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How to Create Apps That Solve Problems

Mobile app development is the best way to solve modern life problems. There is no doubt that life is full of problems. With technological inventions, more and more of these problems are easily solved. It is nothing but a marvel to witness how far mankind has come.

Technology has become like a bridge that connects problems with solutions.

Creating an app that solves problems is one of the best ways to ensure that people download your app. People will not think twice about downloading your app if it solves a problem they have been fed up with for a long time.

Some of the most downloaded apps are the ones that solve problems.

  • Social media helps to connect people across the world.
  • Marketplace apps allow buying products from the comfort of their homes.
  • Banking apps enable people to manage all their finances without ever visiting the bank.

Problems will exist as long as mankind exists. There are infinite possibilities to create more problem-solving apps.

Even by just looking around, you will find many problems that need a solution. In your daily life, there will be many instances where technology simply gives up and you have no other choice but to give up as well.

There will be instances where you might have to wait unnecessarily longer and wish that there was something that would eliminate this delay.

Sometimes the cost of getting something done can be very high, and you hope for a way to make it cheaper.

Maybe a task requires a lot of manpower, and there could be something done to automate it.

The opportunities to create a problem-solving app and expand your business are endless.

Why Create A Problem Solving App?

Technology provides an array of solutions for a particular problem. But why is mobile development the best of them all?

Although many advanced problems cannot be solved through mobile apps, most problems that the average person faces are nothing but a piece of cake for mobile apps to solve.

Here are some reasons why mobile apps are the best for problem-solving.

1: Ease Of Accessibility

Smartphones have become a necessity now. Almost everyone in urban areas owns a smartphone. It has become an inseparable part of life.

Almost all basic necessities are fulfilled by a smartphone.

Want to order food? Just pull out your phone.

Want to book a ride? There is an app for that.

Want to get a job? The application is just a few taps away.

Stuck in traffic? Google Assistant is here to guide you.

Bored? There is no shortage of songs, movies, games, and content.

The smartphone has brought the entire world into your pocket.

The ease of accessibility is unparalleled by any other technology. Even laptops are very limited when it comes to usability and popularity.

Compared to websites, smartphone users are more likely to use a mobile app for any of their tasks. An app can be instantly opened with one tap instead of having to type the website name and open it.

2: Offline Use

One of the biggest advantages a mobile app has over a website is that it can be used without a network connection.

Certain apps are made to be used without a network connection.

On the other hand, websites cannot be used without a network. The only offline use you can get out of them is when the webpage is pre-loaded.

In many countries, people do not have access to the best networks. Sometimes, your clients can go on a trek to some remote location.

In these cases, an offline app provides the best solution.

Lets Discuss Your Projects

3: Push Notifications

Imagine being able to inform your clients about your latest developments, discounts, offers, etc. the moment they happen. This is what a mobile app offers.

With push notifications, you can literally send any message you want to your users.

With a catchy notification, you can ensure that your users get back to your app and buy your products or services.

This is something that a website does not offer, giving apps the upper hand.

There are many more advantages to mobile app development than website development.

For all of these reasons, mobile app development is the way to go for creating a problem-solving app.

Now let us look at how you can create apps that solve problems.

Problem Solving Mobile App Development

Most startups crave to solve problems with their apps, as it is the best way to win the trust of users and develop a loyal customer base.

It is not that complex to create a problem-solving app once you have a clear idea in your mind about what your app is going to do.

However, it can be a little tricky to find a problem that is worth solving. Not all problems need to be solved as the chances of making a profit out of them are very low.

We at WDI, a mobile app development company, have laid down the exact steps you have to take to create a problem-solving app.

1: Analyze The Problem

Analyze the problem

Solving a big and very troubling problem is the key to a successful mobile app. If there is a problem that no one is really bothered about and you solve it, people are most likely not going to download and use your app.

You must have a crystal clear idea of what you want to achieve with your app.

Find out if there is any problem that is worth solving. Find out if people will invest in your app to get that problem solved.

Once you get a positive answer, identify the type of problem you are solving.

Is it something that is causing a waste of money or costing more than it is worth?

Is it causing unnecessary time delays?

Or is it something as simple as killing boredom?

Define your problem as precisely as possible.

Want to hire a resource to work with you?

2: Analyze The Market

Analyze the competition

Once you identify your problem, you have to decide if it is worth investing the time and money to solve it. You need to know what its market is going to be.

First, find out the size of the market. Does it have broad appeal or is it niche-specific?

A big market is required to make your app successful.

If your target audience is niche-specific, it does not mean your app will be a failure. It is just that your customer base will be limited.

However, if your market is too small, it is better to not invest in it.

Even if you have a large market, the number of people who will download your app is going to be much lower.

From your entire target audience, you can only reach a limited audience through ad campaigns, unless you have the money to reach them all.

From the audience you reach, even fewer people will download your app.

Depending on the quality of your app, even fewer people will buy your services. A small fraction of those will become your loyal customers.

Even with a large market, you have to put in the effort to ensure that you reach the maximum number of people possible, compel them to download your app, and keep them engaged.

3: Analyze The Competiton

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Once you know the problem you are solving and the size of the market, you have to see if any other people are eyeing the same.

Regardless of how niche-specific your problem is, it is very likely that there will be some people who will be trying their hands at solving it.

To ensure that your solution is the definitive one, you have to rise above your competition,

For that, you have to provide something better than others to set your app apart.

If someone else is working on the same solution you are providing, you have no other choice but to be better than them or give something extra.

There are many ways to make your app better than your competition, and here are some of them.

Solve the problem faster than other apps. If a delivery app is taking two days to deliver a product, try doing the same in one day.

Try to provide a cheaper solution. If your competitors are charging a lot of money for the solution, try to cut some unnecessary expenses and provide the same solution at more affordable rates. Or else, you can give it away for free while earning money through in-app ads.

Try to provide a more effective solution. Find out if your competitor’s apps are lacking somewhere. Fill in the gaps, and you’ll have a successful mobile app on your hands.

If you do not want to indulge in the competition and drain yourself out in the race to become better, then you have to provide a solution that is completely unique.

This is where you have to think outside the box and look at the problem from a totally new angle.

People are more likely to download your app if it is the only one in its niche.

But, thinking of a million-dollar idea will take time and creativity. This is why simply imitating what your competitors are doing and doing it better is preferred by startups.

Most apps are doing the same thing with a different color of their brand identity. There are over a dozen platforms available just for uploading and watching short videos.

If you list down the most popular apps in the world, they are not the first in their niche. Before Facebook, many social media apps existed. All Facebook did was try to be better than them.

Before Google, many search engines were thriving. Yet Google dominated with its faster speed and accurate search results.

Unless you are doing something unique or better than y

4: Start The Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development Done Right. Don't Waste Your Time & Effort!

An innovative mobile app needs a mobile app development company that plays with technology.

A subpar app will be a disaster regardless of how important a problem it solves.

You cannot let your app become a failure due to slow response time and unnecessary bugs and glitches that mar the user experience.

This is where WDI can help you develop the most amazing app for your innovative app idea.

All you have to do is share your idea with us and we will take it from there.

Our team of mobile app developers will handle the entire process for you, from creating the scope of work to launching the final version.

We ensure the best app for your idea with our latest technologies and over 21 years of experience in software development.

Allow us to serve you the best!

We will implement the right features that are required to do justice to your concept.

Without the right features and technology, you will end up creating more problems instead of solving them.

Before your app is launched, it will go through a rigorous testing process to ensure that there are no loose ends.

We also provide maintenance and support post-launch to keep your app up-to-date and build upon the feedback you receive.

5: Market Your App

Once you have got your mobile app developed, you have to market it to the right audience.

You have to create a buzz around the fact that the annoying problem has been solved, otherwise no one will download your mobile app.

There is no alternative to marketing.

At WDI, we offer the best digital marketing services for mobile apps.

Here is what you will get.

1: App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is the process of making your app rank at the top of relevant search results on the respective app stores.

This is the best way to get downloads.

When people search for solutions to certain problems, e.g. “Pet Food Delivery,” your app should be what they see first.

At WDI, we will handle the entire process of ASO, from creating an SEO-friendly description and uploading attractive images and videos, for you.

2: Microsite creation

Having a dedicated website for your app is another way to promote your app.

With a website, you can explain what your app offers and help it reach the target audience with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You can create blogs that solve user queries, get them to know about your app, and drive traffic to your app through CTAs.

A dedicated website for your website also increases its authority.

3: Social Media

Social media offers the best organic growth opportunities.

With the right content and implementation of digital marketing hacks, you can promote your app to the right audience.

WDI has a dedicated social media team that will create attention-grabbing posts and upload them with the right hashtags for organic reach.

You can get responses from your audience about your app, and they can also get different platforms to reach out to you in case of any suggestions or complaints.


Problem-solving mobile app development is the key to success in this digital era.

There is no lack of problems in today’s time, and mobile apps provide the most convenient solution, as all it takes is to pull out your phone from your pocket.

Considering the ease of accessibility mobile apps offer, it is the best option for a startup looking forward to providing solutions to real-world problems.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your app, analyze the preexisting solutions to the problem and find out what you can do better. Or, you can approach the problem from a different angle and come up with a totally unique solution.

Once you have got a defined app idea, let us take the process of mobile app development into our own hands and serve you with the app of your dreams.

Let's Start Your Project

The post How to Create Apps That Solve Problems | Mobile App Development appeared first on WDI Blog.

Website Developers India Thrives by Delivering Exquisite Websites Solutions: GoodFirms https://www.wdipl.com/blog/website-developers-india-thrives-by-delivering-exquisite-websites-solutions-goodfirms/ Mon, 13 Dec 2021 09:36:37 +0000 https://wdipl.com/blog/?p=4134 Website Developers India, an web development company, offers you the best solutions and services. The organization ensures faster and guaranteed delivery of the best web design and creates customized web solutions for clients worldwide.

The post Website Developers India Thrives by Delivering Exquisite Websites Solutions: GoodFirms appeared first on WDI Blog.

top website development company in mumbai

Website Developers India, an web development company, offers you the best solutions and services. The organization ensures faster and guaranteed delivery of the best web design and creates customized web solutions for clients worldwide. This endows Website Developers India with the ability to thrive as one of the top web development service providers in Mumbai at GoodFirms.

Overview of the company

Incorporated in 2001 and headquartered in Mumbai, Website Developers India is an offshore web development company rendering quality services to clients in different geographies.

The team at Website Developers India has developed many excellent Enterprise Mobile App Development, Web Development, Web Designing, Software Development, and Digital Marketing services for our national and international clients.

Website Developers India is excited about creating a reliable ecosystem focusing on every element that enhances the experience with custom software like mobile applications, web development, and designing.

Moreover, the in-house professional team is flexible and caters to the clients with quality-service offerings at the national and international levels. The team works closely with the clients to turn ideas into reality and provide mammoth solutions related to mobile apps, software’s and websites.

Our in-house team of 200+ members aids in accomplishing innovative ideas, helping your website act much progressively and enthusiastically with all robust solutions. With our imagination signifying advancements and straightforwardness, our technical experts offer to ascend to your prosperity regarding Website Development and Designing, Digital Marketing, Mobile Applications, and SEO marketing.

GoodFirms’ Research Process

GoodFirms is an existing B2B company that acts as a connecting link between businesses and service seekers. The research analysts perform extensive work before ranking firms in the top-notch list. Moreover, the companies rated on the list are examined on- Quality, Reliability, Ability. These parameters make it easy for service seekers to hire a partner. GoodFirms ranks some companies that outshine all of the above requirements amongst the top companies.

Website Developers India was also evaluated using the same measures. Likewise, based on these metrics, GoodFirms analyzed Website Developers India and found the company excelled in all of its services.

Website Development Services

The axiom “the first impression is the last expression” is always applicable when a client visits your website for the very first time. Visitors often leave your website if it is slow to load, visually unappealing, and cluttered. At Website Developers India, we use the latest technologies and strategies to develop user-friendly websites that ensure good web traffic and visitors.

Website Developers India is a top leading website development service provider with 20+ Years of experience in designing and developing highly secure and scalable websites for business.  With the assistance of our expert website developers, our technically sound professionals designed, developed, and monitored highly secure and scalable website solutions for our global customers, including startups, small businesses, and enterprises.

At Website Developers India, your website’s unique touch comes first. Keeping this in priority, our web developers have specialization in presenting clean, concise information capable of grabbing the attention of users.

Moreover, technical experts at Website Developers India help create the right website for you across all major platforms and devices. Considering your user behavior and volume to promote the optimal experience, we design responsive, performance-oriented, exquisite applications that provide better results by eliminating the necessity for a full-scale redesign and website downtime.

Thus, backed by such a proficient team of app developers, rendering robust app solutions to clients at national and international levels, Website Developers India burgeons as one of the Top Website Development companies in Mumbai at GoodFirms.

Web Designing services

In this cut-throat competition, set-and-forget is not the correct approach for website designing. You will have only micro-seconds to grab the users’ attention and achieve a competitive edge on your website. If you don’t want your potential users to bounce, visit your competitors’ sites, and increase their traffic, it’s high time to buck up your website with a superb user experience.

A properly designed website is an integral entity of your business. It should reflect your brand engagement and encourage your target audience to rely on your business. We work with complete dedication and aspiring clients like you to ensure that the site truly represents your brand.

Website design services at Website Developers India can help you find that perfect balance and create a website that is the centerpiece of your online presence.

To create mock-ups and websites tailored to any business or industry, our web design team employs the most recent search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience (UX) best practices.

No matter how to polish coding skills and layout art, we prepare the website as per the latest trend that is why Website Developers India is one of the best website designing companies. We always try to put extra effort into delivering the website creation work beyond customers’ expectations, making us a trustworthy company.

Digital Marketing services

Website Developers India is a dynamic, versatile, and full-service digital marketing company that doesn’t believe in smoke and mirrors to grab the attention of new clients. Instead, Website Developers India trusts its search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing skills to drive new customers to our website.

We’re not just a static company and don’t limit ourselves to specific industries. Website Developers India has experienced professionals designing custom websites and utilizing several digital marketing services to assist a company in any industry.

The Website Developers India does not call for one-time interactions with our clients. We always try to build healthy and long-term relationships with our clients by providing them with the quickest and healthiest ROI.

Accompanying premium Digital marketing services, we offer optimal web designing, SEO, and development services. We are India’s best digital marketing company with our sheer deliverables and efficiency in meeting customer requirements with satisfaction.

As a reputed digital marketing company, we offer unparalleled digital marketing solutions to our valuable clients. Our developers at Website Developers India provide a spectrum of digital marketing services, SEO, online advertising, social media marketing, conversion optimization, and branding services.

About Author

Anna Stark is a staff writer with GoodFirms, a Washington-DC-based B2B Research Company that bridges the gap between service seekers and service providers. Anna’s current role includes gauging companies’ performances and critical attributes and putting them into words. She firmly believes in the magic of words and is always on the lookout for new strategies and ideas that companies have gladly embraced, and then helps them shine a light on those to make their identities shine brighter.

The post Website Developers India Thrives by Delivering Exquisite Websites Solutions: GoodFirms appeared first on WDI Blog.

Vue JS Vs Node JS Vs NEXT JS – Choosing The Right One https://www.wdipl.com/blog/vue-js-vs-node-js-vs-next-js-choosing-the-right-one/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/vue-js-vs-node-js-vs-next-js-choosing-the-right-one/#respond Fri, 21 Aug 2020 08:47:39 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=3073 It's ideal for you to realize of how much of importance lie in the understanding of what you are up to use, if you have zero to little knowledge of Next.Js, or if you've used React within the past, and you are looking forward diving greater into the React ecosystem, mainly server-aspect rendering alongside other website development services.

The post Vue JS Vs Node JS Vs NEXT JS – Choosing The Right One appeared first on WDI Blog.

It’s ideal for you to realize of how much of importance lie in the understanding of what you are up to use, if you have zero to little knowledge of Next.Js, or if you’ve used React within the past, and you are looking forward diving greater into the React ecosystem, mainly server-aspect rendering alongside other website development services. The use of Next.Js a top-notch application is used to create Web Applications, and at the end of this post, I hope you may have enough idea that will help you with a knowledge of which out of Vue JS Vs Node JS Vs NEXT JS is the best for you to use.

Vue JS Vs Node JS Vs NEXT JSAbout Vue Js, Node Js and Next Js

1. Vue.Js is a modern JavaScript framework that lets you to create compelling user interfaces efficiently and easily. The core improvement layer focuses on the general experience of your application, but it leaves you to import or integrate present libraries and tools. The intention is, or at least is understood to be to construct exceptionally successful and robust single-page (SPA) applications.

Advantages of Vue.Js

  • One of the greatest advantages of Vue.Js is its small size.
  • One of the reasons for the popularity of this framework is that it’s far quite clear to understand. The person can without any difficulty upload Vue.Js to their net project because of its simple structure.
  • Vue.Js is also famous among website development companies because it facilitates them to combine with the prevailing applications because it is purely based on a JavaScript framework and can be included in other programs constructed on JavaScript.
  • It permits the user to put in writing their template in an HTML file, JavaScript report, and pure JavaScript record with the use of virtual nodes.

2. Node.Js is designed to build scalable network applications. In the following “howdy world” example, many connections can be treated concurrently. Upon every connection, the callback is fired, however, if there may be no work to be done, Node.Js will sleep. Node.Js is comparable in design to and influenced through systems like Ruby’s EventMachine and Python’s Twisted. Node.Js takes the occasion model a piece further. It offers an event loop as a runtime construct instead of as a library

Advantages of Node.Js

  • Node.Js gives an easy scalability
  • It is way easy to learn
  • Node.Js is used as a Single Programming Language
  • Node.Js has been regarded as a full-stack JavaScript for serving both the customers and the server-side applications.
  • Best recognised for Offering High Performance

3. Next.Js is a JavaScript framework created by means of Zeit. It lets you build server-side rendering and static web applications the use of React. It’s an extraordinary tool to construct your next website. It has many extraordinary features and advantages that can make Nextjs your first alternative for constructing your next internet application.

Advantage of using Next.Js 

  • Built-in coping with search engine optimization (SEO) for pages
  • Every aspect is server-rendered by way of default
  • Can be carried out with Express or any other Node.Js HTTP server
  • Unnecessary code is not loaded
  • Simple client-aspect routing (page-based)
  • Automatic code splitting for quicker web page loads
  • Webpack-based total dev surroundings which support Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
  • It’s viable to customize with your very own Babel and Webpack configurations
  • Easy to deploy everywhere if Node.Js is supported
  • Fetching statistics could be very simple

Digital Marketing CompanyThe significance of JavaScript as a web technology is decided through facts that 95% of all websites make complete use of it. As a client-facet programming language, JavaScript helps net developers to make net pages dynamic and interactive by imposing custom client-side scripts. But, understanding the right type of Javascript is important, so you can get the most out of it.

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Choosing Out Of The Many Website Development Trends https://www.wdipl.com/blog/choosing-out-of-the-many-website-development-trends/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/choosing-out-of-the-many-website-development-trends/#respond Fri, 10 Jul 2020 06:43:17 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=3067 Trends is one thing that is constant in every subject, let it be fashion, studies in today's article about web development. The trends involved in web development changes to a much greater stage every single year.

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Trends is one thing that is constant in every subject, let it be fashion, studies in today’s article about web development. The trends involved in web development changes to a much greater stage every single year. In the case of decision-makers, it gets vital and familiar for people for two specific reasons, that is one to sustain ever-rising competition and two, to sharpen the knowledge. These web development trends bring changes in your website that not only attract your customers, but also help in having an increase with the conversion rate. Today you’ll get to know more about the emerging trends of web development.

Choosing Out Of The Many Website Development TrendsTo attract your audience towards your website and also set a great impression of your business, it is very important to get in contact with the right development company. “The first impression is the last impression”, a very known phase, that is true. Your audience is going to see whether or not your website is appealing and that it interests them to stay or even to come back. Only if your website looks appealing or outdated, only then are your audience going to leave a negative impression of your business on them.

Also keep in mind how the services provided by these companies help in web design elements and also help in terms of practice that influence and teach you how to publish content on your website. Keeping in mind the needful, you will understand the need of web development trends and how it helps in getting you profit-driven projects.

These trends have already been put into practice by the topmost web development company and have all been positive remarks in terms of conversion and also in traffic. These trends not only attract customers towards the website, but also have them come back with other visitors. Let us now look into the different trends in web development, that we will be discussing today.

– Accelerated Mobile Pages
When it comes to speed, you want the best of it. Whether it be your internet or even your order from McDonald. Any delay with your desires causes a lot of anger and you just want to leave the spot and fetch for another place that provides you with greater speed. Speeding up your web pages is one of the keys that helps in delivering a much better experience in terms of user experience and also in achieving a higher mobile ranking. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source framework that helps in enabling developers to create a much faster mobile page of the company.

– Voice Search Optimization
Do you even remember the way Siri came into existence and became trendy, back when the technology was introduced in the year 2011? The technology was an innovation towards a new beginning for voice search. Not a lot of the users predicted that the same technology would be trendy towards the near future. But, ever since then, voice search has changed drastically and has also performed its impact on the web and there is still a lot more to come into existence. Making less use of their hands, and greater use of their voice to get in their information. Web design and development services have come together using this trend to reach out to their customers.

– Progressive Web Pages
One of the most impact trends in web development that pushes the world wide web way ahead in terms of making browsing much easier for us to experience things closer to native mobile applications and friendly for users. The use of progressive web apps brings in emerging features that are all expected only from native apps for mobile browser experience that helps in the use of standards-based technologies and run a much secure container that is accessible to everyone on the web.

– API- First Development
API involves developing APIs that are consistent and are reusable. It can be accomplished by using an API description language that helps in establishing a contract. Establishing a contract involves sending more time thinking about the design of an API. When we talk about API development cycle the process looks a lot more like the process shown below:

The process first starts with the R & D team creating a design, following this the back-end developers work on a prototype and as soon as the prototype is ready a QA and front-end developers get their access to it. In terms of a bug, new feature or any sort of improvement this cycle will be repeated again.

eCommerce website development– Motion UI
A library that is a perfect solution that is much more engaging and attractive to gain the attention of users with beautiful animations. The library is capable of animating design elements with perfection and is much more flexible enough with the help of any JavaScript framework which makes it a great option for many other cases.

-API-powered chat bots
Businesses that work across the globe cannot get into a face to face discussion with their customers, but what they can make possible is by having a 24/7 chat bot system available for them. This helps in having an arrangement for a good customer service that is much more complex and a very costly task, especially when it comes to being available at all times. API-powered chat bots and machine learning have successfully proven to be a trustworthy and long-term investment. These chat bots help in answering FAQs, get in contact with customers and the clients, and also helps in getting orders and deliveries.

Understanding the use and the role these trends play in your website, it is very important to get in contact with a company that understands the same and has enough experience in building your ideas into a perfect project. Website Developers India has successfully built projects for 100+ companies and is still delivering the Software, mobile apps and enterprise websites to their customers around the globe. If you are looking for a company that drives results, you need not look any further than Website Developers India. Driving over billion sales and leads for clients, they very well know how to easily create websites and provide you with the best of services.Get your project started with WDI Today!

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Developing Your Ideas Into A Profit-Driven Projects By WDI https://www.wdipl.com/blog/developing-your-ideas-into-a-profit-driven-projects-by-wdi/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/developing-your-ideas-into-a-profit-driven-projects-by-wdi/#respond Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:50:40 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=3061 The use of web development has been widely used by many companies. The terms, however, is a really vague term that type ally describes about how the process of making, building and maintaining your website is done.

The post Developing Your Ideas Into A Profit-Driven Projects By WDI appeared first on WDI Blog.

The use of web development has been widely used by many companies. The terms, however, is a really vague term that type ally describes about how the process of making, building and maintaining your website is done. The reason why it is vague is the cause of its many programming languages, frameworks and different other tools that are included in Web Development. The use of Website development makes it a lot easier for all to communicate and understand services and products. Along with a clear understanding of your service, you also need to understand your customers and what needs that need to be fulfilled.

Developing Your Ideas Into A Profit-Driven Projects By WDIThe use of web development has shown possibilities in terms of programming the needed data of a website to adding client liaison, along with content and network security with web server configuration. The use of such development usually varies from creating the easiest plain text into the hard web-based application, social network services and electronic business. The use of such development helps in a well-designed, professional-looking website that will further help in giving you greater chance with the online market and a solid base in building your clientele. Website Developers India, a website development company, helps in the same building and making of profit-driven websites, that not only look appealing to you, but also to your traffic.

About WDI

A website design and development company, providing you with customized website design templates. Also having the right knowledge and ability to revamp your website with the help of the latest emerging trends. Guaranteeing you with a completely responsive website, our team of efficient workers work together in developing and delivering the project on time. We make use of the cloud server, as it helps us in ensuring whether or nor the website has 100% up time. We at Website Developers India, are a bunch of energetic professionals that work together with creativity and passion, to ensure we are delivering profit-driven projects for our customers across the globe.

eCommerce web developmentHow do we do what we do?

Simply by using Agile Scrum when it comes to project management. The use of this framework has helped and is still very beneficial for start-ups and business, in developing web applications,
mobile applications and also with developing software solutions. Website Developers India, having experience with more than 17 years, also comprises a team of great and efficient employees, with a different designation. We provide our customers with a podium in terms of providing a web presence and allowing you to stay in touch with your clients and million other web surfers.

Visit: WordPress Website Development Companies

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The Need & Understanding Of Website Security For Your Company https://www.wdipl.com/blog/the-need-understanding-of-website-security-for-your-company/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/the-need-understanding-of-website-security-for-your-company/#respond Thu, 28 May 2020 12:41:42 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=3057 Websites get hacked every day, and according to our research, about 25,000 to 40,000 web sites get hacked each day. The numbers are growing every day and the importance of website security is increasing rapidly.

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The need & understanding of Website Security For Your Company

Websites get hacked every day, and according to our research, about 25,000 to 40,000 websites get hacked each day. That is a lot! The numbers are growing every day, and the importance of website security is increasing rapidly.

Hackers are the biggest threat to a startup that conducts business primarily on its website. And if your startup is like that, then you have to invest in website security. Because just one hack is enough to put an end to your revenue stream.

What Exactly Is Website Security?

Website security is a small part of cyber security that deals with all the ways of keeping a website safe from hacks, malware, phishing, DDoS attacks, and cyberattacks. With every passing year, hackers come up with newer ways of doing their night jobs. So, you have to be on your toes when it comes to being updated with the latest website security software.

The Essentials Of Website Security

Ignoring website security leads to not only your data being violated but also that of your users. Relax! Do not be stressed. There are some basic things your website needs that can prevent most of these cyber threats. So, here are the three cybersecurity essentials you need to follow.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate

When you create a website, you get the option to implement an SSL certificate. Every website’s data is stored on a server. SSL establishes an encrypted link between the server and the client, which is your website. How this benefits you is by securely transmitting sensitive data, like credit card information and login credentials, of your users to the server. 

SSL certificates are basically a pair of keys, one public and one private, that work together for the formation of a secure client-server connection.


A firewall is just what the name suggests, but for a website. It is a network security device that monitors website traffic and decides whom to let in and whom to block. 


That “S” at the end of “HTTPS” or the padlock icon indicates that a website is encrypted. Encryption adds another level of security to your website.

Types Of Cyber Attacks And How To Defend

To tackle a cyber threat, you first need to identify what it is. Here are the three most common types of cyberattacks and ways to protect your website from them.


Just like a fish is caught using bait, your email account, system, or website can be hacked using phishing mail. Here, the hacker sends a genuine-looking email with a link or an shtml file. It could be as simple as telling you about a lottery you won and asking you to claim it by clicking on the link. Once you click on the link, it will drop a bot or virus in your computer, hacking all details.

How to stay safe: Do not click on any suspicious-looking mail. Sometimes the emails are designed to look genuine, so check the sender’s email to verify.


Malware in itself is of multiple types. But in general, it is software that works on a website to extract information like card details. It is installed by using brute force techniques on login pages. Hackers also keep an eye on the vulnerabilities of outdated software. These vulnerabilities are exploited to install malware on the website.

How to stay safe: First of all, if there are any plugins on your website, make sure they are updated to the latest version. With newer updates, vulnerabilities are fixed, making the plugin more secure. Secondly, do not give unnecessary access to your website to a lot of people.

DDoS attacks

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack overloads a website’s server by bombarding it with a ton of traffic, making it crash or become unresponsive. This is basically a zombie apocalypse. The hacker gains access to multiple devices through malware and connects them using IoT. These devices are all controlled like zombies and ordered to access one target website.

How to stay safe: A strong firewall can block malicious traffic and protect your network from attacks. Also, there are many services that provide protection from DDoS attacks.

Best Practices To Keep Your Website Secure in 2023

Prevention is better than cure. By following these practices, you can keep your website secure from most cyberattacks.

Multifactor Authentication

It is easy to figure out a login credential. But two or three? That is where things get tricky. Having multifactor authentication makes it more complicated for the hacker to do his thing.

Multifactor authentication is not just for your personal login but also for your users. If you have allowed your audience to create accounts, it will help keep their accounts secure as well. Implement multifactor authentication while developing your website.

Keep Your Website Updated

As mentioned earlier, older versions of plugins are vulnerable to cyberattacks. Turn on auto-update for all plugins. Also, do not install unnecessary or fishy-looking plugins in the first place.

Secondly, keep yourself updated with the latest developments in the tech world. Know about the new ways hackers are snooping around and ask your developers to be prepared.

Web Application Security Testing

Constant testing is inevitable in website development. Hackers are always on their toes, and so should you. Ask your testers to do security testing on the website. For better results, hire third-party testers, as they will be able to scrutinize the website from an unbiased perspective.

Keep A Website Backup

Never say never, but if your website gets hacked, you need to have a plan B. Have a backup of your website. If you have to start all over again, you will not have to start from scratch.

Enhance Your Website Security With WDI

Having a website security partner is one of the best things you can do. A web development company knows the ins and outs of website security. When you bring your concept to us, we develop it in accordance with cybersecurity standards. Your website’s security is our top concern.

If you want to develop your website from scratch or make it more secure, give us a call. We have 20+ years of experience in this field and hundreds of satisfied clients.

Let us make your website more secure!

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Build Your Website With The Best Web Development Company https://www.wdipl.com/blog/build-your-website-with-the-best-web-development-company/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/build-your-website-with-the-best-web-development-company/#respond Mon, 13 Apr 2020 12:53:56 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=3017 Websites are your hero. It does not matter what sort of profession you are into, what really matters is how you get connected with your customers or your clients.

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Websites are your hero. It does not matter what sort of profession you are into, what really matters is how you get connected with your customers or your clients. A website can help you easily generate business and help in providing you with goodwill and deliver some strong marketing messages.

How small or big your business is, what is important is to have an understanding of how you maintain your brand. People are still going to search or want to know about you if you would want them to know about your services. Your business web page helps in delivering the right picture to your customers and displaying your products and services to them 24/7.


Build Your Website With The Best Web Development Company


Why does your business need a website?

Consumer behavior has been rapidly changing every new day. These changes develop the urge of adapting modern technology and consumer behavior to the digital age. When websites were not in the picture, people had their sources through the phone. A technology in the late 1800s that had changed ways for consumers to do their business. But, this tool was used by many with which business owners realized advertising in it was a smart way. Gradually, the technology got a new way that Is the world wide web. Increasingly, this became quite famous for every business owner.

Understanding this, we see how the use of the internet through people and consumers, make a business a lot of money. If you do not have a website, it won’t make any difference to your consumers, but it would make a lot of difference to your business. Consumers won’t consider a business without a website. Secondly, if your business is reaching peaks, your consumers would want to know you more online. Majority of people make use of websites to find you so they communicate with you effectively. Website development companies in India, help business owners by providing them with the right services that can include hosting, domain, designing, development, etc.


How do you know which is the best web development company?

When it comes to choosing the right type of web development company for your business can at times be really frustrating. You may come across exciting and really attractive options from many companies, but it can also be risky. It is very important to be careful when selecting the right company for your business. What do you need to know when it comes to choosing the right company?

1. You need to be specific and clear with your needs. What is it that you are looking out for? What are the types of services your business is up with?

2. When you come across the web development company, first and foremost gaze through their portfolios. Check their works and clients.

3. Check their reviews, testimonials, etc.

4. Prefer a company that offers you with many services and not just one.

5. Make sure their communication skills are strong.

6. Make sure they know about responsive designing.


eCommerce web development


About “Website Developers India”

Website Developers India empowers businesses with the help of the right and advanced technologies that streamline internal processes and increase end-customer interactions. As a global Software Development Company, we believe not only in developing but in building advanced websites, software and mobile apps with the help of the latest technologies for almost 17 years now. We proudly build on strategies and processes that help our clients achieve their desired goal and take their business and our relation with them to the next level. This bond has helped us as a company to create and have a relationship of trust and security.

We as a developed software company, make use of Agile Scrum for project management. We have been successfully working and managing projects with start-ups and businesses to deliver web applications, mobile applications and software solutions. Having experience in managing a large online business as well as expertise in emerging technologies and global trends. With our offices in 5 countries, they are as well geared to cater to customers in India, USA, UK and Australia.

We at WDI have partnered with leading technology platforms, industry leaders and many marketing solutions around the world, with an oath of providing end-to-end solutions for highly-successful development. We don’t just work, but believe in creating a history of great projects! And, that cannot be possible without a terrific team of great enthusiasts. The great experience of project development starts right when you have a trust-worthy team following processes with the help of personalized setups for your business. With over 17 years of experience, 500+ clients, we take complete pride in building strategies and processes that work just right for you.


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Why Website Developers India is a Top Web Development Company https://www.wdipl.com/blog/why-website-developers-india-is-a-top-web-development-company/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/why-website-developers-india-is-a-top-web-development-company/#respond Thu, 10 Oct 2019 09:30:21 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2957 With new emerging players entering the market and competition, the level of play has been touching the sky. Watching this competition it can be seen how the B2B market is competition-ridden.

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With new emerging players entering the market and competition, the level of play has been touching the sky. Watching this competition it can be seen how the B2B market is competition-ridden. It has become a task for businesses to choose an ideal web development company. To settle down with the emerging pressures, one such company that has been awarded as one of the best web development company.

WDI is awarded as Top Web Development CompanyA premier software development company, offering a wide range of web, mobile and digital services across the globe for almost 17 years now and on. The company has a team of highly qualified and experienced IT professionals who can and have successfully delivered the best of technology solutions and services across diverse business needs. Staying on top for providing Custom Software Development Services, Web Design and Development Services, Digital Marketing Services and Mobile Application Services, WDI ensures increased traffic, enhanced brand loyalty and generating new leads for our clients. It’s been glorious years now that our company has been successfully dedicating its time and efforts into bringing together outstandingly creative thoughts into delivering result-driven work. What sets us as a company apart from others is the work culture which lets people show up to work not just working their heads up through the week, but because the team gets their inspiration by colleagues and mission of the company.

Harnessing the best we could in developing a wide reach of the internet by designing and developing web solutions that help them market their products to a wider audience. Website Developers India has the right version to empower clients with the help of the marketing tools that help their business grow. Strategies and planning are the two barriers that helps us as a company to help our clients visualize, identify and formulate opportunities to increase their business. We immerse our works in the mindset according to the way our clients think, to gauge their needs and fulfill their expectations. WDI is one of the pioneers in website development in India.

We have been in the industry for more than 17 years and continues delivering superior quality web solutions. At Website Developers India, each website build, designed and developed meets the specified requirements of the clients. We ensure you with maximum ROI from the website. WDI has a diverse portfolio, and have also worked with several well-known brands across. Apart from website development, we also provide digital marketing services for our clients.

What do we offer you with?

Web design services – Our well-experienced website designers, provide you with great ideas to deliver the right amount of work across different industries, that includes eCommerce website designing, Real estate, food delivery, eLearning, Video streaming, Online consulting, B2B and many more. We focus on achieving simultaneous and focused work with emerging tools and web design technologies like;

1. Html 5

– Offering tangible and highly equipped user-friendly website for business.

2. CSS 3

– Getting a compatible cascading style sheet web design and development services at WDIPL.

3. JavaScript

– Helps in providing dynamic interactivity on websites.

4. Photoshop

– An industry-standard in digital imaging, that helps with graphics development.

5. AMP

– Accelerated Mobile Pages produces a transformation of websites and ads.

Web development services – Web development solutions that include eCommerce, Real estate, Rich media solutions and many more make them known to be a full-service web development company. Our designs are strategic and unique delivering the best of results, speed and performance, with their UI designers and experts.

The tools that are used by our experts are,


flexible and efficient, the swords that PHP uses to make the website popular and known by all.


With the aim of achieving high-performance level work in less time, this type of tool helps it all.

– HTML 5 / CSS 3

A markup language used for the structuring of your content on the world wide web.

– Open Source

A software framework, used for the support of your web applications and services.

– BI Frameworks

Referring to technologies and applications this sort of tool plays a role in enabling presentable business information.

web developers indiaCustom web design services– Basically in a broader sense, transforming from ‘Okay’ to ‘Wow’. Certain transformation helps you get that needed recognition even from the darkest of places. With WDI, you opt to get the same sort of transformation for your website.

eCommerce web development services – laying a foundation for your online store, WDI helps in being that strong foundation by recognizing and terms that need to be changed for the development of the website. We help you choose the latest tools and technologies to make the work look easy yet fancy.

– Magneto

As a Magneto development company, WDIPL offers easy and customized, secure online stores.

– Shopify

Easily sell your products online with the help of this development.

– Opencart

Being great for both startups and established a business, improves your online sell.

– NopCommerce

The developers integrate customer services with its shopping features.

– WooCommerce

A customized and popular WordPress plugin that can easily integrate into any existing WordPress website.

WordPress development services – WordPress is the world’s leading content management system, it plays a key role for WDI with website development services for over 20 years. Our expert WordPress developers, help with enhancing the performance and help the business flourish. Some of the solutions they offer are,

– eCommerce

– Real estate

– Travel portals

– Business website


Website Developers India has been curated on the basis of it’s past and present performance, reliability quotient and quality of professional services provided. WDI has been recognized and awarded as the Best Customer Experience by the Digital Customer Experience Summit and Awards, for providing the best services to customers worldwide.

Visit: Top Custom Website Design Companies

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A Step by Step Guide in Understanding Website Development Process https://www.wdipl.com/blog/a-step-by-step-guide-in-understanding-website-development-process/ Tue, 17 Sep 2019 05:59:00 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2950 While it might appear that Web Development Services being a relic of times gone by and never again assumes an imperative job in business improvement, the definite inverse is nearer to reality.

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While it might appear that Web Development Services being a relic of times gone by and never again assumes an imperative job in business improvement, the definite inverse is nearer to reality. With the computerized world, we presently end up in, a site that is frequently the primary spot that clients go to find out about you, your company, and your administrations.

 A Step by Step Guide in Understanding Website Development ProcessThis early introduction is made by the structure of your site, and on the off chance that it doesn’t overwhelm them, they will look elsewhere. Alongside the accompanying reasons, Web Development is as yet crucial to your company’s prosperity. Different other reasons include:

1. Comfort

Your clients need to have all the data they need about your company being readily available and your site being the best spot to enclose the needed information.

2. Overall advertising

– Along with turning into an increasingly computerized world, we have likewise turned into a more globalized world. Global clients quite often find your site first, which is the reason it is so significant.

3. Trustworthy source

– These days, companies without a valid website is like a site isn’t paid attention to as a business, significantly more so if your webpage has a poor plan.

4. Associates You with Millions of Users

– When you have an easy to understand and useful site, you can without much of a stretch connect with enormous clients over the world. Along these lines, the scope of your forthcoming clients will get expanded. In the event that your site has numerous pages, settle on PHP advancement. Any solid organization of PHP advancement can help you all the while. Utilizing PHP on the site upgrade its presentation in a financially savvy way.

5. Lifts Brand Awareness

– Your organization’s logo on the site will be seen by the individuals who have arrived on it. Additionally, while advancing it via web-based networking media stages, it will get presented to many individuals. As such, individuals will come to think about your image, accordingly expanding brand mindfulness.

6. Causes it to seem Reliable

– Today, whatever administration individuals need, they attempt to accumulate data on the web. In such a circumstance, having a site impacts individuals to depend on the organization. It is through the site that you can have an expert methodology towards your clients. Numerous organizations of web advancement in India are guaranteeing the achievements of their customers’ organizations by structuring extraordinary sites for them.

7. Empowers Online Marketing

– Online advertising of the business has turned out to be critical with the expanding rivalry. Furthermore, this is conceivable just when you have a site. The system of online nearness can take your business higher than ever. Various showcasing procedures can be utilized to advance your business. Your promoting technique to contact the group of spectators will demonstrate success in case you’re thinking about what sort of business you have.

8. Increment Sales

– Having a site implies your forthcoming and existing clients can connect with you at whatever point they need. On the off chance that they face any issue in the wake of purchasing an item from you, they can legitimately converse with your client care officials and get arrangements just by calling you. Thus, they may feel that when they can get in touch with you 24*7, purchasing administration or item from your organization won’t be an off-base choice.

Website Development Process includes numerous steps in the world of technology and digital services. It includes initial information that consists of the website and finally to the maintenance. It keeps your website up to date and current. The process rightly involves different and classified steps, out of the many a few are given below:

1. Gathering your data

Gathering information is what seems most important and a little difficult but not impossible. Many considerations need to be taken care of when the look and feel of the website come into the picture. The first is the most important one, as it includes an understanding of the company that it is created for. Certain things to consider are:

1. Purpose

– What is the purpose of the site? Do you want to provide information, promote a service, sell a product?

2. Goals

– What do you hope to accomplish by building this web site? Two of the more common goals are either to make money or share information.

3. Target Audience

– Is there a specific group of people that will help you reach your goals? It is helpful to picture the “ideal

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Things To Do To Improve Your Google E-A-T Rating https://www.wdipl.com/blog/things-to-do-to-improve-your-google-e-a-t-rating/ https://www.wdipl.com/blog/things-to-do-to-improve-your-google-e-a-t-rating/#respond Wed, 17 Jul 2019 09:09:58 +0000 https://www.wdipl.com/blog/?p=2834 Basically, E-A-T classifies a website's value. For the ones who judge quality, they keep in mind about judging how appropriate a website is or how a page provides what is actually needed.

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Things To Do To Improve Your Google E-A-T RatingBasically, E-A-T classifies a website’s value. For the ones who judge quality, they keep in mind about judging how appropriate a website is or how a page provides what is actually needed. Talking about the abbreviation, E-A-T stands for ” Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness”. It is the metric by which Google’s evaluators rank pages. If a page posses a high-level quality it sums up to a high level of E-A-T while low-quality pages do not. Search Engine Optimization is one of the major tools, but apart from it, you will need to have your own feeds with how your rating needs to be done.

Talking about this new form, let us now discuss how would you master E-A-T. For your page to possess the high-quality level it would need the following traits.

– The website has a positive reputation for its page topics
– Having enough main content (MC). Your content should be enough to satisfy the needs of your user for the uniqueness of your page’s topic and purpose.
– The page and things associated with the content is expert, authoritative and trustworthy for the discussed topic.
– The website features supplementary content that increases the user’s enjoyment and experience of a web page
– The webpage is designed in a very functional way, allowing users to easily locate the information they need.

Importance of E-A-T for web pages

– Having the three forms of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness with you is one of the most significant parts. Google quality rater guidelines do not exactly measure the page’s rankings. It’s all in the hands of this ranking guider. There is a check done on getting good online experience and if in case the content meets their standards. If the raters are going to find out that through your work, the readers are going to feel comfortable with reading, sharing and recommending the content, they earn the website a high level of E-A-T.

So basically, it is E-A-T is the main reason why your users would gladly choose your site over your competition’s, having a direct impact on how Google received and then ranks your website.

Ways to get this going

1. Author name and biographies for the editorial content

– Pages like landing pages and product pages, it is all about the customer’s support and business contact information that needs to be way easier to find. But in the case of blog posts, it means giving out information about the author that needs to be available in order to evaluate whether they are a suitable expert for the topic or no.

2. Edit low content

– E-A-T of the website or your brand itself is also mentioned heavily throughout the guidelines. Low E-A-T content on one of the page does not directly impact the E-A-T of other pages, but can most effectively impact your site’s overall reputation and term it has negative.

3. Technical security

– Security is one of the strongest keys than to be a trustworthy company. A shopping checkout page having an insecure connection is listed as a Low rating one. People would want to visit a secure webpage. Chrome is making all HTTP pages as Not Secure and any site without an SSL certificate does not automatically redirect to an HTTPS URL.

Google’s quality rater guidelines and the subsequent core algorithm update suggest that expertise, authority, and trustworthiness play a more important role in rankings than ever before. For every web development company in india, it proves to be one of the major tasks to get yourself updated with this task. Be sure to keep this page bookmarked, cause you never know when you may need a reminder to implement E-A-T correctly.

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