android and ios apps – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:15:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 android and ios apps – WDI Blog 32 32 Hyper personalization: How AI app development can build addictive mobile apps Mon, 19 Dec 2022 11:48:50 +0000 Hyper personalization is a marketing strategy that involves collecting data from individual customers and using it to create tailored experiences for them. It is the game-changing feature that is going to define AI app development.  Hyper personalization is becoming increasingly important in today’s digital age, as customers are expecting more personalized experiences from the businesses … Continue reading "Hyper personalization: How AI app development can build addictive mobile apps"

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Hyper personalization

Hyper personalization is a marketing strategy that involves collecting data from individual customers and using it to create tailored experiences for them. It is the game-changing feature that is going to define AI app development

Hyper personalization is becoming increasingly important in today’s digital age, as customers are expecting more personalized experiences from the businesses they interact with. 

By using hyper personalization, businesses can create a stronger connection with their customers and increase their loyalty.

And the result is more engagement, customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and ultimately, sales. 

According to data from CleverTap, mobile app conversions saw an increase of 250% after implementing hyper personalization. 

Using AI/ML in mobile app development, it is possible to deliver exactly what the user needs at the right time. 

By implementing hyper personalization in your mobile app development, you can create an addictive mobile app that the user simply cannot put down.   

Let us look at the mind-blowing features you can implement in your mobile app by using hyper personalization. 

7 Ways Hyper-Personalization Changes Everything

Hyper-personalization is going to be the next big thing in AI app development. 

From content recommendations to notifications, everything will be personalized to the user’s interests. 

Here are 7 examples of hyper personalization in a mobile app:

1: Precise recommendations

Hyper personalization is revolutionizing the way mobile applications interact with users. With advancements in machine learning, AI is now capable of providing personalized recommendations in a mobile app to give users a tailored experience.

Hyper personalization can be used to offer users content, products, or services that are relevant to them. 

By tracking user preferences and behavior, AI can identify patterns and make suggestions based on what is most likely to appeal to the user. 

This can help to improve user engagement and retention, as well as drive more revenue for the app.

For example, an AI-powered recommendation engine in a music app can suggest songs and albums based on the user’s past listening habits. 

Similarly, an AI-driven news app can provide personalized news stories that are tailored to the user’s interests. 

AI can also be used to provide product recommendations in shopping apps, content suggestions in streaming apps, or even tailored advertisements in gaming apps.

AI-powered personalized recommendations can also be used to increase user engagement by personalizing the user experience. 

By using AI to track user behavior, apps can provide notifications, reminders, and messages that are customized to the user’s interests and needs. 

This helps to create an immersive user experience, allowing the user to feel more connected to the app.

Overall, AI-driven personalized recommendations can be a powerful tool for improving the user experience in mobile apps. 

By leveraging AI to provide users with tailored content, products, or services, mobile apps can create a more engaging and personalized user experience, while also increasing user engagement and revenue.

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2: Homely Home Page


Hyper personalization can play a major role in the development of personalized home pages for mobile applications

AI can utilize data from user interactions, such as their search and browsing history, to understand each user’s interests and preferences. 

This data can then be used to create custom home pages that are tailored to each individual user.

AI can use natural language processing to understand user language and intent.

For example, it can identify topics that the user is interested in, as well as any associated keywords. 

AI can also use machine learning algorithms to analyze past user activities and interactions, such as clicks and scrolling, in order to understand what content would be best suited for each individual home page.

AI can also be used to personalize the content on the home page. 

For example, the AI can analyze user data to determine what content they are most likely to engage with, such as articles, videos, or products. It can then suggest relevant content to the user, which can be displayed on their home page. 

This feature can be used to ensure that the user is not overwhelmed by too much content and that they are presented with content that is most likely to engage them.

Finally, AI can also be used to continuously monitor user interactions and update the home page to reflect their changing interests and preferences. 

This ensures that the home page is always up to date with the user’s interests.

Overall, AI can be a powerful tool in helping to develop personalized home pages for mobile applications. 

It can be used to understand the user’s interests and preferences, personalize content, and continuously update the home page to ensure that it is always up to date with the user’s changing interests and preferences.

3: Personalized Navigation

Personalized Navigation

Hyper Personalization can be used to build personalized navigation in a mobile app, greatly improving the user experience. 

Personalized navigation allows users to quickly and easily access the features and content that are most relevant to them. 

AI can be used to analyze user behavior and preferences, such as the pages they visit most often or the items they purchase, and serve up personalized navigation options. 

AI-powered navigation also makes recommendations based on user behavior, showing users content that might be of interest to them. 

AI-powered navigation also improves the user experience by reducing the amount of time it takes to find information. 

AI-powered search algorithms can quickly analyze large datasets and identify the most relevant content for the user. 

This reduces the amount of time it takes for the user to find the information they need.

AI-powered navigation also helps to improve the overall performance of the app. 

AI algorithms can be used to optimize the user interface, ensuring that users are able to quickly and easily access the features and content they need. 

This not only improves the user experience, but also helps to reduce the strain on the app’s performance.

By implementing Hyper Personalization in navigation, mobile developers can improve the user experience of their apps and ensure that their users are able to quickly and easily access the content they need. 

AI-powered navigation allows users to find the content they need faster and helps to improve the overall performance of the app.

4: Personalized Search

Hyper Personalization has revolutionized the way mobile app developers create personalized search experiences for their users.

By leveraging the power of AI, developers can build search experiences that are tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each user.

The first way AI can help build personalized search in a mobile app is by understanding user intent. 

AI can analyze user input and categorize it according to the user’s intent.

For example, if a user were to search for “sushi restaurants near me,” AI can quickly identify that the user is looking for local sushi restaurants and provide relevant results.

The second way AI can help build personalized search in a mobile app is by understanding user preferences. 

AI can track user behavior and apply machine learning algorithms to build models that can accurately predict user preferences. 

The models can then be used to suggest relevant search results based on the user’s past behavior and preferences.

The third way AI can help build personalized search in a mobile app is by understanding user context. 

AI can analyze the user’s current location, the time of day, and other factors to deliver relevant search results based on the current context. 

For example, if a user were to search for “coffee” while in a particular city, AI can quickly identify the location and suggest nearby coffee shops.

Finally, AI can help build personalized search in a mobile app by providing natural language processing capabilities. 

AI can parse user input and understand the meaning behind it, allowing it to provide more accurate search results. 

For example, AI can understand a phrase such as “show me the nearest coffee shop” and provide relevant results based on the user’s current location.

Overall, AI can help build personalized search in a mobile app by understanding user intent, preferences, context, and natural language. 

By leveraging the power of hyper personalization, you can create search experiences that are tailored to each user’s individual needs and preferences.

5: Compelling Notifications

Hyper personalization for notifications in a mobile app is a marketing strategy that utilizes personalized messages sent to app users based on their individual preferences and behaviors. 

By understanding the individual user’s needs, wants and preferences, hyper personalization allows companies to create highly targeted, relevant, and timely messages that are specifically tailored to each user’s individual interests.

Unlike traditional marketing campaigns which often use generic messages that are sent to all users, hyper personalization allows companies to deliver truly unique and personalized notifications in a mobile app. 

Companies can use data from user behaviors, demographics, and other sources to create highly targeted messages that are more likely to be effective in engaging the user.

In addition to targeting messages, companies can also use hyper personalization to optimize the timing of when messages are sent. 

By tracking user behavior, companies can determine what time of day is most likely to be successful in getting the user’s attention and delivering their message.

Overall, hyper personalization for notifications in a mobile app can be an effective way for companies to engage their users and create a more meaningful connection. 

With the right data and understanding of the user’s preferences, companies can create highly targeted messages that are more likely to be successful in getting the user’s attention and delivering their message.

6: Location-Based Marketing

Hyper Personalization for location based marketing in a mobile app is a powerful marketing tool that can be used to drive more customers to businesses and increase engagement with existing ones. 

Location based marketing is the practice of using location-specific data and information to target customers in a specific area with tailored offers and promotions. 

By leveraging the user’s physical location, businesses can create highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to be effective in reaching their target audience.

Mobile apps are an ideal platform for location based marketing as they provide access to a wide range of data about their users, such as location, demographic, and preferences. 

With this data, marketers can create personalized campaigns that are tailored to the needs of their target customers. 

By leveraging hyper personalization techniques, marketers can create campaigns that are tailored to the individual, rather than simply targeting a broad demographic or geographic area.

For example, hyper personalization for location based marketing could be used to target users with promotional offers for local businesses that are near their current location. 

The user could also be presented with deals that are tailored to their interests and preferences, such as discounts for certain types of restaurants or stores. 

Hyper personalization can also be used to tailor the experience of using an app, with the user presented with content that is tailored to their preferences and interests.

Hyper personalization for location based marketing can provide businesses with a powerful tool for increasing engagement with users and driving more customers to their businesses. 

By leveraging the user’s location, businesses can create highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to be effective in reaching their target audience. 

Additionally, hyper personalization can help to increase user engagement by creating a personalized experience within the app.

7: Personalization From The Get-Go

Hyper personalization offers mobile app developers the ability to personalize the user experience from the get-go. 

This type of personalization is accomplished through the use of algorithms to collect and analyze data about users and their behavior within the app. 

This data is then used to tailor the experience to the individual user, presenting them with the most relevant information, content, and features for them. 

For example, a mobile app may be able to identify a user’s interests and preferences through their behavioral data and use this information to present a more personalized set of options. 

This could include content recommendations, promotional offers, push notifications, or even customized product recommendations. 

This type of personalization allows the user to receive personalized experiences that are tailored to their exact needs and interests, instead of being presented with a generic experience.

Hyper personalization also allows mobile app developers to leverage user data in order to better understand their users and offer them a more streamlined experience. 

This data can be used to create more targeted marketing campaigns and better identify user segments for improved targeting. 

Additionally, this data can be used to optimize the app experience for users, such as by improving the navigation structure or providing more intuitive search capabilities.

By leveraging hyper personalization, mobile app developers can create a more engaging user experience that is personalized from the start. 

This allows users to have a more enjoyable experience and increases the likelihood of them returning to the app. 

Ultimately, hyper personalization allows mobile app developers to create a better user experience and increase engagement with their users.

WDI: The Best Mobile App Development Company

To implement a futuristic feature like hyper personalization, you need the support of the best mobile app developers at your hands.

This is where WDI can help you create unique and addictive mobile apps that can give your business the edge. 

With 21+ years of experience in software development, we provide the most advanced mobile app development services. 

All you have to do is contact us and we will have a chat about your mobile app idea.

Let us create a masterpiece together. 

The post Hyper personalization: How AI app development can build addictive mobile apps appeared first on WDI Blog.

Machine Learning App Development: 10 Reasons To Implement ML In Your Mobile App Development Wed, 30 Nov 2022 11:29:15 +0000 Machine Learning App Development is going to be a future-defining technology.  If you want your mobile app to stand out and be equipped with advanced features, machine learning app development is something you should look into.  We are on the cusp of a new era in mobile app development. One where machine learning will play … Continue reading "Machine Learning App Development: 10 Reasons To Implement ML In Your Mobile App Development"

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Machine Learning App Development: 10 Reasons To Implement ML In Your Mobile App Development

Machine Learning App Development is going to be a future-defining technology. 

If you want your mobile app to stand out and be equipped with advanced features, machine learning app development is something you should look into. 

We are on the cusp of a new era in mobile app development. One where machine learning will play a pivotal role in creating better, more personalized experiences for users.

We are already seeing the potential of machine learning in apps like Google Photos and Prisma. 

Google Photos uses machine learning to automatically group photos by subject, location, and even the people in them. 

Prisma uses machine learning to turn photos into works of art in a variety of styles.

These are just two examples of how machine learning can be used to enhance the mobile app experience. As machine learning technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more amazing and useful applications of it in mobile apps.

Some believe that machine learning will eventually replace human developers altogether. While that may be a bit of an exaggeration, there is no doubt that machine learning will have a major impact on the future of mobile app development.

10 Impossible Features Machine Learning App Development Can Make Possible

Machine learning app development brings with it some mind-blowing features and functionalities in mobile app development that seemed impossible a few years ago. 

These features can help in providing a next-level user experience and this in turn will help you get more leads through your app. 

Let us look at these incredible features that will make you want to implement machine learning in your app right now. 

1: Data Mining

The ever-growing popularity of mobile devices has led to an explosion in the amount of data generated each day. This data can be incredibly valuable, but only if it is properly analyzed and actionable insights are extracted from it. This is where machine learning comes in.

Machine learning algorithms are designed to automatically find patterns in data and extract useful information from it. This information can then be used to improve the performance of your mobile app in a number of ways.

For example, if you have a retail app, you could use machine learning to better understand your customers’ buying habits and preferences. This would allow you to personalize the user experience and offer them products they are more likely to be interested in.

Similarly, if you have a gaming app, you could use machine learning to analyze user behavior and identify areas for improvement. This could be anything from redesigning levels to make them more fun and challenging to tweaking in-game mechanics to reduce frustration and encourage more playtime.

In short, if you want to make the most out of the data generated by your mobile app, you have to go for machine learning app development. It is the only way to automatically find the patterns and insights that will help you improve your app and make it more successful.

2: In-Depth Analyses

As the world becomes more and more digitized, the need for accurate and up-to-date data analytics is only going to become more important. 

Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that is particularly well-suited to providing these kinds of analyses.

The increasing popularity of machine learning is due to the fact that it can provide better analyses than traditional methods. 

Machine learning algorithms have the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience. 

This means that they can learn from data, identify patterns, and make predictions.

This is why machine learning is particularly well-suited for dealing with big data. 

With traditional methods, it can be difficult to make sense of large data sets. 

However, machine learning algorithms can automatically find patterns and insights in data.

There are many different applications for machine learning. For example, it can be used for fraud detection, stock market predictions, or to personalize online experiences.

Another advantage of machine learning is that it can be constantly learning and improving as new data is fed into the system. 

This means that the results you get from a machine learning system are likely to be more accurate and up-to-date than those from a static, traditional analysis.

Finally, machine learning is just plain faster than traditional methods. This is because the algorithms can be run in parallel on multiple cores and because they don’t require the same kind of painstaking data preparation that humans do.

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Examples Of Machine Learning in Data Analysis
Post VerificationML can analyze a huge number of social media posts and instantly restrict posts that violate the app’s guidelines.
Image RecognitionSocial media apps and reverse-searching mobile apps can scan through millions of images.
Hyper personalizationML can analyze user behavior and actions to provide better content/product recommendations. 
PredictionMobile apps can predict things like prices, events, and problems, and provide relevant services based on them. 

If you are looking to get more out of your data, then machine learning is definitely something to consider. With its ability to provide better analyses, it can help you make better decisions and improve your business.

3: Precise Tracking

The development of machine learning apps provides better data tracking for a number of reasons. 

Firstly, machine learning apps are able to automatically track data and identify patterns that would otherwise be missed. 

This means that more data is captured and stored, providing a more complete picture of customer behavior.

In addition, machine learning apps can provide insights into customer behavior that would be difficult to obtain through traditional means. 

For example, by analyzing the data collected by the app, businesses can identify which customers are more likely to make a purchase, and target them with relevant offers. 

This allows businesses to focus their marketing efforts more effectively and reduces the amount of wasted spending.

Overall, machine learning app development provides a number of benefits for businesses when it comes to tracking data. 

By automatically collecting and analyzing data, businesses can obtain a more complete picture of their customers, and use this information to improve their marketing and sales strategies.

4: Improved Search Engine

improved search engine

Traditional search engines are struggling to keep up with the rapidly changing content on the web. This is where machine learning app development comes in to provide better searches to users. Machine learning algorithms can automatically find and index new content as it is published, making it available for search almost immediately. 

Machine learning is widely used in a variety of applications, such as email filtering, detection of network intruders, and computer vision. In the search industry, machine learning is used to personalize search results, improve search relevance, and combat spam.

This means that users are more likely to find the information they are looking for when they need it.

In addition, machine learning can be used to personalize search results for each user.

By taking into account the user’s past search history and clicks, the algorithms can learn what the user is interested in and tailor the results accordingly. 

This provides a much more relevant and useful search experience for the user.

Machine learning algorithms power search engines by constantly tweaking and adjusting their ranking algorithms to deliver better results. 

The goal of machine learning is to make the search engine smarter and more efficient at understanding the user’s intent and returning the most relevant results.

The benefits of machine learning for search are many. 

Machine learning can help search engines better understand the user’s intent, identify and rank the most relevant results, and combat spam. 

Features of ML in Search Engines
Spam DetectionML algorithms can analyze thousands of posts and instantly remove any spammy content from a mobile app.
Pattern DetectionML algorithms can identify low-quality content based on certain patterns and decrease their ranking in search results. 
Behavior AnalysisBased on the users’ interests and past searches, ML can predict user behavior to provide more relevant search results. 
Natural Language ProcessingVoice searches are easier and smoother than ever with ML. 
Image SearchML can analyze images like a human and identify elements in them to provide more accurate search results. 

Machine learning app development is also helping search engines become more personal, delivering results that are tailored to the individual user.

5: Real-Time Data Monitoring

Real-Time Data Monitoring

Machine learning app development can provide better data monitoring in a number of ways. 

First, machine learning algorithms can be used to automatically detect patterns in data that might be indicative of a problem. 

For example, a machine learning algorithm could be used to detect a sudden increase in error rates in a data set. 

This would allow the app developers to quickly identify and fix the problem.

Second, machine learning app development can also be used to create predictive models. 

These models can be used to predict future trends in data. 

This would allow app developers to take proactive measures to avoid future problems.

Third, machine learning app development can be used to create decision trees. Decision trees are used to make decisions based on data. 

For example, a decision tree could be used to decide whether or not to send a notification to a user about a problem. 

This would allow app developers to make better decisions about when and how to notify users about problems.

Here is a decision tree for notifications in an OTT app.

New Episode Launched
Time 2 pmTime 9 pmTime 2 pm
Day: MondayDay: MondayDay: Sunday
User at workUser usually watches videosUser is free
Don’t sendSendSend

Because of this, the user is more likely to be engaged and it also prevents user disabling notifications because of being annoyed by them being untimely. 

Fourth, machine learning app development can be used to create cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is used to group data together. 

For example, a cluster analysis could be used to group all of the data points that are related to a particular problem. This would allow app developers to quickly identify and fix the problem.

Overall, machine learning app development provides better data monitoring because it can be used to detect patterns automatically, predict future trends, make better decisions, and group data together.

6: Security

In the past, security systems have been largely reliant on human intelligence and intuition to identify potential threats and protect against them. 

However, machine learning app development provides a more robust and effective way to keep data and systems safe.

Machine learning algorithms can be trained to identify patterns that are indicative of security threats. 

They can also be used to monitor activity in real-time and flag anything that looks suspicious. 

This means that potential threats can be identified and dealt with much faster before they have a chance to cause any damage.

In addition, machine learning can be used to create predictive models that can identify future threats. 

This allows businesses to take proactive measures to protect themselves, rather than waiting for an attack to happen and then trying to react to it.

Overall, machine learning app development provides a much more effective way to keep data and systems safe. 

It can help businesses identify and deal with potential threats much faster, and take proactive measures to prevent future attacks.

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7: Engaging UI/UX

engaging UI/UX

Machine learning allows computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. This is in contrast to traditional programming, where mobile app developers must specify all the rules that the computer should follow.

Machine learning is a powerful tool for creating better user interfaces. By using data to learn how users interact with a system, machine learning can optimize the user experience by making the interface more intuitive and efficient.

For example, a machine learning system might be used to improve the search function of an app. By learning from the user’s search history, the system can better understand the user’s needs and provide more relevant results, as Point No. 6 explains.

Similarly, machine learning can be used to improve the usability of a mobile app.

By tracking how users interact with the app, the system can learn which features are most used and which are least used. 

The app can then be designed to focus on the most important features and make them more accessible.

Here is how ML can be used in a food ordering app to provide better UX based on time.

8 am11 am2 pm5 pm8 pmWeekend
Show breakfastShow snacksShow lunchShow snacksShow dinnerShow beverages

Overall, machine learning provides a better user experience by making interfaces more intuitive and efficient. 

By using data to learn how users interact with a system, machine learning can optimize the user experience and make it more enjoyable.

8: Facial Recognition

facial recognition

Machine learning app development provides facial recognition by using a technique called deep learning. 

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that uses a neural network to learn from data. 

A neural network is a computer system that is modeled after the brain, and it can learn to recognize patterns in data.

Facial recognition is the process of identifying a person from a digital image or video. 

It can be used to identify people in a crowd or to verify the identity of a person who is trying to access a secure area. 

Facial recognition is a difficult problem for computers to solve because there are so many variables, such as changes in lighting, facial expressions, and head position.

Deep learning is well-suited to facial recognition because it can learn to recognize patterns in data. A deep learning neural network can be trained to recognize faces by looking at a large dataset of images of faces. 

The neural network will learn to recognize the patterns that are common to all faces, and it will be able to identify a face in a new image.

Machine learning app development can provide facial recognition for a variety of applications. 

It can be used to verify the identity of people who are trying to access a secure area, such as a building or a computer system. 

It can also be used to identify people in a crowd or find a lost child in a public place.

9: Voice Recognition

Voice recognition in mobile app development
Voice recognition in mobile app development

Machine learning app development can provide voice recognition in a number of ways. 

One way is by providing a library of recorded speech that the app can use to identify the user’s voice. 

Another way is by using the microphone to constantly listen for the user’s voice and identify it when it is heard. 

And a third way is by using a combination of the two methods.

The most important thing for an app to do when it comes to voice recognition is to be able to identify the user’s voice with a high degree of accuracy. 

This is because, if the app is not able to accurately identify the user’s voice, it will not be able to provide the user with the desired results.

There are a number of different factors that can affect the accuracy of voice recognition. 

One of these is the quality of the microphone. If the microphone is of poor quality, it will be more difficult for the app to accurately identify the user’s voice. 

Another factor that can affect accuracy is the user’s environment. 

If the user is in a noisy environment, it will be more difficult for the app to accurately identify the user’s voice.

Finally, the user’s own speech patterns can also affect the accuracy of voice recognition. 

If the user has a very thick accent, it will be more difficult for the app to accurately identify the user’s voice.

However, if the app is able to accurately identify the user’s voice, it can provide the user with a number of benefits. 

One of these is the ability to provide the user with results that are tailored to their individual needs. For example, if the user is looking for a particular type of result, the app can provide the user with results that are specific to that need.

In addition, the app can also provide the user with the ability to interact with the app in a natural way. This is because the app can understand the user’s voice and provide the user with results that are relevant to the user’s current conversation.

Finally, the app can also provide the user with the ability to save time. 

This is because the app can provide the user with results that are relevant to the user’s current conversation without the user having to search for them.

10: User Authentication

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user. In many cases, this is done by asking the user to enter their username and password. 

Once the user has been authenticated, they will be able to access the resources that they are authorized to use.

Machine learning can be used to develop authentication systems that are more secure and efficient than traditional methods. 

For example, machine learning can be used to develop systems that can identify patterns in user behavior. These systems can then be used to detect when a user is attempting to access a resource that they are not authorized to use.

Machine learning can also be used to develop systems that can identify when a user’s credentials have been compromised. 

These systems can then be used to prevent the user from accessing resources that they are not authorized to use.

Overall, machine learning can be used to develop authentication systems that are more secure and efficient than traditional methods. 

This can help to improve the security of a system and make it more difficult for unauthorized users to access the resources that they are not supposed to have access to.

WDI- The Best Machine Learning App Development

All of these reasons are just the tip of the possibilities of machine learning.

In the coming years, machine learning technology is going to innovate exponentially, and the startups that are going to implement machine learning in their mobile app development will have an edge over others. 

To implement an advanced technology like machine learning, you need a mobile app development company with expertise in it. 

With 21+ years of experience in software development, WDI has worked with the most advanced technologies of each decade. 

This decade is going to be dominated by machine learning, and we are equipped with mobile app developers who are experts in the field of machine learning.

With hundreds of satisfied clients, we guarantee nothing but excellence. 

To get your machine learning mobile app developed by us, all you have to do is contact us and we will have a discussion over your app idea.

Let us build something futuristic together!

The post Machine Learning App Development: 10 Reasons To Implement ML In Your Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

Custom App Vs Low Code Mobile App Development – Which is the best bet for your startup? Thu, 24 Nov 2022 11:23:55 +0000 Custom mobile app development and low code mobile app development are the two paths you can take to create a mobile app for your startup.  Mobile app development is one of the biggest desires startup owners have in 2022.  From user engagement to revenue generation, the possibilities with mobile apps are endless. In 2021, people … Continue reading "Custom App Vs Low Code Mobile App Development – Which is the best bet for your startup?"

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Custom App Vs Low Code Mobile App Development – Which is the best bet for your startup?

Custom mobile app development and low code mobile app development are the two paths you can take to create a mobile app for your startup. 

Mobile app development is one of the biggest desires startup owners have in 2022. 

From user engagement to revenue generation, the possibilities with mobile apps are endless.

In 2021, people in the USA spent over $7 billion on mobile apps, according to Statista. Even niche apps witness millions of dollars of revenue every quarter. 

Talking about time, people spend billions of hours on apps every quarter. Due to the convenience offered, people find it better to use an app rather than visit an offline store.

Plus, the ability to be available to your clients 24/7 is simply unbeatable. 

This is why mobile app development has become the dream of every startup.

This also means that there is a ton of competition and saturation in the mobile app industry. 

To make your app stand out, it is important to take the right steps and make the right decisions. 

Both custom mobile app development and low code mobile app development offer excellent results. However, the one you should select depends on your business objectives and requirements. Making the right choice is crucial for the success of your mobile app. 

We at WDI have compiled the differences between the low code mobile app development and custom mobile app development so that you get a crystal clear idea of which one is best for your startup. 

Before we compare both of them, let us understand what they are.

What is Low-Code Mobile App Development

What is Low-Code Mobile App Development

Low-code mobile app development platforms allow businesses to create custom mobile apps without needing to invest in costly and time-consuming development resources.

These platforms provide a cost-effective and efficient way to develop and deploy mobile apps and can be used by businesses of all sizes.

Low-code mobile app development platforms typically provide a visual drag-and-drop interface for app development, making it easy for even non-technical users to create sophisticated mobile apps.

In addition, these platforms often include a wide range of built-in features and functionalities, allowing businesses to create apps with minimal coding.

What is Custom Mobile App Development

Custom mobile app development is the process of creating a custom mobile app for a specific client or customer.

This type of app development usually involves working with the client or customer to create an app that meets their specific needs and requirements.

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Custom Mobile App Development Vs Low Code Mobile App Development

Custom Mobile App Development Vs Low Code Mobile App Development

There are pros and cons to whichever path you choose. The choice depends on what you want to achieve with your app and the kind of experience you want to provide to your users. 

Here are the major points that will help you decide which path to take according to your requirements

1: Mobile App Development Time

Good things take time, but sometimes time is the limiting factor. Due to some reason, you have to launch an app as soon as possible. Which one will serve you better.

Custom mobile app development can take anywhere from a few weeks to months or even years, depending on the complexity of the app. This is quite a long time if you want an app ASAP.

Whereas once you are finished developing, you will have a few days of maintenance, as this is where you fix bugs, eliminate errors, and make sure that everything is working properly.

As you can see, custom mobile app development is quite the process, and for some businesses, this might be too much of a load, or perhaps they need to cut everything due to a lack of money or time.

With low code app development, this is a different story, because the time to develop your app might be only a couple of hours.

Sometimes it might even take less time than that, and even if your code requires some maintenance, once it is done, you will most likely be able to launch it very quickly on app stores and let people download it.

Bigger apps can take a few days, but rarely will it take a month. 

This is due to the simplistic nature of low code mobile apps. All it takes are a few drags and drops to create a screen. 

2: Skill Required

 Skill Required for development

Mobile app development consists of coding, UI/UX design, testing, and launching. All of these require highly skilled professionals who can get the job done. 

You will need a team of mobile app developers, designers, and testers to create a custom app. Or else, you can hire a mobile app development company to make the process simpler. 

Custom mobile app development is not possible without skilled professionals. 

On the other hand, low code mobile app development is all about drag and drop. It can be done by any person, with or without a technical background. 

You do not require any resources for the task, as it can be done by anyone on your team.

3: Features & Functionalities

Features & Functionalities

This is where things change.

As we mentioned earlier, good things take time. Although low code mobile app development is quick and easy, you are limited by the boundaries set by the platform.

You can only implement the features and functionalities that are available on the platform.

These platforms have limited templates that you are stuck with. 

If you go with these platforms, your app will miss out on some essential features, and that will be counterproductive in the long run.

With custom mobile app development, you can create anything you want. The sky is the limit.

From the most unique design to the most advanced features, everything can be implemented in a custom mobile app. 

If you want AI and ML in your app, consider it done.

Want advanced algorithms? Everything is possible. 

Want to provide hyper-personalization? A piece of cake. 

A custom app will be a reflection of your brand, following your brand’s theme and design, and carrying over the same essence. 

Mobile App Development Consult now

4: Maintenance

Mobile app development maintenance

When it comes to the maintenance of low code mobile apps vs custom mobile apps, there are a few key differences to consider.

For starters, custom mobile apps tend to be more expensive to maintain due to the need to hire developers to make changes and updates.

Low code mobile apps, on the other hand, can be updated and maintained by anyone with a basic understanding of the platform, which can save on costs.

Additionally, custom mobile apps can be more difficult to keep up to date, as they often require manual updates, whereas low code mobile apps can be updated automatically.

Finally, custom mobile apps can be more complex and time-consuming to troubleshoot, while low code mobile apps tend to be more user-friendly and easier to fix.

5: Personalization

The platforms used to build low code mobile apps come with limited templates and animations. 
Although the number will increase, it is nothing compared to what is possible with a custom mobile app. 

With custom mobile app development, you can create any design and animations you want, as long as they are technically possible. 

3D, glassmorphism, neumorphism, etc. All types of designs and themes are possible with custom mobile app development. 

6: Security

App security

First and foremost, it is important to understand the security risks associated with the specific app development platform being used. This will allow mobile app developers to take the necessary steps to mitigate these risks. For example, if the platform uses a database, it is important to ensure that the database is properly configured and secured.

With low code mobile app development, you are relying on a third-party platform.

This means all the data you provide to build the app is with the platform and can be used for sketchy purposes. While reputed platforms will not tamper with your data, hackers will not have the same intention. 

As the platform is available for the general public to access, it is also available to hackers. They can figure out ways to crack the code and search for vulnerabilities. 

As the app is made by external software, you do not have complete control over it, and that is a big downside. 

When you develop a custom app, you have control over every single line of code written. This gives you more control over the app.

You can implement the most advanced security features to leave no stone unturned.

Security patches can be released, bugs can be fixed with a custom app, and a new update can be launched on the app stores. 

Pros And Cons of Low Code Mobile App Development

Easy drag and drop developmentLimited features
Quick developmentLimited customization
Cheaper MaintenanceVulnerable to cyber attacks

Pros And Cons of Custom Mobile App Development

High-end features and functionalitiesLong development period
Next level personalizationHigher cost but worth it
Complete control


The debate between custom mobile app development and low code mobile app development is one that is unlikely to be settled anytime soon.

Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice for a given organization will depend on a variety of factors.

Custom mobile app development is the traditional approach to creating mobile applications. 

In this approach, developers make the entire application from scratch, using a programming language such as Objective-C or Java.

This approach offers the greatest flexibility, as developers can create any kind of application they can imagine.

 However, it also requires the most development time and expertise and is thus more expensive than other approaches.

On the other hand, low code mobile app development involves using a pre-built framework to create mobile applications.

This approach is faster and easier than custom mobile app development, as it requires less development time and expertise.

However, it offers less flexibility, and you are limited to the features and functionality offered by the framework.

Custom mobile app development allows for a greater degree of control over the final product. Organizations can specify exactly how they want the app to look and function, and they can be confident that the end result will meet their needs. 

The downside of custom mobile app development is that it can be time-consuming and expensive. Organizations will need to invest in a team of experienced developers, and the process can take months or even years to complete.

On the other hand, low code mobile app development is much faster and easier. With low code development tools, organizations can quickly create an app with minimal coding required.

The trade-off is that low code mobile app development can be less flexible than custom mobile app development. Organizations may need to compromise on some features or functionality in order to get their app to market quickly.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to go with custom mobile app development or low code mobile app development will come down to the specific needs of the organization.

Both custom mobile app development and low code mobile app development come with their pros and cons, but if you want the best mobile app for your startup and are willing to spend for the same, go for custom mobile app development. 

Why Choose WDI

If you want the best possible app for your startup, look no further than the best mobile app development company, WDI. 

With over 21 years of experience in mobile app development, we provide nothing but excellence to our clients.

It is not possible to survive the future without the use of AI and ML in your mobile app. 

At WDI, we provide the most advanced AI and ML algorithms to our clients for developing future-ready mobile apps. 

From providing hyper-personalization to keeping users engaged with next-level algorithms, we have mobile app developers that work with every modern technology. 

If you want to hire WDI as your mobile app development partner, all you have to do is contact us, and we will discuss your mobile app idea. 

Allow us to serve you the best.

Let us build something wonderful together.

Mobile App Development

The post Custom App Vs Low Code Mobile App Development – Which is the best bet for your startup? appeared first on WDI Blog.

8 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Mobile App Development Company Mon, 14 Nov 2022 12:52:36 +0000 The post 8 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Mobile App Development Company appeared first on WDI Blog.

Rich result on Google's SERP when searching for 'Mobile app development'

You have a brilliant app idea and want to find the best mobile app development company that can do it justice. We understand how confusing it will be to find the right mobile app developers among the ton of them.

You have no idea whether your project is in safe hands.

Will they be able to provide the right technology to implement the best features for your app?

Will they get it done fast?

Will they provide you with the best value for your money?

To make the process easier for you, WDI has created a list of things you should consider before choosing a mobile app development company.

How To Choose A Mobile App Development Company

There are multiple factors that come into play when we talk about how to choose a mobile app development company.

You have to check whether the mobile app development company has the right technology for your project, the expertise to handle your workload, and whether is it reliable.

Here are 8 essential factors you need to look for when choosing a mobile app development company.

1: Market Research

Rich result on Google's SERP when searching for 'Market Research Mobile app development'

When you opt for any service, you must do thorough research on which company can provide you with the best.

When you are developing a mobile app that is going to define your brand and decide your future pathways, there is no alternative to market research. The right company can lead you to a rocket to success while the wrong one leads to peril and wasted money.

Find out the best mobile app development company in your locality or worldwide. Both offer their unique advantages.

When you choose a mobile app development company that is in your city, you can give them a visit and have a one-on-one conversation about your project. You can have meetings personally with the mobile app developers and get all your queries solved.

But, if a good company is not available in your city, you can opt for a company in another city or another country. With this, you ensure that you are hiring one of the leading mobile app developers in the world.

Plus, with online meeting platforms, communication will not be a problem.

Make a list of your preferred companies and contact them. Check if they can handle your project requirements. If you are running on tight deadlines or budgets, you can inquire about that as well.


However, keep in mind that good apps take time to develop and they definitely do not come cheap. You must be willing to go the extra mile if you want quality mobile app development


If a company is offering you much faster and cheaper development than others, consider that a red flag. They will compromise on quality to get faster development.

2: Years In The Field

You are assured of superior output when you go with a company with many years of experience in mobile app development.

A new mobile app development company is just figuring out things. They do not have a time-tested project management system that generates results. They lack the bonding and teamwork required for a quality outcome.

Most importantly, if there is any problem in mobile app development, the company will struggle to solve it as they lack expertise.

With an older mobile app development company, you get a team of experienced mobile app developers who are highly efficient at their job.

They have faced many problems throughout their lifetime and have solved them. If these problems repeat, they will be able to solve them with ease, using your development time effectively.

They will have an established project management system that allows them to work efficiently and produce quality output. The chances of delays and subpar output are next to none.

As all the team members have been working together for years, they have formed a bond with each other, and that allows them to get work done faster and smoother.

Along with this, more experienced companies will provide your end-to-end hand-holding and also guide you with post-launch marketing.

Just like you would not get surgery done by a just passed-out doctor, getting a mobile app developed by a new company is a recipe for disaster.

There are many ways you can find out the experience of a mobile app development company. The easiest one is to check the company’s portfolio. Check how many years they were active.

WDI has decades of experience in software development, making us the leading mobile app development company. Do not take our word for it. Take a look at our portfolio and see for yourself.

3: Technologies Available

Rich result on Google's SERP when searching for 'Technologies Available Mobile app development'

Although you may find it boring or complicated to study technologies, it is required to ensure that you get the best mobile app development company for your app.

Now, you do not have to study the intricate details. You just have to know the use case of each technology and figure out which one might serve you the best.

These are the technologies that are popularly used for mobile app development.

React Native

We have many blogs explaining the pros and cons of these technologies, which you can read. Here are a few of them for you to get started.

Flutter Vs. React

Vue Js vs. Node Js vs. Next Js

Laravel vs. Code Igniter

Opt for a mobile app development company that has expertise in multiple technologies to get the best mobile app development.

A company that works with multiple technologies can guide you and recommend the best technology for your project requirements. You will not be limited to a smaller number of technologies or choose a technology that is not suited for your app and face problems later on.

In 2022, developing a simple mobile app is not going to cut it. The age of AI, ML, and algorithms has begun. You must check if the mobile app development company is abreast with these technologies so that you get a future-ready app.

WDI has implemented AI and ML in various apps and has created hyper-personalized experiences for users that increase audience retention and engagement. These are going to be the norm in the future, and if your app lacks them, it will negatively affect your success rate.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, you have to go with a mobile app development company that has expertise in AI and ML.

4: Full-Fledged App Development Services

5: Digital Marketing

Most people ignore this but digital marketing is a crucial part of developing a successful mobile app.

With digital marketing, you are throwing your app in the forest, asking it to survive on its own.

If a mobile app development company is providing you with digital marketing, it is a big bonus.

WDI provides all of these basic services and a lot more like minisite creation, app store optimization, etc.

You get a complete service when you choose a mobile app development company like WDI.

5: Expert Advice

Development is just part of the process. Even before you start the development, you have to consult with the mobile app developers regarding your idea.

Just having an idea or a concept is not going to cut it. You need the guidance of experts to make your app successful.

At WDI, our business analysts give you a clear idea of where your app will stand in the market, what are the potential threats it may face, who are its competitors, the target audience, and how to market the app.

We guide our clients on the best technologies to use, essential features to have, extra functionalities required, etc. We turn our clients’ one-line ideas into a full-fledged plan of action.

Whether you are choosing WDI or any other company, you must check if they are offering consultations with the experts.

6: Value For Money

Developing an app is not a cheap endeavor. When you are spending a lot of money, you need to ensure that you are getting every penny’s worth.

We have a blog on how much developing a mobile app costs. It will give you an idea of what to expect according to the features you are planning to implement in your app. You can find out if a mobile app development company is charging you a lot more than required.

To explain in short, here are a few factors based upon a mobile app development cost is determined.

1: Development Time

Every mobile app development company will have an hourly or weekly charge for their mobile app developers.

You will be charged according to the development time required.

2: App Complexity

This is basically the number of screens to be designed for your mobile app. A larger number of screens and interconnection between them will require more time to develop and thus cause a price increase.

3: Features And Functionalities

Designing complex algorithms, high-end features, and functionalities, and working with complex technologies will be costly and also take longer time to develop.

4: Platforms

If you are planning to develop an app for both iOS and Android, it will require almost twice the money. Also, depending on the type of app you want to develop, like Native, Hybrid, or PWA, the cost will vary.

Furthermore, maintenance after the app launch will also require more cost.

7: 24/7 Support

As mobile app development will take time, there will be many instances where you will want to talk with the mobile app developers and get your queries solved.

There more channels you have to communicate, the better it is. Check whether the mobile app development company is providing you with a chatting app where you can instantly contact them.

Furthermore, ensure that they are offering weekly meetings to update you about the sprints and developments. If you have any suggestions or problems with the current status of the app, you should have the power to enforce the right changes.

Also, there should be additional communication channels like phone numbers, emails, video meetups, etc.

WDI provides end-to-end hand-holding to our clients. We provide them with constant support and guidance throughout the development process.

8: Confidentiality

Your idea is of the highest value. It should be preserved at all costs.

When you contact multiple mobile app development companies, you are sharing your ideas with them. There is a chance that they can steal your idea.

WDI always signs a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with all of our clients even when they do not ask for it.

You need to ask the mobile app development company to sign an NDA to ensure the confidentiality of your app idea.

Why WDI Is The Best

If you want a mobile app development company that fulfills all of the above mentioned factors, then you are at the right place.

From the best mobile app developers to the digital marketing teams for making your app successful, you get everything when you choose WDI.

You know your project is in the right hands when you choose a mobile app development company with 21+ years of experience in developing ground-breaking software.

Allow our experts to handle your project.

Contact WDI now and let us create something awesome!

Mobile App Development Consult now

The post 8 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Mobile App Development Company appeared first on WDI Blog.

The A To Z Of Mobile App Development For Startups Thu, 10 Nov 2022 16:07:39 +0000 The post The A To Z Of Mobile App Development For Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.


Mobile app development is what most startups are going for. With the right concept, a mobile app can become your biggest asset and can drive success.

A mobile app is like building your office on everyone’s phone. You can stay connected with your clients 24/7.

All you need is a wonderful app that gets your business across.

It will require in-depth planning, strategizing, and managing of all the steps of mobile app development.

We understand that it is simply impossible to get all the knowledge about development, but you must know how the process works so you are able to go hand in hand with your mobile app developers.

With this blog, you will understand what all goes behind the mobile app development process, and you will be able to better guide your mobile app developers to get the best app for your startup.

Why Should You Invest In A Mobile App?

Mobile App Development image

The average smartphone user has at least 80 apps on their device.

A mobile app is the go-to choice of smartphone users for doing any activity. They will choose an app over a website at any given time of the day.

Almost every decent-earning person owns a smartphone nowadays.

On average, users spend four hours of their day on their phones. That is a lot when you consider that people barely get five to six hours of free time after deducting work and traveling time.

A smartphone has become a necessity now.

With the insane number of people using mobile phones, imagine how it would be to get business directly on mobiles.

People are very liberal when it comes to spending through in-app purchases.

In 2021, people spent over $170 billion on in-app purchases, which is enough to make you one of the richest people on the planet.

Mobile ad spent was $295 billion in 2021.

With such high earning possibilities, there is no better time than now to invest in mobile app development.

Here are some benefits you will get by developing a mobile app for your startup.

1: Expand Your Customer Base

With an offline business, you are limited to your locality. Expanding your business to your entire country or worldwide comes with exponential costs.

However, the digital world is limitless. With the right search engine optimization, you can reach out to people halfway across the world for free.

We at WDI specialize in SEO for websites and apps to give them the most necessary boost.

You can get your brand across to the world through a mobile app. There is no limit to how many people can download and use your app, but there sure is a limit to the number of people that can visit your shop or office.

2: Get Loyal Customers

Once you’ve gained traction and drawn people to your app, you must convert them into loyal customers. For this, you need to ensure that they buy your products or services again and again.

With an offline business, this is difficult unless you collect the client’s phone number or address. But with a mobile app, it becomes a piece of cake.

You can send customized notifications to your users and inform them about your offers, discounts, and other important updates.

With the right amount of clickbait, you can get your clients back to your app. If a customer repeatedly makes purchases from your app, he will become your loyal customer.

If your app is engaging enough, your users will not close your app in the first place. When you understand what the users want and create a strong bond with them, they will get addicted to your app.

3: Direct Communication

In the offline market, your customers will have to call you or visit your store for any issues. This is very inconvenient and time-consuming.

With a mobile app, you are basically building your store on your client’s phone.

The user can easily contact you through the app for any query.

4: Collect Data

Data is the most valuable currency in the digital world. People are willing to go to any extent to collect user data. This data helps them to understand where their target audience is and how they can reach it.

When people sign up for your mobile app, they give you a lot of valuable information, like their gender, age, location, etc. Along with this, you will get a lot of data by analyzing their behavior and through direct feedback channels.

This information can help you refine your app for success.

If this information is not enough, you can even conduct in-app surveys and directly ask the questions you want answers to.

Looking for Mobile App Development Services (2)

Must-Know Mobile App Development Factors

Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is a big process. There are many technical details that are unnecessary for you as a startup owner to get into.

We at WDI have simplified it for you and jotted down the points that are essential for you to know before starting your mobile app development journey.

1: Mobile App Types

Before you ask for the development of a mobile app, you need to know what types of mobile apps can be developed and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

This will help you figure out the ideal type according to your requirements.

There are three types of mobile apps.

1: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

A PWA, at its simplest, is a website that has been converted to the format of a mobile app. It is very small in size and can run across all devices with a network connection.

It can use some device features like GPS and gesture navigation. However, there are many more features that cannot be added due to their limitations, like camera, microphone, gyroscope, etc.

If you want to use these features, then the next type is what you should go for.

2: Native App

A native app is developed specifically for the platform it is supposed to be launched on.

These can use the device’s native features like camera, Bluetooth, gyroscope, Face ID, Touch ID, etc.

These can run offline as well.

If you want to implement the most advanced features in your app, a native app is what you should go for.

But there are some downsides as well. Due to being feature-packed, native apps require more time and money to develop. Also, you will have to develop separate apps for iOS and Android.

If you want to create a single app for iOS and Android while compromising on some native features, the next type of app is for you.

3: Hybrid Apps

When you put a web app into the skeleton of a native app, you get a hybrid app. You can consider these to be a combination of native apps and web apps.

Compared to native apps, these are faster and cheaper to develop.

The best part is, you can create apps for both iOS and Android with a single source code, thus eliminating the need to create two separate apps.

However, hybrid apps cannot be feature-packed like native apps and offer limited functionalities.

Here is a simple comparison between the three.

Depending on your requirements, you can choose the type of app you want to develop.

If you want to provide the best possible experience for your users and have no concern about the price, then a native app is the best option.

A simple PWA can get the job done if you have a limited budget or your requirements can be handled by a website.

If you want something in between, then a hybrid app is for you.

2: How To Develop A Mobile App

its simple graphic photograph of mobile app development

When it comes to developing a mobile app, there are many ways to move forward.
But, if you want a good outcome, then these three are your bets.

1: Hire A Freelancer

There are many good freelancers out there waiting to be discovered. The real challenge is finding them.

When you are hiring a freelancer, you are hiring a single person. If your app is very basic, then this is a viable option.

But, you will also have to hire a UI/UX designer and a tester as well.

The real challenge lies in getting them all to work together.

2: In-House Team

This is a viable option if you have technical proficiency. Otherwise, you will end up making a lot of mistakes and increasing the development time.

First of all, you need to be sure about the technology you are going to use. If you suddenly want to change the technology, you will have to fire your current developers and that will affect your brand image.

Next, you must be able to guide your team through the challenges of development. As you are in charge of the project, the team members will look to you for guidance.

In the event that there is no project at hand, you will still have to pay your employees, thus increasing unnecessary expenses.

3: Mobile App Development Company

The third and best option is to hire a dedicated mobile app development company like WDI.

Here, your entire project is handled by experts who develop apps day in and day out.

All that is required for smooth mobile app development is done by us.

Our team consists of qualified business analysts, mobile app developers, testers, digital marketers, and project managers who will handle your project from start to finish.

To know more about the benefits of hiring a mobile app development company, read our detailed blog here:

How Mobile App Developers Can Help You To Kick Start Your Business

Here is a comparison between the three options.

3: How To Market Your App

You might develop the best app in the world, but it will fail without the right marketing.

Having basic knowledge about marketing is a must to make your app successful.

You can reach your target audience, create specific ad campaigns, and use the right channels for your app.

Here are some things you must know about marketing.

1: Market Research

Before you step into the market, you must know what challenges and opportunities are present there. An in-depth study of the market is essential to know where your app will stand.

You will understand how to position your app in front of the audience, figure out your USP and weaknesses, and find out what marketing strategy will work best.

To know more about Mobile App Market Research, read our detailed blog on the same here.

2: App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is the way to make your app rank at the top of search results in the app store.

With the right app description, images, and videos, you can create a compelling sales pitch for your app.

Explain the unique features of your app in the description and add attractive screenshots along with a short video.

3: Digital Marketing

Compared to offline marketing, digital marketing is much cheaper and provides better targeting to reach your ideal customer.

You can invest in specific channels that reach your target audience.

There is a lot of scope in organic digital marketing as well.

WDI provides expertise in digital marketing techniques like SEO and microsite development that will get your app the reach it deserves.


These were the important aspects of mobile app development that you must know as a startup owner to ensure that you get the results you deserve.

It is important to have an idea of what goes on behind the scenes of mobile app development so that you can stay connected with your mobile app developers.

It should not be that you have no clue what is happening.

To summarize, there are three types of mobile apps, PWA, Native, and Hybrid. All come with their advantages and disadvantages.

To develop an app, you can go for a freelancer, hire in-house developers, or hire a mobile app development team, which is the best option of the three.

After the app is developed, you need to know how to market it. There are many aspects of marketing, of which mobile app market research, ASO, and digital marketing are the most important.

At WDI, we have 21+ years of expertise in software development. We have a track record of creating successful apps like CSE, MCCC, Sattva Connect, LocOff, and many more.

Allow us to handle your mobile app development project.

All you have to do is share your app idea with us and we will take it from there.

Let us build something majestic.

Mobile App Development Consult now

The post The A To Z Of Mobile App Development For Startups appeared first on WDI Blog.

Reasons Why You Must Develop a B2B App For Your Business Thu, 27 Oct 2022 11:15:56 +0000 The post Reasons Why You Must Develop a B2B App For Your Business appeared first on WDI Blog.

B2B App For Your Business

As a successful startup, there are basically two types of mobile apps that you will require. One app is for getting your services to your customers, which is known as a B2C app. The second connects your business with other businesses, stakeholders, and partners. This is known as a B2B app.

You are probably familiar with a B2C app as that is what most apps on the App Store are.

A B2B app is very niche-specific and something that most startups ignore but should not, as it will simplify business workflow, streamline business operations, enhance communication, and most importantly, make life easier.

First, understand what a B2B app is.

What is B2B App images

What is a B2B App?

A B2B app serves the purpose of connecting businesses. It is created to meet industry-specific requirements and is restricted to just business-specific use.

Mailchimp, Asana, Hootsuite, and Salesforce are some examples of B2B apps. They all serve business-specific purposes and have no usability for the average person. It could be something as simple as an encrypted messaging tool for your office staff.

Although these apps are available to the public, many B2B apps are just restricted to a particular business.

If your startup deals with other startups and businesses, then a B2B is a must-have for you.

Difference Between B2B and B2C Apps

A B2C app is made for normal people to use, while a B2B app is just restricted to a particular business and its requirements. The target groups are the biggest difference between both.

Because of this, the objectives and functionality of both differ.

A B2C app can have a wide range of functionalities, like entertainment, marketplace, fintech, trading, gaming, or something as simple as changing wallpapers. But, a B2B app is made to fulfil a business-centric purpose.

Mailchimp is designed for businesses to send out multiple emails to their clients. For a normal person, this is useless as their work can be done with a simple B2C mailing app like Gmail or Outlook.

As a B2C app is not restricted, its audience is a lot bigger than a B2B app. However, certain B2B apps have a huge user base like Mailchimp and Asana due to their being open to everyone for download and serving a larger purpose that every startup requires.

As most B2B apps are made to be used by professionals, a glittery UI is not a priority. But for a B2C app to appeal to the mass audience, an attractive UI becomes a necessity.

Another major difference is how both types of apps are marketed. If the B2B app is restricted to just in-house use, marketing is not required. A simple email to all employees or an announcement in the office can get the job done.

For public B2B apps, monetization is done by making them paid or subscription-based models. B2C apps are usually free and monetized through ads and in-app purchases, although many have subscription-based models as well.

For B2C apps, the competition is cutthroat. If your app is not up to the mark, it will not get any downloads. This does not apply to B2B apps unless they are meant to target a large user base.

We hope that you have a crystal clear idea of what a B2B app is and what it does. Now, here are a few benefits you will get by developing a B2B mobile app.

10 reasons why B2B Apps are a Great Investment for Your Business

10 Advantages of Getting A B2B App for your startup

A B2B app offers a plethora of perks for startups and businesses.

We at WDI, a team of mobile app developers, have listed down the top 10 benefits you will get by developing a B2B mobile app for your business.

2: Data For Analysis

For a business, data is everything.

With traditional methods, data collection is quite difficult and requires a dedicated team.

But, a B2B app can provide you with extensive real-time data to analyze. You can understand user behavior and predict their future actions.

You can figure out what your users like and dislike, and work accordingly to implement the right things and increase conversions.

If your users are showing interest in a particular product but not buying it due to some reason, maybe you can work at the product description or price and see how that plays out.

If you have a website then you can compare Google Analytics with the data you receive from your app. In most cases, both will be similar but there will be some glaring differences between them that can help you improve your business.

3: Higher Output

Who does not want a higher output?

A B2B app is one of the best ways to increase your cut delays and unnecessary expenses, and increase your output and your overall efficiency.

Just like in the previous example, if a B2B app is helping your clients to place orders from anywhere they want, it decreases the extra work of having to entertain them at offline stores.

A B2B app can also be developed to handle the paperwork and maintain all business records. The algorithm can do in seconds what a human will require days for.

You can cut a lot of human resources with the implementation of a single app.

All of the donkey work can be handled by the app so that your staff can focus on important and creative tasks that require human involvement.

Your expenses will also go down and thus increase your profits.

4: Increase Long-Term Loyalty

B2B apps can help you to develop long-term relations with your clients.

It is as if you have built a service centre in your client’s pockets that they can access anytime and anywhere. All it takes is pulling out their phone from their pockets. Your business is just a few taps away.

The app provides another way for your clients to contact you. Multiple communication channels like a chatbot can be implemented in the app.

If the app is a marketplace for your wholesale products, your clients can track the order and contact you ASAP in case of any delivery problems.

If your startup is about fulfilling a specific need in the business world, then there is nothing better than a B2B app to ensure that your clients stay connected with your services.

Your clients will use the app to access your services as it is more convenient. This will ensure that they continue using your services for a long period and become loyal customers of your brand.

5: Simplify Work

Paperwork is simply a headache to handle.

Running a business involves a mountain of tasks to handle and they can get overwhelming after a point, requiring a lot of manpower.

With a B2B app with advanced AI, all of these tasks can be streamlined, allowing you to focus on what is important.

If you want to get an analysis of data, a B2B app can create detailed graphs and pie charts, and also show predictions of what the statistics will be in the future.

An in-house B2B app can allow your employees to easily communicate, share data, and put forth their ideas faster than ever.

You can communicate with your clients in a much more efficient manner. A B2B app provides a faster way to interact in case of urgent requirements.

A lot of unnecessary work can be eliminated and it will save time.

10 reasons why B2B Apps are a Great Investment for Your Business

6: Encrypted Communication

Data leaks are a big threat to startups. Most so-called “encrypted” communications tools are not really as secure as they claim to be and can be hacked.

An in-house B2B app can allow your employees to communicate with each other. As the platform is not open-source or public, the chances of hacks are next to none.

You can share documents, files, and presentations without any limit on file size as the application is custom-made. You can implement any feature you want.

Third-party apps do come with a lot of limitations and the major ones being file upload limit and the number of people you can add to a group. With a custom-made B2B app, you can share large files and create a group of as many people as you want. If there is a message you want to get across to every single employee, a B2B app can do that.

You can refine your messages and send them to only specific people with direct messaging. With push notifications, you can ensure that the message will be read and also that the employees are updated with the latest Developments.

7: Support

Good customer support is crucial for developing trust and long-term brand loyalty.

The more ways you provide your clients to reach out to you, the better it is. A B2B app is another communication channel you can add to your list.

Your users can simply open the app and contact you instantly. This is much faster than sending an email.

As your business could be dealing with high-cost transactions, a B2B app will prove to be lifesaving.

You can build a FAQ section based on the queries you receive. This will make it more convenient for users to find answers to the most common problems they will face. You will have a less amount of queries to deal with directly.

With advanced algorithms, you can organize the complaints and make them easier to manage.

8: Drive Sales

If you have a wholesale eCommerce business then a B2B app is the key to expanding your business. You are already stepping ahead of the competition by having a mobile app.

When business research the best place to buy wholesale goods, they are more likely to download your app for the convenience it offers. Placing orders from their phone is something they cannot do with other eCommerce businesses.

More importantly, you can send push notifications to your users and update them about the latest offers and discounts. With the right call to action, you can drive an insane amount of sales.

9: Increase Team Work

Every start-up owner wants the best team of professionals. Hiring professionals is easy but getting them to work together is the hard part.

Within big businesses with hundreds of employees, there are limitations in communications and collaborations.

You can use messaging apps like Skype, Whatsapp, etc. but those have the risk of data leaks. Also, there are limitations in terms of the file size and type of files you can share.

An in-house B2B app can solve the problem and make communication easier than ever.

As you are in total control of the mobile app development process, you can decide what features you want to implement.

You can create an app that can be used for normal chatting and for working together on projects as well. You can assign tasks directly from the app while your employees can submit their reports on it.

With a public B2B app, you can collaborate with your clients and other businesses to get work done faster and more efficiently.

If you are an intermediary between vendors and buyers, a B2B app can help you schedule orders and ensure that everything is done in a more streamlined manner.

10: Help Your Business Grow

A B2B app can be developed to cater to your business-specific objectives and requirements. Depending on the use case, multiple apps can be created for each of them.

One app could be just for project management. You can assign tasks to your employees and collect their reports using it.

Another app could be for handling requests, payments, and finances.

The sky is the limit with what you can get done with the right mobile app development team.

Here are some features you can implement in a B2B app that can help your business grow.

10 reasons why B2B Apps are a Great Investment for Your Business

All you need are the right mobile app developers that can give your B2B app justice. 


As a startup owner, a B2B app can be the biggest tool at your disposal to take your business to the next level. It can improve your work efficiency, allow encrypted and effective communication, provide an extensive support system for your clients, and increase sales with inbound marketing.

At WDI, we have decades of experience in software development and years of proven excellence in mobile app development.

All you have to do is share your app idea with us and we will take it from there. We will handle all the complex technicalities of app development and provide you with the best app for your business.

Looking for Mobile App Development Services (2)

The post Reasons Why You Must Develop a B2B App For Your Business appeared first on WDI Blog.

How to Create Apps That Solve Problems | Mobile App Development Thu, 20 Oct 2022 14:24:40 +0000 The post How to Create Apps That Solve Problems | Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

How to Create Apps That Solve Problems

Mobile app development is the best way to solve modern life problems. There is no doubt that life is full of problems. With technological inventions, more and more of these problems are easily solved. It is nothing but a marvel to witness how far mankind has come.

Technology has become like a bridge that connects problems with solutions.

Creating an app that solves problems is one of the best ways to ensure that people download your app. People will not think twice about downloading your app if it solves a problem they have been fed up with for a long time.

Some of the most downloaded apps are the ones that solve problems.

  • Social media helps to connect people across the world.
  • Marketplace apps allow buying products from the comfort of their homes.
  • Banking apps enable people to manage all their finances without ever visiting the bank.

Problems will exist as long as mankind exists. There are infinite possibilities to create more problem-solving apps.

Even by just looking around, you will find many problems that need a solution. In your daily life, there will be many instances where technology simply gives up and you have no other choice but to give up as well.

There will be instances where you might have to wait unnecessarily longer and wish that there was something that would eliminate this delay.

Sometimes the cost of getting something done can be very high, and you hope for a way to make it cheaper.

Maybe a task requires a lot of manpower, and there could be something done to automate it.

The opportunities to create a problem-solving app and expand your business are endless.

Why Create A Problem Solving App?

Technology provides an array of solutions for a particular problem. But why is mobile development the best of them all?

Although many advanced problems cannot be solved through mobile apps, most problems that the average person faces are nothing but a piece of cake for mobile apps to solve.

Here are some reasons why mobile apps are the best for problem-solving.

1: Ease Of Accessibility

Smartphones have become a necessity now. Almost everyone in urban areas owns a smartphone. It has become an inseparable part of life.

Almost all basic necessities are fulfilled by a smartphone.

Want to order food? Just pull out your phone.

Want to book a ride? There is an app for that.

Want to get a job? The application is just a few taps away.

Stuck in traffic? Google Assistant is here to guide you.

Bored? There is no shortage of songs, movies, games, and content.

The smartphone has brought the entire world into your pocket.

The ease of accessibility is unparalleled by any other technology. Even laptops are very limited when it comes to usability and popularity.

Compared to websites, smartphone users are more likely to use a mobile app for any of their tasks. An app can be instantly opened with one tap instead of having to type the website name and open it.

2: Offline Use

One of the biggest advantages a mobile app has over a website is that it can be used without a network connection.

Certain apps are made to be used without a network connection.

On the other hand, websites cannot be used without a network. The only offline use you can get out of them is when the webpage is pre-loaded.

In many countries, people do not have access to the best networks. Sometimes, your clients can go on a trek to some remote location.

In these cases, an offline app provides the best solution.

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3: Push Notifications

Imagine being able to inform your clients about your latest developments, discounts, offers, etc. the moment they happen. This is what a mobile app offers.

With push notifications, you can literally send any message you want to your users.

With a catchy notification, you can ensure that your users get back to your app and buy your products or services.

This is something that a website does not offer, giving apps the upper hand.

There are many more advantages to mobile app development than website development.

For all of these reasons, mobile app development is the way to go for creating a problem-solving app.

Now let us look at how you can create apps that solve problems.

Problem Solving Mobile App Development

Most startups crave to solve problems with their apps, as it is the best way to win the trust of users and develop a loyal customer base.

It is not that complex to create a problem-solving app once you have a clear idea in your mind about what your app is going to do.

However, it can be a little tricky to find a problem that is worth solving. Not all problems need to be solved as the chances of making a profit out of them are very low.

We at WDI, a mobile app development company, have laid down the exact steps you have to take to create a problem-solving app.

1: Analyze The Problem

Analyze the problem

Solving a big and very troubling problem is the key to a successful mobile app. If there is a problem that no one is really bothered about and you solve it, people are most likely not going to download and use your app.

You must have a crystal clear idea of what you want to achieve with your app.

Find out if there is any problem that is worth solving. Find out if people will invest in your app to get that problem solved.

Once you get a positive answer, identify the type of problem you are solving.

Is it something that is causing a waste of money or costing more than it is worth?

Is it causing unnecessary time delays?

Or is it something as simple as killing boredom?

Define your problem as precisely as possible.

Want to hire a resource to work with you?

2: Analyze The Market

Analyze the competition

Once you identify your problem, you have to decide if it is worth investing the time and money to solve it. You need to know what its market is going to be.

First, find out the size of the market. Does it have broad appeal or is it niche-specific?

A big market is required to make your app successful.

If your target audience is niche-specific, it does not mean your app will be a failure. It is just that your customer base will be limited.

However, if your market is too small, it is better to not invest in it.

Even if you have a large market, the number of people who will download your app is going to be much lower.

From your entire target audience, you can only reach a limited audience through ad campaigns, unless you have the money to reach them all.

From the audience you reach, even fewer people will download your app.

Depending on the quality of your app, even fewer people will buy your services. A small fraction of those will become your loyal customers.

Even with a large market, you have to put in the effort to ensure that you reach the maximum number of people possible, compel them to download your app, and keep them engaged.

3: Analyze The Competiton

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Once you know the problem you are solving and the size of the market, you have to see if any other people are eyeing the same.

Regardless of how niche-specific your problem is, it is very likely that there will be some people who will be trying their hands at solving it.

To ensure that your solution is the definitive one, you have to rise above your competition,

For that, you have to provide something better than others to set your app apart.

If someone else is working on the same solution you are providing, you have no other choice but to be better than them or give something extra.

There are many ways to make your app better than your competition, and here are some of them.

Solve the problem faster than other apps. If a delivery app is taking two days to deliver a product, try doing the same in one day.

Try to provide a cheaper solution. If your competitors are charging a lot of money for the solution, try to cut some unnecessary expenses and provide the same solution at more affordable rates. Or else, you can give it away for free while earning money through in-app ads.

Try to provide a more effective solution. Find out if your competitor’s apps are lacking somewhere. Fill in the gaps, and you’ll have a successful mobile app on your hands.

If you do not want to indulge in the competition and drain yourself out in the race to become better, then you have to provide a solution that is completely unique.

This is where you have to think outside the box and look at the problem from a totally new angle.

People are more likely to download your app if it is the only one in its niche.

But, thinking of a million-dollar idea will take time and creativity. This is why simply imitating what your competitors are doing and doing it better is preferred by startups.

Most apps are doing the same thing with a different color of their brand identity. There are over a dozen platforms available just for uploading and watching short videos.

If you list down the most popular apps in the world, they are not the first in their niche. Before Facebook, many social media apps existed. All Facebook did was try to be better than them.

Before Google, many search engines were thriving. Yet Google dominated with its faster speed and accurate search results.

Unless you are doing something unique or better than y

4: Start The Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development Done Right. Don't Waste Your Time & Effort!

An innovative mobile app needs a mobile app development company that plays with technology.

A subpar app will be a disaster regardless of how important a problem it solves.

You cannot let your app become a failure due to slow response time and unnecessary bugs and glitches that mar the user experience.

This is where WDI can help you develop the most amazing app for your innovative app idea.

All you have to do is share your idea with us and we will take it from there.

Our team of mobile app developers will handle the entire process for you, from creating the scope of work to launching the final version.

We ensure the best app for your idea with our latest technologies and over 21 years of experience in software development.

Allow us to serve you the best!

We will implement the right features that are required to do justice to your concept.

Without the right features and technology, you will end up creating more problems instead of solving them.

Before your app is launched, it will go through a rigorous testing process to ensure that there are no loose ends.

We also provide maintenance and support post-launch to keep your app up-to-date and build upon the feedback you receive.

5: Market Your App

Once you have got your mobile app developed, you have to market it to the right audience.

You have to create a buzz around the fact that the annoying problem has been solved, otherwise no one will download your mobile app.

There is no alternative to marketing.

At WDI, we offer the best digital marketing services for mobile apps.

Here is what you will get.

1: App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is the process of making your app rank at the top of relevant search results on the respective app stores.

This is the best way to get downloads.

When people search for solutions to certain problems, e.g. “Pet Food Delivery,” your app should be what they see first.

At WDI, we will handle the entire process of ASO, from creating an SEO-friendly description and uploading attractive images and videos, for you.

2: Microsite creation

Having a dedicated website for your app is another way to promote your app.

With a website, you can explain what your app offers and help it reach the target audience with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You can create blogs that solve user queries, get them to know about your app, and drive traffic to your app through CTAs.

A dedicated website for your website also increases its authority.

3: Social Media

Social media offers the best organic growth opportunities.

With the right content and implementation of digital marketing hacks, you can promote your app to the right audience.

WDI has a dedicated social media team that will create attention-grabbing posts and upload them with the right hashtags for organic reach.

You can get responses from your audience about your app, and they can also get different platforms to reach out to you in case of any suggestions or complaints.


Problem-solving mobile app development is the key to success in this digital era.

There is no lack of problems in today’s time, and mobile apps provide the most convenient solution, as all it takes is to pull out your phone from your pocket.

Considering the ease of accessibility mobile apps offer, it is the best option for a startup looking forward to providing solutions to real-world problems.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your app, analyze the preexisting solutions to the problem and find out what you can do better. Or, you can approach the problem from a different angle and come up with a totally unique solution.

Once you have got a defined app idea, let us take the process of mobile app development into our own hands and serve you with the app of your dreams.

Let's Start Your Project

The post How to Create Apps That Solve Problems | Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps : Choose The Right One For Your Android/ iPhone App Development Tue, 23 Mar 2021 10:39:45 +0000 With the exponential advancements of the smartphone market, existing businesses, as well as startups, have adapted themselves with extensive developments of mobile applications for their services.

The post Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps : Choose The Right One For Your Android/ iPhone App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.


With the exponential advancements of the smartphone market, existing businesses, as well as startups, have adapted themselves with extensive developments of mobile applications for their services. Being a business owner there are a number of questions you need to be answered before you start, the most important of which is to choose between Hybrid Apps and Native Apps. Lucky for you, we have carefully analyzed the differences between both these options so that we can help you in selecting the best option for your iPhone or Android App Development.

Hybrid Vs Native Mobile App Development

What Is a Native Application?

A Native application is a software that runs exclusively on a mobile operating system. They amplify the performance of an app and work well with the latest technology. Since they are specific to an operating system , they can only be written in the programming language of a specific operating system (such as JAVA for Android or Swift for iOS). A great advantage of using Native applications is that they utilize most , if not all, of the built in capabilities of a users device. When you send or receive text messages or play music on your device using the devices’ music app (Apple music for iPhones) you are using Native applications tailored specifically for your device.

Advantages of Native Applications

Native mobile applications have a higher degree of accuracy and are quick to respond to a user’s requests. Furthermore they can easily access the device’s UI which means that all controls and layouts of an application can be particularly customised for every device.some advantages of using Native Apps for your iPhone App Development include –

  • Simple yet fast performance that induces a better User experience
  • Assured quality testing by ratings on App store (for iPhones) or Google Play store ( for Androids)
  • Offline compatibility for certain applications

Disadvantages of Native Applications

Though interesting, a Native app can prove to be a business owner’s nightmare especially considering its building and maintenance since each app would have to be re-coded in different languages for different devices. Other major disadvantages of using Native applications include –

  • Extremely high costs since there is a need for more developers
  • Highly time consuming as each application is created multiple times for different operating systems
  • More technical as a knowledge of various languages is required to create a Native app
  • Off the charts maintenance costs

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An Introduction to Hybrid Mobile Applications

A Hybrid application is a program that introduces you to the best of both worlds ( i.e Native Apps and web Apps). Hybrid Apps look and work exactly like Native applications but in reality they are a website that is packaged differently with the help of web technologies like Javascript, HTML and CSS. These Apps , similar to Native Apps, can be downloaded on a users system and then with the help of API’s ( Application programming interfaces) gain access to a large variety of a devices features.Furthermore, Hybrid applications operate in a similar fashion to web applications since at its core every Hybrid applications IS a web application. The only difference between the two is that a Hybrid app can be downloaded on a users device whereas a web app can only be accessed using a web browser. Some common features of a Hybrid application include-

  • A cross platform user interface allows the same app to run on multiple devices/operating systems
  • They work well with web based services

When developed well, a Hybrid application can imitate the workings of a Native application, which is why most social media websites such as Twitter and instagram, along with service providers like Uber prefer working on Hybrid applications compared to Native applications. Nevertheless Before you decide on building a Hybrid application you must be aware of its boons and banes and how choosing one over the other might impact your Android App Development.

Advantages of Developing a Hybrid Application

Hybrid applications have an abundance of advantages when compared to its rival , i.e Native applications. Some of these boons include –

  • COST! Developing a Hybrid application is significantly cheaper than a Native application
  • They work across a variety of platforms and can be operates on both iOS and Android devices
  • Hybrid applications are much faster to build ( Given the fact that you do not need tons of custom features)
  • MAINTENANCE! Since it is all written in one code, a Hybrid app is much easier to maintain.
  • Updating a Hybrid application is much easier and faster than a Native application as a single update is enough to refresh the app across all platforms.

Disadvantages of Developing a Hybrid Application

Though limited as they are, there are a few disadvantages you might come across while creating a Hybrid application for your business. Most of these disadvantages can be found listed below-

  • Since at their core all Hybrid Apps are web applications, they CANNOT work offline
  • While using only a single code might be an advantage, you might find that some features of a Hybrid application may not work on either device
  • They constantly require plugins to gain access of most built in features of a device

What Should You Choose?

When making a choice between Native Apps and Hybrid Apps it is essential that you take a decision that is not circling around the cost but the user experience. As discussed earlier, both Native and Hybrid Apps have their pros and cons. The choice depends entirely on the prerequisites of an organization. If you have just a couple of months on your hand we recommend developing a Hybrid application, But if you want an app Incorporated with tons and tons of customized features we’d suggest to go with a Native app.

It is advisable to discuss your project with industry professionals before you make a choice as we will help you in not only choosing but also shaping and developing your idea. Talk to Website Developers India to gain an insight about choosing the correct mobile application development strategy for your business idea TODAY!

Have An App Idea? Consult It To The Experts

The post Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps : Choose The Right One For Your Android/ iPhone App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

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iOS vs Android : Evolution of Design Fri, 12 Feb 2016 11:15:57 +0000 Android and iOS have been the behemoths in the mobile phone industry since they were launched. These two operating systems not only provide several features but they also have good intuitive user interfaces that interact with effectively with the handset. Even though not much has changed over this period for the OS, if you look … Continue reading "iOS vs Android : Evolution of Design"

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Which smartphone platform is bestAndroid and iOS have been the behemoths in the mobile phone industry since they were launched. These two operating systems not only provide several features but they also have good intuitive user interfaces that interact with effectively with the handset. Even though not much has changed over this period for the OS, if you look at the whole time span, then you may have noted heavy changes in both their UIs.
This article is a comparison of Android app development with iOS and their UI designing philosophy and how it has changed over time. They are both quite popular and each tries to trump the other for better sales figures.

iOS Application

Compared to other operating systems, iPhone app development has always been concerned with the design philosophy. With the release of iOS 7, Apple has finally changed over from age-old designing techniques to brand new minimalistic and flat designing approach. iOS app development created great apps which were appealing despite being flat. When the online world was opting for flat designs, Apple too switched to it. After all the upgrades, his was an important designing update for OS. However, what remained the same was the simplistic design.

Android Application

Google has adopted the philosophy of material design which has made it a winner in the field it was losing so far along- user interface. The Material Designing part has raised the bar for user interface designing and has taken it to a new level altogether. The UI is peppered with great details, design, and animations which look stunning visually. It was the largest update when it came to Android OS design. The Android OS looked like it was redesigned completely from scratch.

The philosophy of material design takes into account a neat look with power. With all the great features and unbound possibilities along with material design, the Google-powered OS has won the million hearts of tech-savvy users all over the world hands down. This is the first time that Android app development feels more personal and usable than iOS. It is simplistic in usage and is very attractive. As a matter of fact, the philosophy of new design has been lauded so much so that Whatsapp too has designed its web application based on material design.

Overall these years, what is noticeable is that an elegant and simple design is always preferred. Apple has used it over the years and it has worked in their favor. Google too has adopted a similar kind of design which makes Android a sweet experience. Not only are the software features and hardware on the handset essential for making it useful, but the user interface is also important. Google has already been applauded for its style and it is not up to Apple to show new tricks. Most people now prefer using Android since the company fixed its clutter-free OS. The features, coupled with the OS, make Android phones a delight to be used.

mobile app developersFor more information about  Android and iOS  apps development contact Website Development India or call on +91 22 61274401

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IOS is killing Android upgrades? Thu, 18 Dec 2014 07:57:16 +0000 Is IOS is killing Android upgrades? Know the recent reports and results for the same. There are recent reports of Android upgrades being steadily killed off by Apple’s pioneering iOS. The constant tug of war between Android & iOS apps looks set to continue and may well reach an exciting climax! Android and iOS continue … Continue reading "IOS is killing Android upgrades?"

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Is IOS is killing Android upgrades? Know the recent reports and results for the same.

There are recent reports of Android upgrades being steadily killed off by Apple’s pioneering iOS. The constant tug of war between Android & iOS apps looks set to continue and may well reach an exciting climax! Android and iOS continue to fight it out for total domination of the mobile OS arena and this is heating up, what with the ever-increasing count of global smartphone users. Billions of individuals use smartphones and as a result, the sudden perishing of Android upgrades at the hands of iOS comes as a surprise to many!

According to experts, almost 90% of all Apple mobile devices are making use of the very latest version of iOS 7 with adoption and upgradation rates hovering around 21% in the very first three days of the release itself. In addition, only a paltry 3% of Apple smartphones are estimated to be running on obsolete or older operating systems. In comparison, a tiny 8% of Android devices are making use of the updated Kit Kat 4.4 or higher updates from Google. In addition, Android users are still awaiting the latest Jelly Bean updates from Google.

As a result, adoption rates are significantly higher for iOS 7 and above. This makes Apple the go-to option for customers. The conglomerate is successfully making hundreds of users upgrade to new devices with the latest iOS versions and other updates. Alongside, this trend is set to continue for multiple tangible reasons. iOS users are seen to spend more on upgrades than Android counterparts. Start-ups and developers often find it really challenging to create apps for several platforms at once and Android development is really tough owing to several OS variants. Alongside, developers have been choosing iPad and iPhone as their preferred platforms and this has given a fillip to Apple when it comes to upgrades.

Google works via a comprehensively radical business model in comparison to Apple where multiple vendors sell it as a kind of industry standard. However, upgrade rates, if they continue to remain sluggish, can really hit developers hard. This will especially be frustrating for developers who want to develop fast, latest and cutting-edge apps on the Android platform. Android & iOS apps both have relevance in the present scenario but the steady erosion of upgrade options may well lead to significant future consequences for Google.

The App Store has sometimes been regarded as far superior to Google Play in terms of entertainment, sports, games and lifestyle categories. Apple has consistently ranked higher among tech experts with regard to almost all categories. This is another factor that is swinging the balance in Apple’s favour in recent times. The market shares of both Android and Apple are quite neck to neck in the United States of America and other countries. However, a thorough evaluation of both is essential with regard to getting the best value for your business. As of now, Android upgrades are being given a beating by iOS and it is definitely not music to the ears as far as Google is concerned.

Get your first suitable Mobile App with help of expert advice. Contact WDIdeas Now.

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