Mobile App Developement – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Tue, 18 Jul 2023 09:58:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mobile App Developement – WDI Blog 32 32 What’s New in Mobile App Development? Thu, 17 Nov 2022 14:16:35 +0000 The post What’s New in Mobile App Development? appeared first on WDI Blog.

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Mobile apps are booming, and mobile app development has seen many new trends and innovations in the past few years. From design changes to hardware improvements, mobile apps have experienced a lot of growth.

Consumer demands, new problems, advancements in technology, and software innovations are some of the factors that play a role in giving rise to new trends in mobile app development.

Hundreds of apps are launched daily, and hundreds of new smartphones are launched every year. This makes it crucial for startups and businesses to stay updated with the latest trends so that they understand market demands and can create the perfect app.

Not keeping up-to-date with the current trends and failing to keep up with technology is one of the major reasons why even most established businesses fail.

Today, technology is changing faster than ever, making it difficult for startups to keep track of the latest developments. However, if you are not abreast with the latest trends, your app has a high risk of going obsolete or failing after launch.

To make it easier for you, WDI has created a list of the latest trends in mobile app development. If you follow these trends and implement them in your mobile app, the chances of your app being successful go up substantially.

1: Foldable Apps

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Foldable smartphones are going to be the next big thing in 2023.

What started as a high-end, flagship smartphone is now accessible to more people as midrange foldable smartphones are launched.

Soon enough, foldable smartphones will become a common sight.

With a large number of people using foldable phones, mobile app developers are going to develop apps that are compatible with these phones. Apps that can expand and stretch themselves based on the screen size.

When it comes to watching content or reading something, people will prefer to use the larger screen. Having your apps fluid enough to adapt to the screen size is the key to success here.

With foldable phones becoming more affordable in the coming years, the number of people using them will increase, making it a necessity to develop apps that are compatible with these devices.

2: 5G Compatibility

The 5G network is the next generation of wireless technology, and it promises faster speeds, lower latency, and more reliability than ever before.

This means that 5G will have a major impact on mobile app development.

One of the most exciting things about 5G is the potential for new and innovative apps that simply would not be possible with current 4G technology. For example, high-resolution streaming video and augmented reality are two areas that could see major advancements with 5G.

Of course, not all 5G apps will be new and innovative. In many cases, 5G will simply allow existing apps to function better. For example, a 5G network could finally make real-time multiplayer gaming a reality.

No matter what type of app you are developing, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest 5G trends. This way, you can make sure your app is ready for the future of mobile technology.

3: AR & VR

Now that we are talking about AR and VR, why not discuss them further?

There is no doubt that mobile app development trends are always changing and evolving. This is especially true when it comes to new and emerging technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

AR and VR are both technologies that are quickly gaining popularity in the mobile app development world. AR allows users to interact with digital content in a real-world environment, while VR allows users to immerse themselves in a completely digital environment.

Both AR and VR have a lot of potentials when it comes to mobile app development.

AR can be used to create interactive and informative apps that can be used in a variety of settings, while VR can be used to create immersive and interactive experiences that can be used for entertainment or educational purposes.

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to developing AR and VR apps.

First, it is important to make sure that the content is well-suited for the specific platform.

Second, it is important to keep in mind that both AR and VR require a lot of processing power, so it is important to make sure that the app is optimized for the specific device.

Overall, AR and VR are two of the most exciting and promising technologies in the mobile app development world. These technologies have a lot of potentials to change the way that we interact with mobile apps and the world around us.

4: Smartwatches

Smartwatches have become increasingly popular as they offer a convenient way to stay connected and track fitness goals.

While many traditional watchmakers have been slow to embrace this new category, a number of smartphone brands like Samsung, Google, and Apple have released their own takes on the smartwatch.

The most popular smartwatches on the market today are the Apple Watch, Samsung Gear, and Android Wear. These devices all offer a variety of features that allow users to stay connected and track their fitness. For example, the Apple Watch includes built-in GPS and cellular connectivity, while the Samsung Gear has a heart rate monitor and the ability to track sleep.

As the popularity of smartwatches continues to grow, it is likely that we will see even more innovative features and applications being developed for these devices. For example, we may see the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) into smartwatches, which would provide a new way for users to interact with their surroundings.

Additionally, we may see the development of new health-tracking features, such as the ability to monitor blood pressure or glucose levels.

People are now able to take their calls, see their notifications, manage their appointments, etc. with just their smartwatch without having to touch their phone.

In the future, people will do most of their work with just their smart watches.

If you are not planning to develop or expand your app for the smartwatch universe, you will lag behind your competition.

Just imagine the increased reach you can get by making your app accessible on your client’s wrist.

No matter what the future holds, it is clear that smartwatches are here to stay and will continue to be one of the most popular mobile app development trends in the years to come.


5: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

By 2021, the global AI market is expected to go beyond half a trillion dollars. This increase in AI investment is driven by the promise of AI to revolutionize mobile apps across a wide range of industries.

Here are four ways AI has been implemented in mobile apps.

1: Chatbots

One of the most popular applications of AI in mobile apps is chatbots. Chatbots are computer programs that mimic human conversation. They can be used to provide customer service, promote products and services, and even entertain users.

2: Voice Recognition

Another popular use of AI in mobile apps is voice recognition. This technology is being used to create virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa. These assistants can perform tasks like setting alarms, sending messages, and adding items to a shopping list.

3: Photo Editing

Photo editing apps have made excellent use of AI to make complex tasks like removing backgrounds, enhancing photos, and changing colors a piece of cake.

4: Hyper-Personalization

AI is also being used to create more personalized user experiences. For example, some apps are now using AI to track a user’s location and preferences in order to provide them with relevant recommendations.

Regardless of the type of app you are trying to build, AI can help you provide an effortless UX and make complex tasks easier.

As mobile app developers, we can say that AI is the most popular demand we get for mobile app development.

6: Machine Learning (ML)

ML is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data and improve their accuracy over time. This technology is being used in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and retail.

Healthcare apps are using ML to predict patient outcomes, diagnose diseases, and recommend treatments.

Finance apps are using ML to identify fraud and prevent money laundering.

Retail apps are using ML to recommend products and personalize the shopping experience.

The use of ML in mobile apps is still in its early stages. However, it has the potential to revolutionize the way apps are developed and used. ML-based apps will become more accurate and reliable over time, making them more useful and valuable to users.

If you want your app to be future-ready, AI and ML are two things you must look into and try to implement.

7: Blockchain

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Blockchain is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions. This makes it an ideal platform for developing mobile apps that require secure data storage and transactions.

There are a number of advantages that blockchain offers for mobile app development. Here are some of them.

1: Security
Firstly, it is highly secure and resistant to hacking. This is due to the fact that the blockchain is a distributed database, meaning that there is no central point of failure that can be exploited by hackers.

2: Transparency
Blockchain is transparent, meaning that all transactions are publicly visible and verifiable. This makes it an ideal platform for developing apps that require transparent and trustworthy data.

3: Tamper-proof
Blockchain is tamper-proof, meaning that once data is entered into the blockchain it cannot be altered or deleted. This is ideal for developing apps that require immutable data, such as financial apps.

4: Speed
Blockchain is fast and scalable, meaning that it can handle a large number of transactions without a slowdown.

Overall, blockchain is a highly secure, transparent, and tamper-proof platform that offers a number of advantages for mobile app development.

If you are planning to develop an app that deals with heavy transactions, blockchain technology is something you should try to implement in your mobile app development.

8: IoT

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    • IoT refers to the growing trend of interconnected devices and objects, all of which can communicate with each other and exchange data.

This is made possible by the use of sensors, which can detect and collect data about the surrounding environment.

This data can then be transmitted to a central server, where it can be analyzed and used to control the devices and objects.

The potential applications of IoT are virtually limitless.

For example, imagine you are a manufacturer of smart thermostats. With IoT, you could develop a mobile app that would allow your customers to remotely control their thermostats, as well as receive data about energy usage and indoor temperature. This would give your customers greater control over their energy usage and help you to improve your product.

IoT is also being used in the healthcare industry to develop apps that can monitor patients’ vital signs and provide real-time data to doctors. This can be used to improve the quality of care and make sure that patients receive the treatment they need in a timely manner.

There are many other potential applications of the IoT, and it is likely that we will see even more in the future. As IoT technology continues to develop, the possibilities expand to whole new horizons.

9: Cloud Computing Integration

Cloud computing allows for the delivery of computing services over the Internet and provides a scalable, pay-as-you-go model that can be easily accessed by mobile devices.

This trend is being driven by the need for businesses to be able to provide their employees with access to data and applications from anywhere, at any time.

The integration of cloud computing into mobile app development provides a number of benefits, including the ability to scale apps quickly and easily, reduced costs, and increased flexibility.

It also provides a number of challenges, such as security and data privacy concerns.

However, the benefits of cloud computing far outweigh the challenges, and the trend is likely to continue to grow in popularity in the coming years.

10: Instant Apps

Instant apps are apps that can be used without having to be downloaded or installed. They are designed to give users a native app experience without the hassle of installation.

This is a major shift in the way mobile apps are developed and used. Instant apps have the potential to change the way we use our phones and tablets. They are faster, more convenient, and allow us to use apps in a more natural way.

One of the biggest advantages of instant apps is that they can be used without taking up any storage space on your device. This is because they are downloaded and run from the cloud.

Another big advantage is that they can be used on any Android device, even if it does not have the latest version of the operating system. This is because they are designed to work with older versions of Android.

Instant apps are also more secure than traditional apps because they run in a sandboxed environment. This means that they are isolated from the rest of the system and are less likely to be affected by malware.

The biggest downside of instant apps is that they are still in their infancy and there are very few of them available. This is likely to change in the future as more developers start to create them.

Overall, instant apps are a major step forward in mobile app development. They offer a number of advantages over traditional apps and are likely to become more popular in the future.

How WDI Can Help You

Implementing the latest trends requires a mobile app development company that uses the latest development software and technologies like WDI.

Our mobile app developers are skilled in the latest technologies like Flutter, React Native, etc. We take pride in implementing AI and ML in our apps, making them future-ready.

All you have to do is tell us your idea and we will take it from there. From research to the final sprint delivery, we will handle the entire process for you.

Let us create something mind-blowing together!

Mobile App Development Consult now

The post What’s New in Mobile App Development? appeared first on WDI Blog.

8 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Mobile App Development Company Mon, 14 Nov 2022 12:52:36 +0000 The post 8 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Mobile App Development Company appeared first on WDI Blog.

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You have a brilliant app idea and want to find the best mobile app development company that can do it justice. We understand how confusing it will be to find the right mobile app developers among the ton of them.

You have no idea whether your project is in safe hands.

Will they be able to provide the right technology to implement the best features for your app?

Will they get it done fast?

Will they provide you with the best value for your money?

To make the process easier for you, WDI has created a list of things you should consider before choosing a mobile app development company.

How To Choose A Mobile App Development Company

There are multiple factors that come into play when we talk about how to choose a mobile app development company.

You have to check whether the mobile app development company has the right technology for your project, the expertise to handle your workload, and whether is it reliable.

Here are 8 essential factors you need to look for when choosing a mobile app development company.

1: Market Research

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When you opt for any service, you must do thorough research on which company can provide you with the best.

When you are developing a mobile app that is going to define your brand and decide your future pathways, there is no alternative to market research. The right company can lead you to a rocket to success while the wrong one leads to peril and wasted money.

Find out the best mobile app development company in your locality or worldwide. Both offer their unique advantages.

When you choose a mobile app development company that is in your city, you can give them a visit and have a one-on-one conversation about your project. You can have meetings personally with the mobile app developers and get all your queries solved.

But, if a good company is not available in your city, you can opt for a company in another city or another country. With this, you ensure that you are hiring one of the leading mobile app developers in the world.

Plus, with online meeting platforms, communication will not be a problem.

Make a list of your preferred companies and contact them. Check if they can handle your project requirements. If you are running on tight deadlines or budgets, you can inquire about that as well.


However, keep in mind that good apps take time to develop and they definitely do not come cheap. You must be willing to go the extra mile if you want quality mobile app development


If a company is offering you much faster and cheaper development than others, consider that a red flag. They will compromise on quality to get faster development.

2: Years In The Field

You are assured of superior output when you go with a company with many years of experience in mobile app development.

A new mobile app development company is just figuring out things. They do not have a time-tested project management system that generates results. They lack the bonding and teamwork required for a quality outcome.

Most importantly, if there is any problem in mobile app development, the company will struggle to solve it as they lack expertise.

With an older mobile app development company, you get a team of experienced mobile app developers who are highly efficient at their job.

They have faced many problems throughout their lifetime and have solved them. If these problems repeat, they will be able to solve them with ease, using your development time effectively.

They will have an established project management system that allows them to work efficiently and produce quality output. The chances of delays and subpar output are next to none.

As all the team members have been working together for years, they have formed a bond with each other, and that allows them to get work done faster and smoother.

Along with this, more experienced companies will provide your end-to-end hand-holding and also guide you with post-launch marketing.

Just like you would not get surgery done by a just passed-out doctor, getting a mobile app developed by a new company is a recipe for disaster.

There are many ways you can find out the experience of a mobile app development company. The easiest one is to check the company’s portfolio. Check how many years they were active.

WDI has decades of experience in software development, making us the leading mobile app development company. Do not take our word for it. Take a look at our portfolio and see for yourself.

3: Technologies Available

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Although you may find it boring or complicated to study technologies, it is required to ensure that you get the best mobile app development company for your app.

Now, you do not have to study the intricate details. You just have to know the use case of each technology and figure out which one might serve you the best.

These are the technologies that are popularly used for mobile app development.

React Native

We have many blogs explaining the pros and cons of these technologies, which you can read. Here are a few of them for you to get started.

Flutter Vs. React

Vue Js vs. Node Js vs. Next Js

Laravel vs. Code Igniter

Opt for a mobile app development company that has expertise in multiple technologies to get the best mobile app development.

A company that works with multiple technologies can guide you and recommend the best technology for your project requirements. You will not be limited to a smaller number of technologies or choose a technology that is not suited for your app and face problems later on.

In 2022, developing a simple mobile app is not going to cut it. The age of AI, ML, and algorithms has begun. You must check if the mobile app development company is abreast with these technologies so that you get a future-ready app.

WDI has implemented AI and ML in various apps and has created hyper-personalized experiences for users that increase audience retention and engagement. These are going to be the norm in the future, and if your app lacks them, it will negatively affect your success rate.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you have to go with a mobile app development company that has expertise in AI and ML.

4: Full-Fledged App Development Services

5: Digital Marketing

Most people ignore this but digital marketing is a crucial part of developing a successful mobile app.

With digital marketing, you are throwing your app in the forest, asking it to survive on its own.

If a mobile app development company is providing you with digital marketing, it is a big bonus.

WDI provides all of these basic services and a lot more like minisite creation, app store optimization, etc.

You get a complete service when you choose a mobile app development company like WDI.

5: Expert Advice

Development is just part of the process. Even before you start the development, you have to consult with the mobile app developers regarding your idea.

Just having an idea or a concept is not going to cut it. You need the guidance of experts to make your app successful.

At WDI, our business analysts give you a clear idea of where your app will stand in the market, what are the potential threats it may face, who are its competitors, the target audience, and how to market the app.

We guide our clients on the best technologies to use, essential features to have, extra functionalities required, etc. We turn our clients’ one-line ideas into a full-fledged plan of action.

Whether you are choosing WDI or any other company, you must check if they are offering consultations with the experts.

6: Value For Money

Developing an app is not a cheap endeavor. When you are spending a lot of money, you need to ensure that you are getting every penny’s worth.

We have a blog on how much developing a mobile app costs. It will give you an idea of what to expect according to the features you are planning to implement in your app. You can find out if a mobile app development company is charging you a lot more than required.

To explain in short, here are a few factors based upon a mobile app development cost is determined.

1: Development Time

Every mobile app development company will have an hourly or weekly charge for their mobile app developers.

You will be charged according to the development time required.

2: App Complexity

This is basically the number of screens to be designed for your mobile app. A larger number of screens and interconnection between them will require more time to develop and thus cause a price increase.

3: Features And Functionalities

Designing complex algorithms, high-end features, and functionalities, and working with complex technologies will be costly and also take longer time to develop.

4: Platforms

If you are planning to develop an app for both iOS and Android, it will require almost twice the money. Also, depending on the type of app you want to develop, like Native, Hybrid, or PWA, the cost will vary.

Furthermore, maintenance after the app launch will also require more cost.

7: 24/7 Support

As mobile app development will take time, there will be many instances where you will want to talk with the mobile app developers and get your queries solved.

There more channels you have to communicate, the better it is. Check whether the mobile app development company is providing you with a chatting app where you can instantly contact them.

Furthermore, ensure that they are offering weekly meetings to update you about the sprints and developments. If you have any suggestions or problems with the current status of the app, you should have the power to enforce the right changes.

Also, there should be additional communication channels like phone numbers, emails, video meetups, etc.

WDI provides end-to-end hand-holding to our clients. We provide them with constant support and guidance throughout the development process.

8: Confidentiality

Your idea is of the highest value. It should be preserved at all costs.

When you contact multiple mobile app development companies, you are sharing your ideas with them. There is a chance that they can steal your idea.

WDI always signs a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with all of our clients even when they do not ask for it.

You need to ask the mobile app development company to sign an NDA to ensure the confidentiality of your app idea.

Why WDI Is The Best

If you want a mobile app development company that fulfills all of the above mentioned factors, then you are at the right place.

From the best mobile app developers to the digital marketing teams for making your app successful, you get everything when you choose WDI.

You know your project is in the right hands when you choose a mobile app development company with 21+ years of experience in developing ground-breaking software.

Allow our experts to handle your project.

Contact WDI now and let us create something awesome!

Mobile App Development Consult now

The post 8 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Mobile App Development Company appeared first on WDI Blog.

How to Create Apps That Solve Problems | Mobile App Development Thu, 20 Oct 2022 14:24:40 +0000 The post How to Create Apps That Solve Problems | Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

How to Create Apps That Solve Problems

Mobile app development is the best way to solve modern life problems. There is no doubt that life is full of problems. With technological inventions, more and more of these problems are easily solved. It is nothing but a marvel to witness how far mankind has come.

Technology has become like a bridge that connects problems with solutions.

Creating an app that solves problems is one of the best ways to ensure that people download your app. People will not think twice about downloading your app if it solves a problem they have been fed up with for a long time.

Some of the most downloaded apps are the ones that solve problems.

  • Social media helps to connect people across the world.
  • Marketplace apps allow buying products from the comfort of their homes.
  • Banking apps enable people to manage all their finances without ever visiting the bank.

Problems will exist as long as mankind exists. There are infinite possibilities to create more problem-solving apps.

Even by just looking around, you will find many problems that need a solution. In your daily life, there will be many instances where technology simply gives up and you have no other choice but to give up as well.

There will be instances where you might have to wait unnecessarily longer and wish that there was something that would eliminate this delay.

Sometimes the cost of getting something done can be very high, and you hope for a way to make it cheaper.

Maybe a task requires a lot of manpower, and there could be something done to automate it.

The opportunities to create a problem-solving app and expand your business are endless.

Why Create A Problem Solving App?

Technology provides an array of solutions for a particular problem. But why is mobile development the best of them all?

Although many advanced problems cannot be solved through mobile apps, most problems that the average person faces are nothing but a piece of cake for mobile apps to solve.

Here are some reasons why mobile apps are the best for problem-solving.

1: Ease Of Accessibility

Smartphones have become a necessity now. Almost everyone in urban areas owns a smartphone. It has become an inseparable part of life.

Almost all basic necessities are fulfilled by a smartphone.

Want to order food? Just pull out your phone.

Want to book a ride? There is an app for that.

Want to get a job? The application is just a few taps away.

Stuck in traffic? Google Assistant is here to guide you.

Bored? There is no shortage of songs, movies, games, and content.

The smartphone has brought the entire world into your pocket.

The ease of accessibility is unparalleled by any other technology. Even laptops are very limited when it comes to usability and popularity.

Compared to websites, smartphone users are more likely to use a mobile app for any of their tasks. An app can be instantly opened with one tap instead of having to type the website name and open it.

2: Offline Use

One of the biggest advantages a mobile app has over a website is that it can be used without a network connection.

Certain apps are made to be used without a network connection.

On the other hand, websites cannot be used without a network. The only offline use you can get out of them is when the webpage is pre-loaded.

In many countries, people do not have access to the best networks. Sometimes, your clients can go on a trek to some remote location.

In these cases, an offline app provides the best solution.

Lets Discuss Your Projects

3: Push Notifications

Imagine being able to inform your clients about your latest developments, discounts, offers, etc. the moment they happen. This is what a mobile app offers.

With push notifications, you can literally send any message you want to your users.

With a catchy notification, you can ensure that your users get back to your app and buy your products or services.

This is something that a website does not offer, giving apps the upper hand.

There are many more advantages to mobile app development than website development.

For all of these reasons, mobile app development is the way to go for creating a problem-solving app.

Now let us look at how you can create apps that solve problems.

Problem Solving Mobile App Development

Most startups crave to solve problems with their apps, as it is the best way to win the trust of users and develop a loyal customer base.

It is not that complex to create a problem-solving app once you have a clear idea in your mind about what your app is going to do.

However, it can be a little tricky to find a problem that is worth solving. Not all problems need to be solved as the chances of making a profit out of them are very low.

We at WDI, a mobile app development company, have laid down the exact steps you have to take to create a problem-solving app.

1: Analyze The Problem

Analyze the problem

Solving a big and very troubling problem is the key to a successful mobile app. If there is a problem that no one is really bothered about and you solve it, people are most likely not going to download and use your app.

You must have a crystal clear idea of what you want to achieve with your app.

Find out if there is any problem that is worth solving. Find out if people will invest in your app to get that problem solved.

Once you get a positive answer, identify the type of problem you are solving.

Is it something that is causing a waste of money or costing more than it is worth?

Is it causing unnecessary time delays?

Or is it something as simple as killing boredom?

Define your problem as precisely as possible.

Want to hire a resource to work with you?

2: Analyze The Market

Analyze the competition

Once you identify your problem, you have to decide if it is worth investing the time and money to solve it. You need to know what its market is going to be.

First, find out the size of the market. Does it have broad appeal or is it niche-specific?

A big market is required to make your app successful.

If your target audience is niche-specific, it does not mean your app will be a failure. It is just that your customer base will be limited.

However, if your market is too small, it is better to not invest in it.

Even if you have a large market, the number of people who will download your app is going to be much lower.

From your entire target audience, you can only reach a limited audience through ad campaigns, unless you have the money to reach them all.

From the audience you reach, even fewer people will download your app.

Depending on the quality of your app, even fewer people will buy your services. A small fraction of those will become your loyal customers.

Even with a large market, you have to put in the effort to ensure that you reach the maximum number of people possible, compel them to download your app, and keep them engaged.

3: Analyze The Competiton

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Once you know the problem you are solving and the size of the market, you have to see if any other people are eyeing the same.

Regardless of how niche-specific your problem is, it is very likely that there will be some people who will be trying their hands at solving it.

To ensure that your solution is the definitive one, you have to rise above your competition,

For that, you have to provide something better than others to set your app apart.

If someone else is working on the same solution you are providing, you have no other choice but to be better than them or give something extra.

There are many ways to make your app better than your competition, and here are some of them.

Solve the problem faster than other apps. If a delivery app is taking two days to deliver a product, try doing the same in one day.

Try to provide a cheaper solution. If your competitors are charging a lot of money for the solution, try to cut some unnecessary expenses and provide the same solution at more affordable rates. Or else, you can give it away for free while earning money through in-app ads.

Try to provide a more effective solution. Find out if your competitor’s apps are lacking somewhere. Fill in the gaps, and you’ll have a successful mobile app on your hands.

If you do not want to indulge in the competition and drain yourself out in the race to become better, then you have to provide a solution that is completely unique.

This is where you have to think outside the box and look at the problem from a totally new angle.

People are more likely to download your app if it is the only one in its niche.

But, thinking of a million-dollar idea will take time and creativity. This is why simply imitating what your competitors are doing and doing it better is preferred by startups.

Most apps are doing the same thing with a different color of their brand identity. There are over a dozen platforms available just for uploading and watching short videos.

If you list down the most popular apps in the world, they are not the first in their niche. Before Facebook, many social media apps existed. All Facebook did was try to be better than them.

Before Google, many search engines were thriving. Yet Google dominated with its faster speed and accurate search results.

Unless you are doing something unique or better than y

4: Start The Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development Done Right. Don't Waste Your Time & Effort!

An innovative mobile app needs a mobile app development company that plays with technology.

A subpar app will be a disaster regardless of how important a problem it solves.

You cannot let your app become a failure due to slow response time and unnecessary bugs and glitches that mar the user experience.

This is where WDI can help you develop the most amazing app for your innovative app idea.

All you have to do is share your idea with us and we will take it from there.

Our team of mobile app developers will handle the entire process for you, from creating the scope of work to launching the final version.

We ensure the best app for your idea with our latest technologies and over 21 years of experience in software development.

Allow us to serve you the best!

We will implement the right features that are required to do justice to your concept.

Without the right features and technology, you will end up creating more problems instead of solving them.

Before your app is launched, it will go through a rigorous testing process to ensure that there are no loose ends.

We also provide maintenance and support post-launch to keep your app up-to-date and build upon the feedback you receive.

5: Market Your App

Once you have got your mobile app developed, you have to market it to the right audience.

You have to create a buzz around the fact that the annoying problem has been solved, otherwise no one will download your mobile app.

There is no alternative to marketing.

At WDI, we offer the best digital marketing services for mobile apps.

Here is what you will get.

1: App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is the process of making your app rank at the top of relevant search results on the respective app stores.

This is the best way to get downloads.

When people search for solutions to certain problems, e.g. “Pet Food Delivery,” your app should be what they see first.

At WDI, we will handle the entire process of ASO, from creating an SEO-friendly description and uploading attractive images and videos, for you.

2: Microsite creation

Having a dedicated website for your app is another way to promote your app.

With a website, you can explain what your app offers and help it reach the target audience with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You can create blogs that solve user queries, get them to know about your app, and drive traffic to your app through CTAs.

A dedicated website for your website also increases its authority.

3: Social Media

Social media offers the best organic growth opportunities.

With the right content and implementation of digital marketing hacks, you can promote your app to the right audience.

WDI has a dedicated social media team that will create attention-grabbing posts and upload them with the right hashtags for organic reach.

You can get responses from your audience about your app, and they can also get different platforms to reach out to you in case of any suggestions or complaints.


Problem-solving mobile app development is the key to success in this digital era.

There is no lack of problems in today’s time, and mobile apps provide the most convenient solution, as all it takes is to pull out your phone from your pocket.

Considering the ease of accessibility mobile apps offer, it is the best option for a startup looking forward to providing solutions to real-world problems.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your app, analyze the preexisting solutions to the problem and find out what you can do better. Or, you can approach the problem from a different angle and come up with a totally unique solution.

Once you have got a defined app idea, let us take the process of mobile app development into our own hands and serve you with the app of your dreams.

Let's Start Your Project

The post How to Create Apps That Solve Problems | Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

I Have A Great App Idea. What Do I Do Next? Wed, 12 Oct 2022 07:55:09 +0000 The post I Have A Great App Idea. What Do I Do Next? appeared first on WDI Blog.


As a startup owner looking at the increment in mobile app usage, you feel that even your business needs a mobile app and come up with an app idea.

What you have now is just a desire to get a mobile app for your business. You will have to endure an insanely long process before the app is developed and launched for your customers.

But don’t worry. We at WDI can help you streamline the process, simplify certain things, and set you on the right path.

First, convert your desire into an idea. An app idea is the concept of your app in its simplest form. It will help define exactly what it is that you want with your app.

It is ideas that change the world. Having a good app idea is the key to success. But, what if we tell you that it is not even 1% of the total mobile app development process?

With an app idea, you have not even begun the process of mobile app development. First, you need to develop your idea before you develop your app.

Just having a one-line app idea is comparable to having a dream. And dreams are not real. To make your dreams come true, you need a plan of action.

Do not let this stress you. We have streamlined the entire process for you. Just follow the steps.

1: Define Your Idea


A one-line definition is not going to be enough. It is like saying, “I want a car.”

It says nothing about what you want aside from the fact that it is a car.

What type of car is it?

Is it a sedan, a sports car, a muscle car, etc.? Do you want it for going to the office or going offroading for a vacation? How many seats do you want? What is the price range you are planning to invest in?

This should give you an idea of why a one-line idea is not enough to get started. Start elaborating your idea bit by bit. Here are some points you need to define for your idea to be effective and actionable.

1: What Will Your Mobile App Do?

What purpose does your app serve?

Is it a ride-sharing app that will allow people to travel with a new buddy?

Is it a video-sharing platform where people can create and upload fun videos?

Is it an editing app where content creators can edit their photos or videos?

Get a clear understanding of what your app is supposed to do. Then research whether that functionality will solve problems. How will it help people?

Find answers to these questions. That will help you create a better plan of action.

But do not restrict it to just yourself. Go and talk to your friends. Ask them what their honest opinion is regarding your idea. Do not go directly to your employees, as they will most likely not give you their honest opinion.


2: What Will Your Mobile App Look Like?

You do not have to create some artwork. But, you should know what the app will look like.

What colors will be used in the app?

What type of font do you expect to use?

How many sections will there be?

What features does the app require?

How is the user supposed to interact with the app?

Answering these questions will help you get a clearer picture of your app.

You must know what it is that you want in the end.

3: Do People Really Need It?

You can be extremely confident about your idea, but that is limited to you.

If you are going to spend a ton of money on your app, you must be sure that it has the potential to stand out in the market.

Do a little research on the market demands. See if people are facing any problems that your app will be able to solve. Is it something that people need so badly that they will download your app?

Unless you are getting a confident yes, do not move ahead with your idea. Do some more research on your idea and see what you can improve.

2: Target Audience


You might develop the best app in your niche, but if no one downloads it, sorry to say it, but all your efforts go down the drain.

You cannot impress everyone with your application. It must be made with a purpose in mind.

Find the people that will benefit from your app’s services. If you are directly transferring your offline business to the app, the target group of your app is going to be the same as your business in most cases. But, it is still better to do separate audience research for your app as we are talking about a different world in itself.

If you are trying something new, you cannot afford to skip audience research as it will help you plan your marketing campaign for the app.

Here are some things you must know about your target audience.

1: Gender

Find out which gender is more likely to use your app. This will help you to specify your ad campaigns to a great extent.

For most apps, there will not be much imbalance in gender. But, if you are choosing a niche like makeup or men’s grooming, deciding your gender becomes a priority.

2: Age

You cannot expect kids to use a stock exchange app.

Identifying what age group will use your app will help you refine your marketing strategies. You can precisely select the channels that will reach that particular age group.

3: Occupation

Some apps are developed only for professionals working in a specific field.

An agriculture portal will only be used by farmers and wholesalers.

A project management app will be limited to corporates and service providers.

An education app will be used by students.

4: Likings

Some apps are made for people affiliated with a certain passion. A drawing app will mostly be used by artists.

A music portal will be used by musicians and music lovers.

A fitness app will be used by fitness enthusiasts.

If your app is niche-specific, consider who will use it. Even inside your niche, there will be sub-categories that you should understand.

If you are creating an app for classical music, you have to refine your marketing channels even further.

These were just a few pointers to help you understand how to do audience research.

You must have a clear image of what your ideal client will be.

What type of clothes will the client wear?

What type of device will the client use?

What food will the client like?

This might seem like over analyzing, but answering the questions above will help you take your app directly to your target audience.

3: Competitor Analysis

Before entering an area, you should know who you are fighting with and prepare accordingly, unless you want to bite the dust. Competitor analysis is a must, not only for developing your app but also for marketing it.

Here are some things you should look out for while doing competitor analysis.

1: Which Of Your Competitors Have An App

While doing competitor research for your startup, you must have created a list of your competitors. Find out which one of them has a mobile app.

Scrutinize their mobile apps and see what they are offering through them.

What technology are they using to create the app?

What is the design they are implementing?

What features are they offering?

How are they marketing their app?

And the biggest question of them all…

What can you do better?

Unless you are developing an app that is a level ahead of them, people will not download it. At least try to do something different, or else your app will be nothing but a clone among an army of clones.

2: The Best Apps In Your Niche

Competitors do not include just businesses. After analyzing your competing startups, find out the best apps in your niche.

Analyze them in and out, and see what are the things they are doing that resulted in their success.

Find out the reasons why people prefer to use those apps. Do a case study on that.

Look at the features they are offering and try to implement those.

Then find out their drawbacks. These are the loopholes you can cover and make your app the better choice.


3: Marketing Techniques Used

Digital marketing is the key to success in the digital world. Even a subpar mobile app can become successful with the right marketing.

Research how your competitors are marketing their apps.

What are the platforms they are promoting it on?

How much are they roughly spending on their ad campaigns?

How are they attracting leads through their ads?

What is their call to action?

Finding the answers to these questions will help you to create a better marketing strategy for your mobile app.

4: Pricing

This is not relevant if you are creating a non-profit app. But if you intend to generate income through your app, pricing becomes the most important factor after marketing to influence your success.

You may feel that you are offering the best price for your services, but an analysis of your competitors will tell you otherwise.

Unless you are offering something revolutionary, people will go for the cheapest services.

Look at the cost of the in-app purchases your competitors are offering. Try to keep your pricing in the same range unless you are confident that your services are miles ahead of them or your marketing is bang on so that people will buy them.

Researching all of these above points will help you to know where your app will stand in the market and what things you can improve upon to get success.

4: Develop Your App

Now that all the preparations are done, it is time for you to plan on how to create an app.

You have multiple pathways to take from here. You can hire a freelancer, get a full-stack in-house team, or use software like Appypie.

But, the best path to take is to hire a mobile app development company. It will help you get your app ready in no time and take all the stress off your shoulders.

You can read our detailed blog on the same here: How a Mobile App developer can help you to kick start your business

If you want to do it by yourself, here is what you need to do.

1: Technology

Based on your requirements, find out the best technology for your app. Then you will have to hire mobile app developers who have expertise in using that technology.

You need to be extremely confident about your technology. In case you feel like changing it, you will have to fire your current mobile app developers and hire new ones.

2: Wireframes & Prototype Development


A wireframe is a raw design concept for your app. It defines what your app will look like, where the buttons and elements will be placed, how the user will interact with the app, and many other things.

A prototype is created based on the wireframes. It is a more refined version of the wireframe. Consider it like a blueprint for your app.

A prototype is interactive and will give you a clear idea of what your app will be like once developed.

You will have to hire UI/UX designers to create wireframes and a prototype.

The prototype serves as a reference for the programmers who create your app.

3: App Development

Once the prototype is designed, your mobile app developers are ready to start developing the app.

Depending on the scope of your app, it can take anywhere between six weeks and two years to develop your app.

As you have hired new developers, it will take a lot of time for them to bond together and work as a team. You can expect to get nothing done for the first few days or weeks.

If you do not have an efficient project manager, the process will be dragged on for longer. The team will look up to you for guidance, and if you do not have the technical expertise, it will be a nightmare to guide them.

If you do not develop an MVP, you will have to wait for the complete app to be developed so that you can start your business.

So, try to develop an MVP and improve it through consistent updates.

4: Testing

Once the app or MVP is developed, you need to test it for bugs, errors, animation glitches, and user experience.

This ensures that the app is as perfect as possible when launched. No one likes to receive negative ratings and frustrated comments after putting in months of effort and money.

5: Launch

After all the previous steps are completed, launch your app on the intended platforms.

5: Digital Marketing

If you do not market your app, no one will download it. You will need a digital marketing team that will get your app to its intended audience.

Here are some things you need to do under digital marketing.

1: App Store Optimization


Once you launch the app, you have to promote it. ASO is a major part of organically promoting your app.

Just like SEO is for websites, ASO is for the App Store and the Play Store.

Create an app description that includes relevant keywords and is compelling enough for the reader to download your app.

Add attractive images that describe the features your app offers. You also get the option to add a video. Create a short and attractive video that showcases the functionalities of your app.

2: Reviews

People do read the reviews before downloading an app, especially if it is a paid one.

After launching your app, share it with everyone. Tell your family members to download it and rate it five stars on the App Store and the Play Store.

This initial engagement can help you get a boost in search rankings and impressions.

3: Social Media Promotions

Social media is one way you can reach your target audience. So, make the best use of it.

Research the types of posts that go viral and see if you can replicate them.

4: Create A Minisite

Creating a minisite is another option you can try. With informative blog posts, you can attract a significant number of people to your app.

This also helps in generating a unique identity for your app.

6: Maintenance & Optimization

Technology changes daily. There is a new software update or a new smartphone launched every week. You need to ensure that your app is compatible with all of them.

If your app is not functioning as intended on some devices, you are missing out on a huge customer base that uses those devices. It is very challenging considering the ton of smartphones out there, but it is necessary.

The next thing you need to do is check the feedback you have received through your app or through the Play Store and App Store.

See if people are reporting any bugs. Fix those bugs as soon as possible and launch a new version of the app.

You will need a dedicated maintenance team for this.

Add new features to your app as needed. Your competitors will not waste any time improving their apps and jumping ahead of you.

You have to ensure that it does not happen. Keep improving your app and implementing the latest features to be ahead of the curve.

How WDI Can Make It Easy

We hope that this blog helped you to understand how to develop your mobile app idea and how to create an app.

We understand that if you do not have the technical expertise, it will be back-breaking to manage this process by yourself.

This is where WDI can take all the burden off your shoulders. All you have to do is share your app idea with us, and we will take care of the entire mobile app development process.

We are a team of skilled mobile app developers, project managers, UI/UX designers, testers, digital marketers, and business analysts who will develop your app from scratch and bring it the success it deserves.

Contact us now and let us create something amazing!

The post I Have A Great App Idea. What Do I Do Next? appeared first on WDI Blog.

15 Ways to Build a Secure Mobile App | Secure Application Development Mon, 03 Oct 2022 13:28:08 +0000 The post 15 Ways to Build a Secure Mobile App | Secure Application Development appeared first on WDI Blog.


In a world filled with hackers, secure application development has become the biggest demand. Startups want to develop a secure mobile app first and then beautify it with high-end animations and functionalities.

Security is the biggest concern for all businesses, whether big or small.

If you plan to develop a mobile app for your startup or business, you need to emphasize security.

Security is something that is not noticeable when it is there, but without it, everything falls apart.

The more successful your app becomes, the more it comes to the attention of hackers.

A hack not only threatens your money but also your users’. It will bring down your reputation for good.

This is why security should be the utmost priority for any startup looking to create an app.

If you have an in-house development team, hire a freelancer, or get a dedicated mobile app development team like WDI, you must ensure that the app you get is secure.

Here are some things you need to ensure to build a secure mobile app.

15 Ways to Build a Secure Mobile App

Multi Factor Authentication

Regardless of who you hire, these are the things you must ask your mobile app developer for secure app development.

1: Multifactor Authentication

Unauthorized access is a big threat to your mobile app, especially for your users.

If some crook manages to access someone else’s account, the victim’s personal data and money are at risk.

As your users are trusting you with their personal details and money, it becomes your responsibility to not let them down.

Multifactor authentication is a reliable way to avoid any random crooks hacking your users’ accounts. With multiple factors required for login, the hacker has to figure out more information to do the same task.

To implement multifactor authentication, you have to combine two or more factors required for login.

Generally, having two factors is the best step forward as it makes your app secure while not being lengthy. It will be very annoying to enter three or more details every time you have to log in.

Here are some factors you can try combining.

  • Password/Pin
  • One Time Password (OTP)
  • Cards
  • Fingerprint

A password is the most popular way of logging in. The problem is that it is easy to predict as many people use crackable passwords like “123456”, “Pass123”, or “password.”

Combining it with something like a fingerprint or Face ID can increase security, as those are difficult to access for hackers.

Another effective tool is OTP authentication, which can be sent to the user’s phone number or email address.

Make sure you implement these features in your mobile app, especially if your app collects financial details.

2: Encrypt Source Code

Encrypt Source Code

If your app’s code is open for everyone to see, hackers can check it for vulnerabilities and bugs. It is like giving away your secret recipe, but even worse.

Hackers can simply copy the code and create duplicate applications. If you have a paid app, pirates can release it for free on their personal websites.

It can get worse as the hackers modify the app, insert some viruses, and then release it. You will find a whole bunch of modded mobile apps with a simple Google engine search. Your app could end up as one of them.

Anyone who downloads such an app will be at risk as they are giving all of their information to a crook.

Although it is the user’s responsibility to download the app from the right sources, you will still be at fault as you did not encrypt your code.

Your app’s reputation will go down if many people are getting scammed through cloned applications.

Ask your mobile app developers to encrypt your app so that none of these shenanigans happen to you.

3: External Security Audit

External Security Audit

An external security audit means getting a team who will scrutinize your app’s code for vulnerabilities, bugs, and glitches.

You can ask your internal team to do that, and it should be done regularly.

But it is not the most effective solution.

The team that is developing your app will have a certain set of biases towards it. As they have been working on it day in and day out, they might get blind spots towards some sections.

They will not be able to check it objectively.

Therefore, an external audit is much better here.

Internal Audit Team

External Audit Team

See the code daily

Have no idea of the code

Biased approach

Un-biased approach

Subjective while checking

Objective while checking

Minimum expertise in testing

Testing is their day job

Unacquainted with cyber threats

Abreast with latest cyber threats

An external audit team will have no knowledge of the code, allowing them to view it objectively and without bias.

Another benefit is that the external team is proficient in its tasks. They do bug checks day in and day out. They know what and where to look for, allowing them to see what your coders can miss.

As a security audit is their job, they are well acquainted with the latest cyber security threats, which you might not know about or haven’t become mainstream yet.

An external security audit is a must if you want secure application development.

4: Prepare For Device Theft

Not all attacks can take place in the digital world. Sometimes, real-world threats can be more daunting.

Millions of smartphones get stolen every year. All of the data inside of it can go into the wrong hands.

If you have an app developed for just your employees, imagine the consequences if some device gets stolen.

To solve this, create an app that does not store data on the user’s device.

If that is not possible, implement a feature that allows you to delete all data from the application at your end. If the device is recovered, you can restore all the data.

However, this is difficult to implement when your app is made for the general population and not just restricted to your employees.

In that case, you can also try not to store any sensitive data on the device. If there is no other option, encrypt your data and reduce the log files.

5: Logging

An app is not going to be made with a single page of code. There will be so much data that it will be hard to keep track of.

If, all of a sudden, some bug pops up, it will be a nightmare to figure out where it came from and how to fix it.

Logging can help in this case.

Your coders will be able to track exactly what happened, what was the cause of the bug, and fix it immediately.

Check the technology you are using for your mobile app development and find out the relevant logging tools available.

Store all of the information while coding and ensure that it can be easily parsed as and when required.

6: Avoid Unnecessary Extensions

Extensions provide such comfort to implement additional features or functionalities on your web server or software language.

But, if these extensions or modules get hacked, then your app is done for.

This does not mean you should not use any extensions at all. But be choosy about the ones you use.

If they are made by any suspicious developer, avoid using them.

Keep only those that are absolutely needed for your app and remove others.

7.Test, Test, & Test Again

Vulnerabilities can pop up at any time and from anywhere. This is why testing is a never-ending process.

According to NodeSource and Sqreen Survey, most developers are not sure about their app’s security. Yet, they take no steps to make it better.

Most app developers are not confident that the third-party modules they are using are vulnerability-free. 40% of them do not even check for vulnerabilities. This is why we advise you to avoid a lot of third-party extensions or modules.

If you really want secure application development, you have to keep testing, just like you do healthy checkups regularly, even though you might not have any diseases at the moment.

To make sure your app is as secure as possible, there is no alternative to constant testing.

8: SSL Certificate

Yes! Even apps require an SSL certificate.

Without it, hackers can enter and manipulate your app.

They can create a fake login page that will divert your users into their den. The users will blame you for this.

A Man In The Middle attack is highly likely to take place if you do not have an SSL certificate.

This is why getting an SSL certificate is unavoidable.

9: Creating A Workspace

If your app is restricted to just your office and employees, you must create a separate mobile workspace for them.

Your employees might install third-party apps that come loaded with malware and viruses.

The malware will snoop around the user’s device and check for places where it can extract data. An office app is the best place for them. They can hack your app as well.

This is why having a separate workspace for your app can prevent other malware from fiddling with your app.

Here are some things you can implement in the workspace.

1: Block Copy Paste

Malware hacks data by copy-pasting it from the app.

Blocking copy-paste can interfere with the user’s personal tasks. So, you can ask for clipboard access to check what data is being leaked and prevent it ASAP.

2: Block Screenshots

device. If the user takes a screenshot of your app, it can leak some sensitive details.

So, block the screenshot functionality in your app.

3: Block Downloads

In some cases, in-app downloads can prove to be very helpful. But, you must know when and where to use that functionality.

Remove it from all sensitive documents. If those have to be downloaded, block the user from uploading them on some random file-sharing websites.

10: Optimize Cache

Keep Your Servers Updated

The cache is the data apps store on the user’s device to improve the functioning of the app.

For example, on a video-sharing platform, if the user plays a video, the data that is downloaded is stored as a cache. When the user returns to the video, the app does not have to download it again as it is stored as a cache.

Similarly, other forms of data can be stored as a cache so that the app does not have to load it again and again.

Hackers, if they get access to the device’s files, can snoop in your app’s cache files and mess around with them.

If your app deals with sensitive data, you can ask for a password or pin every time the user wants to log in, thus reducing vulnerabilities.

Also, implement a feature that wipes cached data after regular intervals, reducing the amount of data that can be leaked.

11: Keep Your Servers Updated

It is easy to ignore the servers when you are just focused on the front end of the app.

But, the servers can also have vulnerabilities if they are not updated regularly.

You do not have to do this manually. There are ways you can automate the update process. Make sure to implement those.

12: Think Like A Hacker

Your thought process would be limited if you just kept thinking from a victim’s perspective.

Start thinking like a crook who wants to obliterate your app.

What will that hacker do?

Where will the hackers strike?

What virus or bug will the hacker implement?

This will open your mind and reveal some vulnerabilities that you could not have figured out by thinking like a victim.

Maybe challenge a person to hack your app before launch. If the person is successful, you have got work to do for secure application development.

13: Stay Updated With Cyber Security Threats

13: Stay Updated With Cyber Security Threats

Secure Application Development is a never-ending process. You have to keep checking if there are any new ways hackers are treading on to attack apps and improve your app accordingly.

Social media, forums, and news are some of the places you can look for the latest trends in cyber security.

Never stop learning, as secure application development is a never-ending process.

14: Release Security Patches

With each update of Android and iOS, there are a bunch of vulnerabilities born.

Hackers are waiting like wolves to plunge into these vulnerabilities. If the device is hacked through any of these issues, even your app can get hacked.

If your app is not compatible with the latest system OS, even that can give a chance to hackers. Also, it is very bad when it comes to customer satisfaction.

Once your app is launched, keep releasing security patches regularly.

Look for new threats, as mentioned in the previous point, and ensure you make the necessary improvements to your app.

15: Choose The Right Mobile App Development Team

Choose The Right Mobile App Development Team

Without a technical background, it can be difficult for a startup owner to guide your coders regarding these security requirements. It will also be a struggle to check whether what you have asked for has been implemented correctly or not.

This is where hiring an external mobile app development team is going to be a much better choice.

At WDI, we develop feature-packed, aesthetically pleasing, and highly secure mobile apps.

We have a dedicated testing and maintenance team that ensures all apps delivered are vulnerability and bug-free. We ensure that every app is prepared to tackle the latest cyber security threats.

If you choose a reliable development partner like WDI, you get a smooth and stress-free secure application development process.

We will handle the entire development process for you while keeping security at the forefront.

We will take all the stress off your shoulders and deliver you the app of your dreams.

Contact us


With the right steps, you can ensure secure application development.

Viruses, malware, hackers, etc. are here to stay, just like light and darkness. But, with the right amount of light, you can eliminate all the darkness in your room.

If you follow the above-mentioned steps, your mobile app will be safe from most cyber attacks.

We at WDI can do all of that for you, so you can spend your time and energy on running your business.

All you have to do is have a chat with us, tell us the concept of your app, and we will take it from there.

Let us build something awe-inspiring together.

The post 15 Ways to Build a Secure Mobile App | Secure Application Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

Why is Mobile App Market Research Important and How to Conduct It for Your Business? Mon, 26 Sep 2022 14:41:27 +0000 The post Why is Mobile App Market Research Important and How to Conduct It for Your Business? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Why is Mobile App Market Research Important

You have got a brilliant app idea and you cannot wait to turn it into reality. You are impatient to get your app developed, launch it with a bang, and witness a million downloads on the App Store.

Woah! Slow down a bit and take a deep breath.

If creating and launching an app were so simple, all apps would have a million downloads.

But that is far from reality.

Most apps on the Play Store and App Store do not see the light of the day. Most do not exceed even a hundred downloads.

This is why simply developing and launching your app is not going to cut it. You need to have in-depth planning even before you start the development process. This is known as mobile app market research.

Mobile app market research is an inseparable part of mobile app development. Without it, your app is most likely to fail, unless you are good at hitting the bullseye in the dark.

Mobile app market research is a comprehensive study of your app’s market position and customer behavior. It assists you in marketing your app the right way. Without it, marketing has no basis to build upon.

Let us zoom in a little bit and understand why it is important.

The Importance of Mobile App Market Research

Mobile App Market Research allows you to get a crystal clear idea of how your app will fare in the highly competitive market and what steps you can take to ensure it is successful.

Without it, you are entering the arena without any clue who your competitors are.

Here are some reasons why mobile app market research is unavoidable.

1: Cut Throat Competition

Do you know the number of apps available on the App Store?

Over 2 million as of 2022.

Now, the Google Play Store?

Over 3.5 million, according to Statista.

Your app will be like a drop in an ocean. It is up to you to turn it into a pearl.

If you do not make your app stand out, people will not bother to download it.

Mobile app market research is essential for that.

2: Multiple Clones

Multiple Clones

Just try this, open the App Store or Play Store and search for any functionality like a marketplace, finance app, editing app, etc.

You will find multiple apps providing the exact same thing. Apart from some minor theme differences, most of them feel like clones.

If your idea is not unique, the only one in the world, it is highly likely that it will end up in this barrage of clones.

You do not have to discard your idea if it has been done before. Do not give up without even beginning.

Mobile app market research is the key here. It will tell you what you have to do to make your app better than your competitors. It will teach you how to market it the right way and zoom ahead of those clones.

3: Marketing

You can develop the best app in the world, but without the right marketing, no one will download it.

With millions of apps out there and almost all of them spending on marketing strategies, you have to work on your marketing and ensure that it is better than theirs. At least it should be better than the apps in your niche.

Most mobile apps fail because they do not give marketing the respect it deserves.

4: Engagement

If getting people to download your app is a challenge, keeping them engaged is another.

It is next to impossible for the user to have downloaded just your app on his smartphone. There are probably 40 other apps, waiting like wolves to grab his attention and bring him over.

It is no longer a download battle, it is a battle of attention. You must do everything possible to keep the user on your app. It is a battle fought by bombarding notifications, and the one that hits gets the bounty.

This is where research can help you to know the best marketing techniques for snatching the user’s attention from other wolves.

If this sounds too stressful for you, maybe you never considered any of this could happen. Mobile app market research is what can alleviate that stress for you and make the path clear for you to step on.

How to Conduct Mobile App Market Research

How To Conduct Mobile App Market Research

At WDI, our team of mobile app developers has laid out the steps you need to take to conduct mobile app market research.

1: Are People Asking for It?

This is the first question you need to answer whenever you come up with an app idea.

You do not have to answer it at once. Take your time with it.

Here are some ways to find out what people need and whether your app idea has the potential to fulfill those needs

1: Social Media

There is nothing simpler than scrolling through social media.

Social media is the voice of the normal population. This is where they express their views, grievances, and most importantly, needs.

You will come across many people expressing the problems they face or desires they have on a daily basis by just scrolling through social media apps.

Is your app idea solving any of these needs?

If not, be more specific in your search and follow the forums, accounts, and groups related to your niche.

You will find exactly what your ideal customer base is asking for and what you can provide.

2: Forms

Creating online or offline forms is the best way to get answers to the exact questions related to your app.

Here, you can ask any question you want. Ask multiple questions related to the need you are trying to fulfill.

Circulate these forms through social media, maybe run an ad campaign, and try to get as many answers as possible.

See if people are actually craving to get that particular need fulfilled. If they are willing to download an app for it.

3: Offline Research

This is very old-school but still an effective method of research. You can directly talk to people one-on-one and get the exact answer you desire.

Although you are limited to the number of people you can talk to, do not let this slide.

At the very least, talk to your family members and friends. Ask them how they feel about your app idea and whether it will help them in some way.

Mobile Application Development

2: SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. These are four crucial aspects that you should analyze for your app.

It is essential to understand what you need to promote and what you need to improve on to leave no stone unturned.

Here is how you can do a SWOT analysis.

1: Strengths

List down the strong points of your app idea.

What is it that you are proud of about your app idea?

Why do you believe that people will download your app?

What is going to be your unique selling point?

Note down the answers to these questions. This is what you have to promote as much as possible while marketing your app.

2: Weaknesses

What is it that you are not confident about your app idea?

Where do you think it could go wrong?

This is the most difficult question to answer, as you are quite overjoyed when an app idea strikes you. You only tend to think positively.

But it is necessary to calm down and think about what your app idea lacks.

These weaknesses will help you market your app in a better way.

Once you note down the weaknesses, figure out how you can improve upon them.

3: Opportunities

Now that you know your app idea’s strengths, find out the places where you can promote it.

Is there any trend in mobile apps that you can hop on?

Is there anything your competitors are lacking that you can fulfill?

Understand human behavior. Is there any marketing technique you could use to cash in on that?

Find as many opportunities as possible and figure out ways to use them to the fullest.

4: Threats

Note down the external problems you might face that can hinder the success of your app.

Maybe it could be a funding issue.

Maybe your competitors can do some shenanigans to sabotage your app, like bombarding it with fake negative reviews.

Make a list of similar threats and brainstorm ways to deal with them.

This will make you fully prepared to tackle anything fate throws your way. You will not be bewildered if some problem comes up.

3: Target Group

Target Group

A target group or target audience is the people who are most likely to use your app.

These are the ones who are going to be the focus of your marketing campaign.

It is advisable to have a clear 4K image of your ideal customer in your mind. But, if that is too much, at least research the following points.

1: Gender

You must know which gender is most likely to use your app.

It will help you to select specific marketing channels that your target demographic is likely to use.

For example, a makeup marketplace app is most likely to be used by women. So, you can target the websites and offline locations where females are most likely to visit.

2: Age

Some apps are likely to be used by people belonging to a certain age range.

A cartoon app will be used by kids, but a cartoon creation app will be used by adults.

Both will require different marketing strategies.

You do not have to be specific, just find an age range that will most likely use your app.

3: Location

Is your app restricted to your country, your continent, or the entire planet?

If you are targeting multiple countries, you need to provide language support for all of them.

When it comes to marketing, you will have to research their culture and lifestyle. Something that is considered to be a good omen in one place could be considered a curse in another.

The last thing you want is some country offended by your app’s advertisement.

4: Occupation

Is your app something that could benefit people following a certain occupation?

If you are creating a video editing app, your target audience will be editors, filmmakers, content creators, etc.

If you are creating an app for luxury products, it is most likely to be used by people with a lot of disposable income.

Doing in-depth research about these factors will help you decide which channels to invest your money in for marketing.

4: Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Your competitors will do their best to bring you down. If you have no idea who they are, your app will end up failing.

This is why competitor analysis should be a part of your mobile app market research.

Here is what comes under competitor analysis.

1: Other Businesses

You must already have a list of your competitors ready. You might admire them or curse them occasionally.

Find out who among them has a mobile app.

Analyze what features they are implementing in their app.

See how they are marketing their apps.

This will give you an idea of what you can do better than them to become successful.

But success is never permanent. Once you rise, your competitors will put in more effort to get ahead of you.

The grind never stops.

2: Other Apps

Competitors do not just have to be businesses. They could be other top apps in your niche.

A simple App Store and Play Store search can give you an idea of the top apps in the category you are trying to dominate.

Scrutinize them and check what their USPs are, what features they are offering, and where they are being advertised.

The more apps you analyze, the more you learn.

5: Business Plan

Once your research is done, jot it down and create a comprehensive business plan.

A business plan is going to be the cornerstone of your mobile app. It is where you present your strategy for generating revenue, profit generation, sales, and market share.

After doing all the research, this is where you share the outcomes.

A business plan should contain marketing strategies you have devised for promoting your app.

To make the process easier for you, we at WDI have devised the best marketing strategies for promoting a mobile app.

1: App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is modifying your app description, images, and videos to make it rank in the relevant app stores.

Ensure that your description is search engine friendly and contains the keywords that your target audience is searching for. It should also be reader-friendly and compelling enough for the reader to download.

Include attractive screenshots that describe the functionality your app is going to provide to your users.

2: Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a huge world. It includes many things like websites, blogs, social media, etc.

It provides a huge opportunity for you to promote your app across various channels.

The best part is that it is free to some extent. Creating posts on social media, writing blogs, and developing a microsite are all free and effective ways to promote your app.

3: Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email is still an effective marketing tool. You must have a bunch of people registered with your business. Let them know about your new app through an email.

You can also try advertising through emails, but it will look spammy.


While developing an app, add a system that rewards people who share your app and those who download it through the shared link.

You can also allow users to create promo codes that give some rewards to the ones using it and the person creating the code.

5: Reviews

Once your app is launched, ask people to review it. Start with your family. Tell them to download your app and rate it five stars on the App Store.

Remind your users to rate your app through pop-up notifications.


Wrap Up

Mobile App Market Research is the key to make your app successful.

It will help you understand where your app stands in the market and what steps you need to take to make it stand out.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all of this, from branding, mobile app development, to digital marketing, was done for you?

We at WDI are a team of skilled mobile app developers who have 21+ years of experience in software development.

With our expertise, we ensure fast app delivery, embedded with the latest features and developed with the most advanced technologies.

All you have to do is tell us about your app idea and we will take it from there.

Let us create something electrifying together!

Mobile Application Development

The post Why is Mobile App Market Research Important and How to Conduct It for Your Business? appeared first on WDI Blog.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? Mon, 19 Sep 2022 12:22:09 +0000 The post How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Cost To Build A Mobile App

How much does developing a mobile app cost? This is one of the biggest questions startups have when they venture out to get a mobile app for their business.

How much budget do I need to allocate for mobile app development?

I have a fixed budget. What can I do?

Am I getting my money’s worth?

In what cases should I increase the budget?

Is it worth the money for mobile app development?

We would have loved to give you a one-shot answer, but we are afraid we can not. There are so many things to consider before the mobile app cost is decided.

A mobile app can be developed for anywhere between $20k and $500k, depending on various factors.

Sit back as we tell you what all goes into deciding a mobile app’s cost.

Factors Influencing Mobile App Cost

Whenever mobile app cost is decided, there is a detailed discussion with the client to understand the objectives and requirements. All the information required to develop a mobile app is extracted from the client.

At WDI, we decide the development cost based on various factors after a discussion with our client. Here are those:

1: Time Required for Development

Time Required For Development

Time is a big factor in mobile app development. As the development time increases, even the mobile app cost goes up.

With increased time, mobile app developers have to work longer. This means you have to hire them for a longer time, and if you hire them on a weekly basis, the cost will go up.

Based on the client’s requirements, we figure out how much time will be required for the development process.

Our mobile app developers have a weekly cost which we multiply by the number of weeks required for developing your mobile app and give the cost.

Development time is just one of the factors we have when determining your mobile app cost.

2: App Complexity

App Complexity

Depending on the complexity, apps can be divided into three categories.


The development cost changes based on the type of app you are trying to make.

Let’s look at each of these categories in detail and see what features come under them.

1: Simple App

A simple app is basically for those who have a small business they want to expand with a mobile app. It contains enough functionality that makes it usable without any advanced features, innovations, or out-of-the-box elements.

The user can create an account and navigate through the app to explore its functionalities. It might contain a search option and a messaging system.

You can check the user accounts and manage them as an administrator. You can edit the app content and handle business operations. You can also respond to feedback and send push notifications.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $20,000 – $70,000 for a simple app.

2: Complex App

If your app requires a lot of additional features, it will fall under the complex app category.

Along with the basic features, a complex app contains e-commerce, payment options, video playback, etc. The app can also use the device’s features like GPS, camera, microphone, etc.

If you want an e-commerce app or something with social media integrations, it will be categorized as a complex app.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $40,000 – $140,000 for a complex app.

3: Advanced App

This is where innovations come in. If you want to integrate the latest technologies in your mobile app, it will fall under the advanced app category.

What you can expect in an advanced app are features like augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and multi-language support.

Depending on what you want to innovate, the development time and the mobile app cost will increase. You will be required to have multiple meetings with your mobile app developers to fully understand the scope and plan the next steps.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $60,000 – $500,000 for an advanced app.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

3: Features to Be Implemented

Features to Be Implemented

When it comes to electronics, the ones with high-end features usually cost more. The same goes for mobile app development.

In today’s time, it is important to provide next-gen functionalities to zoom ahead of your competition and make your app stand out. Users download apps based on the features they offer, making it a big selling point.

High-end features require more time to develop, along with more experienced and skilled developers who can bring innovations to the table. This results in an increase in the mobile app development cost.

If you want to create something out of the box or something that has never been done before, it will require a ton of brainstorming.

Creating something new is not an easy task. It needs special technology and qualified mobile app developers who can pull it off. Even that will increase the cost of the mobile app.

If we just stick with already invented features, the mobile app cost fluctuates depending on the number of features to be implemented.

Here are some of the features along with their expected price

1: Login

This feature is necessary for your clients to create an account. Unless you want a free-to-use app, login would be required. It gives you an idea of how many people are registered with your app.

Under “simple app,” you can get options to log in with social media, email, or phone number. You will also get the “log out” and “forgot password” options.

All of this will require 30-40 hours and cost roughly $1000 – $2000 to develop.

2: User Profile

Once the user logs in, he should get the option to create his profile. This includes adding a profile photo, a short bio, and other information based on your app requirements.

This information allows you to segregate your users and also keep bots under check.

This will require roughly 20-30 hours and cost around $1000.

3: Profile Editing

Having a locked profile is never a good idea. The ability to edit your profile is a must-have. In many cases, the user will be required to edit details, and not being able to do so will compel him to quit your app.

The user should be able to edit every single detail entered. Complexities arise when editing passwords, emails, and credit card details. These require more coding to develop.

It will require roughly 40-60 hours and cost around $2,000.

4: Search

A search bar is crucial for fintech or e-commerce apps. It is a small feature that makes all the difference.

It will take 10-20 hours and cost $500-$1000 to develop.

5: Push Notifications

Push notifications are the key to retaining your users. You can notify your users about the latest update and improve your conversions.

These can also be automated so that the users receive notifications whenever some activity takes place.

It can take 25-35 hours and cost around $1200 to develop.

6: File Upload

This is the heart and soul of social media and photo-sharing mobile apps. Ensuring that your users are able to upload the images they want as quickly and hassle-free as possible is required for successful photo-sharing apps.

Some apps require users to upload a document or a zip file. That requires a different set of coding to get it done right.

This will require 20-30 hours and cost around $1000 to develop.

7: Admin Panel

As a business owner, the admin panel allows you to control everything within your app, especially the users.

You get to see how many users have created their accounts in your app along with their profile details. You get a clear understanding of what kind of people are using your app.

If you want to block a user from doing any activity or remove someone from your app, the admin panel is where you can do that.

It takes around 60-100 hours and costs $4000 – $5000 to develop.

8: Video/audio Streaming

If your app requires video or audio playback, you must ensure that it supports videos of all qualities and break-free playback.

This one is an advanced feature as it requires a lot of storage to host the videos without the app crashing.

It further includes features like downloads, pausing the video, changing playback speed, background playback, adding to the watchlist, continuing from the last played point if the app closes, etc.

This can take 100-150 hours and cost $4,000 – $6,000 to develop.

9: Map

The map is the core of ride-sharing and carpool apps.

Features like GPS, searching on the map, location sharing, and selecting destinations are some that can be implemented.

It can take 70-130 hours and $3000 – $5000 to implement.

10: Payments

This is the end goal of most startups with their mobile apps. There are many smaller features that are required to make sure that payment is smooth and safe.

The most important one is having multiple payment gateways to not lose out on potential clients.

Other smaller features like showing balance and transaction history enhance the user experience.

It can take 60-80 hours and $3,000 – $5,000 to develop.

11: Communication Tools

Some apps require communication tools like voice calls or video calls. These take longer to implement due to the end-to-end encryption they require for maximum security. User privacy is our topmost priority.

It can take 200-400 hours and cost $10,000 – $20,000 to develop.

Other advanced features, like augmented reality and virtual reality, can take a lot more to develop and also a long time to implement.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

4: Platforms


Currently, iOS and Android are the two most popular smartphone OSes out there. Depending on which one you want to develop your app, the mobile app cost varies.

Usually, the cost of developing for iOS and Android is almost similar. If you want to develop an app for both of them, the cost increases substantially.

There are multiple types of apps, and all of them have different relationships with platforms.

1: Native Apps

Both Android and iOS cost almost similar amounts, with Android costing slightly higher. This is thanks to the insane number of Android smartphones out there. While developing an app, you need to consider that the app is able to run perfectly on most popular Android smartphones.

This increases the development cost slightly as the app has to be developed to cater to all Android smartphone specifications.

If you want to develop for both platforms, you will have to pay for two native apps. This is because native apps are designed according to the platforms and this cannot be done using a single code. Both have to be coded separately.

2: Progressive Web App (PWA)

A PWA is basically a website turned into an application. It can run on all devices regardless of compatibility, but offers limited functionality due to being only a website.

Separate coding is not required to make it run across various devices. Once the PWA is launched, the user can simply add the page to their home screen and continue using it.

This reduces coding work to a great extent, and the app can be developed much faster.

The development cost ranges from $20,000 – $60,000 depending on the functionalities you want to implement.

3: Flutter Apps

Flutter is a framework developed by Google and runs on the Dart coding language. It allows you to create an app for both Android and iOS using a single code base. You do not have to develop separate apps, and this reduces the mobile app cost substantially.

Flutter also allows you to implement high-end features like high FPS and use device functionalities, which is difficult with PWAs.

To know more about their differences, read our detailed comparison between Flutter and PWA here: ADD LINK

The development cost is reduced as you can develop two apps with a single codebase. You can expect to pay anywhere between $20,000 – $100,000 for a Flutter app.

4: React Native

React Native is a framework developed by Facebook and runs on the JavaScript coding language. Just like Flutter, it allows you to create apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. This reduces the development cost.

With React Native, you can use the device’s native features like the camera, microphone, GPS, etc.

At first glance, both Flutter and React Native may seem similar, but there is more to them than meets the eye. Read our detailed comparison between Flutter and React Native here:

A React Native app also costs anywhere from $20,000 – $100,000 to develop.

5: Hybrid App

A Hybrid app is basically a web app put inside the skeleton of a native app. The user can install the app from the App Store, but the app will run like a website.

Due to the less time required for development, it can cost approximately half the cost of a Native app.

So, these are the types of apps you can develop and they run on various platforms

5: Optimization

After launching an app, it needs to be optimized for bugs and for newly launched smartphones. This is a crucial part of audience retention. If you are not providing consistent updates and building upon feedback, your users are most likely to quit your app.

From your total app budget, you must allocate 15% to 20% for yearly maintenance.

This includes optimizations like bug fixing, changing code to make it run on newer OS updates, improving performance and speed, and ensuring it supports the latest versions of third-party services.

If you want to add new features to your app, it will cost according to the complexity of the feature.

A design change might be the solution if your users are getting bored of using your app. It will help to keep your app up to date with the latest trends.

For best results, you should be ready to allocate 20% of the total app cost every year for maintenance.

6: Development Team

Development Team

Depending on the number and type of professionals you are hiring, the mobile app cost varies.

At WDI, we offer a wide cadre of professionals who handle every small part of your mobile app development process.

Here are some of the professionals we offer to our clients:

1: Business Analyst

Before creating an app, you need to know where it will stand in the market. This is exactly what a business analyst does.

Our business analyst will understand your idea, suggest improvements, and check for any issues it may face in the market. He will analyze your competitors and advise you on what steps you should take so that your app stands out in the market.

He defines the product specification document and decides the total mobile app cost.

2: UI/UX Design Team

Once the concept of the app is ready, the UI/UX designers create wireframes for your app.

Based on the suggestions, a fully functioning prototype of your app is created. This is the final design of your app.

3: Developers

The developers start coding for the app based on the prototype. Depending on the type of app, we have dedicated developers for Flutter, React Native, Hybrid, Android, and iOS.

4: Testers

Once the app is ready, our team of testers scrutinizes it from top to bottom, ensuring that everything is functioning perfectly.

Once everything is fine, the app is launched on the required platforms.

5: Project Manager

The project manager handles the entire project, ensuring that it is completed at the intended time and meets the client’s expectations.

With WDI, you get a full-stacked mobile app development team to create an app your users will love.


There are many complex factors influencing the mobile app cost, making it impossible to give a final price.

We have done our best to provide you with ranges that can help you make a rough estimate based on your requirements.

Even though you can create an app for as low as $20,000, we have never seen a successful app made for less than $50,000. High-end features require a high investment, but they also lead to high returns.

If you want to create an app, we will provide you with speedy MVP delivery, a transparent development process, and a dedicated support team for all your queries.

Let us create something magical!

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

The post How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Common Challenges Mobile App Startups Face After App Launch And Their Solutions Mon, 12 Sep 2022 14:52:08 +0000 The post Common Challenges Mobile App Startups Face After App Launch And Their Solutions appeared first on WDI Blog.

Common Challenges Startup face after their mobile app launch and their solution

Launching an app is simple, but solving the many problems that occur after that can become overwhelming for mobile app startups who lack technical expertise.

If you launch your app, this blog will help you know what challenges you will face and how you should prepare to face them.

We at WDI understand that app development is a complex process and most mobile app startups do not have all the information or resources required to make their app successful.

There are so many aspects involved that it makes it impossible for startups to cover them all, especially when their field of expertise is not information technology.

This leads to many setbacks and even absolute failures. We understand how terrible it can feel when you invest your resources in something and it does not deliver on your expectations.

So, this blog will list out the problems you are likely to face after launching your app and what you can do to avoid or solve them.

So, here we go..

1: Analyzing Businesses

The competition is getting crazier out there, with millions of mobile apps existing on the Play Store and App Store.

This means that it is very likely that your app is not as unique as you think it is. The chances of at least one app being built around the same concept as yours are very high.

If that is not the case, then some bigger company can simply copy your concept and make it even better. Just search for any requirement on the App Store and you will find at least 10 clones providing the same services.

Solution: Conduct extensive research on your business and concept to ensure that it stands out in the market.

You need to know what you are providing with your app.
Do those functionalities have any demand in the market?
If so, how will people use your app, and to what extent?
Are there any other apps providing the same features?
How are you going to get ahead of those apps?

Many more factors are involved in business analysis. Most startups skip this part and let their emotions take over, believing that their app is the best out there. This leads to their app not getting the expected downloads and a lot of frustration.

In-depth business analysis is a must if you want your app to become successful.

At WDI, we offer extensive business analysis with our app development. This ensures that the app is doing exactly what it is intended to do.

2: Competitor Analysis

Compition Analysis

When you enter an arena, you need to know who you are fighting.

Even before developing an app, you need to know with whom you are competing, what their standards are, and whether you can beat those standards.

“Competitor” here does not mean only startups or businesses. It includes the famous apps in your niche and trending features.

Solution: As of now, features like social login, 120fps animations, and gamification have become the norm. These are the things you should look out for. while doing competitor analysis.

Maybe your app is truly ingenious, but if it does not have social login or fingerprint verification, most people are simply not going to proceed further.

You need to know the ins and outs of the market you are entering. This will give you an idea of what you need to do to defeat your competitors.

At WDI, competitor analysis is a part of the business analysis we provide to our clients. We provide them with a detailed plan of action on how to zoom ahead of their competition.

3: Digital Marketing

You can spend all the money you want on developing your app, but if no one knows about it, all that money goes down the drain.

When you thought about creating your app, you must have had a target audience in your mind. You need to take the proper steps to deliver your app to your target audience.

Digital marketing is all about increasing your reach and downloads through digital means like SEO, social media, ad campaigns, etc.

Without marketing, no one is going to download your app.

Solution: Here are some things you can do to increase your app downloads.

1: Pre-Launch Promotion

Not all promotion starts after the launch of the product. Promoting the product before the launch can help to create hype and generate some pre-sales.

Both the Google Play Store and the App Store now have the option to pre-register for any app or game. The app is automatically downloaded once it is launched.

If you have not launched your app yet, make it available for pre-registration. You get a window of 90 days to launch the app.

Provide some incentive to motivate people to pre-register. Maybe some extra points or freebies could hook them up. It depends on your app.

2: Social Media Promotion

Social media platforms are the best tools of marketing at your disposal. With the right expertise, you can generate an immense amount of traffic for your app, organically.

You can just start with simple posts announcing your app with a call to action for download. You can ask your employees to like that post and share it on their social media accounts. This is enough to generate some traction at first.

Then, to specifically reach your target audience, you can spend some money on ad campaigns.

3: Incentives For Sharing

This is a way to generate organic leads.

Give some incentives to anyone who shares your app.

For example, the person who shares and the person who downloads from that link both get some points. This gives both parties a reason to share and download.

4: Influencer Marketing

Find out the reputed social media influencers in your niche. If you have a cooking app, you can make a list of the best chefs or food vloggers on social media.

Reach out to them and ask them to promote your app on their social media platforms. Go back to the previous point and figure out some ways to provide special incentives for anyone who downloads from the influencer’s link, like a discount coupon.

At WDI, we also provide digital marketing services to get your app to the right audience.

4: Microsite Development

A microsite is just another website made especially for your app. Yes, you can also have a separate page on your brand’s website about your app, but creating a new website is even better to increase lead generation. It provides you with many more opportunities to promote your app.


Once you host your microsite, you can post blogs describing your app and addressing search queries with a CTA to the app download page. Depending on the quality of your blogs, you can generate tremendous downloads for your app.

You can also post tutorials on how to use your app so that people have the solution directly from the creator of the app instead of third-party forums.

Furthermore, you can attach photos and videos addressing user queries. Even a YouTube channel is a great way to promote your app and showcase its functionalities.

As your site develops, you can collaborate with other bloggers in your niche and ask them to add download links for your app.

5: Collecting Data

Even with the best research team, you can never be 100% sure about your audience.

This is where data collection comes into play to get the information needed for optimizing and marketing your app.


Here is some basic data you must collect from your users:


These are the places where your predictions can go topsy-turvy. For example, you must have predicted that most teenagers would be interested in your app. But, after data collection from existing users, you might find out that even middle-aged people are active on your app.

This data can now help you refine your marketing strategy. You can directly target middle-aged people in your ad campaign and see how that works. Depending on the response, you can decide where to allocate more resources.

Another tool for data collection is the feedback form. You need to know how users are feeling about your app and if they are facing any problems.

This lets you know where your programmers and UX designers have to improve.

6: Building Upon Feedback

Once you collect feedback, taking it constructively and building upon it is equally important.

Many mobile app startups ignore this part and end up losing their existing users.

Solution: Start by responding to the reviews your app gets on the Play Store and the App Store, especially the negative ones.

Understand why people are unhappy with your app. Make the necessary changes and give your users the assurance that they are getting the best service.

Respond to the reviews and inform them that you are working on their issue.

Next, stay updated with all social media platforms. Is anyone reaching out from there?

If so, respond with a solution as soon as possible.

Finally, check the analytics of your app and marketing campaigns. How many people are using the app? How did they find out about it?

Refine your ad campaigns based on the analytics. Research the best ways to get your app to its target audience.

7: Bug Fixing

Bugs are the biggest annoyance for any app developer. You create an app after months or years of effort and launch it only to get a bunch of negative reviews for the bugs.

You can’t afford to ignore it, no matter how annoying it is. No app is perfect after launch. All apps require at least a dozen updates before they get anywhere close to perfection. But, there will be some new bugs or glitches popping up after that.

Bug fixing is a never-ending process.

Solution: You need a dedicated maintenance team that will keep checking your app for bugs and fixing them.

At WDI, we have dedicated testers who are proficient at finding bugs and fixing them.

8: Regular Updates

Most mobile app startups just launch their app and forget about it. This is a big rookie mistake as technology is changing every day.

There is a new system update for iOS and Android every year. Algorithm updates, security threats, and viruses emerge on a daily basis.

This makes it mandatory to provide at least monthly updates for your app.

But this increases expenses, which most mobile app startups tend to avoid. Also, it is a never-ending process, meaning you have to hire your mobile app developers forever.

Although the expenses seem overwhelming, it is necessary to regularly update your app for it to be successful and trustworthy.

When people see that the app is receiving updates, they feel that the creators are caring about the app.


Here are three updates that you must provide in your mobile app.

1: Bug Fixes

Bug Fixing

Once you get a list of bugs your users are reporting, fix them and launch a new update.

You do not have to update your app for every small bug you fix. People will not entertain daily updates. If they have not enabled auto-updates, they will simply rage quit your app if they keep getting notifications for updates every single day.

2: Security Patches

Security Patches

You can rest assured that there will be some hackers finding vulnerabilities in your mobile app, regardless of how unpopular it is.

If you do not update your app, it is an open invitation for hackers to come and mess around.

This is why you should release security patches, fixing the vulnerabilities that have been discovered. This is crucial, especially if your app has anything to do with users’ money.

3: Compatibility Updates

You can never be sure that your app is running perfectly on every single device out there.

Almost every smartphone company has its own UI that tampers with the core Android UI. This creates a lot of compatibility issues. On some devices, the app might not even boot up.

You must find such compatibility issues based on the users’ feedback and update your app accordingly.

4: New Features

Based on the feedback you get, there will be many requirements and suggestions your users have.


Work with your development team regarding it and implement those features in your app.


At WDI, we provide regular updates to our clients, ensuring that everything is sailing smoothly as ever.

9: App Store Optimization

Launching your app is one thing; getting it noticed is another. This requires another set of skills.

App Store Optimization is a must to get your app to rank at the top of search results and increase your downloads. It is not an easy task to beat the millions of apps already present there.


There are a few things involved in optimizing your app for the App Store:

1: Description SEO

Both the App Store and the Play Store provide you with the opportunity to write a description for your app. This is the chance for you to tell your audience and the algorithm what your app is about.

Do some keyword research and write a search engine-friendly description of your app.

Also, make it attractive enough to convince the reader to download your app. Showcase the features your app provides, and highlight your USPs. Consider it a sales pitch for your app.

2: Relevant & Attractive Videos & Images

Just the description is not enough; people need visual data to make up their minds.

The App Store allows you to insert one video and five images about your app, while on the Play Store you can upload eight images.

Use this opportunity to the max and upload dazzling images and a video about your app.

Also, do not forget about your app logo. It is what compels people to tap on your app.

At WDI, we provide ASO services to our clients to ensure that their app gets the attention it deserves.


Post-launch optimization and marketing for your app are equally important as development. Yet, most mobile app startups neglect these factors and end up damaging their user base and reach.

At WDI, our mobile app developers will handle your mobile app development from wireframing to launching with the right optimization.

We provide faster app development with our hybrid methodology, delivering the MVP as soon as possible and launching consistent updates every two weeks.

Our dedicated maintenance team ensures that everything is in its place and running smoothly.

Your success is our priority. With our bullseye digital marketing services, we ensure that your app reaches the right audience.

Contact us, discuss your idea, and let us build something incredible together.

Mobile app developers

The post Common Challenges Mobile App Startups Face After App Launch And Their Solutions appeared first on WDI Blog.
