eCommerce web development – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Tue, 18 Apr 2023 05:47:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 eCommerce web development – WDI Blog 32 32 Trending eCommerce Web Technologies To Choose From, For Your eCommerce Website Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:07:29 +0000 With the help of eCommerce, you get to do business with the help of global advantage with the help of several advantageous features.

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We’re moving into the more exciting phase of e-commerce, where it’s about emotional products – the things people really cherish.

Jason Goldber, founder and CEO of

Latest Ecommerce Web Technologies

Quick Summary

eCommerce has changed the way businesses function in terms of buying and selling online. You also get the advantage of being globally known amongst thousands of customers. Your brand is what people will remember. One wrong move and you’ll get into a pile of scam searches. The advantage eCommerce provides for startups and entrepreneurs is huge. But, only if they are done the right way. A few of the predominant eCommerce features include unlimited products that are simpler and easy to use, a web-based interface that allows you to enter product details and upload multiple images, product categories, and advanced product features like sizes, versions, colors, etc. Developing engaging trends and features along with timely updates is very important. Another feature involves the built-in stock control system that helps you in keeping track and advising of low stock levels. It also gives you a feature where you can process any sort of payment. This doesn’t end here. There’s yet so much more for you to know and for us to inform. Read along!

About eCommerce Web Development

We’re seeing a massive rise in the competitive world in terms of eCommerce Technology Trends being the center of every online business activity. One of the major reasons why any existing customers have been shopping online through many apps and websites. According to statistics prediction from 2020 to 2024, retail eCommerce sales will be showcasing an upward growth from 4 trillion dollars to 5 trillion dollars. You can easily purchase products online without even walking to the store. Online businesses are now seen crossing new heights of economic adversity by offering greater discounts, flat deliveries, incentives, and other loyalty programs.

More than not having an eCommerce store. Having to see your competitors run the road faster is much more daunting. It seems really easy. But, the process is hard! You have to dig deep strategize the right way to get the right platform for your business, online. The process is hard, the result slow. But, it’s all worth it! Right from completing the product list for the website to deciding on the design layout. Fixing the on-page and off-page SEO to market the brand with a solid strategy. There go a lot of things into eCommerce website development. You might have thought about it but haven’t had any support to get it into action. Let me tell you. The thought in itself is right. But, who can do it? You’ll get to know today!

eCommerce websites are super convenient to purchase products and services online. Giving you a worthwhile and smooth journey of scrolling through trending brands. This process is super easy and quick as customers can place their orders in a short period without leaving their homes. Who wouldn’t enjoy an improved customer experience? 24/7 and quick customer support. eCommerce websites allow businesses to keep customers happy and constantly modify to adapt to strategies based on lifestyle and technological change.

Irrespective of the type of business you have, an eCommerce website development company will concentrate on the fundamental operations of your business by using the best of its skills. Users have turned to the internet for their needs as they can order whatever they require from their offices or homes. These eCommerce web developers make your website attractive, user-friendly, and fully functional. but, the benefits are yet to be known! There’s so much more to talk about, but time is of the essence. How about reading one of our blogs on,

Defining The Importance & Types Of eCommerce Web Technologies

Every entrepreneur you come across today, are into the eCommerce business. Why? That’s the only way to get a huge amount of consumers at one time. and, you’re never going to be disappointed! One of your products is for sure going to be sold. There was a time when the internet was only used for sending emails and sharing information. But the way it has been expanding now has made a huge and drastic change in the way people use it for every reason. If you’re someone having a business that sells a specific product, irrespective of the category it is. Then the use of eCommerce websites is very important.

These eCommerce websites work phenomenally if the technologies are used the right way. These technologies offer you great features and exciting offers that help in developing a solid and cutting-edge website. What all do you get in an eCommerce website? multiple payment gateway support, a responsive design that is both elegant and very professional in terms of themes, and the different templates being used with great customer support. How about gazing through these technologies together?

Ecommerce Web Technologies

One of the most common challenges for any eCommerce Development Team is the need to constantly update websites and applications with features and functionalities. The use of DevOps help in achieving continuous transformation and improved collaboration between teams. What’s in store with DevOps?

  • Better & Speedy Product Delivery
  • Amazing Scalability & Availability
  • Better Resource Utilization
  • Faster Issue Resolution & Reduced Complexity
  • Greater Automation
  • Greater Visibility.

The demand for such an upgrade is growing globally, and there are yet so many other companies that aren’t even aware of the benefits they’re losing. If you’re one of them, we’d suggest you, get some notes by reading one of our blogs on The Right DevOps Consulting Services.

eCommerce services have become an integral part of the global retail framework. As internet access and adoption are rapidly increasing worldwide, the number of digital buyers keeps climbing every year. In 2020, over two billion people purchased goods or services online, and during the same year, e-retail sales surpassed 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. You can be on top of these searches too!

There are many eCommerce tools and technologies that help you with the building of an eCommerce store from start to finish. But, you need to get your work done professionally with the help of the right company.

Website Developers India is your best buddy! An eCommerce Website Development Company, along with its team of efficient and great developers, delivers great projects for you.

We’re the Best eCommerce Development Company providing impactful services and offers to top-notch MNCs, startups, and even Entrepreneurs. We sure don’t consider how big or how small of a company is, but we do care about what the company needs. We only deliver the BEST, nothing below that.

We deliver out-of-the-box solutions, and trust me on this! These solutions will work wonders for you and they’re all in your budget! Along with our outstanding Website Design & Development Services, we also deliver appealing Digital Marketing support for your business.

How important it is to show off your success when you’ve slogged your entire life for – who can understand this better than us.

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Ecommerce Product Page- Everything You Need To Know Thu, 04 Jul 2019 11:51:14 +0000 One of the most important and complex pages of your store is your product page. Considering every situation of a potential customer may settle on your product page.

The post Ecommerce Product Page- Everything You Need To Know appeared first on WDI Blog.


About product pages

One of the most important and complex pages of your store is your product page. Considering every situation of a potential customer may settle on your product page. Your situations may directly land from a search engine or after browsing through your store. It can also be done after clicking through a targeted advertisement.

You also need to keep in mind about your product page is well optimized, this is going to further help you in ensuring whether or not the things can be found easily or whether enough informative is instilled for the confidence of your customer and the same is designed well to further provide a great online shopping experience. For an Top eCommerce App Development Companies, considering the above-given pointers are mandatory. Let’s look into a few important things that you would need to do for an eCommerce product page, by simply understanding what is needed for your product page.

Ecommerce product page - Everything you need to know1. Components of product page design

eCommerce business starts and sustains by the quality of its product pages. A product cannot overcome a poorly laid-out page, and it proves to be very critical to put the exact same amount of time into product pages that you do into curating the product themselves. The makeup of the product page is different from that of the store. However, there are a few elements of a product page that are to be followed, no matter what a store sells or how well it positions its brand. The components include,

– Image

– Video

– Product description

– Product review

– Product names

– Design and layout

– Improvement and Update.

2. Questions to be solved that includes

– For a great set of copy of your product page, it is way important to have a certain set of rules to follow. Those rules include certain sets of questions that you will need to keep in mind. The question is as follow:

What is it?

Your product copy will need to address the exact information that is needed for the product itself. If in case the customer looks out for a specific sort of product, the very first thing they see is the sort of answers being answered for the question they have in mind. For the new products you display, your customers will want to know what the product is all about and why they should be interested in it.

Will it solve the problem?

The most fundamental question being thought and asked is, “what problem does your product solve and how does it solve?”. When such a scenario comes in your way, include the materials or manufacturing processes that can help make your product’s solution possible. Identify the problem your product will need to solve, understand the questions being asked by your customers during the purchase and tailor your copy to answer them.

Why this product?

3. Creation of outstanding product images

– The product photos are exactly what your customers see first on the page and can be shed instantly on your product in either a negative or positive light. Keeping aside the first impression, product photos can also help convey a far greater amount of detail than just sending a single text, this can help to sell the product. Product photography if done well, can even decrease the number of resources spent on customer service and returns. Website Developers in India, follow a certain set of things when it comes to product images. Given below are a few of those needed things you need to create for a great product image:

– Use of multiple images

– Edit your photos

– Optimize your images

4. Consistent product photography

– eCommerce stores make use of product photos that work equally well on a personal product page or in a collection of similar-looking products. Having consistent images makes your searching and comparing of the products quite easy and can create consistency and professionalism around your brand. Few of the best ways to keep the product photography consistent is:

– photograph your product on a whiteboard.

– use of the same dimension

– utilize product templates

eCommerce website developmentWays to optimize your product page for more sales.

Speaking of theory, product pages are simple. But, you got to give your ideal customer the correct amount of information to help them purchase the product they look for. Along with the buying, convincing them about the product being the best for them is important as well. There are four things that come together, that helps in creating a great product page:

– Your brand

– Your product

– Your page’s design

– User experience

– Your copy writing

Besides these, there are other specific things to keep in mind that will help in leveling up your product-page aspects.

1. Having a clear call-to-action

2. Linking your images to your variants

3. Having the right amount of detail of your product

4. Having the right amount of detail of your customers

5. Having a well-branded product page

6. Have right and appropriate content

What is needed on your product page?

Your product pages will need to have the essential things for the customers to have a complete understanding of further assessment. Given below are a few product reviews listed that can help you with the editing and making of your page.

1. Product titles

– The title plays the role. just by reading the product title, your customer will have an understanding of what the product is about. Make use of the H1 tag for the title, this will help search engines to index the product page.

2. Images

– A good product image is vitally very important. It helps in providing the very first impression of the product and the same is key in the customer’s purchase decision.

3. Cart button

– Make it look nice and very clear. Distinguish the needful from different other elements on the page.

4. Price

– As a customer, of course, the look and the quality is at the top of their priority. But they would definitely want to know about the price. Displaying the amount of the product is mandatory.

5. Availability

– Adding items in the cart and then finding it to be out of stock, is way frustrating for any and everyone. You will need to show stock availability. Showing stock in the customer’s local store is one of the great features.

6. Payment methods

– How will your customers pay for the item they purchase for?

Displaying methods may affect their decision to purchase. It does not have to be the most likable or special item but should be there for the customer to look for.

With the guidelines given above, you will have a product page that provides you with a great shopping experience for your customers and also enjoys high conversion rates. If in case you’re in search of the best eCommerce company that offers you with great services and solution for your site, then Website Developers India is one of the best Website Development award-winning company. Having being acquired a great place amongst the hearts of every customer, they have and still continue to serve every client with their services.

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Building Up Your Online Store with the Best eCommerce solutions Thu, 30 May 2019 11:14:25 +0000 In the world of technology and development, eCommerce has been growing steadily and speedily in popularity for a long time now. Online sales have rise high touching nearly 15 % of the board.

The post Building Up Your Online Store with the Best eCommerce solutions appeared first on WDI Blog.

Building Up Your Online Store with the Best eCommerce solutionsIn the world of technology and development, eCommerce has been growing steadily and speedily in popularity for a long time now. Online sales have rise high touching nearly 15 % of the board. If you have decided to start a business and selling products or services, then switching to eCommerce is crucial in order to capitalize on this explosive online sales growth. eCommerce website development includes various aspects, but prove to be very helpful for greater conversions and leads.

Talking about having an online presence for your business, it is absolutely essential for your business to have it made in the digital age People do not go to places anymore for their need. They have it all on their phone. You might just sit on your desk working really hard, but your competitors are playing a good fair game, by providing all those needed services online to your customers and have probably got all the attention needed.

Whether it’s a website, an eCommerce platform or social media page, getting your company online will reap major benefits for the future. Even if your company happens to not conduct business online, customers and potential customers are expecting to see you online. If it fails to happen, you could be definitely losing out on the opportunity to increase your customer base and get the word out about your business.

Why do you need an online store for your business?

When the topic falls out, there is much said about doing business on the internet or just putting it online. It may sound a little challenging now and a lot riskier, But, there also comes in many good reasons to begin selling online. Remember, you do not have to run your entire business over the internet to benefit from online business opportunities. Small businesses will only need an email address to be able to communicate with your clients, customers and suppliers.  Let’s read on how an online presence can help your business flourish.

Out of the many, the following are the benefits that can and will prove to be very useful for your business.

– Improved client service through greater flexibility

– Global access, with 24 hours a day service and 7 days a week help.

– Cost savings

– Faster delivery of products

– Increased professionalism

– Opportunities to manage your business from anywhere in the world.

– Less paper waste

Besides the above given benefits, there are other important aspects that talk about the online business opportunities. It talks about how well you manage your business online depending on the type of products or services you offer. You can make use of the internet to do the following

– Manage your suppliers

– Be able to communicate with your customers and get their needed feedback on your business

– Run an online shop

– Offer the best services online

– Manage your finances like online banking, tax and employee pay

– Research it all with your competitors.

– Allow your customers to make their reservations and appointments online.

While you’re on this process of planning and executing the online aspects of your business, you should also consider researching your competitors and other businesses that make use of online tools. Decide about what are the aspects of online business that is going to benefit you for the future. Have a complete review of your budget so you can work out what exactly is needed and can be afforded. When you have an online business, there is going to be certain difficult situations. Plan for your risks like computer viruses, scams, data theft and loss of or damage to hardware.

How do you build it?

Given below is a proven sequence of steps you can follow to guarantee your success when you happen to start your business online.

  1. Find a need and fill it

– To boost your chances of success, start with a market. The main trick is to find a group of people who search for a solution to a problem.

  1. Written copy that gives you better selling options

– There is a proven formula that takes visitors through the selling process from the time they arrive at the point they make their purchase. Throughout your copy, you will have to focus on how your product or service is able to solve the mystery.

  1. Design and build an easy-to-use website

– Once you’ve got your market, you’re all ready for your business web design. Remember to keep it simple, you have less than five seconds to grab someone’s attention.

  1. Make use of the search engine to drive traffic to your site

– Pay-per-click advertising is one of the easiest and helpful ways to get traffic to a brand new site. It helps in showing up on the search pages and also allows you to test different keywords.

  1. Establish an expert reputation for yourself

– Internet is being used to help get the needed information. Keep in mind about the same when it comes to providing your information to others. This will help you with more traffic and better search engine rankings.

  1. Have a strong follow up with your customers and subscribe with email

– While you build an opt-in list, you create one of the most valuable assets of your online business.

  1. Increase your income through back-end sales and upselling

– Developing every customer’s lifetime value is one of the most important internet marketing strategies. At least half the percentage of people have purchased once from will surely purchase it again if you have a good follow up.

What are the various eCommerce platforms that can be used?

You have probably considered selling your product or your services online. And why won’t you make that happen? eCommerce is one of the great ways to expand your customer reach and increase brand awareness. Talking about eCommerce for your online business, given below are a few eCommerce platforms that can be used.

– Shopify

– BigCommerce

– Volusion

– WooCommerce

– Squarespace

Once you have got hold of the right eCommerce platforms for your business, the next part is building your website, upload your products and get to selling. What seems a little challenging is to find the right eCommerce platform that can make everything happen much easier to manage.

We at Website Developers India provide you with eCommerce solutions and
services for an online presence for your business With the help of our experienced and expert
team, we help develop the best we can for a results-driven website.

Visit: Top App Development Companies


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Guide Your Business With The Best eCommerce Solution Provider. Tue, 21 May 2019 10:10:36 +0000 People often assume that eCommerce is limited to consumers shopping online, but the truth is it has far-reaching implications beyond that. Web development company in India and its way of functioning is complicated. There is a multitude of aspects to consider, from user experience to performance. Development of an enterprise website is a large-scale, complex process, but an eCommerce site presents its own particular challenges. Since your users learn about and purchase products, developers would want to do everything they can be able to, in order to make this process easy and intuitive.

The post Guide Your Business With The Best eCommerce Solution Provider. appeared first on WDI Blog.

What according to you is eCommerce all about?

People often assume that eCommerce is limited to consumers shopping online, but the truth is it has far-reaching implications beyond that.

Web development company in India and its way of functioning is complicated. There is a multitude of aspects to consider, from user experience to performance. Development of an enterprise website is a large-scale, complex process, but an eCommerce site presents its own particular challenges. Since your users learn about and purchase products, developers would want to do everything they can be able to, in order to make this process easy and intuitive.

Importance of eCommerce website

Guide Your Business With The Best eCommerce Solution ProvidereCommerce web design helps you get an opportunity to have your products and services available to customers for 24 hours. It gives you good exposure to your business and helps you to reach out to your potential customers. Most people prefer to shop online due to paucity of time, so you can easily make more revenue out of it.

How does it function?

Buying things online is not that hard when it comes to eCommerce. Choose your eCommerce shopping cart, you will find almost everything you need available over the internet. Just visit the website, select a product, add it in your shopping cart and pay. You will have your stuff delivered at your doorstep.

Talking about its features and functions, one of its greatest features is that you can save an item in your ‘wishlist’ and buy it later. You do not have to go through the procedure of searching the product again, cause it is already saved in your list. E-commerce websites are hence very user-friendly and easy to use.

Since the whole process of purchasing things takes place online, people most of the time doubt about the timely delivery of the products. In case your requested product does not reach you or takes a longer time than expected, you can make a complaint at the ‘goods return’ section. The further required measures will be taken to ensure you get what you ordered for.

Impact of eCommerce on the modern business world

Most of the time, we have people assuming that eCommerce is limited to consumer’s shopping online, not understanding the truth behind it is that the public face of eCommerce is online shopping, has far-reaching implications beyond that. Here, is a take at how eCommerce development company and its services have altered the very nature of business across the globe.

1. Security
2. Cost reduction
3. Energy consumption
4. Privacy
5. Growth in internet users
6. Increase in online payment
7. Securities of online transactions.

Things to consider during eCommerce website development

The following are a few of the things to consider or keep in mind while building an eCommerce website.
1. Responsive designing
2. Support guest checkout
3. Search engine optimization (SEO)
4. Security
5. Site search is a must
6. Effective marketing strategy

The development of an
eCommerce website by professional companies is one of the most popular options for business nowadays. It helps in providing the immense scope of online transactions and sales. Choosing the right web development company is essential, and one of the companies that can help you gain profit is
Website Developers India.

A software development company that specializes in providing you with the right web design and development services for a result driven website. Along with their service, they also make sure of delivering the right information needed for your understanding.

Visit: Top WooCommerce Developers

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Steps To Tackle Your eCommerce Website Bounce Rate. Wed, 27 Mar 2019 15:07:28 +0000 eCommerce is any kind of business that deals in selling and purchasing of products or services with the use of electronic systems like computer networks and the internet.

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eCommerce is any kind of business that deals in selling and purchasing of products or services with the use of electronic systems like computer networks and the internet. Since a long time now, eCommerce has been growing at a very speedy pace, attracting offline retailers creating a presence online too.

Researchers say the expectation of retail to grow from 8% to 12% in 2018 is more preferred to be true. With a promising number like these, retailers consider eCommerce more than anything else in today’s scenario. With the same need of eCommerce, every business person looks on having an online store, where they can sell their services or products.

Steps To Tackle Your eCommerce Website Bounce Rate

1. Why having eCommerce is beneficial?

eCommerce website development, helps in many ways beneficial for your website. To ease your trouble the following advantage is highlighted for your understanding.

Accessibilty and easiness

For most of us, eCommerce becomes one of the most preferred ways of shopping. The reason being, the ease and joy of shopping due to its easiness and convince. The best thing about the same is buying options which are quick, user-friendly and way convenient.

Low costing

eCommerce allows you to avoid certain large, upfront investments, that traditional retail can incur. You can build your business as your sales grow eventually. The good news is, in many possible cases, eCommerce costs way less in the following ways :

– Marketplaces are free to sign-up

– Social media, organic search and Google Adwords are cost-effective ways to market your business.

– A few eCommerce platforms are free to sign-up

– Use of drop shipping to procure inventory without upfront investment.

– Run and manage business to eliminate costs of payroll.

Stays open 24/7

The seller can increase their sales by boosting numbers of orders. This is one of the most important benefits of e-business is the availability of the products for 24*7/365.

Cost efficient

Creating and managing an online store is way more cost effective in comparison to a physical store. It optimizes the cost of land, rent, water, electricity etc. Online store eliminates the travel cost of the customer, providing complete ease.

2. What is bounce rate?

The percentage of single interaction visits to a website. That is what bounce rate is all about. A page view is one of those things that is going to be the most common second interaction on the bulk websites, other than that there are about a handful of other possible interactions. A bounce rate is typically used as a measurement of a website’s overall engagement.

3. What is a good bounce rate?

– If you have an informational article that answers a specific question and the primary source of traffic to the page comes from organic search, the bounce rate of the page could be as high as 90%. This could simply mean that the user found exactly what they were looking around for, and have no other ways to look after different pages.

A page with a low bounce rate may not be that good if it has a poor user experience. The following numbers could help provide you with a rough guideline for gauging the performance of your pages.

40% – 60% – content websites

30% – 50% – Lead generation websites

70%-90% – Blog posts

20%- – 40% – Retail / eCommerce websites

10% – 30% – Service websites

70%-90% – Landing pages

4.Ways to reduce your website’s bounce rate

Study your web analytics to see the changes made are if needed. Given below are few examples to improve pages with a high bounce rate.


Change the way the metrics are being measured. Analytics software like Google Analytics help in counting a visitor as a “bounce” even if the user spends a decent amount of time on the page and interacts with items on the page.

Content strategy

To increase the engagement level of visitors to your site, the most impactful action you can take is by identifying and highlighting content that will be appreciated by your viewers.

Web design and usability

Making changes to the improvements of your
website design and usability itself can help in engaging more visitor. This action might involve activities like improving the quality of the graphics, use of good colour contrast and modifying font size and spacing.

Optimize page load time

Serious problems can arise before a user even has the chance to read a page at all if the bounce rate is high. Out of all other web related problem, taking more than the time expected to load is arguably the worst that can happen. It would not matter how good or bad a page’s content is if a user is not able to read it.

Have a strong site-search solution

Just a random search box is not something that is going to be useful or show any results. If you have never really considered how site-search really functions, then it might affect your site experience. It is now time to explore the same.

Offer live chat helps

Having a 24-hour live chat is a great and even a bigger boost. Visitors might want to stick to a place where you didn’t take into account. They might even ask a question you have never thought existed before. By installing a live chat widget, you can go a real long way in taking care of bounce. A well-trained customer executive will engage the visitors and have them get convinced.

Create a compelling call-to-action

It is important that your visitors identify a call to action (CTA) button easily if they are all going to land on your page directly. Without a CTA, the visitor will feel stranded and may want to leave your site. So the results will have to be appealing and exciting.

Helping you achieve the same functionality for the best of the results with an engaging and greater conversion lead, Website developers India provides you with the best of services with best solutions, that will help you get highly refined user experience with happening designs and effortless navigation.



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What is in store for the future with eCommerce? Tue, 22 Jan 2019 13:18:50 +0000 Anything that you purchase and sell through an electronic system like computer networks and the Internet, irrespective of it being a product or a service is called e-commerce.

The post What is in store for the future with eCommerce? appeared first on WDI Blog.

Anything that you purchase and sell through an electronic system like computer networks and the Internet, irrespective of it being a product or a service is called e-commerce. In this modern age of technology, e-commerce is getting into a very significant option for businesses that are getting into online stores.

eCommerce - What is in store for the future with eCommerce?The amount and demand of increase with online purchasing are moving e-store from brick and mortar stores. According to Google, more than 60% of people in the US purchase goods online and the figure is all the more increasing. Few of the benefits of having to build your foundation with an eCommerce development company are:

  • Datasheet of your product

A description of your product with complete details is been provided with an online product catalog. Without any definite information about your product, it isn’t very easy to sell it to your customers. This catalog with e-commerce helps to get the trust of the traffic you get.

  • Get new customers with the help of Search Engine.

It helps to build your brand by traditional marketing strategy, by
optimizing your site and delivering it to the viewers.
The same optimized site earns more traffic and improves the ranking of your website, helping the same traffic get to your site.

  • Customers get to sell their products

With the help of customer review and product ratings, you can easily increase your sells and let your customers choose out of the products what is to be purchased.

  • 24×7 Service

It allows your customers to shop around the clock. Sell 24/7 and 365 days with an online store, which will help in enhancing your sales with a boost in the number of everyday orders.

  • e-Commerce industry has been reaching heights along with experience and its developing trends. Let us get into how e-commerce trends are hitting the business and helping them achieve these benefits.

1. Image Search

It offers greater opportunities in finding similar products at a cheaper price online. It helps in driving consumers to shop online even if they are in a physical store

2. Artificial Intelligence

Fueling several technologies like natural language processing data analytics, cognitive computing, and machine learning.

3. Mobile Commerce

More than 80% of people prefer to use their wireless technology for locating stores, price comparisons, product searches and also purchase with time. Such wireless technology has helped smartphones become a preferred medium for people to look for things and make affordable purchases as well.

The eCommerce industry is transforming into something big and dynamic with immerging trends with its own benefits, helping you get traffic and manage your eCommerce business as well. The eCommerce industry is transforming into something big and dynamic with effective trends with its own benefits, helping you get traffic and manage your eCommerce business as well. With the help of right Web design and development services and the right information, you get in-depth about knowing what actually is in store for your business with eCommerce.

Visit: The Best App Development Companies in the US

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What Makes a Good Website? Key Secrets of a Successful Website Mon, 24 Sep 2018 12:00:45 +0000 Website design is complex. It’s not something you do often. And, it’s a project that might take months to finish. There’s so much to setup. There’s the visuals, the functionality, and then the content. And putting it all together is a speciality in itself. Regardless, the foundations are easy to understand. There are some key secrets … Continue reading "What Makes a Good Website? Key Secrets of a Successful Website"

The post What Makes a Good Website? Key Secrets of a Successful Website appeared first on WDI Blog.

Website design is complex.

It’s not something you do often. And, it’s a project that might take months to finish.

There’s so much to setup. There’s the visuals, the functionality, and then the content. And putting it all together is a speciality in itself.

Regardless, the foundations are easy to understand. There are some key secrets applicable to all websites, which boost their success rates.

This is something we’ll discuss below. We’ll mention a few secrets on how to make your website successful.

Tips to design successful website for you businessFollow them, and watch the traffic pool in!

#1 – Looks Count for a Lot.

When it comes to the internet, first impressions matter.

If your website looks bad from the get-go, you won’t get visitors. Also, you won’t get any sales on your website.

People judge websites by their aesthetics. And you need aesthetics that are beautiful, and appealing to popular trends.

More Imagery – Less Text.

The best web development services apply this principle.

Just visit a successful website or two. You’ll see tons of photos, clear background images, and less text.

Why? It’s because images speak 1000 words. Not to mention, people prefer visuals over reading.

Now, this is a hard thing to apply alone. And it’s something you must do with the help of web development services.

Comfortable Visuals.

Looks aren’t just for beauty. They also focus on visual comfort.

Successful website designs avoid radical colors, like red and yellow. Those colors (as a visual foundation) can irritate the eye.

Now, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them. But for most niches, those colors aren’t suitable.

You need colors that create a good psychological effect on your viewers. Blue and its shades, in addition to plain colors do this well.

Colors aside – there’s also the content layout to consider…

#2 – Keep it Neat.

Rarely do you see a successful website with “spam boxes

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Tips To Increase The Conversion Rate For Your eCommerce Website Mon, 16 Jul 2018 11:31:34 +0000 In recent years, a great number of eCommerce stores have sprung up unlike the old traditional methods of having sales outside the eCommerce platform. With the surge of several eCommerce sites, comes the need to improve sales and better represent themselves with the help of a website development company in India. Several methods have been … Continue reading "Tips To Increase The Conversion Rate For Your eCommerce Website"

The post Tips To Increase The Conversion Rate For Your eCommerce Website appeared first on WDI Blog.

In recent years, a great number of eCommerce stores have sprung up unlike the old traditional methods of having sales outside the eCommerce platform. With the surge of several eCommerce sites, comes the need to improve sales and better represent themselves with the help of a website development company in India. Several methods have been utilized such as websites and lots of other social media sites. In today’s world, having a website for your eCommerce store is inevitable.

Outlined below are some of the tips which would be very useful if you want to increase the conversion rate for your eCommerce website.

Need Better Conversion for your Ecommerce Website - Call Us Now!

  1. Have a clear-cut goal for your website and make it known

The last thing you want to do is make your website conflicting for visitors. Always ensure that your website is helping you reach your business goals and serves the purpose for which it was created. Indicate in simple terms what your company is all about and why people should patronize you and no other eCommerce store. Try to ensure your designs, messages, content and services are all speaking in one unified voice and not conflicting in the image they portray.

  1. Show off the quality behind your products through pictures

They say a good first impression always leaves behind a long and lasting impression on the minds of people. Customers want to see amazing pictures of the product you are selling and also be able to build that image in their heads of how they will look in the product if it is something they can wear –Pictures as we all know are worth a thousand words. Make use of this great strategy and increase your conversion rate. Also show the pictures of the product taken in different perspectives and angles so that they can fully grasp all that is needed about the product. An estimated 74% of customers use social media platforms for pictorial samples before they make a purchase, so you will be requiring a high resolution camera so as to display that product in high resolution.

  1. Offer free shipping to potential customers

This might not be a preferred option for some people due to the little cost implication and reduction in profit margin but it has been tested and has been more than effective in majority of cases. Offering free shipping to customers is a bait for the fish which will almost always work especially if your products are great. According to Statista, it is said that majority of people don’t get converted because of high shipping costs.

  1. Make use of an awesome product description

As an e-commerce owner, you will need the service of a great content writer who can provide awesome product description for your products. The product description written is very vial because a lot of people refer to this before making that purchase. With an awesome product description you are sure to have a better conversion rate. You can also work on content quality with free tools found at

Impact of website design and UI

User experience (UX) and User interface (UI) have played a vital role in boosting conversion rates. A well designed UI can experience can boost your business lead generation and sales in the long run. Having a good UI and UX in place, can excite your visitors and keep them coming for more.

Website developers India has without doubt, yielded lots of positive results in eCommerce website development –many eCommerce stores have resorted to website for increasing the conversion rate since it has proven itself as a noteworthy platform.

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Latest Trends in Web Design Services 2018 Thu, 28 Jun 2018 14:00:14 +0000 In this innovative culture and modern days, an attractive web design and flamboyant user experience are mandatory to survive in the vast and competitive realm of World Wide Web. Hence, it is critical that you implement the latest UX designs for your website. This can help make a lot of difference. The following are some … Continue reading "Latest Trends in Web Design Services 2018"

The post Latest Trends in Web Design Services 2018 appeared first on WDI Blog.

In this innovative culture and modern days, an attractive web design and flamboyant user experience are mandatory to survive in the vast and competitive realm of World Wide Web. Hence, it is critical that you implement the latest UX designs for your website. This can help make a lot of difference. The following are some of the best and the newest web design services in 2018 that can help you decide on a strategy to adopt. If you hire a web design company, then make sure that you discuss these trends with them and decide on the most suitable for your website.

Web Design Services 2018 - Want to stay one step ahead of your competitorsDesigns with Gradients

The impact of a design with gradient is far more than a design without it. It has enriched the prevalence to have logos and designs with gradients in them. It has had such an impact that even popular photo-sharing social media platform Instagram too changed its previous logo to a magenta gradient logo. If you are hiring a company for web design services, then you must ensure that they have personnel who can implement such changes.

User Interactivity

In recent times the usage of user interactivity has become the norm for many big websites. In the coming years, its popularity is set to increase. According to a report, users usually spend more time on web pages that have responsive features than others. One of the reasons why more number of websites do not use user interactivity now is the reluctance of the clients to pay in advance for such activity. As more web developer India looks to implement automated development processes it is estimated that the cost for clients may come down significantly. This can make this practice more common. It can be useful for you as it is not only responsible for a better website on page time, but it can also help increase brand awareness.

Large Titles that Grabs the Attention

It is a well-known fact that these days not many people have too much time at hand. Neither the visitors nor the creators. You should think about this when planning your website design. A number of websites, for this reason, are employing a design strategy whereby they are using large and emboldened titles. These are usually short messages which help to capture the audience’s attention and expedite the conversion time. This can be particularly helpful in eCommerce website development as under such circumstances the focus is more on the product and less on the written content.

Scroll Triggered Animation

This is a responsive web design trend that has captured the imagination of many web experts. Such a design has the capacity to keep the visitor engaged by keeping them interested in a story. This helps in improving conversion rates which are suggested by the top
mobile application development company in India. WDIPL, a leading web design service provider indicate that it is essential to be careful while using this design because overdoing it can confuse the user and take them away from your business goal.

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Tips on choosing the right eCommerce web development company to help boost your business Fri, 30 Mar 2018 13:11:39 +0000 To maintain a competitive edge, it is crucial that your eCommerce site constantly serves your goals. You are up-to-date with your range of products or services, but how often do you ensure that your eCommerce platform is using the latest technologies? Engaging professional eCommerce website developers can make the difference between merely surviving or making … Continue reading "Tips on choosing the right eCommerce web development company to help boost your business"

The post Tips on choosing the right eCommerce web development company to help boost your business appeared first on WDI Blog.

To maintain a competitive edge, it is crucial that your eCommerce site constantly serves your goals. You are up-to-date with your range of products or services, but how often do you ensure that your eCommerce platform is using the latest technologies? Engaging professional eCommerce website developers can make the difference between merely surviving or making excellent profits.

Custom eCommerce Website - View ecommerce Packages

Creating a successful eCommerce website can be broken down into the following six steps:

1.Target audience: Who are your customers? How do you best reach them, interact with them and what do they expect from your eCommerce site? eCommerce web design begins with understanding the products and the intended buyers.

2.Website design: How does your website serve your customers? A user-friendly website helps your customers navigate, choose products and make decisions with suitable calls-to-action at each stage. An eCommerce website designing company understands your customers’ behavior and will help you design a website that serves your goals.

3.Search engine optimization (SEO): Your customer needs to know about you before they will buy. Good SEO allows search engines to know what you are selling and your customers to find you by simply searching for what they need.

4.Device compatibility: A website needs to cater both to those browsing on a laptop and in their phones. Good web design seamlessly makes your products appealing on all possible devices.

5.Branding and marketing: Consistent branding makes your products and services easier to market. A good brand sticks out from the crowd.

6. Monetization: Your eCommerce website serves to earn you profits. Your website development partner can help you maximize your profits for each visit it receives with the help of tools and analytics.

Whatever your needs, a good partner in eCommerce website development will assist you at all stages from concept to design and analysis to ensure that your revenue is maximized.

About The Author :

John Donavan is the marketing head at Website Developers India Pvt. Ltd. which offers professional Web development services, eCommerce web development, Wordpres web development serivces using lates web development technologies.


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