digital marketing – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Fri, 20 Jan 2023 11:12:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 digital marketing – WDI Blog 32 32 Mobile App Development for Businesses & Startups Mon, 17 Oct 2022 13:34:22 +0000 The post Mobile App Development for Businesses & Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development

A mobile app is currently the most powerful tool you can own as a startup runner. It can multiply your engagement, expand your customer base, and take your business a level ahead.

In 2022, smartphone users will have long surpassed the number of desktop and laptop owners. Even those who have a laptop also use a smartphone. It has become an inseparable part of people’s lifestyles.

Compared to a laptop, a smartphone is more convenient for the majority of tasks.

Want to take a picture? Pull out your phone.

Want to order food? Just a few taps away.

Want to pay your bills? It’s a piece of cake.

Unless some tasks require high processing power, like animation, VFX, CGI, etc., a smartphone can get all tasks done. Looking at how powerful smartphones are becoming, it will not be long before people will be able to execute high-end tasks on their smartphones as well.

Many people’s smartphones have become the preferred gadget for working, learning, and enjoying life.

There is no better way to dominate the smartphone market than through mobile app development.

A mobile app is the most convenient way to use a smartphone. Yes, even websites can be accessed through a browser, but they are nowhere near the efficiency and features offered by a mobile app.

Here is a comparison between websites and mobile apps.

entrepreneurs plan to feature messaging Apps to there content material strategy

Websites V/S Mobile Apps

Both websites and mobile apps are effective ways to get your business in the digital world. But, there are differences between them which can be deciding factors in the success of a digital startup.

HTML Table Generator
Websites Mobile Apps
Can be accessed on all devices.  Restricted to smartphones. 
Developed keeping desktop and laptop users in mind.   Developed only for smartphone users.
 Inconvenient to use on a smartphone.  More convenient for smartphone users.
 Limited reach.  Higher reach due to more smartphone users.
 Limited features and functionality.  Higher features and functionality
 Require a network connection.  Can be used offline.
 No push notifications.  Can send push notifications.
 Fast as the wind.  Fast as lightning.

1: Accessibility

As websites can be used on all devices with a browser, they have a higher reach compared to mobile apps. But, almost everyone owns a smartphone and this makes the difference even less of a deal.

2: Target Users

Most websites are developed with desktop and laptop users in mind. They can be made responsive to be used on smartphones, but the experience cannot be paralleled with that of desktops.

On the other hand, mobile apps are made solely for smartphone users, making them the perfect way to capture the smartphone market.

3: Convenience

A desktop or laptop has to be booted up to be made useful. This can take up to two minutes.

A smartphone can simply be pulled out of the pocket and used. The convenience is simply incomparable to any other.

4: Limited Reach

As the number of desktop users is very small, the reach of websites is also limited.

A mobile app can reach a larger number of people as the number of smartphone users is multiple times the number of desktop users

5: Limited Features

A website is meant to have faster loading speeds and this comes at the sacrifice of high-end features. Implementing a lot of features leads to the consumption of a lot of data and slow loading speeds.

A mobile app stores most of its data on the user’s device, and it does not have to be downloaded again and again like websites. This allows mobile app developers to implement high-end features

6: Offline Usage

The only offline use you are going to get out of a website is when the webpage is loaded.

Apps are meant to be used while offline unless they cannot function without a network. This allows you to help your users with your services even when they are offline.

7: Push Notifications

One of the biggest advantages a mobile app has over a website is the ability to send push notifications. You can notify your users about your latest offers, product launches, and discounts. This is something that a website cannot do.

8: Speed

The speed of the website is directly proportional to the user’s network speed.

As apps store most of their data like animations and elements on the user’s device, they can work much faster.

Now that you know the benefits you get by developing a mobile app, let us tell you how we can help you get the best mobile app developed for your startup with the latest technology, high-end features, and none of the stress related to it.

We understand that technology can be overwhelming for you. So, we will make the technical decisions for your app and make it as simple as possible for you. 

Here is what you will get by hiring WDI, the leading mobile app development company.


1: Scope Of Work

We understand what you have right now is a basic idea for an app. It could be something like this: I want to display my products on the app for users to buy them.

We will turn your idea into a plan of action. We will take you through the process of building a mobile app from the ground up.

From the signup screen to checkout, all sections of the app will be detailed in the scope of work. We are literally creating a mountain out of a molehill.

We predict where your app will stand in the market and any potential threats it may face. We analyze the competition and figure out ways for your app to stay a step ahead. This is done by our dedicated business analyst team.

We decide the time required for mobile app development, set the date for MVP delivery, and define sprints.

2: Wireframes and Prototype Development

Mobile App Development

Wireframes are the basic structure of your app. They show where each element—button, graphic, text, etc.—will be located. Consider them like a blueprint for your app. They serve as a guide for further developments.

Based on the wireframes, the UI/UX design team creates the prototype.

A prototype is a fully functioning design of your app. It shows in exact detail how the app will look once developed.

You will be kept in touch throughout the process. Mobile app development will take place once the prototype receives your approval. We will make the necessary changes based on your input.

3: UI/UX Design

An attractive design and a seamless user experience are crucial for the success of a mobile app. What is more important is that the design goes hand in hand with your brand identity.

Our UI design team will do in-depth research on your brand, and analyze the color theme, typography, philosophy, etc. to create a design that mirrors your brand.

We will implement the latest trends in UI design to provide a pleasing experience to your users.

After this is done, you just have to wait for the MVP to launch.

4: MVP Development

Mobile App Development

Mobile app development takes a lot of time. We can totally relate to how eager you would be to see your mobile app launched and working.

Developing an MVP(Minimum Viable Product) can cut the wait and get your business running.

An MVP is the most minimalistic version of your app.

The concept of your app will be very broad and will require a ton of time to develop. Our team will analyze the concept and decide the most important factors that are crucial for the app to run. Only those factors are implemented first, and the app is known as an MVP.

The advantage of an MVP is that it can be developed very fast and you do not have to wait for the entire app to be developed.

The remaining features will be released through timely updates.

5: Testing

Mobile App Development

We ensure that every app goes through rigorous testing drills before launch.

Our testing team will scrutinize your app from top to bottom to ensure that everything is perfect before giving it the green light for launch.

6: Sprint Delivery

The MVP is not the final app. There are a plethora of features and functionalities still to be implemented. These features are launched through timely 2-week updates or sprints.

The sprints we defined in the scope of work are brought into action and delivered as planned.

Every two weeks, your users will receive an update on the respective App Stores which they will be able to install.

7: Maintenance

App Development

Once the entire app is launched, it is vulnerable to cyber threats, bugs, and glitches.

The app also has to be made compatible with new system updates; otherwise, it becomes an open playground for hackers. It also has to be updated according to user feedback and the reported bugs have to be fixed.

We provide a dedicated maintenance team that will keep your app up-to-date and ensure that all potential bugs and threats are mitigated and the app runs smoothly as ever.

8: Digital Marketing

Mobile app development is incomplete without the necessary marketing to give it the reach it deserves.

Without marketing, you are throwing your app into a void. Estimates say that almost half of the apps on the App Store have not been downloaded even once. This just screams the importance of the right marketing for a mobile app.

We have a dedicated digital marketing team that will promote your app to the right audience using organic marketing techniques.

Here is what you can opt for under digital marketing:


1: App Store Optimization (ASO)

The App Store and Play Store are where your app is going to stay for its lifetime. So, we make sure they are comfy.

ASO basically helps to rank your app on the respective app stores just like SEO helps to rank websites.

We optimize the app description, images, and videos and make them more engaging, along with inserting the right keywords.

2: Microsite Creation

Mobile App Developemnt

Having a microsite provides added benefits in terms of increasing reach and getting more downloads. With decades of experience in website development, we will create a compact microsite for your app.

Here, visitors will be able to get all the information about the app. Compared to the app stores, a microsite allows for the display of more information, images, and videos about your app. This gives you a bigger opportunity to market your app.

With regular blog posts, we will drive more traffic to your app and answer queries related to the niche of your business

3: Social Media Promotion

In 2022, social media is the best way to get organic reach and get your brand in front of its target audience.

Our dedicated social media marketing team will create attractive and engaging posts with compelling CTAs for your app.

We know the best marketing tactics to get high engagement and interactions.

Social media also provides another way for users to contact you. In the event of any issue, they can message you on your social media accounts.

9: End To End Hand Holding

Our support team will be in contact with you throughout the entire process of mobile app development.

Your feedback and suggestions will be collected during every stage of mobile app development. This will happen through weekly online meetings.

We will also be in touch on Skype, where you can expect an instantaneous response during working hours.

10: Next-Gen Technologies

Mobile App Development

This is what most startups want while developing a mobile app.

With over 21 years of expertise in mobile app development, we have worked with the most advanced technologies.

We have dedicated teams working on Flutter, Laravel, React Native, etc. Do not be confused by these names. We will research and figure out the best technology for your requirements.

At WDI, we have worked on multiple types of apps like PWA, Hybrid, and Native. Our team will figure out the perfect type of app based on your needs and objectives.

How to Get Started

Getting your app developed by WDI is as simple as it gets. All you have to do is contact us, share your idea, and we will take it from there.

You do not have to stress about complex technologies or the mobile app development process. Our team will do all the work and provide you with the simplest of solutions.

We will be a part of the journey, and every sprint will begin only after your approval.

Build your app with us WDI

The post Mobile App Development for Businesses & Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.

5 Reasons Why a Business Needs Digital Marketing Mon, 06 Aug 2018 11:31:43 +0000 Hiring a digital marketing expert? If not, you should. A digital marketing company is key to online marketing. They have the expertise to advertise your business on many platforms. And you need them. Because digital marketing itself is necessary in today’s business world. If you don’t know why, then no worries. Below, we’ll mention 5 … Continue reading "5 Reasons Why a Business Needs Digital Marketing"

The post 5 Reasons Why a Business Needs Digital Marketing appeared first on WDI Blog.

Hiring a digital marketing expert? If not, you should.

A digital marketing company is key to online marketing. They have the expertise to advertise your business on many platforms.

And you need them. Because digital marketing itself is necessary in today’s business world.

If you don’t know why, then no worries. Below, we’ll mention 5 reasons why a business needs digital marketing.

Hopefully, this should help you conquer your online marketing skepticism.

Looking for expansion? Go Online Now! Try Our Digital Marketing Services!

#1 – It Helps You Setup an Online Store.

If you have an offline business, you can now expand a branch online.

You can setup a website to take orders or service others. And that platform is accessible to all, regardless of location.

You can sell a lot online. You can provide consulting services, freelancing jobs, or even sell physical merchandise.

You can provide delivery by address, or delivery to email.

But – Selling Online Requires Digital Marketing.

How else will you get orders online?

You need to know how to redirect customers to your businesses. And that’s not something you do with offline marketing.

You can’t provide immediate-click hyperlinks on flyers. And it’s hard advertising a website through post signs and billboards.

Potential customers will forget your online address. And they’ll forget they even saw your ad.

The solution is to market online. You do so with backlinks that redirect your ads to your website.

And from there, you do your sales pitch.

#2 – It Helps Your Business Stay Afloat.

Without online marketing, you lose out on a huge market share.

There’s less consumers for you to target. And the consumers you want to target have their attentions elsewhere.

You see, most people today get their information online. They read their news online. And their new TVs are subscribed YouTube Channels.

You need ads that target your customers’ online consumption. Because that’s where they spend most of their day.

Who Reads Paper Ads These Days?

Almost no one.

Why pick up a bulky newspaper when you have a tablet next to your bed for a read?

Why watch TV ads, when you’re online most of the time watching videos?

Also, does anyone read magazines these days? Because as far as we see, magazines are turning into a niche business.

They serve a minority that still likes to look through catalogs and pictures. And pictures are plenty online.

So you see, no one reads paper ads. More and more of your market are flocking online. And that’s where you must be.

And speaking of paper ads….

#3 – Digital Marketing is Cheaper than Offline Marketing.

With digital marketing, you pay per click. You pay for actual conversions and people clicking on your ads.

But offline, you pay for limited physical space. And there’s no guarantee how many people are picking up paper mediums to read your ads.

Offline, you pay money in hope that someone sees you. But online, you pay money only when someone sees you.

It’s cheaper. But more importantly, it’s a more effective advertising method. Because every dime you pay has a higher chance of gaining you a client.

So with online marketing, expect to slash your ad budget.

#4 – You Can Export Marketing Internationally.

And you can do that for cheap.

For example, look at a country like India. They’re world leaders in the tech field, and SEO services India are often sought after.

You can contract Indian marketers online for a variety of jobs. You can get a web development company India. Or you can hire a website developer in India!

You have an open buffet of online digital marketers. And that’s one of the beauties of online marketing.

#5 – There’s Room for Perfection.

Analytics are a big part of digital marketing.

With Analytics, you keep track of many advertising metrics. You can see traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and much more.

You can test ads and see which are the most effective. And you get hard numbers to prove effective from faulty ads.

Again, that’s not something you see offline.

With a magazine, you can’t guarantee that your ad writing is effective. You need to hire an expensive agency to do the trial and error for you.

Not to mention, testing offline ads takes time and meticulous work. And you do that manually.

It’s Time to Start Digital Marketing!

You need to setup an online presence. You need a website to redirect your marketing efforts to.

A company that can help you is Website Developers India. They have experience setting up easy to read and responsive websites, getting you high conversions in short notice!

Visit: Top Digital Marketing Agencies For Small Businesses

The post 5 Reasons Why a Business Needs Digital Marketing appeared first on WDI Blog.

The Importance Of Positive Brand Image | Setting A Whole New Perception Of Quality & Marketing Tue, 18 Nov 2014 06:14:59 +0000 A brand is usually taken to mean a product or even an individual that is well recognized, consistent and scalable, both in the literal and intangible context. Any brand brings up a plethora of images in the minds of customers or target audiences.

The post The Importance Of Positive Brand Image | Setting A Whole New Perception Of Quality & Marketing appeared first on WDI Blog.

Importance of a Positive Brand Image

Quick Summary

Branding makes a trademark impression on your consumers and allows your customer, to know what they need to expect from your brand. The use of such an understanding helps in differentiating you from the competitors, giving a much clearer understanding to your customers of what you offer, making you a better choice for them. There involves a wide range of areas and ways to develop your brand that also includes advertising, social responsibilities, visuals, customer services, etc. All of these elements work together in one accord to create one unique attention-grabbing profile. We’re going to open a plethora of ways on how you can easily work on your Brand Image for Great Success with the help of the right Digital Marketing & Product Development Company!

What Is Branding?

Brands are essentially patterns of familiarity, meaning, fondness, and reassurance that exist in the minds of people.

– Tom Goodwin

Branding can be explained to you in many forms and shapes.

If we go as per what Google has to say then,
“It is a marketing practice of creating a symbol, name or design that recognises and distinguishes a product from other products”.

If we go as per what the Dictionary has to say then, 

“The promoting of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand.”

A brand can mean anything. It can be a product that is famously used by people or an individual who is recognised and famously known amongst people. This brand brings up a plethora of images in the minds of customers or target audiences.

WDI works with their team of experts and Digital Marketers with an impression of changing your business from “Something” to “WOW”.

What Should You Know About Positive Brand Image?

Brand image is formed in the minds of customers, depending on their experience and the right sense of interaction involved with the brand, basically the whole perception of customers about a particular brand. When we talk about interactions, it does not involve just the whole buying or using a certain product or service. It is way beyond that. It can occur in different ways and forms that you may not even be aware of.

For a positive brand image, the product range and its services are all associated with a company that seems to be just the perfect fit. Along with being a perfect fit, you also need to keep in mind brand advertising and packaging along with customer service. Consistency and reliability need to be hand in hand along with the need for it to be projected in the right manner for the desired clientele or target audience.

A positive brand image is important, as more than 90% of all purchase decisions taken by customers these days are based on brand image and nothing else. It is not just about getting any particular product or service but also accessing a brand’s reputation, prestige, perceived goodwill, and quality as a whole. The customers ask about these intangible qualities during the whole buying process, and here is where proper brand advertising plays a very important part.

Why Is It Important?

A good definition of brand strategy is the considered intent for the positive role a company wants to play in the lives of the people it serves and the communities around it.
Neil Parker

Maintaining a strong brand image is a lot more important than you can even imagine. The image it carries in front of your customer plays a huge impact in choosing your brand for their benefit. You wouldn’t go for a bucket of yummy juicy Kentucky Chicken if it ain’t “Finger-Lickin’ Good”. That’s right, KFC! This goes far beyond a sale, it is more about the emotions you get from your customers. If it’s no smile, trust me. You’re losing loads of profit. By increasing the image of your brand and boosting customer relationships, you can easily work on creating an enduring effect on your buyers as well as being open to new opportunities for your company. Let’s understand the importance of building an effective Brand Image.

1. First Impression Is The Last Impression

The famous saying can never go wrong, irrespective of it being for any subject. The brand image of your company is the very perception of your brand that is laid in front of customers. This perception is created on accounts of the interactions of the customer that have previous experience with your company. Creating a high-quality experience right from the start will play the part really well for you.


2. Creates A Solid Recognition

You can easily recognize the difference between an original brand by the logo and name if you’re familiar with and are a fan of it. For example, Reebok is the original brand name and Rebok being the fake. You can probably spot a can of Coca-Cola from afar too. All this is because the brand in itself has created its own recognition with really great digital marketing, which includes service for identifying proper channels to showcase your brand, etc.


3. Increase Your Business Value

A strongly established brand helps in the increase of business value simply by giving the company a lot more support in the industry. This is, in turn, helps in giving greater investment opportunity due it to its strong established place in the marketplace. What is the result? Well, this incorporates the reputation and the value that comes along with the investment opportunity. Building this strong reputation translates into greater value, that further influences, becomes a price premium or mindshare for your customers.


4. Creates A Bond & Trust Within The Marketplace

Your brand’s reputation eventually sums up the amount of trust gained amongst your clients. The more trust your brand gains, the better the perception of it remains. The stronger its reputation, the fancier it becomes for your company. Branding fetches for the right way in terms of earning and maintaining a selected amount of level of trust between you and the stakeholders. How is this done? Simply, by establishing an attainable and realistic promise that levels the brand in the market and later delivers what’s promised.


Having a strong image of your brand can deliver benefits for your company. And, let’s be real. Every company works hard and invests its efforts to build a strong brand image, as it proves to be very helpful in fulfilling the motives and objectives of one business. Few other benefits of having a positive brand image are given below:

It Gets Easier to Introduce New Products Within a Brand Name.

  • Your brand can introduce new products, and still, be famous. The cause of it is your company’s name and fame.

You Get New Customers Attracted Towards the Products and Services You Provide

  • When your brand has a well to do image, it can attract as many people as it can through different products at any time.

Tends to Develop a Better Business-Customer Relationship

  • A strong bond is what both the company as well as the customer receive in this process. While sharing your brand with the help of Digital Marketing Services, the company tends to interact with the crowd through different sources.

Brand Image Commands a Price Premium

  • Why would someone opt-in to pay their life savings for a branded product than a local one? They are virtually the same product at the end of the day, with exceptional options and accessories. That’s because a strong brand image positions you in the minds of your customers.

Sets a Different Perception of Quality

  • Simply put, “You get what you pay for”.

What if I told you that 89% of B2B marketers say brand awareness is the most important goal, followed by sales and lead generation? Well, it’s true. Content Marketing Institution has stated this very fact and many marketers have implemented it for their brand. This might have creeped you out, but we can spare you the horror! Website Developers are on a spree with their clients like Sattva Connect, working on their brands for a really great outcome. We’re all set to begin a new plan for a BRAND new client like you.

How Can A Digital Marketing & Product Development Company Help In Building It?

Branding can make any companies product sell for more than a dollars value. You can be a vegetable vendor or an eCommerce business operating globally. Whoever you are, if your business is recognized as a brand, it has the potential to sell at an astonishingly high price. How can a business build a brand? Businesses with deep pockets and access to global resources can build a brand they wish. But, how about a small business? Let’s look into a few safe and branding strategies from the eye of a Digital Marketing Services that you can learn and undertake.

1. Multi-Channel Marketing

An average customer uses 5-6 apps daily. These apps include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, etc. Besides these, there are also emails and text messages which are also apps. The use of Digital Marketing Services acts as a combined medium that reached your customers on these channels.

2. The Power Of Virality

“A brand is not built overnight”. You might have heard this saying many times before. Perhaps, it’s true! Success is measured in decades and not in years. It is created in years and not minutes. But, with the help of the right marketing team, it’s just a matter of a few hours to get on the right track for a matter of great Virality. One of the stellar benefits of digital marketing is that it gives this virality to posts.

3. Evergreen Content

Don’t randomly market your content, educate your customers. Your customers should be able to make an informed and direct decision that has a multiplier effect. Your customers start to feel under control and more empowered to take the very decision on purchasing or trusting your brand. A digital marketing company help in educating customers with the help of the right Content Marketing which is the most critical part of Digital Marketing. Such content helps businesses generate more leads without even having to incur serious expenditures for paid advertising.

4. Benefiting You With DevOps Implementation

Gaining steam in recent years with more and more businesses considering DevOps Implementation have drastically changed and prioritized development & operations for them. There are numerous advantages in collaboration with DevOps

No, wait! That’s not it. There’s a lot more that goes in there. We just don’t want to break the ice yet! Digital Marketing  & Product Development consists of many other factors, technologies, and tools that only an experienced Digital Marketing team can help you with.

Wish to know more about these marketing services? You can read more about it on our Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide blog.

Website Developers India, with a team of experts possessing innovative ideas and knowledge for you, own a leading Digital Marketing Company with a proven track record of combining brand, demand, and event channels to deliver outstanding results for our B2B and technology clients. Designed to promote your brand image, our approach generates leads, shortens sales cycles, and accelerates business growth. Wish to know more? You know just the right partner to contact!

In our second series of Product Branding, we’re going to explain all about the positives of DevOps Development and the benefits it holds in a positive brand image. Stay Tuned!

The post The Importance Of Positive Brand Image | Setting A Whole New Perception Of Quality & Marketing appeared first on WDI Blog.

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