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/faqs-while-developing-and-designing-your-website/#respond Thu, 21 Feb 2019 14:07:49 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2584 While creating your website, designing and developing is not the only thing that is to be kept in mind. You will need to pen down every minute detail for your website and form certain questions and know the answer to what it is.

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While creating your website, designing and developing is not the only thing that is to be kept in mind. You will need to pin down every minute detail for your website and form certain questions and know the answer to what it is.

Few of the questions, that could help you find out the

FAQs While Developing and Designing Your Website1. What does your business do?

One thing that creates misunderstanding when it comes to your website, is a lack of communication between you and your client. You deliver something, that your client is not in need of and what exactly your client desires, seems to lack way back. Find out what exactly it is that your client wants and also, find ways to fit it in your business plan.

Now, the question arises about how exactly should your website look, attract more traffic.

* Look classy, yet very professional
* Have a private domain name
* Be secure
* Have your business name in a text
* Have your business address in a text
* Company number in Click-to-call format
* Make contact info easy
* Explain your services in one glance
* Highlight your USP
* Show off your customer testimonials
* Invite visitor feedback
* Speak to your visitors. (keep aside your ego)
* Fresh and unique content
* Strong keywords
* Link to other websites.

The above checklist will help you make sure that your site is doing what your clients desire for.

2. What do you want people to do on your website?

Why would you look for creating a posh and a big website, when your customers really opt for a small, yet a very classy website? Many a time, your customers get all decked up if they get to see a classy homepage. It excites them to surf your website even more, but at a point, if the website is too broad or very big with different drop downs and unnecessary content, it starts to get frustrating and they might not want to see it again.

Few guidelines to follow, when you keep in mind about what your customers really want from your website.

* How unique your website is
* A clear sense of what your company offers
* Contact information, including your contact number and physical location.
* Third-party validation
*Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

3. Who is your target audience

There’s a vast difference between the target market and target audience. You need to target your audience, understand who they are and what they need from your website. Use the right sense of segmentation, with the right message at the right time.

4. What are the must-have website features?

  • Few features, that you must have while running your website.

* Content Management capabilities
* Promotion and discount code tools
* Easy-to-use checkout
* Search engine optimization code and layout
* Reporting tools
* Integrated blog or articles section
* Email marketing integration
* Multiple payment options
* Ability to scale up with your platform.

Whether you are a designer, writer or developer. These ideas and guidelines will help you halfway through your journey to building a successful website and drawing a certain amount of traffic. If you are not aware of the services or plans about having a good website, then search around for a website company, that offers you with the right Web Design and Development Services, that will help you gather in more information about the same.

One such company, that offers best designs and development services for your website with features and functionalities of its own is Website Developers India. Visit their website, to know more about their work.

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What is in store for the future with eCommerce? https://www.wdipl.com/blog/what-is-in-store-for-the-future-with-ecommerce/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/what-is-in-store-for-the-future-with-ecommerce/#respond Tue, 22 Jan 2019 13:18:50 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2560 Anything that you purchase and sell through an electronic system like computer networks and the Internet, irrespective of it being a product or a service is called e-commerce.

The post What is in store for the future with eCommerce? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Anything that you purchase and sell through an electronic system like computer networks and the Internet, irrespective of it being a product or a service is called e-commerce. In this modern age of technology, e-commerce is getting into a very significant option for businesses that are getting into online stores.

eCommerce - What is in store for the future with eCommerce?The amount and demand of increase with online purchasing are moving e-store from brick and mortar stores. According to Google, more than 60% of people in the US purchase goods online and the figure is all the more increasing. Few of the benefits of having to build your foundation with an eCommerce development company are:

  • Datasheet of your product

A description of your product with complete details is been provided with an online product catalog. Without any definite information about your product, it isn’t very easy to sell it to your customers. This catalog with e-commerce helps to get the trust of the traffic you get.

  • Get new customers with the help of Search Engine.

It helps to build your brand by traditional marketing strategy, by
optimizing your site and delivering it to the viewers.
The same optimized site earns more traffic and improves the ranking of your website, helping the same traffic get to your site.

  • Customers get to sell their products

With the help of customer review and product ratings, you can easily increase your sells and let your customers choose out of the products what is to be purchased.

  • 24×7 Service

It allows your customers to shop around the clock. Sell 24/7 and 365 days with an online store, which will help in enhancing your sales with a boost in the number of everyday orders.

  • e-Commerce industry has been reaching heights along with experience and its developing trends. Let us get into how e-commerce trends are hitting the business and helping them achieve these benefits.

1. Image Search

It offers greater opportunities in finding similar products at a cheaper price online. It helps in driving consumers to shop online even if they are in a physical store

2. Artificial Intelligence

Fueling several technologies like natural language processing data analytics, cognitive computing, and machine learning.

3. Mobile Commerce

More than 80% of people prefer to use their wireless technology for locating stores, price comparisons, product searches and also purchase with time. Such wireless technology has helped smartphones become a preferred medium for people to look for things and make affordable purchases as well.

The eCommerce industry is transforming into something big and dynamic with immerging trends with its own benefits, helping you get traffic and manage your eCommerce business as well. The eCommerce industry is transforming into something big and dynamic with effective trends with its own benefits, helping you get traffic and manage your eCommerce business as well. With the help of right Web design and development services and the right information, you get in-depth about knowing what actually is in store for your business with eCommerce.

Visit: The Best App Development Companies in the US

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How to Decide if Your Website Needs a Revamp? https://www.wdipl.com/blog/how-to-decide-if-your-website-needs-a-revamp/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/how-to-decide-if-your-website-needs-a-revamp/#respond Wed, 05 Dec 2018 09:58:22 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2509 A website is a great way of adding in value and services to your customers. It helps in providing complete information about what your company is all about online.

The post How to Decide if Your Website Needs a Revamp? appeared first on WDI Blog.

A website is a great way of adding in value and services to your customers. It helps in providing complete information about what your company is all about online.

Web design helps in creating websites in a collaborative way, encompassing several different rollouts, including web page layout, content production and graphic design.

Web development and Web design are often understood to be the same, but they are two different means of Web. Web design is technically a broader category of Web development.

Visit our website - For high performance & developed work for a better compelling websiteHow are the two aspects different from each other?

1. Web Design- It refers to both the aesthetic amount of the website and it’s usability. Design programs such as, Adope Photoshop is used to create layout.

2. Web Development- The Web design is then taken, for functioning the website. Programming languages such as, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP are used to bring life the design files.

A web designing services, may use several design principles to get a grip and achieve an formal yet pleasing layout that will also gain excellency. Few of the principles to keep in handy whilst getting thorough with the functioning are;

1. Balance -Creating a balanced layout, by referring to heavy, being dark and large colors, to light, being small and lighter colors. Having used the proper proportion of it, is what makes the layout achieve balance.

2. Contrast -With web design, you get to get on hand with contrast layouts. Designers look at contrasting size, texture and shapes to get a proper picture to draw the attention of certain sections of the website.

3. Emphasis -It basically is a designed principle of certain important elements of the website layout.

Website is the most important component for your company’s marketing plan. WDI is a trusted web development company in india, with professionals having enough knowledge and skills to help form and make a definite piece out of a simple website. The most important part of the website is having formal navigation. Working with right tools and technologies, with reasonable budget and time, they help in securing and providing a good looking website.

WDI, works with collaboration of their thoughts and the customers wants. Use of UI for functionality, with presentable displays that best satisfies the need of the company. A basic process of conceptualizing, planning and building a collection of electronic files into a definite layout of colors, text styles, graphics and images. The team of experts work with the latest technologies, having enough experience in creating high- end software, websites.

With an aim of achieving goals, to provide the best of they have for their customers, they get hands on some emerging tools like,

3. HTML 5/CSS 3
4. Open Source
5. BI Frameworks

Here is the list of top web development companies, for your project.

They provide with Web design and development services, to be able to convert your idea, into one existing and functional website that not only sums up your expectations but as well develops your needed site.

Website Developers India proves to develop high-performance websites for the betterment of your company.

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