Chinmay R – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Fri, 14 Jul 2023 07:57:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chinmay R – WDI Blog 32 32 Superapps and Startups: How It Can Boost Your Business Tue, 16 May 2023 09:50:26 +0000 2023 has brought some drastic changes when it comes to mobile apps, primarily with artificial intelligence (AI). Superapps are a close second when it comes to rise in popularity and potential for success in future. Just like name suggests, super apps are a beefed up version of mobile apps, containing multiple features and functionalities in … Continue reading "Superapps and Startups: How It Can Boost Your Business"

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Superapps and startups

2023 has brought some drastic changes when it comes to mobile apps, primarily with artificial intelligence (AI). Superapps are a close second when it comes to rise in popularity and potential for success in future. Just like name suggests, super apps are a beefed up version of mobile apps, containing multiple features and functionalities in one. This is a huge opportunity for startups.

How superapps can benefit startups?

That is what we are going to answer in this blog, so hang in tight.

Superapps And Their Impact On Businesses

A superapp is a combination of multiple mini apps. It includes multiple functionalities such as messaging, food delivery, shopping, cab booking, etc. For businesses, this means having a single unified app instead of multiple, giving their audience a single platform to interact with them.

According to research, average users have 80+ apps on their device but only use 9 apps in a day and 30 apps in a month. This means most of the apps are simply unused. A superapp eliminates the need of having multiple apps, making it more convenient for users. Compared to a regular app, a super app has way higher usability. That is how superapps can benefit startups.

According to a report by PYMNTS, there is a huge demand for super apps in the UK. You know what that means. A huge opportunity in the app market!

Improving Customer Engagement With Superapps

Compared to regular apps, superapps have way higher customer engagement and commitment. Regular apps are usually abandoned once their use is over. For example, a movie ticket booking app will only be used when the user develops an interest in a movie. In case the user is not a regular movie-goer, he will simply ignore the app, or even delete it for the time being.

Superapps do not have to deal with this to the same extent. As they provide multiple functionalities, it is very rare that the user will not need any of them. Most users will use them at least once a day if not more.

Startup Revenue Growth Through Superapps

There are multiple ways with which you can generate revenue through superapps. The potential is endless here with AI, NLP, and Metaverse integrations in future.

Business Listing

For a superapp that provides eCommerce, delivery, cab booking, etc. it needs other businesses and vendors to register on them. If your superapp deals with this, then you can collect a charge for premium business registration. You can create multiple tiers of business listings with higher benefits for more expensive listings. This means you can use superapps as a marketing tool for startups.


The biggest requirement for successful advertising is data. With a superapp, you can get an abundance of data from your users. From the food they eat to the movies they watch, you can know everything about them. This data can be used to run personalised ad campaigns on the app.

You can charge other startups or service providers to promote themselves on your app. Instead of annoying popup ads, you can allow the already registered service providers to rank higher in searches with ads.

By 2027, more than 50% of the global population will be active on multiple superapps daily. 

Boosting business growth with superapps

A superapp is a great tool for skyrocketing your business to success. You can build a dedicated base of loyal customers through it. Here are a few ways how superapps can take your business to the next level.

Reach Out To A Larger Audience

A superapp caters to a wide range of customers as it serves multiple purposes. From food delivery to ride-sharing it can do anything. Imagine getting the reach of all major app categories combined.

Increase Customer Loyalty

The biggest benefit to the customer is that they do not have to switch between multiple apps. This makes them more likely to use your app instead of downloading individual apps. As it becomes a one-stop destination for all customer needs, they are going to develop loyalty towards your brand.

Collect User Data

As mentioned earlier, from the food your users eat to the movies they watch, you can know everything about them. In the digital world, data is power. With that much power, there is nothing stopping you from becoming successful.

Cost Savings

This one is obvious. The cost of maintaining one app is a lot less than maintaining multiple apps.

How To Develop A SuperApp?

Now that you know the amazing benefits of a superapp, let us understand how you can go about developing one for your startup.

1: Create A Concept Document

Elaborate your app idea. Think about the different features and functionalities it will have. What purpose does it serve? What are you trying to accomplish with the app? Create a document based on the answers to these questions. This document will make it easier for you to present your idea to your mobile app developers and investors.

2: Decide The Type Of App

There are three types of apps available: Progressive Web App (PWA), Hybrid, and Native. All of these types come with their pros and cons. Here is a short overview of them.

PWA: These are lightweight and require an internet connection to work. They are just a website packaged in an app and can be accessed on all devices with an internet connection and a browser. But as they are quite lightweight, they cannot be loaded heavily with features.

Hybrid Apps: These are developed for both iOS and Android using a single source code. This means the development time is cut into half. Compared to PWAs, they can be more feature heavy and also run offline.

Native Apps: These apps are developed natively for the iOS or Android OS. They can use the smartphone’s native features such as camera, bluetooth, GPS, gyroscope, etc. They are the most feature-rich among the three and also the largest in file size.


3: Reach Out To A Superapp Development Company

Creating a superapp on your own can be an overwhelming task, especially when you do not have the necessary technical expertise. This is where reaching out to an expert in this field becomes the wiser choice. You can focus on your business while a development company is working on your superapp at the same time. You also do not have to hire developers, invest in the technology, or deal with employee incompetencies.

When you contract out your project to reputable mobile app developers like WDI, you are guaranteed a certain outcome.

Why WDI Should Be Your Superapp Development Partner!

A superapp can be extremely beneficial for your startup. It can help you reach a larger audience, build a loyal customer base, and generate revenue.

WDI can create a full-stacked superapp for your business needs. We use the latest technology and AI/ML algorithms to deliver a future proof superapp.

We have over two decades of experience and recognition from Clutch and Tech Behemoths. So you know you are getting the best of the best when it comes to superapp development.

Contact us now and let’s create something revolutionary together!

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Monetization Made Simple: Building an App Fit for Profitability. Thu, 13 Apr 2023 14:00:44 +0000   Coming up with an app idea is just part of the equation. Businesses look forward to turning the idea into reality and generating revenue from it. That is where understanding the monetization potential of the app comes into play. With the right monetization strategy, startups can make an app their primary source of income. … Continue reading "Monetization Made Simple: Building an App Fit for Profitability."

The post Monetization Made Simple: Building an App Fit for Profitability. appeared first on WDI Blog.

Monitization made simple


Coming up with an app idea is just part of the equation. Businesses look forward to turning the idea into reality and generating revenue from it. That is where understanding the monetization potential of the app comes into play. With the right monetization strategy, startups can make an app their primary source of income.

The global revenue from mobile apps is predicted to reach $600,000 by 2025, according to Statista. There is a lot of money to be made here.

But to tap into the potential of a mobile app, monetization is an essential part of the process. After all, generating revenue is the ultimate goal of most startups. And that is why we have created this blog.

From various revenue models to launch strategy, we have got everything covered in this blog.

Understanding Different Monetization Models

When it comes to monetizing your app, you have multiple revenue models to play with. Let us have a look at them.

In-App Purchases

This model is ideal for enterprises that have some products or services to sell. Here, payment gateways are integrated into the app, and users will be able to make purchases through them. As per Allied Market Research Reports, the global in-app purchasing market size is projected to reach $340.76 billion by 2027. 

To tap into this potential, skilled developers are required to ensure secure payment gateway integration and snappy delivery times.

Pros Of In-App PurchasesCons Of In-App Purchases
Stable Source Of RevenueYou need a large user base to receive decent profits.
Users have more liberty in experiencing your app 
Increased brand loyalty due to reduced “Buyer’s Remorse.” 
Ensure engagement and regular, habitual use 
Collect a lot of data 

A well-known example of an app using this model is Skillshare. It is fast, secure, and scalable.


For startups offering long-term services, creating subscription models is just perfect. The app can have multiple models on a yearly, quarterly, and monthly basis. This allows users to select the option that suits their wallet.

Pros Of The Subscription ModelCons Of The Subscription Model
Small entry priceYou have to provide frequent updates
Users can try your service for a limited timeA free trial period is required
Reliable income as users will keep returning 
Users are engaged due to constant usage 

GSF is one of our apps that runs on a subscription model. Users can purchase a monthly subscription to attend live fitness classes.

In-App Advertisements

For startups that do not have any product or service to sell, advertisements are their next best resource. Here, users will see ads while using the apps, and the startup will receive income based on the number of impressions and clicks the ads generate. By the end of 2023, mobile ad spend is expected to reach $446.14 billion, according to Statista. So, this is a viable option, especially for video game applications.

Pros Of In-App AdvertisingCons Of In-App Advertising
Users do not have to spend a single pennyCan hinder the app experience
Guaranteed revenue generation 
No way to block your ads 

Videogame apps like Brain Test are perfect examples of in-app ad integrations.

Freemium Model

Charging money upfront is not always the best strategy. Sometimes giving a demo of the app’s features can encourage users to purchase the app. That is what the freemium model is about. Here, businesses can provide certain features for free and have pricing plans to unlock the rest of the features. 

Pros Of The Freemium ModelCons Of The Freemium Model
Users can experience the app before purchasingMost users may not pay leading to increased expenses on your side
You can significantly expand your user base 
There is no usage barrier 

Identifying the Right Monetization Model for Your App

As is obvious, all of these revenue models come with their own pros and cons. A mobile app startup needs to weigh each of these options to understand which one is best for their app. Here are some factors to consider that have to be considered when deciding the monetization strategy.

a: Target Audience

When it comes to targeting children or teenagers, going for in-app ads will be the better choice, as they will not have enough finances to pay for your app. Similarly, when targeting employees or workers, this strategy will not work, as constant ad popups are sure to get on their nerves.

b: App Category

Having in-app purchases for an eCommerce application goes hand in hand. A subscription model? Not so much. Consider the app category before deciding on the monetization model.

c: Your Finances

Choosing the freemium model means having to sustain many free users. For businesses that do not have sufficient funds or do not want to spend on free users, the freemium model is not the right choice. The budget should be considered before choosing the monetization model.

Designing Your App with Monetization in Mind

Once the revenue model is decided, a mobile app startup has to ensure that the app design goes hand in hand with it. For example, if you are going for in-app ads, you need to ensure that your app has enough space to display ads without affecting the user experience. Dedicated areas have to be created for ad placement that do not take away from the overall aesthetic of the app.

Create some test cases for your app. Do A & B testing on which positions work the best for ad placements. 

This is where having a monetization strategy before development comes in handy. The app’s design and user experience can be aligned with it, ensuring maximum profitability. For in-app purchases or subscription models, it is necessary to create catchy and compelling payment pages. Description pages regarding services or products are also mandatory.

For some inspiration, have a look at our apps Sattva connect, Pi Advisors, and LocOff. 

Launching and Promoting Your App for Maximum Profitability

Once the monetization strategy is ready, it is time to work on the launch strategy. Let us be real. If there is no buzz around the app, it will most likely be an abandoned haunted house. We are here to help out.

a: Unleash The Power Of Social Media

What is the best part about social media? It provides a lot of organic reach. Creating some reels or short videos can result in more reach than paid advertisements. Also, paid ads will not hurt either.

b: Influencer Marketing

For startups that have the finances, influencer marketing can work wonders. Having a strong app ambassador will help create a personality for the app.

c: Email Marketing

Emails provide the option to reach out to the target audience. There is no need to waste time and resources on irrelevant people.

A promotion strategy is never-ending. Enterprises have to keep promoting their app forever to maximize profitability. 


That’s a wrap, folks. Choosing the right monetization strategy is going to be game-changing for a mobile app. Once the strategy is in place, the next step is to create an app design that is in concert with it. And that is exactly why it is necessary to start thinking about monetization early in the app development process.

We are here to guide you with just that. With 20+ years of experience, you know you are getting the best mobile app development agency.

Without further ado, hit that contact button and let us get on the phone to discuss about integrating monetization in your app.

The post Monetization Made Simple: Building an App Fit for Profitability. appeared first on WDI Blog.

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How to Develop a Fitness App Fri, 30 Dec 2022 12:06:21 +0000 Fitness app have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people are looking for easy and convenient ways to stay active and healthy.  A fitness app is a smartphone application that helps users track and monitor their physical activity, such as workouts, nutrition, and sleep. Fitness apps provide users with personalized recommendations … Continue reading "How to Develop a Fitness App"

The post How to Develop a Fitness App appeared first on WDI Blog.

How To develop a fitness app

Fitness app have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people are looking for easy and convenient ways to stay active and healthy. 

A fitness app is a smartphone application that helps users track and monitor their physical activity, such as workouts, nutrition, and sleep.

Fitness apps provide users with personalized recommendations and feedback, helping them reach their health and fitness goals.

As a fitness startup, developing a fitness app is one of the best things you can do for your startup. It allows you to reach a wider range of audiences and does not have any constraints on scalability. 

We at WDI have compiled a list of things you have to do in order to develop a successful fitness app like Healthify

In this blog, you will get a clear idea of what you need to do next to start your mobile app development journey.

1: Decide Your App Type

Just saying you want to develop a fitness app is not enough. There are multiple niches in fitness, and you have to decide which niche you want to target before you start your mobile app development

Here are some popular types of fitness apps.

Workout Tracker AppsWorkout tracker apps allow users to track their progress while they exercise. They can track their workouts, record their stats, and set goals. They can also provide users with personalized recommendations based on their progress.
Nutrition AppsNutrition apps provide users with personalized nutrition plans and recipes tailored to their needs. Users can track their daily caloric intake and nutritional goals to help them reach their fitness goals.
Activity Tracker Apps Activity tracker apps allow users to track their activity levels throughout the day. They can be used to track steps taken, calories burned, distance traveled, and more.
Goal-Setting AppsGoal-setting apps help users set achievable goals and track their progress. They can be used to set fitness goals and track progress toward them.
Fitness Challenge AppsFitness challenge apps allow users to participate in weekly or monthly fitness challenges. They can be used to compete with friends or against the app’s leaderboard.
Mindful Meditation AppsMindful meditation apps provide users with guided meditation sessions to help them relax and reduce stress.
Sleep Tracking AppsSleep tracking apps allow users to track their sleep patterns and get personalized recommendations based on their sleep data.

These were just some of the types of apps you can develop. However, the possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. 

2: Create A Scope of Work Document

Creating a scope of work document for a fitness app requires a comprehensive approach that covers all aspects of the project. 

The scope of work should include a detailed description of the project and its objectives, the timeline, the stakeholders, the resources required, the tasks to be completed, and the expected deliverables.

1: Define The Purpose

The first step in creating a scope of work document for a fitness app is to define the purpose of the app. 

Is it intended to be a one-stop shop for health and fitness information, a tracking tool for fitness goals and progress, or something else? 

Knowing the desired outcome of the project will help shape the scope of work.

2: Timeline

The timeline of the project should be established in the scope of work document. 

This should include the start date, the estimated completion date, and any milestones that need to be reached along the way. 

It is important to set realistic expectations and build in some flexibility to accommodate unexpected delays.

3: Stakeholders

The stakeholders involved in the project should also be identified in the scope of work document. 

This includes the project manager, the development team, any outside experts, and the customer. 

It is important to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder in order to ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them.

4: Resources

The resources needed to complete the project should also be outlined in the scope of work. 

This includes any hardware, software, and personnel resources that will be required to complete the project. 

It is important to have a clear understanding of the resources needed and to plan accordingly.

5: Tasks

The individual tasks that need to be completed should also be listed in the scope of work document. 

This should be broken down into manageable chunks and should include a timeline for each task. 

This will ensure that the project stays on track and that all deliverables are met.

6: Deliverables

Finally, the expected deliverables should be listed in the scope of work document. 

This should include a detailed description of the final product and any additional materials that may be required. 

This will help ensure that all expectations are met and that the customer is satisfied with the end product.

Creating a comprehensive scope of work document for a fitness app is a crucial step in ensuring the project is successful. 

By taking the time to clearly define the project’s objectives, timeline, stakeholders, tasks, and deliverables, project managers can rest assured that the project will run smoothly and that the customer will be happy with the end result.

3: Monetization

Once you decide on the type of app, you also have to decide how you are going to monetize the app. The end goal is to generate revenue, and with the right monetization strategy, you can achieve that goal.

Here are different ways you can monetize your fitness app. 

1: Subscription Fees

Subscription fees are one of the most popular ways to monetize any app, including fitness apps. 

Fitness apps can charge users a monthly or yearly subscription fee for access to premium features.

These features could include personalized meal plans, expert advice, custom workout plans, and access to exclusive content such as videos and tutorials. 

Many fitness apps also offer the option to purchase additional services, such as one-on-one coaching or online classes.

2: In-App Purchases

In-app purchases are another way to monetize a fitness app. 

These purchases can include additional features such as exercise programs, nutrition plans, and workout plans. 

By offering additional features, you can increase the value of your app and generate more revenue. 

3: Advertising

Advertising is another way to monetize a fitness app. 

You can display ads within the app and generate revenue with each click. 

Advertising can be a great way to generate passive income, but it is important to find the right balance between ads and the app experience.

4:  Partnership

Fitness apps can also monetize their user bases by partnering with fitness brands and gyms. 

For example, a fitness app could partner with local gyms and offer their users discounted rates on gym memberships. 

Fitness apps can also partner with brands to offer their users discounts on fitness apparel and equipment.

5: Affiliate Programs

Finally, affiliate programs can be a great way to monetize your fitness app. 

You can partner with other companies to offer discounts or special offers to customers who purchase products or services from them. 

This is a great way to generate passive income while also creating a wider customer base.

4: Necessary Features in Fitness App

Necessary Features

Any app is incomplete without features, and when it comes to fitness apps, they need a ton of features to be engaging and interactive. 

Here are some features without which your fitness app will be incomplete. 

1: User Dashboard for Fitness App

A fitness app dashboard should be a central hub for managing your fitness goals and progress. It should be easy to navigate and offer an overview of your current progress and past achievements.

The dashboard should provide a daily log of your activities and provide a visual representation of your accomplishments. 

You should be able to see your daily calorie intake, steps taken, distance traveled, and exercise minutes logged. 

The dashboard should also include your goals for the week, month, and year and provide graphs and charts to illustrate your progress toward them.

2: Tracking

One of the most important features of any fitness app is the ability to track progress. 

This includes tracking weight, body fat percentage, body measurements, and other health-related metrics. 

This data is vital for tracking progress and staying motivated.

The app should be able to store data from multiple sources, such as fitness trackers, scales, and other devices. 

3: User Content

User content is a must-have feature in fitness apps, as it allows users to easily share information and experiences with the community. 

It can be used to share articles, recipes, workout tips, and more. 

It makes it easy for users to find and follow other fitness enthusiasts and get inspiration from their successes.

User content also serves to create a sense of community among users. 

By sharing their experiences, users can connect with others who have similar goals, inspiring them to keep going and reach their goals. 

This sense of community can also encourage users to stay engaged with the app by providing helpful advice, feedback, and support.

4: Social Media Integration in Fitness App

4: Social Media Integration

Social media integration is one of the most important features of a fitness app. 

It allows users to connect with their friends and family, share their progress, and stay motivated. 

With social media integration, users can post updates on their progress, share recipes, and give each other tips and encouragement.

Social media integration also helps promote the fitness app, as users can share their successes on their various social media accounts and attract new users. 

This can help increase the user base of the app, which can in turn lead to more downloads and better engagement.

5: Courses or Programs

Courses and programs can help users stay motivated and provide structure to their fitness journeys. 

They also help users better understand what they are doing and why. 

With a coach or trainer’s guidance, users can learn about the fundamentals of fitness, nutrition, and other health-related topics.

5: UI Design

UI Design in a fitness app is an essential element that can make or break the success of the app. It is important to create a UI that is both attractive and easy to use, as this will determine the user experience and influence how successful the app is.

The main goal of UI design in a fitness app should be to create a pleasant and intuitive experience for users. 

This means focusing on the user’s needs and creating an interface that is both visually appealing and easy to navigate. 

The app should be easy to understand, with clear navigation and labels that make it easy for users to find what they are looking for. 

The interface should also be designed to be responsive, as users may be using the app on a variety of devices, such as a smartphone or tablet.

The design should also be consistent throughout the app, so that users can quickly find their way around and understand how the app works. 

This includes using similar icons and buttons, as well as a consistent color scheme and font. 

Additionally, the app should be designed to be intuitive, so that users can quickly find the features they need.

When designing the UI for a fitness app, it is also important to consider the type of user the app is designed for. 

Different user types may have different needs, so it is important to design the UI with these different users in mind.

For example, a fitness app that is designed for beginner or casual users may require a simpler UI, while a fitness app designed for more experienced users may need a more advanced UI.

Finally, the UI of a fitness app should be designed with accessibility in mind. 

This means ensuring that the app can be used by people with disabilities, such as those who are visually or hearing impaired. 

This could include providing alternative navigation methods and making sure that the app is compatible with various assistive technologies.

Overall, designing the UI for a fitness app is an important part of creating an app that is both attractive and easy to use. Creating an interface that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and accessible to all users is essential for creating a successful fitness app.


So, these are the things you have to do in order to develop a fitness app. 

However, there are many more things you will have to do and deal with in your fitness app development journey. 

The best thing you can do to avoid this unpredictability is to hire a mobile app development company like WDI.

With 21+ years of experience, we have developed award-winning fitness apps like Satva Connect and GSF, which you can find in our portfolio. 

To get your fitness app developed by us, contact us now, and we will have a discussion about your mobile app.

Let us build something heart-thumping together. 

The post How to Develop a Fitness App appeared first on WDI Blog.
