mobile app developers – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Tue, 25 Jul 2023 06:53:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mobile app developers – WDI Blog 32 32 The Biggest Problem With Mobile App Development Fri, 09 Jun 2023 14:26:48 +0000 Mobile app development is one of the biggest trends in the tech and entrepreneurial worlds. Every other startup is looking forward to investing in mobile app development to get their business out there and expand their horizons. But every coin has two sides, and the same is true for mobile app development. Everything is not … Continue reading "The Biggest Problem With Mobile App Development"

The post The Biggest Problem With Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.


Mobile app development is one of the biggest trends in the tech and entrepreneurial worlds.

Every other startup is looking forward to investing in mobile app development to get their business out there and expand their horizons.

But every coin has two sides, and the same is true for mobile app development. Everything is not as easy as it seems. 

Mobile app development comes with many problems, and the biggest one of them is finding the right mobile app development company for your project. 

Why Is Finding A Good Mobile App Development Company Difficult?

Finding a good mobile app development company can be difficult for several reasons. 

First, there are a lot of companies out there, and it can be hard to distinguish which one is the right fit for your project. 

Companies may have different levels of experience, expertise, and capabilities, so it is important to take the time to research each one to make sure they are a good fit for your project. 

Additionally, developing a mobile app can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it is important to find a company that can provide the necessary resources and guidance to ensure your project’s success. 

Finally, the cost of development can vary greatly depending on the company and the features you need, so it is important to compare different estimates to get the best value for your money. 

Finding a good mobile app development company can be difficult for several reasons. 

First, there are a lot of companies out there, and it can be hard to distinguish which one is the right fit for your project. 

Companies may have different levels of experience, expertise, and capabilities, so it is important to take the time to research each one to make sure they are a good fit for your project. 

Additionally, developing a mobile app can be a complex and time-consuming process, so it is important to find a company that can provide the necessary resources and guidance to ensure your project’s success. 

Finally, the cost of development can vary greatly depending on the company and the features you need, so it is important to compare different estimates to get the best value for your money.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of mobile app development companies, and finding the best one among them for your specific business case can be tough and time-consuming. 

There are so many factors to look for that comparing them can be overwhelming.

Every company will make big promises, but finding the one that can fulfill them is the real task.

But if you want to be successful as a startup, you have to take every problem as a challenge. 

In this blog, we at WDI have compiled the major deciding factors for choosing the perfect mobile app development company. 

We have streamlined the process for you so that you get a clear idea of how to go about looking for a mobile app development company. 

Factors To Look For In A Mobile App Development Company

WDI has compiled four factors you need to look for before sealing the deal with a mobile app development company. 

1: Technologies Provided For Mobile App Development

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, and mobile apps are a reflection of this. 

Mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular as they allow users to access information quickly and conveniently, and many businesses are turning to mobile apps to help them reach their customers and increase their revenues. 

When choosing a mobile app development company, it is important to consider the technologies they use.

The technologies used by a mobile app development company are crucial to the success of the app. 

Technologies such as programming languages, frameworks, and APIs can determine the success of the app. 

The company should be knowledgeable and experienced in the technologies it uses. 

The company should also be able to provide the latest technology and updates. 

This will ensure the app is secure and reliable, and it will provide a great user experience.

In addition, the technologies used by a mobile app development company should be cutting-edge and up-to-date. 

Technologies should be used to create an app that is easy to use and intuitive while still providing powerful features and functionality. 

The company should be able to create custom solutions that meet the needs of the client and their customers.

Finally, the technologies used by a mobile app development company should be integrated with other existing systems. 

This will ensure that the app works smoothly with existing systems and can be easily integrated into existing IT infrastructures. 

This integration will also allow the app to be quickly rolled out and updated.

Here are some major technologies that could be required by your specific project. Look for a mobile app development company that holds expertise in the one your project requires.

Mobile App Development Technologies
FlutterFlutter is a powerful, open-source mobile UI framework for creating natively compiled apps.
LaravelLaravel is a powerful PHP framework for creating modern web applications with expressive and elegant syntax.
AngularAngular is a powerful front-end framework for creating dynamic, single-page web applications.
IonicIonic is a powerful and popular open-source framework for developing hybrid mobile apps.
React NativeReact Native is a powerful framework for creating native mobile apps using JavaScript and React.
PythonPython is a powerful and versatile programming language that is used for a wide variety of applications.
Java ScriptJavaScript is an object-oriented programming language used to create interactive web pages and web applications.

In conclusion, technologies are an important factor to consider when choosing a mobile app development company. 

The company should be knowledgeable and experienced in the technologies it uses, and it should be able to provide the latest technology and updates. 

Furthermore, the technologies should be integrated with existing systems, and the company should be able to create custom solutions that meet the needs of the client and their customers. 

All of these factors will help ensure the success of the mobile app.

2: Communication Channels

Communication channels are an important factor to consider when choosing a mobile app development company. 

These channels provide a way to stay connected and informed throughout the entire development process. 

Without proper communication channels, there is no way to ensure that the mobile app will be developed according to the client’s specifications and that any problems that arise can be quickly addressed.

The most important communication channel when selecting a mobile app development company is the ability to have face-to-face meetings. 

This allows the client and the development team to discuss the project in detail and ensure that everyone is on the same page. 

It also allows for any questions or concerns to be addressed quickly and efficiently, and for any changes to be made in a timely manner.

The ability to communicate via email, phone, and video conference is also essential. 

This allows the client and the development team to stay connected, even if they are not physically in the same location. 

Email and the phone can be used to quickly relay messages, while video conferencing allows for more detailed conversations about the project.

Finally, it is important to consider the development team’s ability to use various collaboration tools. 

These tools allow the client and the development team to share ideas, documents, and code without having to be in the same place physically. 

This allows for faster development times as well as better collaboration with the client.

In conclusion, communication channels are essential when selecting a mobile app development company. 

Face-to-face meetings, email, phone, video conferencing, and collaboration tools all provide important ways to stay connected throughout the entire development process. 

Without proper communication channels, the development process can become disorganised and inefficient, and the mobile app may not be completed to the client’s specifications.

3: Experience

Experience is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a mobile app development company. 

It is essential to ensure that the company you choose has the knowledge and expertise necessary to create an app that is high-quality, secure, and meets all of your needs. 

An experienced mobile app development company will have the necessary skills and experience to ensure that the app is developed to the highest standards.

In addition to having the necessary technical skills, an experienced mobile app development company will have the knowledge and insight to create an app that meets the needs of its users. 

This includes understanding the user interface, user experience, and user journey of the app. They will be able to create an app that is intuitive and easy to use, with features that help users navigate the app and complete tasks quickly and easily. 

With their experience, they will be able to create an app that is engaging, attractive, and memorable.

An Experience also allows a mobile app development company to provide a range of services that are tailored to the needs of their clients. 

This includes creating a strategy for the app’s design and development, providing technical support, and offering advice and guidance on how to market and promote the app. 

An experienced mobile app development company will also be able to provide a range of additional services, such as maintenance and support, which can help to ensure that the app remains up-to-date and secure.

Finally, an experienced mobile app development company will be able to provide valuable insights and advice to help you to develop an app that meets your goals and objectives. 

They will be able to provide an understanding of the market and the current trends, helping you to create an app that is competitive and successful. 

They will also be able to provide insights into the latest technologies and platforms, ensuring that the app is built with the latest tools and technologies and is optimised for the best performance.

Hire Developer for Mobile app development

Overall, experience is essential when choosing a mobile app development company. It ensures that the company has the necessary skills and knowledge to create an app that meets your needs and achieves its goals.

It also ensures that the app is built with the latest technologies and platforms and is optimised for the best performance. 

Finally, it provides valuable insights and advice to help you to create an app that is competitive and successful.

4: Portfolio

Portfolios are an important factor when selecting a mobile app development company. 

Portfolio allows potential customers to see the type of work the company has done in the past, which will help them make an informed decision on who to hire.

A portfolio also serves as a way to demonstrate the company’s experience and capabilities.

A portfolio should feature examples of the company’s past work, including screenshots, videos, and other visuals that illustrate the quality and range of their work. 

By looking through a portfolio, potential customers can get a better sense of the company’s style, skills, and experience. 

They can see what types of projects the company has successfully completed, as well as the types of clients they have worked with.

In addition to providing potential customers with a glimpse of the company’s work, a portfolio can also serve as a source of inspiration. 

By examining the work of others, customers can better understand what kind of features and design elements they may want to include in their own mobile app. 

Furthermore, seeing the types of projects the company has taken on in the past can help customers determine if the company is a good fit for their needs.

Here is WDI’s portfolio:

Overall, a portfolio is an important tool for choosing the right mobile app development company. 

It provides potential customers with a way to evaluate the company’s experience, skills, and style, as well as get inspired by the types of projects the company has completed in the past. 

By carefully examining a portfolio, potential customers can make an informed decision on who to hire for their mobile app project.


Finding the right mobile app development company is the hardest task for startups. Hopefully, we have made the process easier for you with this blog.

If you want to get your mobile app developed by the best, contact WDI now and get your mobile app development project started.

With 21+ years of experience, you will get nothing but the most innovative technologies and the most efficient developers. 

Let us build something game-changing together!

The post The Biggest Problem With Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

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Why is Mobile App Market Research Important and How to Conduct It for Your Business? Mon, 26 Sep 2022 14:41:27 +0000 The post Why is Mobile App Market Research Important and How to Conduct It for Your Business? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Why is Mobile App Market Research Important

You have got a brilliant app idea and you cannot wait to turn it into reality. You are impatient to get your app developed, launch it with a bang, and witness a million downloads on the App Store.

Woah! Slow down a bit and take a deep breath.

If creating and launching an app were so simple, all apps would have a million downloads.

But that is far from reality.

Most apps on the Play Store and App Store do not see the light of the day. Most do not exceed even a hundred downloads.

This is why simply developing and launching your app is not going to cut it. You need to have in-depth planning even before you start the development process. This is known as mobile app market research.

Mobile app market research is an inseparable part of mobile app development. Without it, your app is most likely to fail, unless you are good at hitting the bullseye in the dark.

Mobile app market research is a comprehensive study of your app’s market position and customer behavior. It assists you in marketing your app the right way. Without it, marketing has no basis to build upon.

Let us zoom in a little bit and understand why it is important.

The Importance of Mobile App Market Research

Mobile App Market Research allows you to get a crystal clear idea of how your app will fare in the highly competitive market and what steps you can take to ensure it is successful.

Without it, you are entering the arena without any clue who your competitors are.

Here are some reasons why mobile app market research is unavoidable.

1: Cut Throat Competition

Do you know the number of apps available on the App Store?

Over 2 million as of 2022.

Now, the Google Play Store?

Over 3.5 million, according to Statista.

Your app will be like a drop in an ocean. It is up to you to turn it into a pearl.

If you do not make your app stand out, people will not bother to download it.

Mobile app market research is essential for that.

2: Multiple Clones

Multiple Clones

Just try this, open the App Store or Play Store and search for any functionality like a marketplace, finance app, editing app, etc.

You will find multiple apps providing the exact same thing. Apart from some minor theme differences, most of them feel like clones.

If your idea is not unique, the only one in the world, it is highly likely that it will end up in this barrage of clones.

You do not have to discard your idea if it has been done before. Do not give up without even beginning.

Mobile app market research is the key here. It will tell you what you have to do to make your app better than your competitors. It will teach you how to market it the right way and zoom ahead of those clones.

3: Marketing

You can develop the best app in the world, but without the right marketing, no one will download it.

With millions of apps out there and almost all of them spending on marketing strategies, you have to work on your marketing and ensure that it is better than theirs. At least it should be better than the apps in your niche.

Most mobile apps fail because they do not give marketing the respect it deserves.

4: Engagement

If getting people to download your app is a challenge, keeping them engaged is another.

It is next to impossible for the user to have downloaded just your app on his smartphone. There are probably 40 other apps, waiting like wolves to grab his attention and bring him over.

It is no longer a download battle, it is a battle of attention. You must do everything possible to keep the user on your app. It is a battle fought by bombarding notifications, and the one that hits gets the bounty.

This is where research can help you to know the best marketing techniques for snatching the user’s attention from other wolves.

If this sounds too stressful for you, maybe you never considered any of this could happen. Mobile app market research is what can alleviate that stress for you and make the path clear for you to step on.

How to Conduct Mobile App Market Research

How To Conduct Mobile App Market Research

At WDI, our team of mobile app developers has laid out the steps you need to take to conduct mobile app market research.

1: Are People Asking for It?

This is the first question you need to answer whenever you come up with an app idea.

You do not have to answer it at once. Take your time with it.

Here are some ways to find out what people need and whether your app idea has the potential to fulfill those needs

1: Social Media

There is nothing simpler than scrolling through social media.

Social media is the voice of the normal population. This is where they express their views, grievances, and most importantly, needs.

You will come across many people expressing the problems they face or desires they have on a daily basis by just scrolling through social media apps.

Is your app idea solving any of these needs?

If not, be more specific in your search and follow the forums, accounts, and groups related to your niche.

You will find exactly what your ideal customer base is asking for and what you can provide.

2: Forms

Creating online or offline forms is the best way to get answers to the exact questions related to your app.

Here, you can ask any question you want. Ask multiple questions related to the need you are trying to fulfill.

Circulate these forms through social media, maybe run an ad campaign, and try to get as many answers as possible.

See if people are actually craving to get that particular need fulfilled. If they are willing to download an app for it.

3: Offline Research

This is very old-school but still an effective method of research. You can directly talk to people one-on-one and get the exact answer you desire.

Although you are limited to the number of people you can talk to, do not let this slide.

At the very least, talk to your family members and friends. Ask them how they feel about your app idea and whether it will help them in some way.

Mobile Application Development

2: SWOT Analysis

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. These are four crucial aspects that you should analyze for your app.

It is essential to understand what you need to promote and what you need to improve on to leave no stone unturned.

Here is how you can do a SWOT analysis.

1: Strengths

List down the strong points of your app idea.

What is it that you are proud of about your app idea?

Why do you believe that people will download your app?

What is going to be your unique selling point?

Note down the answers to these questions. This is what you have to promote as much as possible while marketing your app.

2: Weaknesses

What is it that you are not confident about your app idea?

Where do you think it could go wrong?

This is the most difficult question to answer, as you are quite overjoyed when an app idea strikes you. You only tend to think positively.

But it is necessary to calm down and think about what your app idea lacks.

These weaknesses will help you market your app in a better way.

Once you note down the weaknesses, figure out how you can improve upon them.

3: Opportunities

Now that you know your app idea’s strengths, find out the places where you can promote it.

Is there any trend in mobile apps that you can hop on?

Is there anything your competitors are lacking that you can fulfill?

Understand human behavior. Is there any marketing technique you could use to cash in on that?

Find as many opportunities as possible and figure out ways to use them to the fullest.

4: Threats

Note down the external problems you might face that can hinder the success of your app.

Maybe it could be a funding issue.

Maybe your competitors can do some shenanigans to sabotage your app, like bombarding it with fake negative reviews.

Make a list of similar threats and brainstorm ways to deal with them.

This will make you fully prepared to tackle anything fate throws your way. You will not be bewildered if some problem comes up.

3: Target Group

Target Group

A target group or target audience is the people who are most likely to use your app.

These are the ones who are going to be the focus of your marketing campaign.

It is advisable to have a clear 4K image of your ideal customer in your mind. But, if that is too much, at least research the following points.

1: Gender

You must know which gender is most likely to use your app.

It will help you to select specific marketing channels that your target demographic is likely to use.

For example, a makeup marketplace app is most likely to be used by women. So, you can target the websites and offline locations where females are most likely to visit.

2: Age

Some apps are likely to be used by people belonging to a certain age range.

A cartoon app will be used by kids, but a cartoon creation app will be used by adults.

Both will require different marketing strategies.

You do not have to be specific, just find an age range that will most likely use your app.

3: Location

Is your app restricted to your country, your continent, or the entire planet?

If you are targeting multiple countries, you need to provide language support for all of them.

When it comes to marketing, you will have to research their culture and lifestyle. Something that is considered to be a good omen in one place could be considered a curse in another.

The last thing you want is some country offended by your app’s advertisement.

4: Occupation

Is your app something that could benefit people following a certain occupation?

If you are creating a video editing app, your target audience will be editors, filmmakers, content creators, etc.

If you are creating an app for luxury products, it is most likely to be used by people with a lot of disposable income.

Doing in-depth research about these factors will help you decide which channels to invest your money in for marketing.

4: Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Your competitors will do their best to bring you down. If you have no idea who they are, your app will end up failing.

This is why competitor analysis should be a part of your mobile app market research.

Here is what comes under competitor analysis.

1: Other Businesses

You must already have a list of your competitors ready. You might admire them or curse them occasionally.

Find out who among them has a mobile app.

Analyze what features they are implementing in their app.

See how they are marketing their apps.

This will give you an idea of what you can do better than them to become successful.

But success is never permanent. Once you rise, your competitors will put in more effort to get ahead of you.

The grind never stops.

2: Other Apps

Competitors do not just have to be businesses. They could be other top apps in your niche.

A simple App Store and Play Store search can give you an idea of the top apps in the category you are trying to dominate.

Scrutinize them and check what their USPs are, what features they are offering, and where they are being advertised.

The more apps you analyze, the more you learn.

5: Business Plan

Once your research is done, jot it down and create a comprehensive business plan.

A business plan is going to be the cornerstone of your mobile app. It is where you present your strategy for generating revenue, profit generation, sales, and market share.

After doing all the research, this is where you share the outcomes.

A business plan should contain marketing strategies you have devised for promoting your app.

To make the process easier for you, we at WDI have devised the best marketing strategies for promoting a mobile app.

1: App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is modifying your app description, images, and videos to make it rank in the relevant app stores.

Ensure that your description is search engine friendly and contains the keywords that your target audience is searching for. It should also be reader-friendly and compelling enough for the reader to download.

Include attractive screenshots that describe the functionality your app is going to provide to your users.

2: Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a huge world. It includes many things like websites, blogs, social media, etc.

It provides a huge opportunity for you to promote your app across various channels.

The best part is that it is free to some extent. Creating posts on social media, writing blogs, and developing a microsite are all free and effective ways to promote your app.

3: Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email is still an effective marketing tool. You must have a bunch of people registered with your business. Let them know about your new app through an email.

You can also try advertising through emails, but it will look spammy.


While developing an app, add a system that rewards people who share your app and those who download it through the shared link.

You can also allow users to create promo codes that give some rewards to the ones using it and the person creating the code.

5: Reviews

Once your app is launched, ask people to review it. Start with your family. Tell them to download your app and rate it five stars on the App Store.

Remind your users to rate your app through pop-up notifications.


Wrap Up

Mobile App Market Research is the key to make your app successful.

It will help you understand where your app stands in the market and what steps you need to take to make it stand out.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all of this, from branding, mobile app development, to digital marketing, was done for you?

We at WDI are a team of skilled mobile app developers who have 21+ years of experience in software development.

With our expertise, we ensure fast app delivery, embedded with the latest features and developed with the most advanced technologies.

All you have to do is tell us about your app idea and we will take it from there.

Let us create something electrifying together!

Mobile Application Development

The post Why is Mobile App Market Research Important and How to Conduct It for Your Business? appeared first on WDI Blog.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? Mon, 19 Sep 2022 12:22:09 +0000 The post How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Cost To Build A Mobile App

How much does developing a mobile app cost? This is one of the biggest questions startups have when they venture out to get a mobile app for their business.

How much budget do I need to allocate for mobile app development?

I have a fixed budget. What can I do?

Am I getting my money’s worth?

In what cases should I increase the budget?

Is it worth the money for mobile app development?

We would have loved to give you a one-shot answer, but we are afraid we can not. There are so many things to consider before the mobile app cost is decided.

A mobile app can be developed for anywhere between $20k and $500k, depending on various factors.

Sit back as we tell you what all goes into deciding a mobile app’s cost.

Factors Influencing Mobile App Cost

Whenever mobile app cost is decided, there is a detailed discussion with the client to understand the objectives and requirements. All the information required to develop a mobile app is extracted from the client.

At WDI, we decide the development cost based on various factors after a discussion with our client. Here are those:

1: Time Required for Development

Time Required For Development

Time is a big factor in mobile app development. As the development time increases, even the mobile app cost goes up.

With increased time, mobile app developers have to work longer. This means you have to hire them for a longer time, and if you hire them on a weekly basis, the cost will go up.

Based on the client’s requirements, we figure out how much time will be required for the development process.

Our mobile app developers have a weekly cost which we multiply by the number of weeks required for developing your mobile app and give the cost.

Development time is just one of the factors we have when determining your mobile app cost.

2: App Complexity

App Complexity

Depending on the complexity, apps can be divided into three categories.


The development cost changes based on the type of app you are trying to make.

Let’s look at each of these categories in detail and see what features come under them.

1: Simple App

A simple app is basically for those who have a small business they want to expand with a mobile app. It contains enough functionality that makes it usable without any advanced features, innovations, or out-of-the-box elements.

The user can create an account and navigate through the app to explore its functionalities. It might contain a search option and a messaging system.

You can check the user accounts and manage them as an administrator. You can edit the app content and handle business operations. You can also respond to feedback and send push notifications.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $20,000 – $70,000 for a simple app.

2: Complex App

If your app requires a lot of additional features, it will fall under the complex app category.

Along with the basic features, a complex app contains e-commerce, payment options, video playback, etc. The app can also use the device’s features like GPS, camera, microphone, etc.

If you want an e-commerce app or something with social media integrations, it will be categorized as a complex app.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $40,000 – $140,000 for a complex app.

3: Advanced App

This is where innovations come in. If you want to integrate the latest technologies in your mobile app, it will fall under the advanced app category.

What you can expect in an advanced app are features like augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and multi-language support.

Depending on what you want to innovate, the development time and the mobile app cost will increase. You will be required to have multiple meetings with your mobile app developers to fully understand the scope and plan the next steps.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $60,000 – $500,000 for an advanced app.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

3: Features to Be Implemented

Features to Be Implemented

When it comes to electronics, the ones with high-end features usually cost more. The same goes for mobile app development.

In today’s time, it is important to provide next-gen functionalities to zoom ahead of your competition and make your app stand out. Users download apps based on the features they offer, making it a big selling point.

High-end features require more time to develop, along with more experienced and skilled developers who can bring innovations to the table. This results in an increase in the mobile app development cost.

If you want to create something out of the box or something that has never been done before, it will require a ton of brainstorming.

Creating something new is not an easy task. It needs special technology and qualified mobile app developers who can pull it off. Even that will increase the cost of the mobile app.

If we just stick with already invented features, the mobile app cost fluctuates depending on the number of features to be implemented.

Here are some of the features along with their expected price

1: Login

This feature is necessary for your clients to create an account. Unless you want a free-to-use app, login would be required. It gives you an idea of how many people are registered with your app.

Under “simple app,” you can get options to log in with social media, email, or phone number. You will also get the “log out” and “forgot password” options.

All of this will require 30-40 hours and cost roughly $1000 – $2000 to develop.

2: User Profile

Once the user logs in, he should get the option to create his profile. This includes adding a profile photo, a short bio, and other information based on your app requirements.

This information allows you to segregate your users and also keep bots under check.

This will require roughly 20-30 hours and cost around $1000.

3: Profile Editing

Having a locked profile is never a good idea. The ability to edit your profile is a must-have. In many cases, the user will be required to edit details, and not being able to do so will compel him to quit your app.

The user should be able to edit every single detail entered. Complexities arise when editing passwords, emails, and credit card details. These require more coding to develop.

It will require roughly 40-60 hours and cost around $2,000.

4: Search

A search bar is crucial for fintech or e-commerce apps. It is a small feature that makes all the difference.

It will take 10-20 hours and cost $500-$1000 to develop.

5: Push Notifications

Push notifications are the key to retaining your users. You can notify your users about the latest update and improve your conversions.

These can also be automated so that the users receive notifications whenever some activity takes place.

It can take 25-35 hours and cost around $1200 to develop.

6: File Upload

This is the heart and soul of social media and photo-sharing mobile apps. Ensuring that your users are able to upload the images they want as quickly and hassle-free as possible is required for successful photo-sharing apps.

Some apps require users to upload a document or a zip file. That requires a different set of coding to get it done right.

This will require 20-30 hours and cost around $1000 to develop.

7: Admin Panel

As a business owner, the admin panel allows you to control everything within your app, especially the users.

You get to see how many users have created their accounts in your app along with their profile details. You get a clear understanding of what kind of people are using your app.

If you want to block a user from doing any activity or remove someone from your app, the admin panel is where you can do that.

It takes around 60-100 hours and costs $4000 – $5000 to develop.

8: Video/audio Streaming

If your app requires video or audio playback, you must ensure that it supports videos of all qualities and break-free playback.

This one is an advanced feature as it requires a lot of storage to host the videos without the app crashing.

It further includes features like downloads, pausing the video, changing playback speed, background playback, adding to the watchlist, continuing from the last played point if the app closes, etc.

This can take 100-150 hours and cost $4,000 – $6,000 to develop.

9: Map

The map is the core of ride-sharing and carpool apps.

Features like GPS, searching on the map, location sharing, and selecting destinations are some that can be implemented.

It can take 70-130 hours and $3000 – $5000 to implement.

10: Payments

This is the end goal of most startups with their mobile apps. There are many smaller features that are required to make sure that payment is smooth and safe.

The most important one is having multiple payment gateways to not lose out on potential clients.

Other smaller features like showing balance and transaction history enhance the user experience.

It can take 60-80 hours and $3,000 – $5,000 to develop.

11: Communication Tools

Some apps require communication tools like voice calls or video calls. These take longer to implement due to the end-to-end encryption they require for maximum security. User privacy is our topmost priority.

It can take 200-400 hours and cost $10,000 – $20,000 to develop.

Other advanced features, like augmented reality and virtual reality, can take a lot more to develop and also a long time to implement.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

4: Platforms


Currently, iOS and Android are the two most popular smartphone OSes out there. Depending on which one you want to develop your app, the mobile app cost varies.

Usually, the cost of developing for iOS and Android is almost similar. If you want to develop an app for both of them, the cost increases substantially.

There are multiple types of apps, and all of them have different relationships with platforms.

1: Native Apps

Both Android and iOS cost almost similar amounts, with Android costing slightly higher. This is thanks to the insane number of Android smartphones out there. While developing an app, you need to consider that the app is able to run perfectly on most popular Android smartphones.

This increases the development cost slightly as the app has to be developed to cater to all Android smartphone specifications.

If you want to develop for both platforms, you will have to pay for two native apps. This is because native apps are designed according to the platforms and this cannot be done using a single code. Both have to be coded separately.

2: Progressive Web App (PWA)

A PWA is basically a website turned into an application. It can run on all devices regardless of compatibility, but offers limited functionality due to being only a website.

Separate coding is not required to make it run across various devices. Once the PWA is launched, the user can simply add the page to their home screen and continue using it.

This reduces coding work to a great extent, and the app can be developed much faster.

The development cost ranges from $20,000 – $60,000 depending on the functionalities you want to implement.

3: Flutter Apps

Flutter is a framework developed by Google and runs on the Dart coding language. It allows you to create an app for both Android and iOS using a single code base. You do not have to develop separate apps, and this reduces the mobile app cost substantially.

Flutter also allows you to implement high-end features like high FPS and use device functionalities, which is difficult with PWAs.

To know more about their differences, read our detailed comparison between Flutter and PWA here: ADD LINK

The development cost is reduced as you can develop two apps with a single codebase. You can expect to pay anywhere between $20,000 – $100,000 for a Flutter app.

4: React Native

React Native is a framework developed by Facebook and runs on the JavaScript coding language. Just like Flutter, it allows you to create apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. This reduces the development cost.

With React Native, you can use the device’s native features like the camera, microphone, GPS, etc.

At first glance, both Flutter and React Native may seem similar, but there is more to them than meets the eye. Read our detailed comparison between Flutter and React Native here:

A React Native app also costs anywhere from $20,000 – $100,000 to develop.

5: Hybrid App

A Hybrid app is basically a web app put inside the skeleton of a native app. The user can install the app from the App Store, but the app will run like a website.

Due to the less time required for development, it can cost approximately half the cost of a Native app.

So, these are the types of apps you can develop and they run on various platforms

5: Optimization

After launching an app, it needs to be optimized for bugs and for newly launched smartphones. This is a crucial part of audience retention. If you are not providing consistent updates and building upon feedback, your users are most likely to quit your app.

From your total app budget, you must allocate 15% to 20% for yearly maintenance.

This includes optimizations like bug fixing, changing code to make it run on newer OS updates, improving performance and speed, and ensuring it supports the latest versions of third-party services.

If you want to add new features to your app, it will cost according to the complexity of the feature.

A design change might be the solution if your users are getting bored of using your app. It will help to keep your app up to date with the latest trends.

For best results, you should be ready to allocate 20% of the total app cost every year for maintenance.

6: Development Team

Development Team

Depending on the number and type of professionals you are hiring, the mobile app cost varies.

At WDI, we offer a wide cadre of professionals who handle every small part of your mobile app development process.

Here are some of the professionals we offer to our clients:

1: Business Analyst

Before creating an app, you need to know where it will stand in the market. This is exactly what a business analyst does.

Our business analyst will understand your idea, suggest improvements, and check for any issues it may face in the market. He will analyze your competitors and advise you on what steps you should take so that your app stands out in the market.

He defines the product specification document and decides the total mobile app cost.

2: UI/UX Design Team

Once the concept of the app is ready, the UI/UX designers create wireframes for your app.

Based on the suggestions, a fully functioning prototype of your app is created. This is the final design of your app.

3: Developers

The developers start coding for the app based on the prototype. Depending on the type of app, we have dedicated developers for Flutter, React Native, Hybrid, Android, and iOS.

4: Testers

Once the app is ready, our team of testers scrutinizes it from top to bottom, ensuring that everything is functioning perfectly.

Once everything is fine, the app is launched on the required platforms.

5: Project Manager

The project manager handles the entire project, ensuring that it is completed at the intended time and meets the client’s expectations.

With WDI, you get a full-stacked mobile app development team to create an app your users will love.


There are many complex factors influencing the mobile app cost, making it impossible to give a final price.

We have done our best to provide you with ranges that can help you make a rough estimate based on your requirements.

Even though you can create an app for as low as $20,000, we have never seen a successful app made for less than $50,000. High-end features require a high investment, but they also lead to high returns.

If you want to create an app, we will provide you with speedy MVP delivery, a transparent development process, and a dedicated support team for all your queries.

Let us create something magical!

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop?

The post How Much Does a Mobile App Cost to Develop? appeared first on WDI Blog.

How Mobile App Developers Can Help You To Kick Start Your Business Fri, 09 Sep 2022 07:49:27 +0000 The post How Mobile App Developers Can Help You To Kick Start Your Business appeared first on WDI Blog.

How Mobile App Developers Can Help You To kick Start Your Business

In 2022, a mobile app is the best asset for a startup to expand their business and customer base. More people are using smartphones as compared to desktops or laptops.

Although there are browsers on smartphones, a mobile app is still the ideal way to do any activity on a smartphone.

Push notifications, offline usage, high-end features, and gamification are some of the things that are only possible through a mobile app.

You have made the best decision for your business by planning to create a mobile app.

However, bigger decisions mean bigger dilemmas.

With mobile apps, there are so many paths available to take that it can become overwhelming for a startup owner.

  • Should you hire individual in-house programmers?
  • Should you rely on app builders?
  • Should you hire a freelancer?
  • Should you invest in a template?
  • Should you hire third-party mobile app developers?

Each of these options has their pros and cons, but when it comes to building the best app for your startup, there is nothing better than a dedicated mobile app development company.

You will have to compromise on a few or many things with the other options, but if you have the resources, a dedicated mobile app development company will provide you with everything you need for developing the app.

12 Advantages of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company

A mobile app development company like WDI comes with years of expertise and a large cadre of professionals.

This provides you with all-around support for all your objectives.

Here are 12 benefits you will get by hiring mobile app developers like WDI.

1: Guidance

For a startup owner without much technical knowledge, investing in an app can be a mind-boggling task. There are so many questions in your mind that can make you go mad.

  • Is my app idea any good?
  • What features does the app need?
  • What technology should be used?
  • What aspects of the concept can be improved?
  • Should I get the app made in one go?
  • How much money should I spend?

These are the kinds of questions that can nag at you all the time.

If you hire an in-house development team, they are going to look to you for guidance.

If you do not have the technical expertise, it will be grueling for you to explain your idea to them, and it will cause nothing but a big mess.

The project will suffer from immense errors, and you will end up blaming the developers for that. It will take a much longer time to complete and will also drain your pockets.

A freelancer will not be able to provide any significant insights single-handedly.

This is where a mobile app development company can help you turn the mountain of technological complexities into a molehill.

At WDI, we have a whole team of professionals with years of expertise in app development, project management, marketing, and more who can solve all your queries. They will break down all the complex technological jargon into language you can comprehend.

The first thing you will get is an expanded version of your idea with all the necessary details.

Basically, we convert your raw idea into a complete plan of action.

This plan of action includes all the features required for your app. This is decided by the development and UX design teams after in-depth research into your concept.

The next thing is the technologies that are going to be used. For a startup, this is the most confusing decision to make. You can spend days researching and still not arrive at a conclusion.

But our development team can figure it out quickly after understanding your app idea. They have years of experience in developing mobile apps with multiple technologies, and that helps them to make such decisions easily.

Then we decide the theme of your mobile app based on your brand image. Our marketing team brainstorms on the colors, shapes, images, and fonts that will be used. You get a complete brand guidelines presentation on how the app is going to be designed.

Your queries and suggestions will be addressed to finalize the project so that the development team can start working.

All of this is something you cannot get with in-house developers or freelancers. In that case, you have to take the lead and create a plan of action.

2: Business Analysis

Just developing an app is not enough. You need to know where it will stand in the market. Will people use it and to what extent? What adjustments are required to cater to the target audience?

All of this is done by the business analyst team and is required to get your app the success it deserves. Not having one is like opening your shop in the middle of the Kalahari desert.

With WDI, you get a dedicated business analyst team that conducts research about your business and its scope. They create a plan on how your app can get ahead of your competitors and dominate the market.

You also get a detailed competitor analysis, explaining what your competitors are doing to excel and what you can do better.

3: Prototype Development

Prototype Developement

A prototype is basically a blueprint of your app. It shows you how the app will look when developed.

This helps you to know whether the project is heading in the right direction or not.

Any changes or improvements can be made without any additional charge.

When it comes to hiring in-house developers or freelancers, you might have to pay extra for developing the prototype.

Without a prototype, you have to wait for the app to be developed to get an understanding of how it will look. It is like constructing a building without a blueprint, it will never be perfect.

By working with mobile app developers like WDI, you get prototype development as the first step of making the app.

Without the approval of the prototype, we do not move forward with the project.

Our UI/UX designers understand your vision and mold the prototype design to meet every single one of your requirements to make it flawless.

This guarantees that the project is completed without any problems.

4: Technology Stack

Technology Stack

When hiring in-house developers, you have to be confident about the technology you are going to use.

Every developer has mastered only one or two technologies. Once you hire the developer, you are forced to work with what you have.

If you realize later that the technology you had decided to work with is not capable of handling the project, you will have to hire more developers, thus causing unnecessary expenses.
Also, firing the hired developers is going to be a challenge. This makes it mandatory for you to be 100% sure about the technology you are going to use.

When you hire mobile app developers like WDI, we do the research for you to finalize a technology.

We have multiple programmers across all technologies to ensure that all app ideas get the right one.

Depending on your requirements, we will tell you which technology is going to be best for your project.

Here are some of the technologies we work with:
React Native

With a huge technology stack and multiple experts using it, you have absolutely nothing to worry about getting the right one for your app.

5: Expertise


You can hire experienced developers in-house, but there is a catch. None of them have worked together.

They will require a lot of time to bond with each other and enhance their teamwork.

This means more time and money for the project to be completed.

All of this can be avoided by hiring mobile app developers like WDI.

Here, we make apps day in and day out. This allows us to create smashing mobile apps in less time.

With our talent and expertise, we confidently incorporate advanced features and solve technical difficulties with ease.

Mobile app development requires a huge team of experts like project managers, UI/UX designers, programmers, content writers, testers, etc.

It is a challenge to find and hire all of them. Most importantly, it is time-consuming.

With WDI, you get all of them under one roof.

We are aware of the latest trends and system updates in smartphones, and this allows us to create ground-breaking mobile apps, ready for the future.

6: MVP Development

What is mvp developement

An MVP is a Minimum Viable Product, which has enough features to get your business out there.

Developing an MVP is a crucial part of mobile app development as it allows you to get your business started without having to wait for the complete app.

At WDI, we launch your MVP within eight weeks so you can start working. We release further features with updates every two weeks.

This saves a lot of time as you do not have to wait for complete app development.

7: Project Management

When you hire a mobile app development company, your project is handled with a set method that is known to produce quality results.

At WDI, we follow the Hybrid method of project management, which is a combination of the Waterfall and Scrum methodologies.

From the moment the scope of work is finalized till the launch of the MVP, we follow the Waterfall methodology. This means all of the work is done in one go without any breaks.

After launching the MVP, we deliver updates at regular intervals of two weeks following the scrum methodology.

With a proven track record of successful apps, the Hybrid methodology has been a game changer for us.

When you do everything by yourself, you have to figure out how to manage the entire project. But when you choose WDI, we handle everything for you with a streamlined process, making every piece fit in its place.

8: High-Standards

At WDI, we have high standards of quality that we always maintain. We provide exceptional mobile apps that have an enjoyable user experience, thus creating stronger business and user bonds.

We maintain a portfolio of all the apps we have developed, and we do our best to maintain our reputation. When you hire our mobile app developers, you are assured of excellence.

A poor app means a poor portfolio, and mobile app development companies try their best to not let that happen.

Compared to a freelancer, a company cannot go underground after bad services. They have to face the backlash, and that is why they make maximum efforts to avoid any subpar product delivery.

9: Freedom From Legal Troubles

Mobile apps and online financial exchanges are like honey to fraudsters and scammers, leading to many legal cases.

You also have to deal with a bunch of rules and regulations to ensure that your mobile app abides by them all.

Although legal problems cannot be totally avoided, hiring a mobile app development company can minimize that to a great extent.

Companies like WDI adhere to legal rules and regulations, giving you some comfort in this part.

They handle all legal documents required for developing the mobile app.

All contracts, like non-disclosure agreements, are prepared beforehand for you.

Just a friendly reminder, do read all documents before signing.

10: 24/7 Support

Freelancers are only available when they feel like it. They are humans and require time to sleep and perform other duties.

However, mobile app development companies have a reputation to live up to. They have a dedicated round-the-clock support team to handle all client queries.

If you have any suggestions or changes to be implemented immediately, you can easily contact the mobile app developers and get your message across.

You get multiple support systems like messaging, email, phone numbers, video conferencing, etc. at your service.

From our end, we provide regular updates to our clients about the project details, progress reports, and other minor details.

24/7 Support

11: Budget Friendly

It may be hard to believe, but opting for a mobile app development company is cheaper than hiring freelancers or an in-house development team.

When you hire a freelancer or an in-house development team, you have to pay them according to the number of weeks you hire them for.

First of all, without technical expertise, it will take ages just to explain exactly what you want to your team.

If somehow you manage to build the app, it will most likely be half baked and require many improvements. This will further increase development time and your expenses

12: Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

There is absolutely no use in launching a mobile app if no one downloads it.

Digital marketing is a must to spread awareness about your app and compel people to download it.

At WDI, we provide a dedicated digital marketing team who creates an extensive digital marketing strategy to promote your app and make sure it reaches the targeted audience.

From branding to marketing, we handle everything to get your app the success it deserves.

We have dedicated experts for SEO, blog writing, and social media marketing who know the ins and outs of their platforms and can drive traffic to your app.


Hiring mobile app developers is the best step forward for startups looking forward to creating an app for their business.

Which ones to hire is a challenge in itself. Let us help you decide: WDI.

With over 21 years of experience in software development, WDI is the leading mobile app development company in the world.

From fintech to children’s apps, we have a portfolio of successful app deliveries across multiple categories.

Our cadre of professionals possesses unmatched expertise in the latest technologies like Flutter, React Native, Laravel, Angular, and Ionic, just to name a few.

All you have to do is share the concept of your app with us and we will take it from there, expanding your idea, designing wireframes and the prototype, delivering the MVP and further updates.

Contact us now and let us start working on your app right away.

The post How Mobile App Developers Can Help You To Kick Start Your Business appeared first on WDI Blog.

Flutter Vs. React Native: The Right Technology Goes a Long Way for Your App. Fri, 09 Sep 2022 06:35:48 +0000 The post Flutter Vs. React Native: The Right Technology Goes a Long Way for Your App. appeared first on WDI Blog.

Flutter vs React

Developing cross-platform apps is one of the biggest trends in 2022 due to the ease of development and launching it offers. This creates a warzone for mobile app development software, leading to battles like Flutter vs. React Native.

Both Flutter and React Native are the leading mobile app development software, offering unique advantages that are irreplicable by each other.

They are highly popular because they are open source and free to use. But their biggest strength is that they allow you to develop apps for both iOS and Android using a single source code.

This means you do not have to create separate codes for various platforms, thus reducing your workload, time, and resources spent.

As of 2021, 42% of mobile app developers prefer to use React Native while 39% use Flutter. Both are neck to neck in terms of popularity.

This makes it confusing for startups to decide which platform is better for their individual goals. You need to know if your mobile app development team is using the right technology or simply wasting your time and resources.

This is why we at WDI have done all of the backbreaking research for you and laid out simple points to help you get a crystal clear understanding of which platform you should choose for your app.

First, it is important for you to understand what Flutter and React Native are.

what is flutter

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a Software Development Kit (SDK) designed by Google. It was launched in May 2017 and has seen tremendous growth ever since.

With the use of the Dart programming language, it is used to write the source code for creating applications for Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Flutter allows developers to modify the UX, allowing for super smooth navigation and snappy loading speeds.

With an organization like Google behind it, there is no doubt that it will provide the best services.

Some applications made with Flutter are Google Ads, Alibaba, and eBay.

What is React Native?

What is react native

React Native is another open source, free to use framework used for developing TvOS applications as well as iOS, Android, Windows, and MacOS.

It was created by Facebook and made open source in March 2015. So, it did get more time to flourish compared to Flutter.

It uses JavaScript as a primary programming language.

Instagram, Amazon, and Netflix are some popular applications made using React Native.

Flutter Vs. React Native: Let the battle begin!

Both Flutter and React Native are popular and backed by tech giants.

There are many areas where both of them excel and fall behind.

This is why WDI has listed down the pros and cons of both, to make your decision making easier.

Pros of Flutter

Next-Gen Performance

Having high-end performance is pivotal for improving the user experience and competing with the giants in your selected niche.

Flutter apps deliver the best-in-class performance as they are directly compiled into the machine code. It is done by using the visualization and graphics engine built into C and C++.

This allows you to implement animations up to 120 frames per second in your app. As maximum phones support 120 frames per second, it is a sin not to provide the same in your app.

The response time is the fastest due to the direct compilation of the code and the lack of bridges.

In the latest update of Flutter 3, Google introduced an algorithm that predicts the complexity of the image rendering. This optimizes memory usage without hampering the app’s performance.

Ready-Made Widgets

Flutter is full of widgets. Every object, like a font, button, block, or padding, is a widget. These are like building blocks that are used for creating UIs.

There are many existing building blocks for you to choose from, which also gives you the option to create your own widgets.

All of these widgets are tailored to the platform the app will be launched on, giving you complete control over its design.

Development time and costs are cut short, making Flutter an excellent choice if you want to launch an app as quickly as possible.

Hot Reload

This is one of Flutter’s greatest features. With a single tap on the “R” button, you are able to see the changes made instantly in real-time. You do not have to restart the app.

What this means for you as a startup is that you can get to see the prototype faster.

You can suggest changes and get everything sorted before giving approval for the final version of the app.

This again saves a ton of time and gets everything simplified for you and your development team.

Multiple Language Support

Multiple Language Support

One of the biggest requirements for a startup is to have their app available in multiple languages so that it caters to users worldwide. Not doing so means that you are losing out on a large user base.

As of today, Flutter supports 78 languages along with units of measurement, currencies, dates, and layouts for languages that are read from right to left.

This means your app will be accessible to people across the world, thus increasing your user base.

Faster MVP Development

What is mvp developement

Most startups need to get their apps out there as fast as possible and start pushing their services.

Building a full-fledged app takes a long time, even with snappy development kits like Flutter. This is where MVPs come into play.

An MVP, or minimum viable product, is the most basic version of your app that has enough features to be usable and get your business running. Extra features are delivered systematically

With Flutter, you can get your MVP up and running quickly and start generating business.

Cons Of Flutter

Limited Third-Party Libraries

Providing the latest features in your app is a no-brainer. Libraries play an important role here in simplifying the task and saving a lot of resources.

We are not talking about book libraries here. Flutter libraries are a set of pre-built animation or design packages that can easily be implemented in your app.

If you want a particular theme for buttons or a “swipe-down for refresh” feature, these have dedicated libraries for them which you can simply add to your app.

The libraries are pre-tested and open source, making them mostly flawless. This saves a lot of time as you do not have to create the app from scratch.

Flutter is a newly created SDK and most of its features are still in alpha and beta stages.

As of now, it has more than 25k libraries. This might seem like a big number, but it is not when compared to React Native.

Large App Size

As a startup, you need to make sure that your app is accessible to the widest range of people out there.

The built-in widgets become a downside here as they increase the app size, which easily exceeds 4MB.

This means some users will have to free up space on their phones to download your app. They might have to delete some songs, images, or video games for that, and believe us, most people will not do that.

This is why having the tiniest app size possible is the best move forward, and Flutter does not allow that.

Your mobile app developers might have to sacrifice certain animations to reduce file size, and that will do more harm than good.

Not Suitable For iOS

Flutter being developed by Google is a big advantage, but it is also a problem as the apps struggle to run perfectly on iOS.

Flutter apps are designed specifically to run on the Android OS.

Frame skipping and freezing are some issues you might face when developing an iOS app on Flutter.

Pros Of React Native

Live & Hot Reloading

This is one of the main USPs of React Native. Similar to Flutter’s “Hot Reload” feature, it allows you to see changes made in the code in real-time.

You do not have to wait to check if the app is up to your standards and you can make improvements instantly.

A Plethora Of Libraries

With React Native, you get a huge number of pre-made and tested solutions that you can easily use in your app.

If you want to integrate camera or GPS functionality into your app, libraries can do it for you without having you write the code from scratch.

Even checking bugs in code and grammar in your text can be automated with the help of libraries.

As Native As It Gets...

The UI of apps made with React Native has a native look, making it impossible to differentiate them from truly native apps.

It is rendered using native APIs, giving them the same level of performance as native apps.

Community Support

With a company like Meta behind its name, there is no doubt you will get excellent support. Developers from Meta ensure regular maintenance.

Along with this, there are many community forums where you can get almost instantaneous support.

It also allows mobile app developers to have fruitful discussions and expand their horizons of knowledge.

Instantaneous Updates

Providing regular updates is the key to improving interaction and expressing your concern for improving the user experience. An app not updated is a dead app.

When you launch an update for your app, you have to wait for the App Store and Google Play Store to approve it. This may take a few days.

React Native allows you to bypass this approval system entirely by implementing in-app updates.

The user can get a notification when an update is available and can directly update through the app itself.

Cons Of React Native

Debug Is Troubling

React Native runs on Java, C, and C++, which have a tedious debugging process.

The framework is still in development and still needs improvement in its debugging tools.

Rigid UI

Having a fluid design means that you are well-equipped to tackle all of the screen sizes present currently and those that will emerge in the future.

It is difficult to create fluid designs with React Native. Your developers will have to manually check if the UI is visible properly on all screen sizes and make improvements accordingly.

This increases workload and development time.

Slow Loading Times

React Native is based on JavaScript, meaning it takes a longer time to initialize.

Any app built on React Native will load slower regardless of how powerful the device is used to run it.

If performance is your top priority, React Native will not serve you well.

When To Choose Flutter?

With the pros and cons of Flutter and React Native in place, it is time to compare them both and understand which one to go for according to your requirements.

In most cases, mobile app developers like WDI do the job for you. But, you need to know the reason behind their selection and why it is correct. This will provide you with better insights into your app development project.

Let us now look at what Flutter does better.

Performance Is A Priority

If your app demands lightning fast loading speeds and high-end performance, Flutter is going to take the upper hand here.

With the use of the Dart programming language, loading times are snappy as compared to React Native’s JavaScript threads.

Flutter has an array of widgets to make development faster and the user experience richer.

With the option to implement animations up to 120 fps, you can bet that your app is ready for the future.

Google is consistent with improving performance through updates. Improvements like reduced CPU and GPU usage, memory reduction, and speed increases are regularly released.

App Required Urgently

Maybe you do not have the time to wait for months to get your app ready so that you can start your business.

Compared to React Native, Flutter has a faster development time. You can get your app ready in just two to four months.

With experienced mobile app developers like WDI, you will get your MVP ready for work super fast with further development through regular updates.

Budget Constraints

When it comes to mobile app development, pricing depends on the technology used and the time required for development. More time equals higher pay for mobile app developers.

Although both Flutter and React Native developers cost the same, things change when we include the development time.

With Flutter, your app gets developed significantly faster compared to React Native.

This means you only have to hire your mobile app development team for a limited time, thus reducing the overall cost.

When to Choose React Native

React Native comes with its own set of advantages that make it a better choice than Flutter in certain cases.

Here are the reasons to go for React Native.

Better UI Design

Better UI Design

React Native has a larger catalog of design elements compared to Flutter. Although the process is more complicated and requires dedicated experts like WDI, it provides more flexibility as well.

With the right expertise, you can create almost any design you want with React Native.

There is no compromise when it comes to your preferences, giving it the upper hand over Flutter, which has limited design libraries,

Native Features

Although Flutter apps feel native, they are far from being truly native.

With React Native, you can use the device’s native features like GPS, camera, microphone, 3D Touch, etc.

If your app requires any of these features, then you have to go with React Native.

Flutter Vs. React Native: Who is the Winner

It is time to end this Flutter Vs. React battle and announce the winner.

By looking at their functionalities, pros and cons, and usabilities, it is safe to conclude that the winner is… no one.

Both Flutter and React Native have irreplicable advantages.

If you want to get your app developed quickly and have a fast response time, then Flutter is the way to go.

If native features and gorgeous UI design are important to you, then opt for React Native.

This should put the Flutter Vs React debate to rest.

Our mobile app developers are well versed in both Flutter and React Native. Based on your requirements, we will create a first-class app that delivers exactly what you want.

Contact us

The post Flutter Vs. React Native: The Right Technology Goes a Long Way for Your App. appeared first on WDI Blog.

How to Build a Fintech Mobile App – From Idea to Delivery Wed, 10 Aug 2022 11:26:19 +0000 The post How to Build a Fintech Mobile App – From Idea to Delivery appeared first on WDI Blog.

How to Build an Fintech Mobile App

Quick Summary

Lately, the finance industry has made numerous advances in serving its clients in a superior manner. Fintech is a recently begat term that is for anything involved with finance and innovation from the foundation of moving cash to budget mobile applications. It is quite possibly the quickest developing innovation across the globe as it offers first-rate security and accommodation of customary acts of money. In 2020, the Fintech market valuation was $127 billion. According to the Business Research Company, by 2022, it will arrive at a valuation of $309, 98 billion with a CAGR of 24.8%. being an exceptionally complex industry, Fintech is becoming well known and is supplanting conventional methods of eCommerce, payments, banking, and wealth management. With Fintech, entrepreneurs and expert accountants deal with their accounts easily. Hence, in this article, we will understand every part of the Fintech Mobile Application Developing including the significance of Fintech, Types of Fintech applications, and how to build a Fintech Wallet application.

A - What Is A Fintech App: An Introduction

Financial Technology (Fintech) alludes to any web or mobile app which intends to improve and mechanize the conveyance and utilization of financial services. It is helping organizations, entrepreneurs, bankers, and different entities to effectively deal with their money tasks by using specific applications and calculations which can be used on computers or even on their smartphones. It emerged in the 21st century and initially, the term was limited to the back-end systems of established financial institutions. Yet, now it has been moved to customer-oriented solutions. Now, it also incorporates various areas, for example, education, retail banking, financial exchange, stock market, etc.

B - Types Of Fintech Apps

A Fintech mobile app development company includes technologies and financial areas like blockchain, banking platforms, and budgeting applications. If you believe your development should comprehend your idea, you need to decide the worth of a product to shoppers. There are various kinds of applications associated with Fintech:

1. Insurance Mobile Apps

As the name indicated, these applications are for the insurance business for speeding the claim processes, policy administration, and reducing fraudulent activities. It can be a fundamental CRM for an insurance site. A few features of an insurance application should be insurance app, claims filing, quotes, contracts, looking through contracts according to various parameters, etc.

2. Investment Mobile Apps - For Stock Trading, Mutual Funds and Cryptocurrency

These applications are for the most part used in the stock market. Using these applications users can’t explore assets and invest in them but it can also increase the effectiveness of investments. To create an investment application, you need to include center features, for example, multi-currency, investment funds, credit management, correlation of assets, real-time notification, and client support.

3. Banking and Money Management Mobile Apps

Banking applications allow users to rapidly deal with their bank accounts and look at financial exchanges without going to bank premises. Generally, mobile applications are the best option for banks as individuals like to use their smartphones for financial transactions.

4. Lending Apps - Money Lending Mobile Apps

The lending applications allow you to lend money without the involvement of a traditional bank or credit union. You can lend money sitting on your chair. They have become among the most trending tech in the Fintech world. There is no investment of delegates, for example, loan specialists, banks, or some other financial institution. As there are no intermediaries, the interest rate isn’t as high and investors gain more profit.

5. Consumer Finance Apps - Budgeting and Personal Finance Mobile Apps

These applications don’t necessarily accompany payment services. These applications help customers deal with their expenses, save money, and forecast future expenses so they won’t spend more than planned. The common features in these sorts of applications are financial objectives, costs and bills tracking, investment analysis, fraud alerts, etc.

C - Major Requirements Of Fintech App Development

As we already know, the Fintech ecosystem is quite complex hence you need to first consider the features which will help you succeed in your startup. Here are the major features of a Fintech App Development:

1. Security

In the Fintech business, security is the principal concern. If users face security issues even once, they won't flicker an eye while uninstalling your application. Some of the important features which will improve security in your Fintech application are:

● 2-factor verification
● Fingerprint or Face Scan security
● Login through OTP
● Dynamic CVV2 Codes

2. Integrations

The foundation block of building a fintech application is API. Application Programming Interfaces or APIs can connect different applications or portals to each other. In the Fintech business, APIs can give orders to 3rd party service employees.

Of course, Flutter uses the Dart programming language. Dart is a completely object-situated programming language, and since it has a C-based sentence structure style, it is not difficult to get and learn in the event that you know about a comparative grammar style. Furthermore, Dart can be ordered to ARM and x86 code, and with the most recent variant of Flutter, you could actually hope to have the option to transpile it to JavaScript so your Dart code can run successfully on the Web.

3. Simplicity

If you need your Fintech application to succeed, then make it with an easy-to-understand plan. The Fintech users don’t have to dive into a ton of questions to use your application. The possibility of fintech application development is to make analytical tools for collecting financial information and making financial projects with a simple interface.

There are real-time analytics and statistics which generally show with the goal that the users or companies can easily find their income, costs, investment funds, etc. For attracting more audiences, the Fintech application should be simple and intelligible.

4. Support

The entire Fintech industry includes the use of highly confidential information. Thus, you can’t depend on any 3rd party customer support rather you should have advisors to deal with customer queries. They should be prepared in fact to work under exceptionally strict safety rules and requirements.

D - Fintech Apps That Might Inspire Your Startup

1. Affirm

If users don’t have credit or money, in these situations, Affirm gives no-expense credits for one-time buys. It offers finance for a furniture store, mattress store, travel site, and around 2,000 unique retailers. Affirm is a company that provides point-of-sale financing.

2. Citi Bank

Established in 1812 as City Bank of New York, it has developed into the biggest financial institution in the United States by the late 19th. In 1976 the bank changed its name to Citibank. There are five levels of banking administration packages for users, basic banking, access account, Citibank account, Citigold, and City priority. The charges and APYs rely upon the consolidated average account balance. Clients can link their savings, checking, and retirement accounts to decide their average account balance.

3. Kabbage

Kabbage gives credit to businesses that are qualified for it. They can apply, get a report on their expenses and rates, and begin getting funds shortly. It is a quick process. It is free to apply, and users will require to just pay for the funds they use. The loan terms are simple and transparent to understand. Users can review schedules, and payment details prior to taking credit. With the application, clients can pull out of their credit extension, make payments, and view their funds.

E - Monetizing Your Fintech Application

If you’ve chosen to make a fintech application, the first thing you need to do is pick a primary monetization model. Later on, once your application is up and running, you can present extra features and service choices in view of various monetization standards, however, you need to begin with something to start returning on investments.

The following are a couple of examples of the most widely recognized adaptation models used by well-known fintech companies today.


The most typical and recognizable model for any individual who has at any point used an online service or mobile app of any kind. Users generally get a trial period for a few days to half a month to research the highlights and settle on their importance to their needs. After that expires, users are then charged the expense of the chosen membership at customary intervals (weekly, monthly or yearly).

2. Transactional fees

This model is generally used by applications for mobile payments and payment systems, where fees can apply to either all or specific payment types. Payoneer and WorldRemit are great examples of money exchange services that offer low rates on worldwide cash transfers with flexible choices for getting remitted funds. This monetization model can be used in addition to memberships or as the primary revenue channel.

3. Promotions and Referrals

If you build a sufficiently enormous client base, highly talented ads and referrals from significant advertisers can turn into the core of your fintech monetization technique. Users can partake in your services free of charge, yet will be seeing profoundly customized business offers from advertisers. The owner of the service gets paid for every conversion. For instance, Mint uses this model for the free version of their service, consolidating it with other revenue-generation mechanisms for premium service.

4. Selling Big Data

Fintech applications are an ideal source of significant, usable financial data pertaining to users’ ways of managing money, installment recurrence, average spending, consumption of particular services, and more. It is entirely expected for fintech organizations to offer paid access to this information (anonymized, obviously) to any intrigued outsider hoping to improve their marketing or sales strategy with better targeting and great informational data sets for their artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

F - Key Functional Domains to Make a Fintech Application in 2022

Fintech is an enormous industry with various verticals and business models that continue developing and combining constantly. Let’s take a look at some of the famous areas where financial technology is being used nowadays. If you are thinking about building a fintech application, you’ll need to look at these categories for inspiration.

1. Digital banking

Generic banking applications have been around for quite a while and can be tracked down on most smartphones in virtually any global region. Built to connect directly to users’ bank accounts, they offer all things required for managing personal funds, taking care of recurring bills and making SWIFT cash moves, generating spending reports and performing various other fundamental daily activities. Banking applications can be developed by comparing financial institutions or by third parties, for example, Chime or Atom Bank.

2.Payments and cash transfers

Online payments and money transfers have typically been among the most famous and popular online services that replaced the inflexible banks of the pre-digital period. Contactless payments and installments made through a QR code are on the rise. Organizations like Klarna, Venmo, and Stripe have changed payments for people and businesses, while money-transfer services like Payoneer, Wise, PayPal, and Revolut have made it incomparably more simple for individuals to move cash to their loved ones.

3. Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are one of the most trending financial trends and a driving force behind the fast development of the fintech area. Financial services in this area are generally addressed by crypto exchanges, real-time investment and trading platforms, and multi-currency wallets supporting both fiat and digital currencies. A few of these wallets support blockchain technology for putting away users’ information and financial records.

4. Robo-advising and stock trading

The dynamics of the stock market are so intense to the point that trading requires information, experience, and instinct, yet in addition to a lot of automation and the use of cutting-edge AI/ML algorithms for data analytics and pattern identification. Robo-advisors are insightful algorithmic stages that help users with wealth management and investment management for a fraction of the cost of similar services presented by human portfolio managers at banks.

Why Choose WDIPL?

If you’ve chosen to embrace a fintech adventure, you have every one of the opportunities to make an effective and beneficial business. Obviously, there’ll be a lot of moves en route to progress. How to build a fintech application with the right technologies? How to make a fintech application that will withstand the market competition? All these multitude of difficulties and various others can be effectively combated with the right team next to you.

WDIPL, is a top-notch award-winning mobile app development company in India, having experience in developing top-notch Fintech applications for almost 21+ years. We always sign a well-structured NDA with our clients thus making sure nothing is shared about our current projects.

We have exceptionally skilful and experienced mobile app developers, project managers, QA analysts, designers, and team who won’t simply foster an amazing Fintech application but will also help you in the initial business consultation.

We have broad skills in the fintech field. We know how to create a fintech application that will be a hit with your clients. Check out our portfolio to get to know our experience. We’re persuaded that one project can improve the entire business, so let’s not wait around and start developing it together right now!

The post How to Build a Fintech Mobile App – From Idea to Delivery appeared first on WDI Blog.

Flutter Vs PWA: What Is the Right Technology for Your Mobile App Development? Mon, 04 Jul 2022 09:16:45 +0000 The post Flutter Vs PWA: What Is the Right Technology for Your Mobile App Development? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile Application Development

Quick Summary

These days we have so many countless chances to reduce expenses on Mobile Application Development! 10 years prior, nothing remained at that point but to fabricate a local application. The disadvantage of this was you needed to spend two times the improvement expenses to make applications for iOS and Android stages. Presently with the help of wide cross-stage improvement choices, making two applications utilizing a single codebase has become progressively more famous.

We’ve done all the legwork to analyze the quickly rising prominence of Flutter Vs PWA. The two of them are planned to construct cross-stage applications. Additionally, they vow to convey the native mobile application experience. However, which one is the best answer for your venture? Read on to figure out every one of the Pros and Cons of Flutter Vs PWA features.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is known for its pixel-perfect development capacities. It is Google’s most recent open-source SDK to take care of business if you have any desire to build mobile applications that seem to be native applications while being cross-platform accessible. A Flutter application development company states that Flutter applications are worked with a single code base, which significantly reduces development costs. This might seem like an ever-evolving web application, however, we can guarantee you that the hidden mechanisms that make this native application experience possible are totally different.

Advantages of Flutter App Development

Expressive, Beautiful UIs – Flutter solid suit is a colossal collection of in-built widgets that are utilized for making UIs. Thus, mobile application developers don’t have to look for external plugins while planning the front end. Improvement Efforts Reduced – Flutter altogether smoothes out the work processes. Utilizing the Hot Reload feature, developers can run and debug the code without application reloading.

Incredible Solution for Creating an MVP – Flutter has remarkable elements like UI parts, ease of development, quicker loading speed, and reduced costs. In this way, it turns into an extraordinary answer for building an MVP.

Mobile Application Development

Flutter Top Statistics

  • Guarantee a solid and helpful stage
  • Give every one of the contemporary highlights
  • Focus on making the client experience better
  • Make it work quick

Flutter Examples

  • There are around 370 organizations that are using Flutter. 
  • The New York Times is also one of them that is using Flutter and acquiring gigantic benefits in a brief time frame.

What is PWA?

Basically, Progressive Web Applications are websites that closely resemble an application. The innovation is a mix of the best elements of both the web and native applications, and that implies that clients using PWA can profit from every one of the highlights that were beforehand special to native applications, like message pop-ups, geo-area, and so on, all while saving the best elements of the Web.

It is a promising new cross-stage application improvement innovation and is joined with the enormous adoption of all the fortune companies. In any case, with the recent introduction of PWA in Windows, you can rest assured that you will just see a greater amount of PWA from here onward.

Advantages of Progressive Web App Development

  • Don’t bother about Installing and Updating – Just like any website, users don’t have to download the application to get to it. Once opened inside internet browsers, clients can add it to the cell phones’ home screen.
  • Offline Accessibility – The ability to work offline makes PWAs substantially more advantageous than any other innovations. In-built assistance workers store significant data and permit clients to get to it without an internet connection.
  • Incredibly Light – PWAs take a lot less space than hybrid or native applications. For example, using PWA capacities, Pinterest has lowered application size down to 9.6 MB, which was 56MB for Android and 150 KB for iOS prior.

PWA Top Statistics

  • 38% higher transformation rates than native applications. (Source: Forbes)
  • Organizations changing to PWA notice multiple times a decline in stacking speed. (Source: Statista)
  • The expense of fostering a PWA application is 3-4 not exactly native application development. (Source: Medium)

PWA Examples

  • Twitter Lite is supposed to be the best PWA execution. It dispatches in under 2 seconds on all gadgets, whether work area, portable, or tablet, flawlessly.
  • The center differentiation of the best performing PWA is that it doesn’t take more than 2MB on your gadget.

Flutter VS PWA: Getting Into the Features


According to progressive web application development companies, PWA depends on JavaScript, a more established and developed language. You can expect the learning curve to be more sympathetic as various JavaScript systems and libraries are accessible to look over. Flutter, a much fresher language may appear to be a smidgen more confounded from the outset, as everything from the UI to the consistent code can show up pretty much stirred up in Flutter. What’s more, since everything is a widget in Flutter, you might end up in circumstances where you end up with a strangely enormous, profound, and complex gadget tree.


Progressive web applications, as referenced above, are more similar to the new norm of the Web, and there is no rigid rule with regards to the programming language wherein they should be coded. However, as it remains in a general sense a web innovation, Web-JavaScript-based dialects remain fundamental to the improvement of PWA.

Of course, Flutter uses the Dart programming language. Dart is a completely object-situated programming language, and since it has a C-based sentence structure style, it is not difficult to get and learn in the event that you know about a comparative grammar style. Furthermore, Dart can be ordered to ARM and x86 code, and with the most recent variant of Flutter, you could actually hope to have the option to transpile it to JavaScript so your Dart code can run successfully on the Web.


Without a doubt, Flutter, an SDK created explicitly for multiplatform android mobile application development, has a much bigger number of highlights than PWA, which depends on web technologies. Flutter applications have a more profound joining with the framework and can use more local widget highlights. Also, with regards to the overall user experience, Flutter has the high ground here as it embraces a pixel-ideal way of thinking with which clients of the two iOS and Android stages can encounter a similar consistent encounter.

This is since Flutter produces its UI parts, in contrast to most different systems that use local stage parts. Along these lines, Flutter applications are considerably more predictable across gadgets, yet the size of a typical Flutter application is fundamentally bigger than an ordinary PWA.

A Flutter PWA, is it Possible?

Web support for Flutter is now in its beta stage. There are still a few intricacies that are discouraging the developers from reaching their objectives. Be that as it may, indeed, it is conceivable, and assuming it works out, Flutter PWA will be the next big thing in the future.

Last Verdict

Picking either PWA or Flutter altogether relies upon your business requirements. You can counsel a solid cross-platform mobile application improvement organization to determine your inquiries and begin with your venture thought. With a top to bottom examination of your business, the development group can help you select the most suitable features and technology.

The post Flutter Vs PWA: What Is the Right Technology for Your Mobile App Development? appeared first on WDI Blog.

A Complete Guide On Building An Investment Advisory Mobile App Mon, 20 Jun 2022 13:28:22 +0000 The post A Complete Guide On Building An Investment Advisory Mobile App appeared first on WDI Blog.

Investment Advisory Mobile App

This is custom heading element

Building a mobile application is certainly not a confounded matter today. There are many who could build you astounding mobile applications.

What requests constant endeavours is the point at which you look for the improvement of a mobile app with a profoundly unambiguous class like correspondence, experience, specialisation and so much more.

Out of all, investment is a space that is frequently dismissed in view of the great degree of intricacy and, intrinsically, the speculation that will be put in question.

The most effective method to build a mobile app is an inquiry that needs an extensive response.

In earlier days, anybody able to contribute or exchange stocks needed to visit the stock trade to call the shot. Then came the time when you could invest simply by calling your broker on the line.

Today, you can always call the broker to contribute, exchange, or take out your investments. Yet, there is a simpler choice available. Various mobile applications in the market let you play with your cash, providing you with unlimited control of your activities.

Investing applications, just like cash others, have become progressively famous among the masses. The requirement for financial education has developed over some time, and nobody has underscored it enough.

Is It Worth Building An Investment App?

Building on the web speculation applications isn’t a bet, particularly when 80.63% of the world’s population approaches cell phones. Finding out about cash, how it streams in and out, and completing quick exchanges overall has never been more straightforward. With simple taps and snaps, you can purchase, sell, exchange, put or boat anything anyplace on the planet.

Prior, it was exclusively for the old and taught people, generally men, that they could put resources into the stocks while watching out for the high points and low points.

Today, whether you are a housewife who invests the vast majority of energy inefficiently or a high schooler with a need to fabricate a fortune. You can undoubtedly visit the versatile application store and quest for the best venture applications to download and begin with your excursion towards independence from the rat race.

Mobile Application Development

What Are The Must-Have Features Of An Investment App?

Finding top speculation applications isn’t an issue. In any case, constructing an element-rich and strong financial planning application is an errand that requests a great deal.

According to understanding client viewpoints to guarantee smooth functionalities. From amicable client experience to esteem expansion to the existence of end clients.

You should hold every perspective viable to guarantee the application that isn’t flop, is right on track, and fills the very need it is being worked for.

Primarily, the following are a couple of viewpoints that you should not neglect while building open venture applications.

  • Guarantee a solid and helpful stage
  • Give every one of the contemporary highlights
  • Focus on making the client experience better
  • Make it work quick

Which Type Of Investment App Are You Looking To Build?

There are a few kinds of versatile speculation applications. The choice regardless of whether you can assemble one lies on what your identity is.

In this way, before we examine more unambiguous elements that your application ought to have, we should find out about the sorts of venture applications. It won’t just give a thought of what they are yet in addition welcome lucidity on which sort of venture applications is your #1.

1. Investing Apps

Investing applications fill the basic need of associating financial backers and merchants. You can track down both on the stage. These money management applications fundamentally make it more straightforward to get suggestions. Thus, anything your necessities are in regards to speculation, these applications will satisfy them.

examples of effective money management applications: Invstr, Betterment, Acorns, Wealthbase

2. Trading Apps

Trading applications, otherwise called trade exchanged reserves applications, empower you to put resources into stocks with unlimited oversight. Clients can audit, examine and partake in the exchanging of stocks. You can likewise do pertinent tasks when essential

examples of exchanging applications: Robinhood, Stockpile, Webull, Vanguard

3. Banking Apps

These are the applications that are normally controlled by banks and administrative specialists. These applications ordinarily have every one of the elements for the end clients to do all the banking and relevant activities through the application. These applications might have extra elements also.

examples of banking applications: PNC, Capital One, Chase, Ally

Mobile Application Development

The kinds of portable venture applications we have talked about above are the essential ones. An application can have highlights of various applications. A half-breed form of these applications can be worked according to the prerequisites.

Steps toward Build A Great Mobile Investment App

Building a wonderful venture application is a sensitive and tedious cycle. You want to guarantee each step and each stage is managed accurately. To make things ideal for the end clients, following this cycle will allow you an opportunity to effortlessly excel with it.

1. Write Down Your Idea

The initial step is significant to be redirected in the later stages. To begin with, you must conceptualise and record every one of the thoughts and highlights you have as a primary concern. From finishing the various subjects to picking the number of screens to a few interesting highlights, list everything down.

This step is basic in light of the fact that once reported, you will have the clearness to fabricate what you know. You will figure out how long the venture would need and how many project requirements running out of control you can endure during the improvement stage.

2. Gather Information

Whenever you are finished with the conceptualising and documentation part, the subsequent stage is to do the data gathering. To accumulate concrete and significant bits of knowledge and thoughts, you should go through different advances. From perusing academic articles to visiting various gatherings to meeting people and leading overviews, you should do everything.

Besides, to guarantee the data you have accumulated is important, you must have a level of mastery to dissect the data and store just the piece that is significant and valuable. Once more, this step conveys a ton of weight and what you will work on in the forthcoming stages relies a ton upon this, which is the reason you should ensure that you sail through this step with extraordinary consideration and wariness.

3. Concentrate on Your Potential Competitors

Assuming you have plans to bounce into the market, one required step that you can’t skip is concentrating on your rivals. You don’t necessarily need to waste time, the same way you don’t need to bring something absolutely new to the market.

This step stays consistent for each industry and each undertaking. In addition to the fact that you comprehend what works for your rivals, yet you likewise comprehend where they may be passing up a great opportunity, and you can get up to speed with that. That is one reason why you should never skip concentrating on your rivals.

4. Put forth Your Goals

In the wake of finishing every one of the previous advances, right now is an ideal opportunity to begin with laying out your objectives and where you need to be. Whether you need to fabricate a versatile speculation application for a restricted crowd or go for masses etc., it is fundamental to decide your targets.

Also, after you understand what you need to construct and where you need to wind up, the way gets clear and simple for you to follow. For instance, on the off chance that you are hoping to go from Point A to B, you will possibly succeed assuming you know the two focuses. Really at that time can you choose the way to jog on.

5. Hire A Mobile App Development Company

Having a strong thought is perfect, however one needs to have a group of specialised specialists, planners, designers, project chiefs, and others to construct a total money management application. At the point when you conclude in any case the advancement cycle, you have two choices.

In the first place, you can construct yourself a group of people with different ranges of abilities. Second, you can give up your venture to an accomplished application improvement organisation to get your application constructed. The subsequent choice is in many cases more reasonable in light of the fact that you save yourself a lot of time and exertion that you can spend somewhere else, in a more useful way.

6. Assemble and Finalise the Design

At the point when you recruit a group, all you will do is oversee or neglect their endeavours. You can likewise give periodic directions when important. To launch the undertaking of your online applications, you initially need to begin dealing with the plan.

The planning stage will consolidate the means and highlights settled in stages one, two, and three talked about above. The fashioners and chiefs will survey and work on the stage. Essentially, they will chip away at the frontend plan that incorporates UI (UI) and UX (client experience). The planning stage will be the stage where the money management application’s screens and different plans will be created.

7. Pick Your Preferred Technologies

When your plan is prepared, presently comes an opportunity to pick the advancements for your versatile speculation application. Here, you get numerous choices. How about we stroll through them individually.

Native App Development

  • If you are planning to build local portable applications, which are for only one stage, whether iOS or Android, you get the accompanying choices.
  • For local Android speculation application advancement, two innovations or dialects are utilised. These incorporate Java and Kotlin. Java is an old language, while Kotlin is another expansion that is quickly acquiring fame around the world.
  • For local iOS venture application improvement, once more, two innovations or dialects are utilised. These dialects are Objective C and Swift. Same as the other stage, Objective C is a more seasoned language while Swift is a fresher and to some degree all the more impressive innovation.

Hybrid App Development

  • If you are looking to build a hybrid app, which means an app for multiple platforms using a single codebase, hybrid mobile app development is for you. Here are your options for hybrid application development.
  • Your first option for hybrid mobile application development is Flutter. This is a Google-backed technology, a UI Development toolkit that lets you design and build exquisite apps. It uses Dart language to build apps.
  • The second option for hybrid mobile app development is React Native. This is a JavaScript-based open-source framework that is actively supported and maintained by Facebook (now Meta). It is used to build robust and beautiful hybrid apps for multiple platforms.

8. Start with Investment App Development

Have you picked the right innovation stack for your application as per your necessities? Fantastic.

Presently you can begin with your application’s turn of events. From building the consistent frontend to the backend, the XML for the plan, and the fragile little liveliness – all will improve the application’s general insight.

Once your frontend, backend, plans, and APIs are finished, then, at that point, you coordinate every one of the modules together to make them work as one. Joining typically doesn’t come as simple as it sounds, yet a couple of variable changes, course rectification, and speed issues can be settled with no difficulty in continuing ahead without a hitch.

9. Test Your Investing App

Assembled the total application that you needed to? Awesome. No product is immaculate except if it is QA-ed. To make it unfaulty, you should comprehensively test on various principles to ensure that nothing turns out badly when it is with the clients. From load testing to utilitarian and non-practical testing to white box and black box testing, you need to deal with each step.

Likewise, remember to test your application against current network safety dangers since you don’t need your application’s information, or exactly your clients’ information, to fall into some unacceptable hands. There are a few free security and entrance analyzers that you can enlist, however preferably, the application improvement office you recruit should furnish you with these administrations.

Moreover, to test all the app’s features and functions entirely, you can employ Usability Testing techniques to be sure about each part. A Beta launch of your app can also serve the purpose pretty well.

10. Launch Your App for The Audience

To wrap things up – you get to launch your mobile application for the world. You can pick Apple App Store or Google Play Store or both for your Android and iOS applications.

To launch your application, you want to observe a couple of guidelines during the improvement stage. Nothing remains to be stressed over on the grounds that proficient application advancement groups, by and large, take special care of every single such necessity.

Furthermore, if you think that once you launch your app, your work is done, you might want to reconsider this thought. Because once you have an active audience on your app, you always need to be on guard. You have to be ready because you never know when a problem arises.

To that end, you should also get backing and upkeep maintenance for your application too.

The steps mentioned above provide a holistic view of how you can build an amazing investing app. Let’s discuss these in detail and tell what each step is about.

How Can You Earn As An Investment App Owner?

There are various ways of earning through a mobile investment app – apart from investing in the stocks yourself. The process, in technical terms, is called monetization.

1. Paid Subscriptions

This is one of the most helpful and broadly utilised techniques around the world. You can offer paid memberships or premium records to the clients. Along these lines, they can begin purchasing stocks, putting resources into them, and exchanging them at whatever point they need.

2. Advertisements Placements

One more well-known strategy to acquire from your effective money management applications is to put promotions at various spots in your application. This can be a pennant at the top of the lower part of the screen, or you can consistently put them between screen changes.

3. Exchange Fees

One clear way you can procure through an application is the expense you charge for each exchange. This can be a proper sum, or it can differ contingent on the size of the exchange. You can likewise plan your duty in view of various sections.


To summarise, building an Investment Advisory Mobile App is a productive thought and the giants of this industry have already proved that. All you want to do is your homework and market your foundation to the right mobile app developers.

WDIPL - Driving Result-Driven & Award-Winning Project, Globally

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Website Developers India comprises a team of brilliant engineers, and agile specialists, working towards one vision – Making Technology Solve Real-Life Problems. We know how these tech games could be a little overwhelming at times and may make things really hard for you. But, we make it really easy for you by following our motto – Plan Well | Work Hard | Keep Improving.

Get your mobile app built & launched in the market today!

The post A Complete Guide On Building An Investment Advisory Mobile App appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App or Mobile Website Let the Experts Help You with That Mon, 13 Jun 2022 11:52:51 +0000 The post Mobile App or Mobile Website Let the Experts Help You with That appeared first on WDI Blog.


Quick Summary

This is no longer a question or even a doubt, “Whether a company needs a Mobile App Development Strategy”. You undoubtedly do so, but whether it needs to be a mobile app or a responsive mobile website will help serve your business in a much smoother way.

Roughly 50% of overall web traffic comes from a mobile device. In the first quarter of 2020, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated a total of 51.92% of worldwide site traffic. Beginning around 2017 this number has stayed stable at around 50%; nonetheless, with numerous associations at present speeding up digital initiatives, moving to advanced models of business solely, the rollout of 5G, and expanding IoT gadgets, it’s certainly safe that the number will fill dramatically before very long.

To make it easier for you to figure out between the two greatest forces, Mobile App or Mobile Website, we’ve gathered some great insights from expert Mobile Apps Developers on how these options will impact user experience.

The Importance Of Mobile Application

In the past few years, Mobile Application Development has turned into a roaring industry. Presently, it is estimated that there are 2.3 million Mobile App Developers who are committed to keeping up with the trend of the business interest.

As a matter of fact, as per Apple, in 2013 1.25 million applications were enlisted in the Apple application store and represented 50 billion downloads with $5 billion paid to developers. With these sorts of industry numbers, it soon turns out to be evident that Mobile App Development is a vital variable for business success.

What Can Be Done With A Mobile Application?

Mobile App Development Company is striving hard on getting several trends and hacks into the picture for the best use for consumers. Besides the basics, we’re giving out a few reasons for you to get a Mobile App right away.

Offer More Benefits to Your Customers

The past ten years or so have changed the business scene altogether. Business owners currently depend vigorously on innovation to start and finish exchanges with customers. Mobile applications are one of the significant components of present-day tech that are reliably changing the way in which consumers shop and fulfil their necessities. With the rising speed of innovative headway, customer expectations additionally develop. Mobile apps are an incredible channel for living up to these assumptions. By going mobile, you’re certain to make your services and products more available and simple to utilize.

Build a Stronger Brand

The more worth you offer your clients, the more interest they foster in your image. Nonetheless, it is difficult to accomplish a profound brand insight without intended branding efforts. More than outdated brand promoting choices like TV or outdoor advertising, Branded applications have demonstrated profoundly viable lately. Mobile Apps are currently a basic piece of our regular daily existences, seeing a high measure of usage time. Application owners can use this channel to their image’s advantage. The additional marking components (logos, color combination, etc) you get right inside your application, the better the effect you can expect on your image advertising results.

Create and Improve Customer Loyalty

High customer retention for dependability is a significant part of an effective business. It’s not difficult to keep a high degree of consistency by offering extraordinary worth to your clients and ensuring they’re constantly fulfilled to guarantee that. Among numerous different choices, you can carry out a point (cashback) system that rewards purchasers with a specific level of their buy. They can then involve these focuses in additional buys. Give opportune customized item proposals, this will need a thorough understanding to insightfully concentrate on client meetings. You can then suggest recommended items that will keep them coming. Utilize social media buttons to boost your app users to impart their experience to your image and spread awareness.

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Pros & Cons Of A Mobile Application

Continuous Availability

Your customers and clients might not have the time to work with you during your assigned work hours. With a mobile application, you can guarantee you’re contacting your audience when they need to be reached and answering their requirements on their schedule.

Effectively Manage Projects

Every business owner who recruits individuals knows that it is so challenging to keep them coordinated. Coming of Covid-19, the worldwide labor force has made a significant shift to focusing on remote work. Use mobile applications to keep your employees aware of project updates, deadlines, etc – whether they’re in the workplace or at home.

Stand Apart from Your Competition

While mobile applications are rising in prevalence, few out of every business have jumped on board with the mobile application bandwagon. For some organizations, a portable application might help you beat your competition.

Supporting Continuous Availability

While customers benefit from unlimited access to your mobile application, you really want to guarantee you are ready to help with this limitless access. You might have to change your team’s timetables to help with hours, queries or feedback.

Application Building Expenses

There are a lot of choices to consider when making a mobile application. Also, despite the fact that there are more expense effective DIY choices available, you might have to employ professional mobile application developers depending upon the necessities of your application. Even once your application is built, you will probably still have continuous expenses.

User-Buy-In Required

Conventional applications need the user to download and install them on their device, yet a few clients might be reluctant to do as such. Promotions and advertising are often required to support wide-scale early adoption.

The Importance Of Mobile Websites

Google the term ‘Mobile-friendly website,’ and you will get around 446,000,000 outcomes on Google – as a matter of fact, Google will try and give you the choice to run a speedy test to check whether your site is dynamic or not. So with all the promotion encompassing the term, you may be wondering…well, what does this all mean? What’s more, must I really get my business a mobile-friendly website?

The speedy response? Indeed, you do.

A Mobile-friendly website basically is the future of the web design world and the tech world too. The use of Desktops is being used limited, in a few companies the use of it is stopped completely. With the expanded utilization of mobile phones, this is the new rush of networks that you should be aware of.

In any case, you may still want to check with a few more facts. We’re providing a few benefits!

What Can Be Done With a Mobile Website?

A Mobile website is one that accurately shows on portable and hand-held gadgets like your iPhone, Android as well as your iPads and tablets. Otherwise called responsive website design, they will “answer” to ANY device or display, be it your mobile phone or your 46″ LCD screen. This makes for a smoother experience while reviewing your website.

You could tell yourself, “The vast majority of my customers aren’t taking even a glance at my website on their mobile phones.” A recent study by Top Mobile App Development Companies has shown that the greater part of digital traffic online now comes from mobile phones and through mobile applications.

Let us read through a few benefits.

Customers Seek Mobile Access

Despite the fact that customers use desktops for work or individual reasons, odds are they also use mobile phones. People have gotten so used to instant access to data that they expect to have the option to find anything on their mobile phones than they would on their personal computers. Without a mobile-friendly website, your customers won’t have easy access to data about your company on their mobile devices.

Google Likes Mobile-Friendly Content

Google’s immeasurably significant algorithm focuses on mobile-friendly websites. Google recognises that most people are online using mobile phones, so they need their search results to match the search needs of most of their users. By enhancing your site to be mobile-friendly in formatting and content, your SEO content will be more viable, and your site will rank higher in search results when prospective clients utilize your keywords and phrases in search. Whether your prospective clients are looking through the desktop or mobile phones, your mobile-friendly will make Google happy and help your site to rank well.

Mobile-Friendly Content Is More Shareable

Sharing is a significant method for spreading information. From links via social media to messaging websites to loved ones, people need to have the option to share what they see and like. Nonetheless, if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, sharing from desktop to mobile phones will not work well. Regardless of whether a customer needs to share information with other people, the information the new customer gets won’t be in a configuration that requests them, and they may not get some margin to save the connection to peruse it on their desktop.

Pros & Cons Of Mobile Websites

Appeal to a Majority of Users

Since the times of desktop superiority are over, the main benefit of the mobile-first design is that it appeals to most users. Today, more than half of web users are on their mobile phones. Rule number one of promoting is to understand what your listeners might be thinking to meet them where they are. Since mobile users presently contain most of the web traffic, it’s a good idea to begin your plan utilizing mobile screen dimensions.

Focused on Content

Mobile websites empower web designers to focus on information. Since you don’t have a lot of room, you really want to single out simply the main content to include. This helps you with eliminating that main hinders your site and diverts users. It’ll make your web design look cleaner, more effective, and more concise. Practically speaking, a mobile website makes you a good web designer.

More Responsive for Better UX

Users interact with mobile sites much more uniquely in comparison to desktop sites. When’s the last time you swiped your PC screen? At the point when you build a website explicitly for mobile, you can make a user experience that is intended for mobile, not just for desktops. The better the UX, the more likely your customers are to visit your site, and the higher your conversion rates will climb.

Difficult to Work With

Change implies figuring out how to get things done another way. Starting with a mobile website has been portrayed as “neither fun nor simple” by a few Mobile App Developers. Taking a mobile website strategy requires a different perspective. You’ll need to find an opportunity to get familiar with the tricks, experiment with what works, and sort out new plan techniques if you truly have any desire to make a mobile website user experience.

Restrictive for Both Space and Creativity

Designing websites utilising mobile websites can feel prohibitive. Clearly, mobile websites don’t have as much space as work areas. This means you’ll have to be selective with the substance you include. Also, it limits many creative design elements that can be used for desktop sites, which can be very disappointing.

Platform limits

While choosing an application or mobile website remember that mobile websites can’t make full use of the device capabilities as mobile applications can. This means a few features of device hardware and platform capabilities can’t be locked in on the mobile website or may work unstably. It’s worth mentioning that Android and iOS have different limitations and the feature unavailable for one platform can work on another one.

Which One Would Be The Right Choice?

Statistically speaking, the numbers truly do lean toward mobile applications. A new report from Sensor Tower uncovered that shopper spending on mobile applications and application instals developed essentially during the first half of 2020, coming to $50.1 billion overall across the App Store and Google Play. While this development was driven by COVID-19 and its effect on client conduct, this figure is up 23.4 percent from the primary portion of 2019 and is set to keep on rising.

A similar report likewise assessed there were 71.5 billion first-time applications introduced during the first half of 2020. That is an increase of 26.1%

Nonetheless, the ideal decision relies upon your business targets. If your goal is to offer mobile-friendly content to a wide scope of individuals, then a mobile site is likely the best approach. Be that as it may, to connect better, interact with, and speak with your customers to drive customer loyalty, a mobile application introduces itself as a superior choice.

Get Great Tips & Insight By An Award-Winning Mobile App Development Company | WDI

We at WDI understand the multiplicity of cross-platform app development for businesses and individuals and have been providing customized mobile apps to global clients with the help of our experienced and technology-led expert team. We have more than 21+ years of experience in helping our clients build successful Mobile Applications & Mobile Websites. Many of our clients have exceeded their downloads and we have been featured on the App Stores in many countries.

We successfully approach each project as a potential game-changer in the market. With the help of Agile Scrum, we make use of solutions that benefit in responding quicker in order to market demands and save costs by increasing team performance. Having delivered successful projects, we as a software development company have achieved the Best Mobile App Development Company for The Best Fitness & Yoga App – Sattva Connect.

If you as a business owner have a need to reach out to your clients but have no idea how. You gotta give us a Call Now!

Get in touch with the latest and trending mobile technologies that will simply showcase your hard work into profit.

Come be part of our phenomenal family, and have yourself a treat with an advanced and responsive mobile app for your business.

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What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for Your Business Growth? Tue, 26 Apr 2022 14:52:36 +0000 The use of mobile applications and the way Mobile App Development companies are rising has exploded its existence across the globe. By the end of 2020, there were about 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide.

The post What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for Your Business Growth? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Mobile App Development

The use of mobile applications and the way Mobile App Development Company are rising has exploded its existence across the globe. By the end of 2020, there were about 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. Approximately 1.4 billion smartphones were sold in the same year. This caused a humongous increase in the demand for mobile apps among the majority of huge firms and businesses. You’d also find business owners use such applications to boost their Return on Investment (ROI) in different ways unsaid or done. WDI’s expert Mobile App Developers are well-assured on providing more than asked and expected, We Provide The Extraordinary.

Website Developers India is one of the top Mobile App Development Companies you need to partner with. They’ve worked with top-notch companies and have recently launched Sattva Connect, a health and fitness app. We’ve examined and worked with top-notch companies globally. So it gets easier for you to outsource with confidence.

Does Your Business Need A Mobile Application?

Only in the UK, 80% of adults use mobile and smart devices to use the internet. In the year 2017, mobile devices became the most popular way for individuals to use the Internet, counting to approximately 73%. But, just 45% of users made use of the traditional desktop or laptop to use the internet. This causes the Marketing Team to engage in the branding of mobile apps, enabling Mobile App Development Companies to get into the limelight. A mobile application offers valuable marketing possibilities, with the help of expert Mobile App Developers, to help you reach your targeted audience offering many other advantages that will help you stay ahead of your competition.

WDI begins where every other company gives up. So, we’re basically your rescuer. We deliver high-quality work that is super fast while leveraging the best and new techniques available.

Let’s look into a few benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for your business.

  • Maintaining Loyal Customers

It offers you a hassle-free experience in terms of customer support, allowing you to retain your customers with attractive offers like discount coupons, vouchers, etc. 

  • Increase in Sales & Business

A Mobile App Development Company will help every business/industry will have all their concentration and hard work focused on the exploration of new avenues in the marketplace. Along with the increasing number of mobile users, there will also arise the number of sales along with satisfying user requirements.

  • Direct Marketing Channel

One of the biggest and proven benefits of having a mobile application is having all your product or service information like sales and promotions reached to your customers at their fingertips. 

  • Creates Brand Awareness

A one-stop point for receiving all relevant information related to the brand. This means a proper showcasing of your new products and services on the application with the help of advertisements. Mobile App Developers build your mobile application for business growth will use these tactics to increase the sales of your product.

  • Generate Greater Revenue

Mobile apps can be monetized easily without any effort. This would include the use of in-app purchases, paid apps, and freemium. You would find users willing to pay for applications if they really enjoy them and believe it provides great value. With the help of the right Mobile App Development Company, you can also add a new revenue stream to your business strategy by offering products or services with advertising.

  • Increase Customer Engagement

Allows you to deliver messages or notifications to mobile devices at any time and at any location. This also allows companies to keep their customers informed about their new rivals, products, special offers, and other important information. The power of push notifications is undeniable and offers great ideas delivering as high as 70% opt-in rate on average, as compared to email marketing’s 4%.

Mobile Application Development

Industries That Have Benefited From Mobile Application Development

Industries are putting all their efforts into investing in mobiles, for the obvious reason. Greater reach & revenue. If you’re still in a fix on how the use of mobile apps can help your business grow, let us display a few industry types that have taken advantage of such marketing and got great results with the guidance of the right and expert Mobile App Developers.

  • Healthcare Industry

The use of mobile applications has worked wonders for a very long time now. Apart from checkups and storing patient information in one tap, there are other different ways included in having a mobile application. These may include virtual assistance of doctors, identifying medical conditions through images and much more.

Example: The most prominent healthcare product of Apple, is the Health Application, which is a complete tracker for measuring the activities and health of its users. It also includes monitoring sleep, food, heart rate and other activities that provide a clear assessment of the user’s health data.

  • Travel Industry

The use of Mobile Applications by this industry to get greater customers and provide great services to them. The travel applications are amazingly revolutionizing the travel industry with great services to customers while allowing the application to check-in and also check out with the east. This would also include services for bookings and so much more.

Example: Mobile App Developers while building TripAdvisor, have done a terrific job! The application is an online travel company that provides recommendations and allows users to bookmark every detail of the places that the traveler is interested in. The application will also include reviews, photos, and other necessary details for other customers to refer to.

  • Restaurant Industry

One of the most successful industries that will easily allow customers to reserve seats, place orders, or/and find good places to eat. The mobile application is even used to display other restaurants based on their ratings, reviews and location for customers. One of the biggest benefits of mobile applications for the restaurant industry is they give a massive audience which easily increases profits.


Zomato is recognized as a global restaurant search and delivery service that now operates in 23 countries, becoming one of the most trendy covers over a thousand restaurants across 10,000 + cities. Many such independent restaurants are taking examples and inspiration from this application in getting their restaurant recognized.

Planning To Get Your Application Built by An Award-Winning Mobile App Development Company?

Let WDI do it for you!

Read all about How We Transform Your Ideas With Our Execution For A Result-Driven Mobile App.

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The use of Mobile App Development Services continues to be a necessity for every small and huge business. This means a greater workload, to reach a huge target audience, for more downloads! Just planning, launching, and branding an app won’t be enough. In order to reinforce your sales and customer relations, you have to run the extra mile.

The good news is, WE SWEAT WITH YOU!

WDI has an extravagant team of Mobile App Developers & Designers who are all experienced and proficient team players. They possess an intensive combination of technical knacks and creative thoughts. If you haven’t yet read about our recent yoga & fitness app launch, read the press release right away!

Well, that’s just not it. Besides Sattva, we’re working on some humongous mobile apps, which will surely be the next thing in the industry. Check them out!

  • IntoActiv: The world’s most comprehensive fitness tool

A mini Fitnesspedia in your pocket. It takes care of all concerning fitness goals. The app is in its developing stage, mainly for trainers and trainees to collaborate with the help of numerous tools on the market within the platform, InterActive will be a game-changer within the online fitness business.

  • Sattva Connect:  The Best Authentic Himalayan Yoga App

A health and fitness application that provides daily satsangs, kirtans, meditations, and different yogistic practices. This has been the best and the most humongous used app, with the most engaging user experience with video classes that could run both online and offline as well as a medium to communicate with the instructors. 

  • Card Stock Exchange: The Humongous & Global Card Stock Exchange App

The application provides many commercialism cards, with a trustee system for supreme infliction, a classic card game market with pragmatic accounts for simple transactions.

  • HeyPod: A Premier Social Help Enterprise App

A CDA recognized social enterprise that works with a mission to create its customers with additional and friendly People of Determination just by serving to unfold awareness concerning special wants.

One of the best ways to have a Top-Notch Mobile Application without any revisions is to go for an Agile Development Company. We’re looking into effective ways of how Agile Methodology can help your Mobile App Success Stories With Great Outcomes.

The use of Agile Methodology is one of the most effective ways for every mobile app development, that ensures minute work of coordination is done correctly. You will rest assured of how easily your company will deliver the highest quality, robust mobile applications and sustainability.

WDI offers a smooth and adaptable process control for complex software projects that promise great work! We leverage technologies to connect people, processes, & data effectively to deliver outstanding results.

Let Us Help You Build A User-Friendly App Today!

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The post What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Mobile App Development Company for Your Business Growth? appeared first on WDI Blog.
