Website Development India – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Thu, 27 Jul 2023 06:31:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Website Development India – WDI Blog 32 32 Developing Your Ideas Into A Profit-Driven Projects By WDI Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:50:40 +0000 The use of web development has been widely used by many companies. The terms, however, is a really vague term that type ally describes about how the process of making, building and maintaining your website is done.

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The use of web development has been widely used by many companies. The terms, however, is a really vague term that type ally describes about how the process of making, building and maintaining your website is done. The reason why it is vague is the cause of its many programming languages, frameworks and different other tools that are included in Web Development. The use of Website development makes it a lot easier for all to communicate and understand services and products. Along with a clear understanding of your service, you also need to understand your customers and what needs that need to be fulfilled.

Developing Your Ideas Into A Profit-Driven Projects By WDIThe use of web development has shown possibilities in terms of programming the needed data of a website to adding client liaison, along with content and network security with web server configuration. The use of such development usually varies from creating the easiest plain text into the hard web-based application, social network services and electronic business. The use of such development helps in a well-designed, professional-looking website that will further help in giving you greater chance with the online market and a solid base in building your clientele. Website Developers India, a website development company, helps in the same building and making of profit-driven websites, that not only look appealing to you, but also to your traffic.

About WDI

A website design and development company, providing you with customized website design templates. Also having the right knowledge and ability to revamp your website with the help of the latest emerging trends. Guaranteeing you with a completely responsive website, our team of efficient workers work together in developing and delivering the project on time. We make use of the cloud server, as it helps us in ensuring whether or nor the website has 100% up time. We at Website Developers India, are a bunch of energetic professionals that work together with creativity and passion, to ensure we are delivering profit-driven projects for our customers across the globe.

eCommerce web developmentHow do we do what we do?

Simply by using Agile Scrum when it comes to project management. The use of this framework has helped and is still very beneficial for start-ups and business, in developing web applications,
mobile applications and also with developing software solutions. Website Developers India, having experience with more than 17 years, also comprises a team of great and efficient employees, with a different designation. We provide our customers with a podium in terms of providing a web presence and allowing you to stay in touch with your clients and million other web surfers.

Visit: WordPress Website Development Companies

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The Need & Understanding Of Website Security For Your Company Thu, 28 May 2020 12:41:42 +0000 Websites get hacked every day, and according to our research, about 25,000 to 40,000 web sites get hacked each day. The numbers are growing every day and the importance of website security is increasing rapidly.

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The need & understanding of Website Security For Your Company

Websites get hacked every day, and according to our research, about 25,000 to 40,000 websites get hacked each day. That is a lot! The numbers are growing every day, and the importance of website security is increasing rapidly.

Hackers are the biggest threat to a startup that conducts business primarily on its website. And if your startup is like that, then you have to invest in website security. Because just one hack is enough to put an end to your revenue stream.

What Exactly Is Website Security?

Website security is a small part of cyber security that deals with all the ways of keeping a website safe from hacks, malware, phishing, DDoS attacks, and cyberattacks. With every passing year, hackers come up with newer ways of doing their night jobs. So, you have to be on your toes when it comes to being updated with the latest website security software.

The Essentials Of Website Security

Ignoring website security leads to not only your data being violated but also that of your users. Relax! Do not be stressed. There are some basic things your website needs that can prevent most of these cyber threats. So, here are the three cybersecurity essentials you need to follow.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate

When you create a website, you get the option to implement an SSL certificate. Every website’s data is stored on a server. SSL establishes an encrypted link between the server and the client, which is your website. How this benefits you is by securely transmitting sensitive data, like credit card information and login credentials, of your users to the server. 

SSL certificates are basically a pair of keys, one public and one private, that work together for the formation of a secure client-server connection.


A firewall is just what the name suggests, but for a website. It is a network security device that monitors website traffic and decides whom to let in and whom to block. 


That “S” at the end of “HTTPS” or the padlock icon indicates that a website is encrypted. Encryption adds another level of security to your website.

Types Of Cyber Attacks And How To Defend

To tackle a cyber threat, you first need to identify what it is. Here are the three most common types of cyberattacks and ways to protect your website from them.


Just like a fish is caught using bait, your email account, system, or website can be hacked using phishing mail. Here, the hacker sends a genuine-looking email with a link or an shtml file. It could be as simple as telling you about a lottery you won and asking you to claim it by clicking on the link. Once you click on the link, it will drop a bot or virus in your computer, hacking all details.

How to stay safe: Do not click on any suspicious-looking mail. Sometimes the emails are designed to look genuine, so check the sender’s email to verify.


Malware in itself is of multiple types. But in general, it is software that works on a website to extract information like card details. It is installed by using brute force techniques on login pages. Hackers also keep an eye on the vulnerabilities of outdated software. These vulnerabilities are exploited to install malware on the website.

How to stay safe: First of all, if there are any plugins on your website, make sure they are updated to the latest version. With newer updates, vulnerabilities are fixed, making the plugin more secure. Secondly, do not give unnecessary access to your website to a lot of people.

DDoS attacks

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack overloads a website’s server by bombarding it with a ton of traffic, making it crash or become unresponsive. This is basically a zombie apocalypse. The hacker gains access to multiple devices through malware and connects them using IoT. These devices are all controlled like zombies and ordered to access one target website.

How to stay safe: A strong firewall can block malicious traffic and protect your network from attacks. Also, there are many services that provide protection from DDoS attacks.

Best Practices To Keep Your Website Secure in 2023

Prevention is better than cure. By following these practices, you can keep your website secure from most cyberattacks.

Multifactor Authentication

It is easy to figure out a login credential. But two or three? That is where things get tricky. Having multifactor authentication makes it more complicated for the hacker to do his thing.

Multifactor authentication is not just for your personal login but also for your users. If you have allowed your audience to create accounts, it will help keep their accounts secure as well. Implement multifactor authentication while developing your website.

Keep Your Website Updated

As mentioned earlier, older versions of plugins are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Turn on auto-update for all plugins. Also, do not install unnecessary or fishy-looking plugins in the first place.

Secondly, keep yourself updated with the latest developments in the tech world. Know about the new ways hackers are snooping around and ask your developers to be prepared.

Web Application Security Testing

Constant testing is inevitable in website development. Hackers are always on their toes, and so should you. Ask your testers to do security testing on the website. For better results, hire third-party testers, as they will be able to scrutinize the website from an unbiased perspective.

Keep A Website Backup

Never say never, but if your website gets hacked, you need to have a plan B. Have a backup of your website. If you have to start all over again, you will not have to start from scratch.

Enhance Your Website Security With WDI

Having a website security partner is one of the best things you can do. A web development company knows the ins and outs of website security. When you bring your concept to us, we develop it in accordance with cybersecurity standards. Your website’s security is our top concern.

If you want to develop your website from scratch or make it more secure, give us a call. We have 20+ years of experience in this field and hundreds of satisfied clients.

Let us make your website more secure!

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How Helpful is Competitive Intelligence For Your Business? Mon, 10 Jun 2019 13:45:59 +0000 It is the result of a company's efforts to gather and analyze the needed information about its industry, business environment, competitors and competitive products and services.

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It is the result of a company’s efforts to gather and analyze the needed information about its industry, business environment, competitors and competitive products and services. The information-gathering and analysis process can help any and every Web development company in India, to develop its own strategy or identify competitive gaps.

How Helpful is Competitive Intelligence For Your Business?What is Competitive Intelligence?

It basically is the gathering of publicly available information about an enterprise’s competitors and the use of that information to gain a business advantage. The goals of competitive intelligence include discerning potential business risks and different opportunities and enabling a faster reaction to competitors actions and events. Competitive Intelligence practices involve ethical and legitimate research and information-gathering such as studying a company’s social media posts for specifics that might reveal the timing of a product launch.

It is simply referred to as the action of gathering and analyzing data about competitors, their consumers, target audiences and other outer forces that influence your marketing. This can range from looking up a recent press release about your direct competition to checking out possible competitor’s social media accounts in order to understand what issues their consumers are identifying so it can find a way to meet this need. In simple words, competitive intelligence means gaining knowledge about the forces of your business so you stay competitive in your field.

It is always relevant but is also important before beginning any new campaigns, unveiling new products or making major changes to strategy. Gaining a complete understanding and predictions of what to expect keeps you from walking into new scenarios blindly. It offers you valuable insights that marketers can use to be more effective and strategic in their decisions. This sort of information can shape your game plan so you can avoid mistakes your competitors have already made.

What is it used for?

Talking about tactical intelligence services, it focuses more on physically performing any decided plan. They carry out the strategies in the present. Hence, they are known as present-oriented services. They provide solutions and analysis for the present conditions of the business. This helps the business to optimally utilize its resources, achieve objectives and deal with challenges while performing the strategy. Given below are four definite uses of Competitive Intelligence.

1. Product Launch

– While they record market trends, they also have their records of the demand and supply cycle. This sums up to conclude that this sort of intelligence is useful when a business wished to launch a new product in the market.

2. Design Strategies

– Competitive Intelligence services primarily help in planning the future as well as present business strategies. These solutions are qualitative in comparison to other market research services.

3. Definite planning for future circumstances

– They possess a forward-looking perception. The strategies planned are executed for more than 5 years. Finance remains largely undisturbed even when there are disruptive changes in the financial cycles. It does not mean to have any sort of damage at all, rather they are significantly less.

4. Targeting other businesses

– Competitive intelligence services work on a broader prospect. They consider potential competitors to track their activities in the market and manufacturing techniques, which also helps businesses plan their own movements.

Benefits and specifications

The knowledge that your competitors project, gives you the edge to continue improving so you are able to set your company apart. A competitive intelligence organization aids your business in gaining information and monitoring competitors. Along with Software Development services, we also get great help with these solutions, cause they can serve as a useful tool for planning your own business decisions going forward. Given below are the advantages you can carry along with you if you have Competitive Intelligence as your guide.

1. Identifying your competitor’s actions.

– An agency that makes use of Competitive Intelligence provides you with information that allows you to anticipate what your competitors are planning next.

2. Understanding and executing your gaps.

– A competitive intelligence organization helps you identify gaps in the market based on what your competitors are doing next. With this solution, you can see how the competitors are changing or growing and which areas of the market they are having their focus on.

3. Creating a definite plan for your business.

– Once you have an understanding of what your competitor is in need of, you start doing better and plan your company’s next move. You are better able to stay competitive if only you can anticipate what similar companies are planning about.

4. Clearing internal information.

– The internal assessment gives you an idea of how your company is performing, where you are excelling and where you need to focus more energy. The competitive intelligence agency is able to give you regular information on your company to help you make decisions.

5. Helps you have a bigger picture

– New features and latest trends, easily attract potential customers and prevent loyal ones from leaving. By learning about other business and types of technologies, you get to discover the latest trends. By researching about your competitors, you get the chance to learn more about how the market place runs and customers spending culture and season.

Sources of Competitive Intelligence

A competitive intelligence source is a medium that provides relevant insights about competitors. Processing real-time and up-to-date data is crucial to gain accurate insights. Given below are the same type of sources.

1. Crunchbase

2. Alexa traffic rank

3. Social Searcher

4. Google Maps- business

5. Ahrefs

6. Open corporates

7. SemRush

There are a lot of useful tools, database and competitive intelligence sources that can help you to better understand your competition. All these tools combined will help give you an interesting profile and vision of your competitive landscape. But, what makes the most of it, is to have an understanding of which is that one company that can help you get what is needed.

Website Developers India has been known and awarded as the Best Web Development Company for customer experience this year, by Digital Customer Experience Awards and Summits. They have been providing their services and solutions to clients not only in India but flourishing the same globally. Their best known for their Web Development and Digital Services with the help of their Expert developers and a team of essential analysts.

Visit: Top Software Development Companies of 2020

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Big Data Strategy- The Path To Achieve Right Customers Tue, 15 Jan 2019 07:33:09 +0000 To obtain better insights into a definite performance, and right customers companies jump onto big data. Big data can help you understand your customers better and help you a content marketing strategy that also helps in meeting your customer's needs.

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To obtain better insights into a definite performance, and right customers companies jump onto big data. Big data can help you understand your customers better and help you with a content marketing strategy that also helps in meeting your customer’s needs. Your customers do not just want to see an empty or missing piece in the name of a website, but to understand what the site is about you will have to offer the right amount of Data. The right amount of data helps you develop a definite right set of strategies for your content.

Big Data Strategy - The Path To Achieve Right CustomersWhat is Big Data?

The world collectively creates 2.5 Quintilian bytes of data every day, and the same amount of enormous data that is being processed is termed Big Data. Big data can be of any types that include structured and unstructured data like:

  • Sensor data
  • Text
  • Audio
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Log files
  • Clickstreams
  • GPS Signals
  • Transactional information etc.

Effective data is able to collect, analyze, manage and store a huge amount of quantities and varieties of data at an incredible speed.

Why use Big Data to improve Content Marketing?

1. Helps in raising your target audience

You can track and monitor the progress of certain metrics in order to find data from different sources. Through big data, you can analyze the behaviour of your targeted audience.

To get a closer understanding of how to increase the traffic, you would need to develop the right amount of data.

2. Convert clients

Helps in converting customers along the buyer’s journey. it remains important to use Big data to map and measure the potential of the customers in a particular purchase stage, also understanding the kind of content they consume or abandon. You must understand the need for controlling the content and understand how it is to be performed.

3. Customer retention

With the goal of creating loyal subscribers, customer retention helps in understanding and applying certain ways to get into that process. Conduct certain research with customers who opt for cancellation. This will certainly help in figuring out ways to tackle it.

Concentrating on the practice of using content to get prospects into a brand’s conversion process, the same way how a paid advertisement would is what content does in the field of marketing.

Web Development Company In India, understand the competitive and developing marketplace with technologies and services. They know what it is to be an experienced digital market agency and know what to offer you with the right digital marketing services, offering you online marketing services that include keyword search, competition analysis, and conversion rate goals.

Big data can do wonders for your content marketing strategy, by providing you with valuable insights and enable you to tweak constantly and improve the same content strategy to gain a great number of right customers and increase your traffic, along with a greater website sale count. It is not what you show, it is how you show. You got to be more informative than just be a show.

Here is the list of top .Net Development Companies India & USA, for your project.

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Why Choose WordPress? Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:49:29 +0000 Used by approximately 75 Million websites, WordPress is by far the most open source Content Management System (CMS). Being free to install, deploy and upgrade. With thousand of plugins and templates power a flexible and simple interface, that reduces development costs and deployment time.

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Used by approximately 75 Million websites, WordPress is by far the most open source Content Management System (CMS). Being free to install, deploy and upgrade. With thousands of plugins and templates power a flexible and simple interface, that reduces development costs and deployment time.

The WordPress platform is known best to have a myriad of benefits like free cost, holding a passionate community, developers are experienced and quickly expanding with their techniques with themes, layouts, plugins to allow it to accommodate any website need and definite purpose.

While most of the WordPress plugins are used as blogging platforms, it fits in with any organization

Build and customise your website with WDI - Explore Now!Still in doubt about the “WHY’s

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Improve Project Delivery and Client Acceptance with Scrum Tue, 17 Feb 2015 10:26:44 +0000 Scrum has created quite a flutter in the mainstream website development circuit. Many developers and other industry experts have taken to various platforms to express their appreciation for the same in glowing terms. Does it really help? Scrum is one of the most pioneering and innovative Agile methodologies currently in existence. This methodology is essentially … Continue reading "Improve Project Delivery and Client Acceptance with Scrum"

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Scrum has created quite a flutter in the mainstream website development circuit. Many developers and other industry experts have taken to various platforms to express their appreciation for the same in glowing terms. Does it really help? Scrum is one of the most pioneering and innovative Agile methodologies currently in existence. This methodology is essentially flexible, adaptive, swift and effective. It has been tailored to offer quick and notable value all throughout the duration of a project. Scrum is favoured by multiple industry pundits on account of the communicational transparency that it ensures in addition to its seamless creation of an environment that witnesses both consistent progress and accountability from a collective perspective.

Scrum has a clearly defined framework and this has been impeccably structured to ensure ample support for service and product development across multiple industry sectors and this is applicable for even the most complex of projects. Apart from hassle-free website development, Scrum can actually spark a tangible increase in ROI for several projects. Project success can never be guaranteed at all times and uncertainty is a lingering part of the entire development process. However, delivering results is made swifter and hassle-free by Scrum and hence the tangible ROI increase mentioned earlier.

How can you boost client acceptance and delivery of projects via Scrum?

Projects are mainly collaborative activities geared towards the creation of newer services or products in addition to result delivery. Project results are always expected to facilitate returns in the form of service value or even any tangible business. Value is the core component that motivates organizations with regard to going ahead with projects. The value-driven delivery principle is very important here. Scrum ensures value-driven delivery at really early stages of projects and this keeps on happening throughout the entire duration of the same.

The whole value delivery concept is a vital cog in the wheel as far as the Scrum framework is concerned. The framework is indeed an alluring proposition for senior management officials and stakeholders of companies alike. This is unique in comparison to other conventional models of project management which usually go hand in hand with the following:

  • Changes in needs post initiation of projects give rise to hurdles and consume immense time
  • Business value does not quite influence requirement based priorities
  • Realization of value only arises post completion of projects and final delivery

The Agile Manifesto principles of website development are fleshed out below:

  • Customer satisfaction is the foremost priority along with consistent software delivery
  • Evolving requirements are welcomed no matter how late they may arise
  • Working software delivery should be in sync with shorter time periods spanning two weeks to months
  • Developers and business management teams must collaborate regularly for projects
  • Talented, dynamic individuals have to be supported and empowered as deemed fit
  • Development teams must rely on face to face discussions for knowledge exchange
  • Basic progress can only be tracked through working software
  • Sustainable development via agile work processes is possible through a consistent output
  • Cutting edge design and technical prowess are a must
  • Simplicity is the key to success
  • Self-organized work teams are the ones that churn out innovative designs and architectures
  • Periodic assessment and reflection on team effectiveness and subsequent action is desirable

Get your website developed with help of expert advice. Contact Website Developers India Today!

US: (+1) 970 556 9495            UK: 02036 514 195            India: +91 22 61274401

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Microsoft Windows 10 – What’s New? Get current & latest updates Tue, 03 Feb 2015 07:46:11 +0000 Microsoft recently showcased Windows 10 and this may well set the cat amongst the pigeons in the mainstream technology sphere according to experts. Billed as a boon for website development in India and other technological processes, Windows 10 has generated even more news on account of the proposed free upgrade that will be given to … Continue reading "Microsoft Windows 10 – What’s New? Get current & latest updates"

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Get current & latest updates on Microsoft Windows 10Microsoft recently showcased Windows 10 and this may well set the cat amongst the pigeons in the mainstream technology sphere according to experts. Billed as a boon for website development in India and other technological processes, Windows 10 has generated even more news on account of the proposed free upgrade that will be given to Windows 7, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 users for the very first year post the launch of the same. This is a novel strategy on part of Microsoft and will definitely pull in the crowds without a doubt.

Windows will be delivered as a mainstream service, another aspect that is quite unique in a manner of speaking. Customers will now be able to access multiple innovative features instead of looking to future releases. Multiple universal applications can be created by users for all devices such as the Xbox, computers, smartphones, tablets, the Internet of Things and many more. Windows Updates will be available in addition to cutting-edge security features and other enhancements.

Users will certainly love the exclusive Cortana or personal digital assistant that provides considerably swifter access to information in addition to the code-named Project Spartan browser that can seamlessly be annotated by a keyboard or even directly written on with pens for social sharing. Office applications are set to be overhauled with better file editing and creating attributes in addition to inking features for real-time slide annotation in PowerPoint. Maps, Calendar, Photos, Music, Messaging, Videos, and Mail will work similarly across all kinds of devices too. The handy continuum mode will allow users to switch between tablets and computers without any hassles.

In what is set to redefine website development in India a wee bit, Windows 10 offers immense scope in the form of the Microsoft HoloLens. With multiple APIs, holographic real-world experiences can be conjured up by developers and 3D holograms can be used to depict Windows universal apps. Holograms can be communicated with and can access information without any PC, wired or phone connections. Additionally, the Surface Hub has been unveiled as a natural accessory and is a device with a gargantuan screen where content can be shared and edited seamlessly by several people through multiple devices.

Windows 10 definitely symbolizes a whole new generation, something that enables users to be faster and more productive at home and work. Though the release date has not been revealed yet, users and tech experts cannot wait for the multitude of new experiences in store!

Do you want your online business to achieve success - Ask our expertsGet Latest info and Updates only at WDIPL solutions

US: (+1) 970 556 9495            UK: 02036 514 195            India: +91 22 61274401

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Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid apps- What are the major variations? Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:30:38 +0000   Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid Apps People naturally remain curious about native apps, web apps and hybrid apps. These can often seem confusing and quite similar. Developers and publishers cannot often choose the best possible type for their needs and requirements. However, there are a few prominent differences and variations that are present among … Continue reading "Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid apps- What are the major variations?"

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Native Vs Web Vs Hybrid Apps

People naturally remain curious about native apps, web apps and hybrid apps. These can often seem confusing and quite similar. Developers and publishers cannot often choose the best possible type for their needs and requirements. However, there are a few prominent differences and variations that are present among the trio. Here’s the lowdown:

Native apps

These apps are usually designed and coded for specific device types. This is what sets them apart from their hybrid and web counterparts. These are the apps that actually rest within your own applications tab and can be launched through a simple tap. For example, iPhone apps are usually written in Objective-C while Java is used for Android apps. These apps provide multiple advantages including heightened responsiveness, functionality and reliability. These apps are often very fast and can make use of multiple device features like accelerometers, cameras, gestures and compasses among others.

Native apps can be used for notifications and user alerts and may well help publishers keep their audience firmly ensconced in using the same. These apps are usually a hit with users and are more intuitive than the rest. However, specifically written apps will never run on other devices. The app has to be rewritten in different languages as per the needs of particular devices. Multiple platform apps in this format can be quite costly for developers. However, publishers should focus on building these apps in case budgetary constraints are absent. The sheer user experience and other benefits make it a good deal in most cases. Some top examples include Shazam and Angry Birds.

Web apps

These apps are usually mobile optimized and closely resemble mobile versions of websites. These usually load up within Chrome, Safari and other web browsers in the manner of sites. They usually feel like a proper application and make certain functionalities and content available in quick time. Yet, users often find these apps limited with regard to functionality and an internet connection is always required for them to work. This makes web apps somewhat different and incapable in comparison to real mobile applications.

Hybrid apps

These apps can be created faster and are reasonably cost-effective for developers as compared to their native counterparts. Cross compatible technologies are used for their creation including Java, HTML5 and CSS. Native code is also tapped to make apps more functional and boost user experiences. Only a few succinct native code portions have to be rewritten for multi-device functionality and this is indeed a big advantage.

However, this requires sufficient work on optimization for multiple platforms and costs may well rise in this regard. However, multiple versions of hybrid apps keep benefiting from the single built core version. There are no constant feature additions required like in the case of native applications. Some top examples include BridgeIt, LinkedIn, Facebook and others.

As can be seen, all three app types have their own variations and differences. You have to align your eventual goals with the kind of features offered by the trio and choose accordingly.

Visit our website for more info on native, Web & Hybrid AppsContact WDIdeas Now. Also, we provide the finest and best designers and developers.

US: (+1) 970 556 9495            UK: 02036 514 195            India: +91 22 61274401

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6 Most significant questions to answer before developing a mobile app Wed, 03 Dec 2014 06:51:52 +0000 When it comes to mobile apps development¸ you should always endeavour to put up as many questions as you can to determine the effectiveness of the app you are planning to release or launch. If someone comes to you with a tangible app development idea, you should endeavour to ask a few questions to them … Continue reading "6 Most significant questions to answer before developing a mobile app"

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When it comes to mobile apps development¸ you should always endeavour to put up as many questions as you can to determine the effectiveness of the app you are planning to release or launch. If someone comes to you with a tangible app development idea, you should endeavour to ask a few questions to them as well. Mobile application development is not the piece of cake that it looks to be! It involves complexity, dedication, effort and proper marketing to succeed apart from technical competence and mastery. Here are the 6 most important questions that come into the picture whenever you think of developing mobile apps:

  • What exactly is the business plan or strategy in place?

A business strategy becomes important in the case of the mobile app. Is the plan tangible enough to attract customers and App Store users? Will the app garner a potential return on the investment? Will it draw proper downloads? Is it relevant to the current scenario? Can it be monetized? These and many other realistic variables have to be brought in whenever you consider the possibility of your business plan or concept.

  • Does the app bring something new to the table?

There are millions of apps released by developers across the world and these span several categories as well. However, they are not very different from each other and many bite the dust as a result. The real, long-term success of an app depends on the kind of value and unique touch it ends up adding to the daily lives of customers. Value maximization is what you should look for in your app.

  • Are there tangible profits to match the investment?

Consider the investment you make in the app. There are many app developers who are success stories but an equal number fall by the wayside with regard to recovering costs. Consider the actual scale of investment and whether your app is good enough to at least break even in a suitable period of time.

  • What is the best platform for your app?

Consider various platforms like Android, BlackBerry, iOS and even Windows. You have to analyze the anticipated profit margins from each of these platforms along with their current relevance and popularity. iOS and Android are waging a steady war in the mobile market and you have to do your market research properly with regard to determining the right platform for mobile application development.

  • What is the actual selling point of the app?

The USP of the mobile app has to be considered before everything else. This has to be clear in order to make your app a success. Even if there are other similar competitors in its category, the app has to do something innovative or different in order to stand out.

  • How will you monetize your app?

Monetization is a core component of the entire mobile apps development process. You have to think about possible ways and means for earning revenue through the integration of advertising platforms and other sources.

These are the most significant factors which help in developing a mobile app.

Get your first suitable Mobile App with help of expert advice. Contact Website Developers India Now!!!.

US: (+1) 970 556 9495            UK: 02036 514 195            India: +91 22 61274401


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Measures to Solve the biggest problems with Google Glass Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:49:11 +0000   The Google Glass app is slated to be the next big thing in technology development along with the actual product itself. The famed company has already assembled a team of skilled Mobile app developers who are working day and night to fix problems associated with the device. However, experts and engineers reckon that it will … Continue reading "Measures to Solve the biggest problems with Google Glass"

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Give wings to your innovative venture - Start a talkThe Google Glass app is slated to be the next big thing in technology development along with the actual product itself. The famed company has already assembled a team of skilled Mobile app developers who are working day and night to fix problems associated with the device. However, experts and engineers reckon that it will take some time before Google Glass actually becomes a tangible proposition in mainstream markets owing to some pertinent problems that are still associated with the product. Solving these problems is a must before Google starts mass production.

Design problems can cripple the best and most innovative technological devices and the Google Glass worryingly looks to be following the same course. Google was never really concerned about design and this is something that is acting as a hindrance towards smooth functioning of this world-changing pair of glasses that can actually layer digital information right over the real world. However, reality augmentation can be tougher than it seems. Here are some of the biggest problems faced by the technology to services behemoth:

  • The Segway problem should be avoided at all costs

Video glasses have not really attained popularity owing to this curiously termed problem faced by the Segway which was once touted as revolutionary even though it offered no promise of augmented reality like Google. Google should focus on the style quotient, invisibility or other attributes of its glasses. The iPod can be a good reference point with its obscurity and ease of concealment on a user’s person.

  • It’s not a good thing to be always on

Google currently does not possess a clear idea of the fine limits between okay and too much when it comes to notifications since it is clearly foraying outside its safe zones. There are multiple functions blocked by Google which now need to be explored to make this project a success as a whole.

  • Proper use-cases need to be found

However fascinating Google Glass app might be, a proper use-case needs to be found by Google, one that actually makes a potent statement. The possibilities of Google Glass seem to exceed actual requirements. Why does such technology have to be encased in glasses? The Google Glass app developers need to be consulted in this regard with regard to proper interfacing and use-cases.

  • Excessive feedback systems should be dealt with carefully

Crowdsourcing is not always the best solution when it comes to designing and developing intuitive and revolutionary technology like Google Glass. Feedback gathering phases are common at Google but the company needs to bypass excessive permutations and combinations in design-related aspects with care. A singular project vision will work with the target audience but not convoluted and confused perspectives somehow jammed together.

A Good idea need great team if you have an idea, we have got the teamThese are some of the problems that need rapid solving before Google can actually get its innovative Glass interface on the ground. The Google Glass should be one of the biggest technological waves to hit the world and here’s hoping that these teething problems don’t stand in the way!

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