seo services india – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Tue, 18 Apr 2023 05:38:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 seo services india – WDI Blog 32 32 Do Accelerated Mobile Pages affect SEO? Wed, 08 May 2019 11:50:58 +0000 As a marketer, simply investing in mobile optimization for your website won't be enough, if you wish to stay on top of the trend. Mobile device users spend hours a day on their phone, they most certainly won't navigate your content if your interface is slow-loading, clunky and not finger-friendly.

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As a marketer, simply investing in mobile optimization for your website won’t be enough, if you wish to stay on top of the trend. Mobile device users spend hours a day on their phone, they most certainly won’t navigate your content if your interface is slow-loading, clunky and not finger-friendly.

Do Accelerated Mobile Pages affect SEO?Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is out and has been speculated to have two benefits for SEO.

  1. It will have a fast label designation on search engine result pages.
  2. It will be a ranking factor.

Let us now get through

amp-list: download data and create a list

amp-live-list: update content in real time

amp-app-banner: fixed banner what exactly AMP is and how you can use it to benefit your site’s mobile visitors.

What do you mean by AMP?

They are basically an open-source coding standard for publishers. The aim for AMP is for publishers to be able to load their sites quickly with the help of their mobile since mobile responsive could be clunky and slow as the desktop resources are heavier and plenty.

AMP was just for User Experience. Now, Google has backed it up and is further encouraging websites to follow suit. They have essentially stripped down HTML copies of existing webpage content that offer faster load times than standard HTML5 documents. Websites can serve AMP pages by implementing the rel=amphtml tag into their HTML. These pages with AMP code contain a three-step AMP configuration, which are:

– JS

Used to fetch resources and stripped down to eliminate unnecessary rendering


A stripped down and unique markup of traditional HTML code with unique tags


An optimized network designed to cache pages and adapt the same to AMP code.

Accelerated Mobile Pages also reduces the need for additional CSS requests and terminates certain on-page, including bulky pictures, CTAs in many other cases and much more backend code. Primarily, AMP speeds up webpage load times more than a second of total load speed by enabling AMP caching. AMP documents can also be pulled from the AMP library directly off from its original server. The AMP library consists of a document with AMP HTML and AMP JS.

Few of the things that helped to make AMP faster are :

– Critical rendering path flows better

– Experience had fewer requests, especially images

– It is designed to deal with JavaScript failing

– Extensions and embeds do not block rendering page layout

– CSS is limited to 50 kilobytes, AMP allows 50,000 characters of inline CSS

– Fonts require zero HTTP requests

– Intelligent resources prioritization optimizes downloads.

Why is AMP important?

Ever tried to load your site on mobile? Does the speed satisfy you? Loading of the site in desktop takes long even when the speed of your internet connection is fast. But what about your mobile?

Browsing on mobile while you are on the go will mean that your internet speed is not always fast. It is best to optimize the experience of mobile browsing for all users by standardizing a mobile version of your site with AMP.

AMP proves to be important because it simply helps web pages load faster. This potentially improves usability and convinces visitors to stay longer on your site engaging with your content. The logic for this is quite simple. Faster load time leads to a better and greater engagement, which further reduces bounce rate and improves mobile ranking.

However, Accelerated Mobile Pages does not improve engagement on its own. It does not make your content more useful or entertaining. If the load time is perfect, but the content is bad, your SERPs won’t increase due to a higher bounce rate. It has the potential to make your visitors happy, which means a lot more to Google. Pleasing Google helps with higher rankings, gives you more traffic and increases your revenue.

Web design company would have the need to use these pages for the benefit and greater rates of their websites, dragging in more traffic to their websites.

How to customize AMP?

The use of Google Search Console or your HTML can optimize AMP code to make them more customizable and trackable. Webmasters can further update their AMP cache by using the “Update-cache” request.

Few of those examples of how the customization needs to be done for your AMP HTML document are :

– amp-pixel: tracking pixel

– amp-animation: add animations

– amp-access: paywall access

– amp-dynamic-CSS-classes: dynamic CSS elements

– gtag.js tag implementation allows for events tracking across Google Ads and searches console

– amp-iframe: display an iframe

– amp- access-later pay: integrates with LaterPay

– amp-list: download data and create a list

– amp-live-list: update content in real time

– amp-app-banner: fixed banner

What are the SEO benefits of AMP?

While AMP pages enrich the mobile user experience, it can also be a huge benefit to your marketing and your SEO. How can that be done, given below are the reasons why:

  1. The main reason why AMP content will get an SEO boost is that the pages show up on the Google news carousel. Being featured as AMP pages means giving more attention. You can also be sure that as more and more companies sign up to publish their content, that amount of importance will be for you to be on the AMP network.
  2. Longer the loading time, greater and major is the factor in your SERP ranking. Your average mobile user won’t wait for more than six seconds for a page to load. The faster your page, the higher is your ranking and greater is the content seen. AMP pages will give articles a boost in results.
  3. Not only will speed have your readers staying on your page for longer, but it will also help reduce your bounce rate. While it may not be the most important SEO ranking factor a low bounce rate helps validate to search engines that your pages offer and what your audience finds helpful.

SEO services in India can benefit from these pages with some really powerful benefits, improved site speed, better user experience, and more revenue.  

Visit: Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies To Boost Sales In 2020 – Top eCommerce Marketing Agencies

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How Can You Build Links For Your Website? Link Building 101! Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:42:04 +0000 Whether you are brand new to link building or have been doing it for a long time, we are sure you will find something useful in this content. If we look forward towards the landscape of SEO and link building, we find it always changing. Today, the importance of building high- quality links has never been lower, but also has not raise than what it used to be.

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Whether you are brand new to link building or have been doing it for a long time, we are sure you will find something useful in this content. If we look forward towards the landscape of SEO and link building, we find it always changing. Today, the importance of building high- quality links has never been lower, but also has not raise than what it used to be.

As a link-builder, you need to understand and implement high-quality campaigns. These campaigns prove to be essential if only you are going to compete and thrive online, which is not going to change any time sooner.

How Can You Build Links For Your Websites?

Definition for building links

– It is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other different sites to your own. A hyperlink on the other side is a way for every user to navigate between pages on the internet. Those hyperlinks are than being used by search engines to crawl the web. They will crawl the links between the individual pages on your website and crawl between other entire websites.

How can link building benefit your business?

1. Building Strong Relationship
– It often involves outreach to other relevant websites and blogs. This outreach relates to the promotion of something, that you have just created, maybe as a piece of content or an infographic.

2. Sending Referral Traffic
– If you own yourself good links from a highly-visited website. Then those links can further lead to an increase in traffic as too. If in case it is a relevant website, then most likely chances are, that the traffic is also relevant and may lead to an increase in sales, as well.

3. Brand Building
– Good link building can help in branding and establishing your product as well. Content marketing, one of the few link building techniques can help you with such branding.

SEO and Link Building.

– Two ways why search engines use link building for:

1. To discover new web pages
2. To help determine about the rankings of a page.

Once search engine have crawled pages on the web, they can extract the content of those pages and add it to their indexes. This way they can decide if that certain page is of sufficient quality to be ranked or no. The more high-quality websites that link to you, the more likely you are to rank well in search results.

What are the different types of link building?

Besides the usual link building, there are also unatural links that you would need to know. Few of those links are :

– Links for Link
– Money for Link
– Goods or Services for link
– Guest Posting
– Automatically Generated Links
– Widget Links
– Advertorials
– Articles and Commercial Anchor Text
– Web- Directory Links
– Sitewide Links
– Blogroll Links
– Forum and Blog Comments

What are the link building strategies?

1. Get to know about your audience
– Who are your audience?
– What do they want?

2. Make a list of websites, that attract your audience
– What would my audience expect from my website?
– How can i draw the eye of every audience to my website.

3. Write an amazing content
– What sort of content would my audience read?
– Would my content be upto the mark.

4. Match content to website
– Does my website and the content match ?
– Can my audience relate to the content, keeping in mind about the website.

5. Use Social Media
– What sort of media can help me bond with my audience.
– How often do i need to use social media.

For a better understanding about how link building can help you acheive milestone, get your hands on the best Web Development Company in India. These companies will help you with building, maintaining and engaging with your current as well as future customers.

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Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Conversions Thu, 29 Nov 2018 13:53:41 +0000 What does landing page conversion mean? – A specific page on a website, design and created for the visitors that helps with marketing reference, designed specifically to achieve a marketing outcome. – There are different types of landing pages, namely; 1. landing page, integrated into the site’s structure 2. landing page, particularly created for a … Continue reading "Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Conversions"

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What does landing page conversion mean?

– A specific page on a website, design and created for the visitors that helps with marketing reference, designed specifically to achieve a marketing outcome.

– There are different types of landing pages, namely;

1. landing page, integrated into the site’s structure
2. landing page, particularly created for a campaign
3. Tabbed landing page or microsite.

The process of understanding how to make the landing page effective is to know the complete range of places the visitors may originate. Three main origins that need designing for the landing page to adjust.

1. Online media placements- By a click-through, visitors will find it easier for online referers like a search engine, online ad, affiliate sign or e-mail campaign.

2. Offline media placements- These offline ads or direct mail may have a specific campaign URL.

3. Visitors that navigate from elsewhere on the site- They do not use it as a landing page, but still need to be accommodated, if a deep linking strategy is used.


Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Conversions


For better converting landing pages,

1. Display of all the critical elements of an effective landing page

– A headline and maybe for other reasons. a sub-headline
– A brief description that talks about the offer, clearly talking about its value
– At least one supporting image
– Supporting elements like testimonials or security badges.
– A form to capture a visitor’s information.

2. Headline of the landing page and its call to action(CTA) should match

– If the visitors click on the CTA for a free offer but find a catch on the landing page, you will lose their trust that every time. Vice versa, if the headline reads differently from that of the CTA it might lead to confusion and doubt for the visitors, wondering if the CTA is linked to the wrong page.

– Keeping the headline clear and clean.

3. Less is more.

– A cluttered page usually results with a lot of confusion and distraction for the visitors. Keep the text and images on the page simple and to-the-point.

4. Give more stress on the offer’s value.

– Mark up the benefits of the offer with a brief paragraph or maybe a few bullets works.

– For example, “includes specifications of products XYZ,

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5 Reasons Why a Business Needs Digital Marketing Mon, 06 Aug 2018 11:31:43 +0000 Hiring a digital marketing expert? If not, you should. A digital marketing company is key to online marketing. They have the expertise to advertise your business on many platforms. And you need them. Because digital marketing itself is necessary in today’s business world. If you don’t know why, then no worries. Below, we’ll mention 5 … Continue reading "5 Reasons Why a Business Needs Digital Marketing"

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Hiring a digital marketing expert? If not, you should.

A digital marketing company is key to online marketing. They have the expertise to advertise your business on many platforms.

And you need them. Because digital marketing itself is necessary in today’s business world.

If you don’t know why, then no worries. Below, we’ll mention 5 reasons why a business needs digital marketing.

Hopefully, this should help you conquer your online marketing skepticism.

Looking for expansion? Go Online Now! Try Our Digital Marketing Services!

#1 – It Helps You Setup an Online Store.

If you have an offline business, you can now expand a branch online.

You can setup a website to take orders or service others. And that platform is accessible to all, regardless of location.

You can sell a lot online. You can provide consulting services, freelancing jobs, or even sell physical merchandise.

You can provide delivery by address, or delivery to email.

But – Selling Online Requires Digital Marketing.

How else will you get orders online?

You need to know how to redirect customers to your businesses. And that’s not something you do with offline marketing.

You can’t provide immediate-click hyperlinks on flyers. And it’s hard advertising a website through post signs and billboards.

Potential customers will forget your online address. And they’ll forget they even saw your ad.

The solution is to market online. You do so with backlinks that redirect your ads to your website.

And from there, you do your sales pitch.

#2 – It Helps Your Business Stay Afloat.

Without online marketing, you lose out on a huge market share.

There’s less consumers for you to target. And the consumers you want to target have their attentions elsewhere.

You see, most people today get their information online. They read their news online. And their new TVs are subscribed YouTube Channels.

You need ads that target your customers’ online consumption. Because that’s where they spend most of their day.

Who Reads Paper Ads These Days?

Almost no one.

Why pick up a bulky newspaper when you have a tablet next to your bed for a read?

Why watch TV ads, when you’re online most of the time watching videos?

Also, does anyone read magazines these days? Because as far as we see, magazines are turning into a niche business.

They serve a minority that still likes to look through catalogs and pictures. And pictures are plenty online.

So you see, no one reads paper ads. More and more of your market are flocking online. And that’s where you must be.

And speaking of paper ads….

#3 – Digital Marketing is Cheaper than Offline Marketing.

With digital marketing, you pay per click. You pay for actual conversions and people clicking on your ads.

But offline, you pay for limited physical space. And there’s no guarantee how many people are picking up paper mediums to read your ads.

Offline, you pay money in hope that someone sees you. But online, you pay money only when someone sees you.

It’s cheaper. But more importantly, it’s a more effective advertising method. Because every dime you pay has a higher chance of gaining you a client.

So with online marketing, expect to slash your ad budget.

#4 – You Can Export Marketing Internationally.

And you can do that for cheap.

For example, look at a country like India. They’re world leaders in the tech field, and SEO services India are often sought after.

You can contract Indian marketers online for a variety of jobs. You can get a web development company India. Or you can hire a website developer in India!

You have an open buffet of online digital marketers. And that’s one of the beauties of online marketing.

#5 – There’s Room for Perfection.

Analytics are a big part of digital marketing.

With Analytics, you keep track of many advertising metrics. You can see traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and much more.

You can test ads and see which are the most effective. And you get hard numbers to prove effective from faulty ads.

Again, that’s not something you see offline.

With a magazine, you can’t guarantee that your ad writing is effective. You need to hire an expensive agency to do the trial and error for you.

Not to mention, testing offline ads takes time and meticulous work. And you do that manually.

It’s Time to Start Digital Marketing!

You need to setup an online presence. You need a website to redirect your marketing efforts to.

A company that can help you is Website Developers India. They have experience setting up easy to read and responsive websites, getting you high conversions in short notice!

Visit: Top Digital Marketing Agencies For Small Businesses

The post 5 Reasons Why a Business Needs Digital Marketing appeared first on WDI Blog.

Lay Focus On Digital Marketing And Web Development Fri, 09 Feb 2018 10:05:13 +0000 The digital or ‘internet’ platform has enhanced and has taken over the traditional modes of communication. Marketing has always been an important facet, and any organization cannot do without marketing their products or services. While the importance of marketing remains the same, the medium to do so has seen a shift. The digital platform is base … Continue reading "Lay Focus On Digital Marketing And Web Development"

The post Lay Focus On Digital Marketing And Web Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

The digital or ‘internet’ platform has enhanced and has taken over the traditional modes of communication. Marketing has always been an important facet, and any organization cannot do without marketing their products or services. While the importance of marketing remains the same, the medium to do so has seen a shift. The digital platform is base for all marketing activities with various benefits. The reach and frequency of the message can be calculated quickly and based on these statistics, one can conclude. However, every company must take help from an excellent digital agency for all such digital marketing and
web development needs.

Is your website optimized to generate enough leads - Get a free website analysis

Focus On Web Development  First

With so many brands and companies taking to the online platform, it has become challenging to create a unique space in consumer’s minds. The competition has increased, and that means one must focus considerably on the web development. The first step is to have a great website which will carry all relevant information about the brand/company. The digital platform has enough space for creativity, and any message that stands unique has more chances to get noticed. The case is quite similar when we talk about websites. A website that looks engaging has all information and is easy to use is ideal. You would need to update it quite frequently for smooth communication to yield good results. One must look for an experienced web development company in India, as the country is relatively a new market space. Therefore, get in touch with the team at Web developers India as they will be able to get you through with their communication.

Digital Marketing For The Win

When we talk about the digital marketing services, there are two relevant terms that we must know: Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. SEO in simple words is a procedure that helps generate views organically on the website. The SEO practice uses specific keywords and targets in a way that the numbers of visitors on a website increase. These results appear on the search engine pages. It is the unpaid and organic way of generating more views. On the other hand, Search Engine Marketing is a paid form, wherein the aim is to increase views and visits on a website. When you browse through, you will spot various ads on the search engine pages. Each time a visitor clicks on the ad, it navigates them to the website, and that is how the views increase. These are a few online marketing services that are crucial and go a long way in making a company/brand famous online.

digital marketing companiesMobile Application Development

Mobile phones have become an import mode of communication, and the applications are what make communication easy. Brands must develop applications that are visually attractive and work smoothly. The digital agencies can help with mobile app development and related services for effective communication that brings desired results.

Digital marketing has a long way to go, and brands must make optimum use of it.

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