Search Engine Optimization – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Tue, 18 Apr 2023 05:49:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Search Engine Optimization – WDI Blog 32 32 The Need & Understanding Of Website Security For Your Company Thu, 28 May 2020 12:41:42 +0000 Websites get hacked every day, and according to our research, about 25,000 to 40,000 web sites get hacked each day. The numbers are growing every day and the importance of website security is increasing rapidly.

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The need & understanding of Website Security For Your Company

Websites get hacked every day, and according to our research, about 25,000 to 40,000 websites get hacked each day. That is a lot! The numbers are growing every day, and the importance of website security is increasing rapidly.

Hackers are the biggest threat to a startup that conducts business primarily on its website. And if your startup is like that, then you have to invest in website security. Because just one hack is enough to put an end to your revenue stream.

What Exactly Is Website Security?

Website security is a small part of cyber security that deals with all the ways of keeping a website safe from hacks, malware, phishing, DDoS attacks, and cyberattacks. With every passing year, hackers come up with newer ways of doing their night jobs. So, you have to be on your toes when it comes to being updated with the latest website security software.

The Essentials Of Website Security

Ignoring website security leads to not only your data being violated but also that of your users. Relax! Do not be stressed. There are some basic things your website needs that can prevent most of these cyber threats. So, here are the three cybersecurity essentials you need to follow.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate

When you create a website, you get the option to implement an SSL certificate. Every website’s data is stored on a server. SSL establishes an encrypted link between the server and the client, which is your website. How this benefits you is by securely transmitting sensitive data, like credit card information and login credentials, of your users to the server. 

SSL certificates are basically a pair of keys, one public and one private, that work together for the formation of a secure client-server connection.


A firewall is just what the name suggests, but for a website. It is a network security device that monitors website traffic and decides whom to let in and whom to block. 


That “S” at the end of “HTTPS” or the padlock icon indicates that a website is encrypted. Encryption adds another level of security to your website.

Types Of Cyber Attacks And How To Defend

To tackle a cyber threat, you first need to identify what it is. Here are the three most common types of cyberattacks and ways to protect your website from them.


Just like a fish is caught using bait, your email account, system, or website can be hacked using phishing mail. Here, the hacker sends a genuine-looking email with a link or an shtml file. It could be as simple as telling you about a lottery you won and asking you to claim it by clicking on the link. Once you click on the link, it will drop a bot or virus in your computer, hacking all details.

How to stay safe: Do not click on any suspicious-looking mail. Sometimes the emails are designed to look genuine, so check the sender’s email to verify.


Malware in itself is of multiple types. But in general, it is software that works on a website to extract information like card details. It is installed by using brute force techniques on login pages. Hackers also keep an eye on the vulnerabilities of outdated software. These vulnerabilities are exploited to install malware on the website.

How to stay safe: First of all, if there are any plugins on your website, make sure they are updated to the latest version. With newer updates, vulnerabilities are fixed, making the plugin more secure. Secondly, do not give unnecessary access to your website to a lot of people.

DDoS attacks

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack overloads a website’s server by bombarding it with a ton of traffic, making it crash or become unresponsive. This is basically a zombie apocalypse. The hacker gains access to multiple devices through malware and connects them using IoT. These devices are all controlled like zombies and ordered to access one target website.

How to stay safe: A strong firewall can block malicious traffic and protect your network from attacks. Also, there are many services that provide protection from DDoS attacks.

Best Practices To Keep Your Website Secure in 2023

Prevention is better than cure. By following these practices, you can keep your website secure from most cyberattacks.

Multifactor Authentication

It is easy to figure out a login credential. But two or three? That is where things get tricky. Having multifactor authentication makes it more complicated for the hacker to do his thing.

Multifactor authentication is not just for your personal login but also for your users. If you have allowed your audience to create accounts, it will help keep their accounts secure as well. Implement multifactor authentication while developing your website.

Keep Your Website Updated

As mentioned earlier, older versions of plugins are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Turn on auto-update for all plugins. Also, do not install unnecessary or fishy-looking plugins in the first place.

Secondly, keep yourself updated with the latest developments in the tech world. Know about the new ways hackers are snooping around and ask your developers to be prepared.

Web Application Security Testing

Constant testing is inevitable in website development. Hackers are always on their toes, and so should you. Ask your testers to do security testing on the website. For better results, hire third-party testers, as they will be able to scrutinize the website from an unbiased perspective.

Keep A Website Backup

Never say never, but if your website gets hacked, you need to have a plan B. Have a backup of your website. If you have to start all over again, you will not have to start from scratch.

Enhance Your Website Security With WDI

Having a website security partner is one of the best things you can do. A web development company knows the ins and outs of website security. When you bring your concept to us, we develop it in accordance with cybersecurity standards. Your website’s security is our top concern.

If you want to develop your website from scratch or make it more secure, give us a call. We have 20+ years of experience in this field and hundreds of satisfied clients.

Let us make your website more secure!

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Things To Do To Improve Your Google E-A-T Rating Wed, 17 Jul 2019 09:09:58 +0000 Basically, E-A-T classifies a website's value. For the ones who judge quality, they keep in mind about judging how appropriate a website is or how a page provides what is actually needed.

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Things To Do To Improve Your Google E-A-T RatingBasically, E-A-T classifies a website’s value. For the ones who judge quality, they keep in mind about judging how appropriate a website is or how a page provides what is actually needed. Talking about the abbreviation, E-A-T stands for ” Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness”. It is the metric by which Google’s evaluators rank pages. If a page posses a high-level quality it sums up to a high level of E-A-T while low-quality pages do not. Search Engine Optimization is one of the major tools, but apart from it, you will need to have your own feeds with how your rating needs to be done.

Talking about this new form, let us now discuss how would you master E-A-T. For your page to possess the high-quality level it would need the following traits.

– The website has a positive reputation for its page topics
– Having enough main content (MC). Your content should be enough to satisfy the needs of your user for the uniqueness of your page’s topic and purpose.
– The page and things associated with the content is expert, authoritative and trustworthy for the discussed topic.
– The website features supplementary content that increases the user’s enjoyment and experience of a web page
– The webpage is designed in a very functional way, allowing users to easily locate the information they need.

Importance of E-A-T for web pages

– Having the three forms of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness with you is one of the most significant parts. Google quality rater guidelines do not exactly measure the page’s rankings. It’s all in the hands of this ranking guider. There is a check done on getting good online experience and if in case the content meets their standards. If the raters are going to find out that through your work, the readers are going to feel comfortable with reading, sharing and recommending the content, they earn the website a high level of E-A-T.

So basically, it is E-A-T is the main reason why your users would gladly choose your site over your competition’s, having a direct impact on how Google received and then ranks your website.

Ways to get this going

1. Author name and biographies for the editorial content

– Pages like landing pages and product pages, it is all about the customer’s support and business contact information that needs to be way easier to find. But in the case of blog posts, it means giving out information about the author that needs to be available in order to evaluate whether they are a suitable expert for the topic or no.

2. Edit low content

– E-A-T of the website or your brand itself is also mentioned heavily throughout the guidelines. Low E-A-T content on one of the page does not directly impact the E-A-T of other pages, but can most effectively impact your site’s overall reputation and term it has negative.

3. Technical security

– Security is one of the strongest keys than to be a trustworthy company. A shopping checkout page having an insecure connection is listed as a Low rating one. People would want to visit a secure webpage. Chrome is making all HTTP pages as Not Secure and any site without an SSL certificate does not automatically redirect to an HTTPS URL.

Google’s quality rater guidelines and the subsequent core algorithm update suggest that expertise, authority, and trustworthiness play a more important role in rankings than ever before. For every web development company in india, it proves to be one of the major tasks to get yourself updated with this task. Be sure to keep this page bookmarked, cause you never know when you may need a reminder to implement E-A-T correctly.

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Do Accelerated Mobile Pages affect SEO? Wed, 08 May 2019 11:50:58 +0000 As a marketer, simply investing in mobile optimization for your website won't be enough, if you wish to stay on top of the trend. Mobile device users spend hours a day on their phone, they most certainly won't navigate your content if your interface is slow-loading, clunky and not finger-friendly.

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As a marketer, simply investing in mobile optimization for your website won’t be enough, if you wish to stay on top of the trend. Mobile device users spend hours a day on their phone, they most certainly won’t navigate your content if your interface is slow-loading, clunky and not finger-friendly.

Do Accelerated Mobile Pages affect SEO?Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is out and has been speculated to have two benefits for SEO.

  1. It will have a fast label designation on search engine result pages.
  2. It will be a ranking factor.

Let us now get through

amp-list: download data and create a list

amp-live-list: update content in real time

amp-app-banner: fixed banner what exactly AMP is and how you can use it to benefit your site’s mobile visitors.

What do you mean by AMP?

They are basically an open-source coding standard for publishers. The aim for AMP is for publishers to be able to load their sites quickly with the help of their mobile since mobile responsive could be clunky and slow as the desktop resources are heavier and plenty.

AMP was just for User Experience. Now, Google has backed it up and is further encouraging websites to follow suit. They have essentially stripped down HTML copies of existing webpage content that offer faster load times than standard HTML5 documents. Websites can serve AMP pages by implementing the rel=amphtml tag into their HTML. These pages with AMP code contain a three-step AMP configuration, which are:

– JS

Used to fetch resources and stripped down to eliminate unnecessary rendering


A stripped down and unique markup of traditional HTML code with unique tags


An optimized network designed to cache pages and adapt the same to AMP code.

Accelerated Mobile Pages also reduces the need for additional CSS requests and terminates certain on-page, including bulky pictures, CTAs in many other cases and much more backend code. Primarily, AMP speeds up webpage load times more than a second of total load speed by enabling AMP caching. AMP documents can also be pulled from the AMP library directly off from its original server. The AMP library consists of a document with AMP HTML and AMP JS.

Few of the things that helped to make AMP faster are :

– Critical rendering path flows better

– Experience had fewer requests, especially images

– It is designed to deal with JavaScript failing

– Extensions and embeds do not block rendering page layout

– CSS is limited to 50 kilobytes, AMP allows 50,000 characters of inline CSS

– Fonts require zero HTTP requests

– Intelligent resources prioritization optimizes downloads.

Why is AMP important?

Ever tried to load your site on mobile? Does the speed satisfy you? Loading of the site in desktop takes long even when the speed of your internet connection is fast. But what about your mobile?

Browsing on mobile while you are on the go will mean that your internet speed is not always fast. It is best to optimize the experience of mobile browsing for all users by standardizing a mobile version of your site with AMP.

AMP proves to be important because it simply helps web pages load faster. This potentially improves usability and convinces visitors to stay longer on your site engaging with your content. The logic for this is quite simple. Faster load time leads to a better and greater engagement, which further reduces bounce rate and improves mobile ranking.

However, Accelerated Mobile Pages does not improve engagement on its own. It does not make your content more useful or entertaining. If the load time is perfect, but the content is bad, your SERPs won’t increase due to a higher bounce rate. It has the potential to make your visitors happy, which means a lot more to Google. Pleasing Google helps with higher rankings, gives you more traffic and increases your revenue.

Web design company would have the need to use these pages for the benefit and greater rates of their websites, dragging in more traffic to their websites.

How to customize AMP?

The use of Google Search Console or your HTML can optimize AMP code to make them more customizable and trackable. Webmasters can further update their AMP cache by using the “Update-cache” request.

Few of those examples of how the customization needs to be done for your AMP HTML document are :

– amp-pixel: tracking pixel

– amp-animation: add animations

– amp-access: paywall access

– amp-dynamic-CSS-classes: dynamic CSS elements

– gtag.js tag implementation allows for events tracking across Google Ads and searches console

– amp-iframe: display an iframe

– amp- access-later pay: integrates with LaterPay

– amp-list: download data and create a list

– amp-live-list: update content in real time

– amp-app-banner: fixed banner

What are the SEO benefits of AMP?

While AMP pages enrich the mobile user experience, it can also be a huge benefit to your marketing and your SEO. How can that be done, given below are the reasons why:

  1. The main reason why AMP content will get an SEO boost is that the pages show up on the Google news carousel. Being featured as AMP pages means giving more attention. You can also be sure that as more and more companies sign up to publish their content, that amount of importance will be for you to be on the AMP network.
  2. Longer the loading time, greater and major is the factor in your SERP ranking. Your average mobile user won’t wait for more than six seconds for a page to load. The faster your page, the higher is your ranking and greater is the content seen. AMP pages will give articles a boost in results.
  3. Not only will speed have your readers staying on your page for longer, but it will also help reduce your bounce rate. While it may not be the most important SEO ranking factor a low bounce rate helps validate to search engines that your pages offer and what your audience finds helpful.

SEO services in India can benefit from these pages with some really powerful benefits, improved site speed, better user experience, and more revenue.  

Visit: Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies To Boost Sales In 2020 – Top eCommerce Marketing Agencies

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Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Conversions Thu, 29 Nov 2018 13:53:41 +0000 What does landing page conversion mean? – A specific page on a website, design and created for the visitors that helps with marketing reference, designed specifically to achieve a marketing outcome. – There are different types of landing pages, namely; 1. landing page, integrated into the site’s structure 2. landing page, particularly created for a … Continue reading "Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Conversions"

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What does landing page conversion mean?

– A specific page on a website, design and created for the visitors that helps with marketing reference, designed specifically to achieve a marketing outcome.

– There are different types of landing pages, namely;

1. landing page, integrated into the site’s structure
2. landing page, particularly created for a campaign
3. Tabbed landing page or microsite.

The process of understanding how to make the landing page effective is to know the complete range of places the visitors may originate. Three main origins that need designing for the landing page to adjust.

1. Online media placements- By a click-through, visitors will find it easier for online referers like a search engine, online ad, affiliate sign or e-mail campaign.

2. Offline media placements- These offline ads or direct mail may have a specific campaign URL.

3. Visitors that navigate from elsewhere on the site- They do not use it as a landing page, but still need to be accommodated, if a deep linking strategy is used.


Tips To Boost Your Landing Page Conversions


For better converting landing pages,

1. Display of all the critical elements of an effective landing page

– A headline and maybe for other reasons. a sub-headline
– A brief description that talks about the offer, clearly talking about its value
– At least one supporting image
– Supporting elements like testimonials or security badges.
– A form to capture a visitor’s information.

2. Headline of the landing page and its call to action(CTA) should match

– If the visitors click on the CTA for a free offer but find a catch on the landing page, you will lose their trust that every time. Vice versa, if the headline reads differently from that of the CTA it might lead to confusion and doubt for the visitors, wondering if the CTA is linked to the wrong page.

– Keeping the headline clear and clean.

3. Less is more.

– A cluttered page usually results with a lot of confusion and distraction for the visitors. Keep the text and images on the page simple and to-the-point.

4. Give more stress on the offer’s value.

– Mark up the benefits of the offer with a brief paragraph or maybe a few bullets works.

– For example, “includes specifications of products XYZ,

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How to Convert Your Website’s Visitors into Loyal Customers Tue, 28 Aug 2018 09:00:02 +0000 With online marketing, there are always 2 goals to keep in mind. The first is to get high traffic. And the second is to maximize your conversion rates. Both require complex and well-researched strategies. And they’re each a marketing specialty in their own right. Below, we’ll discuss the second strategy. We’ll discuss conversion rates, and how … Continue reading "How to Convert Your Website’s Visitors into Loyal Customers"

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With online marketing, there are always 2 goals to keep in mind.

The first is to get high traffic. And the second is to maximize your conversion rates.

Both require complex and well-researched strategies. And they’re each a marketing specialty in their own right.

Below, we’ll discuss the second strategy. We’ll discuss conversion rates, and how to increase loyal customer counts!

5 Steps to Convert Your Website’s Visitors into Loyal Customers#1 – Create Excellent Content.

Most people create content to please search engine algorithms. We don’t recommend you do that.

Instead, make content that speaks to your reader’s souls. Present interesting content that “subtly

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Effective Ways To Convert Organic Traffic Into Leads Mon, 14 May 2018 13:24:27 +0000 It is common to have a high number of visitors that are generated from organic traffic and yet have a low conversion rate. Many statistics have shown that 95% of visitors failed to become leads. However, some reasons prevent the conversion of visitors into customers or high conversation rate from high organic traffic. Setting up … Continue reading "Effective Ways To Convert Organic Traffic Into Leads"

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It is common to have a high number of visitors that are generated from organic traffic and yet have a low conversion rate. Many statistics have shown that 95% of visitors failed to become leads. However, some reasons prevent the conversion of visitors into customers or high conversation rate from high organic traffic. Setting up relevant contents on the websites is not enough to adequately convert visitors into customer. Although SEO is essential for the generation of organic traffic and their well-experienced and specialized SEO services company like Web developers India that will optimize your website contents for high ranking on search engines and high organic traffic, there are also other useful ways.

Relevant, Engaging and Persuasive Contents

To create relevant contents that will address the problems of the visitors and persuade them to trust and belief in the solutions provided by your services or products, knowledge about your audiences is essential. It is crucial to know your audience, their problems, feelings, and experiences. Knowing your audience will give you the ideals on how to create compelling contents that will make the visitors to opt-in for your services or buy your products.

Building high converting landing page

Having able to persuade the visitors through your engaging and highly persuasive contents, the effectiveness of appealing landing page cannot be neglected. A converting landing page will be finished up the effective marketing techniques you have done with your contents. Make it short, concrete and crisp with the call-to-action button for the visitor to buy your products or contact you for bookings. Bad landing page with poorly designed call-to-action is like giving out a hooked fish.

Reviews and Testimonies

No matter how hard you have tried in your contents to persuade visitors that are generated by organic traffic to buy or opt-in for your services, lack of trust will continue to drive them away. The issue of trust is important in both eCommerce and service provision. An effective way to build trust is by including customer reviews and testimonies’ section on your website. The prospective customers will able to know the past experiences of your clients with your products and services. Include customer reviews and testimonies’ sections on your website to build trust and credibility. However, you should use this method after you have established a well reputable and body of post-service excellent results.

High Converting and Responsible websites

In the quest to convert organic traffic into leads, you need to hire specialized website developers like Website Developers India who are also expert in providing workable SEO services that will transform the ranking of your website to an all-time high on the search engine. The good news is that WDI has affordable SEO packages. The site is not only needed to load faster for visitors, but it must be responsive. The website needs to be friendly on all end users’ devices.

Appealing opt-in Form and Pop-up

The building of email list is vital in the conversion of organic traffic into leads. Majority of first-time visitors likely not buy or make an appointment for your services. The practical way to later convert them into leads is through email marketing. It is advisable to strategically locate the opt-in form on your website and hire experts in digital marketing services who are experienced in creating high-converting email marketing. Pop-up is another way to market your products and services to the visitors through appealing and catching ads on your website pages.

However, WDI is one of the leading marketing companies that have built rich experiences in running marketing campaigns. WDI has high track results of successful and cost-efficient marketing campaigns in many industries. They are experts in managing
digital marketing campaigns including
social media marketing.

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How to Improve Your Local SEO Ranking Mon, 07 May 2018 13:45:56 +0000 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) focuses mainly on growing organic search engine results. The importance of SEO’s are numerous to mention, not only do they make your website unique, it so helps you to reach your targeted audience. If search engines like Google, Yahoo and others cannot find your website or the content on them, you … Continue reading "How to Improve Your Local SEO Ranking"

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) focuses mainly on growing organic search engine results. The importance of SEO’s are numerous to mention, not only do they make your website unique, it so helps you to reach your targeted audience. If search engines like Google, Yahoo and others cannot find your website or the content on them, you will be missing out on the great opportunity to drive enough traffic to your website.

How to Improve Your Local SEO RankingBenefits of SEO for your Business

SEO is important for all businesses especially for small business who want to reach more people with their website. Every business owner can utilize SEO to ensure that they get the needed traffic. Some of the benefits of SEO includes;

  • Will help you get user-friendly websites; SEO will help you to create and make use of user-friendly websites which will ensure that your potential customers can easily navigate through.
  • It will drag traffic to your website; traffic does not bring money but it sets you up and a number of those who visit your website will eventually become customers. It tells people about your business and what services you offer.
  • Will help you build a trusted brand; if people see your website on the top page of search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and Google, they will trust your brand. Whether you are a local business owner, SEO can and will definitely help you create a trusted brand.
  • SEO puts you ahead of your competitors; when your website is optimized, you will definitely attract more customers which automatically puts you ahead of your competitors. To ensure that your website is well optimized, you need a reputable SEO service company.

Improve Your Local SEO Ranking

  • Analyze positive ranking factors; before you can improve your local SEO ranking, you have to carefully analyze positive factors, these factors might include; social factors, the type of keywords and how you use them, the structure of your website content. A good SEO services company will help to analyze the weaknesses of your website and offer suggestions on how to improve.
  • Do not just add texts; to improve your SEO ranking, you have to not only upload texts to your website, you have to upload videos and images as it will make it easier for search engines to locate your website.
  • Make use of alt tags; to improve your SEO ranking it is best to describe your video and visual materials using alt tags. These alt tags allow search engines like Google to locate the content on your website.
  • Regularly update contents; another way to improve your SEO ranking is to update contents on your website regularly. Also, your contents should be tailored to meet the needs of your target audience.

digital marketing companyWDI a Digital Marketing Agency that specializes in optimizing websites is one of the most efficient SEO services companies that you would find around. With over 16 years experience and over 100 projects carried out, this
SEO service company will definitely help you to improve your local SEO ranking.

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