Software Development Company – WDI Blog Latest Insights About Mobile App Development Wed, 11 Oct 2023 13:10:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software Development Company – WDI Blog 32 32 How To Quickly Start Mobile App Development for Shopping App! Tue, 22 Nov 2022 13:15:05 +0000 The post How To Quickly Start Mobile App Development for Shopping App! appeared first on WDI Blog.


Shopping app development is the best way to sell your products to a broader audience and increase traffic and sales.

Even if you have a website, you must create an online store app for the amazing benefits it offers to eCommerce business runners.

First of all, the number of smartphone users is way higher than desktop and laptop users. Most smartphone users prefer mobile apps as their preferred way of doing any work.

When it comes to shopping or making any purchases, people prefer to use an app instead of accessing the website through a browser.

When you create a shopping app, you are ensuring that your products are accessible to all smartphone-only users. The easier it is for your customers to make purchases, the higher the chances of them making purchases.

With a smartphone app, you also get the advantage of sending push notifications to your users and notifying them about your latest launches, offers, discounts, etc.

The best part is, people carry their smartphones with them all the time.

With a mobile app, you are basically creating your store on the user’s phone. This is why shopping app development should be at the top of your bucket list for 2023.

If you already have a website developed, almost half your work is done.

You do not have to spend time conducting market research, competitor analysis, branding, etc., as all of that is already done. You just have to convert your website into an app or build an app that looks just like your website.

If you are starting from scratch, you will have to start with branding and then conduct market research and competitor analysis.

At WDI, we provide the above-mentioned services to our clients. Under the scope of our work, we analyze where your app will stand in the market and what can be done to promote it and take it to its target audience.

Once the prerequisites are done, you can start with your shopping app development.

There are a bunch of steps you have to take to ensure that you create a smooth and seamless user experience for your users.

How to create a shopping app infographic

How to Create a Shopping App

Creating a shopping app is different from creating other apps. Here you are dealing with people’s money, which means you have to provide uncompromised security along with easy payments.

Here is what you have to do to create a successful shopping app.

1: Design a Simple & Seamless UI

The UI is the trickiest part of shopping app development. You have to compress all the content visible on a big monitor to a 6-inch screen.

A shopping app can have thousands, if not millions, of products. The challenge is to arrange all of them properly on a small screen and provide a seamless navigation system for users.

Here are some essential features you must tell your mobile app developers to implement.

1: Search Bar
Your shopping app would be unfunctional without a search bar.

The search bar is one of the most important features of any shopping app. It allows users to quickly and easily find the products they are looking for.

When developing a shopping app, it is important to make sure that the search bar is prominently displayed and easy to use. It should also be able to search for products by keyword, category, or brand.

In addition, the search bar should be able to provide results based on the user’s location. This is especially important for shopping apps that focus on local businesses.

Finally, the search bar should be integrated with the app’s payment system so that users can easily purchase the products they find.

2: Clean Homepage

A great shopping app must have a well-designed homepage that is both visually appealing and user-friendly. The homepage should be designed to give users a quick overview of the app’s features and functionality.

The layout of the homepage should be uncluttered and easy to navigate. The most important elements of the homepage should be prominently displayed, such as the search bar, categories, and featured products.

The homepage should also be designed to be responsive so that it looks good on all devices. And last but not least, the homepage should be designed to convert visitors into users.

3: Filters
Filters allow users to narrow down their search results to find exactly what they are looking for, and this can be a lifesaver when trying to find the perfect item amongst a sea of options.

There are a few different types of filters that can be used in shopping apps, and the best way to decide which ones to include is to think about the kinds of searches users are likely to be doing. For example, if users are searching for clothing, then filters for size, color, and style would be essential. Other common filters include price, location, and brand.

When designing the filter interface, it is important to make it as user-friendly as possible. The last thing you want is for users to get frustrated with your app and give up on their search altogether. A good rule of thumb is to keep the number of filters to a minimum, as too many options can be just as overwhelming as too few.

Once you have decided which filters to include, the next step is to think about how they will be implemented. There are a few different options here, but the most important thing is to make sure that the filter options are easy to understand and use.

One popular option is to use a slider interface, which allows users to select a range for each filter option (for example, price). Another option is to use a series of checkboxes, which can be helpful if you want to allow users to select multiple options at the same time.

Whatever approach you decide to take, the important thing is to make sure that your filters are intuitive and easy to use. With the right filters in place, your shopping app will be sure to please even the pickiest of users.

2: Provide Hasslefree UX

The easier it is for people to use your app, the more likely they are to make purchases.

If they find using your app to be the easiest, they will make your app their go-to app for any shopping related to your product niche.

However, if they are annoyed by your app, you can rest assured that they will never come back or just delete it.

Here are some essential features you must ask your mobile app developers to implement to create a smooth and rich user experience
1: Fast Login
When it comes to creating a login for a shopping app, there are a few key elements that need to be taken into consideration.

First and foremost, the login process should be simple and straightforward. There should be no confusion as to what users need to do in order to log in.

Additionally, the login UX should be designed in a way that makes it easy for users to input their information. For example, if the login process requires users to input their email address and password, the input fields should be clearly labeled and easy to find.

The best feature you can implement is to allow users to login with their Gmail, Outlook, or social media accounts.

2: Easy Payment Gateway
The challenge is to provide a fast payment gateway without compromising security.

This can be achieved by integrating UPI payments with your app.

Provide payment options with cards and net banking as well, because the more options you provide, the better.

There are a number of different payment gateway options available, so it is important to choose one that is compatible with your app and your target market. For example, if you are targeting users in the US, you will need to ensure that the payment gateway you choose is able to process US payments.

Another important consideration is the fees that are associated with the payment gateway. Some gateways charge a percentage of the transaction value, while others charge a flat fee. It is important to compare the fees of different gateways before making a decision.

3: Integrate Engagement Options
If you want to improve user engagement, you have to provide your users with options to do that. It is not rocket science.

Like, share, rate, and review. The basics work the best.

If people like any product, allow them to wishlist it.

If they want to recommend it to others, allow them to share the link. It is free promotion for you.

Ratings can help users express their opinion on the product and also tell other users about the quality of the product. Plus, it is a good metric for you or the product sellers to improve upon.

Finally, reviews enable users to describe their exact likes and dislikes about the product. Users can get a clear idea about the pros and cons of the product before buying.

3: Hyper-Personalization

One of the best ways to increase user engagement is to provide your users with exactly what they want. This can be done with AI that predicts what the user might require based on his previous activity and recommends the necessary product.

For example, if a user is interested in shoes, he is more likely to make a purchase if he gets recommended a good pair of shoes. He will not be engaged if he is getting recommendations for video games.

There are multiple ways you can collect data from the user. The more ways you implement them, the better results you get.

1: Likes
This one is the most basic and very effective as well. With AI, you can track what the user likes or adds to the wishlist and tailor recommendations based on that.

2: Hit Map
A hit map tells you where the user is clicking or tapping on your app.

If a user clicks on a product multiple times without adding it to the wishlist or cart, it could mean that the user does not have the finances to buy the product. Here, you can recommend some offers or discounts the user can avail of.
3: Screen Time
With AI, you can track how much time the user is spending on a particular screen.

If the user is looking at a product longer while scrolling, it means the user is interested in the product but has decided to skip it for some reason.

You can figure out the problem and recommend the product again after fixing it.

4: Secure Transactions

Rich result on Google's SERP when searching for 'Secure transactions'

When it comes to shopping app development, one of the most important aspects to consider is how to ensure secure transactions. After all, you want your customers to feel confident and safe when using your app to make purchases. Here are a few tips to help you create a secure shopping app:

1. Use a secure server
When transmitting sensitive data like credit card information, it’s important to use a secure server. This means that your data will be encrypted and less vulnerable to hackers.

2. Use a secure payment gateway
A secure payment gateway will add an extra layer of security to your transactions. This is because the payment gateway will process the credit card information and then send it to your app instead of your app sending the credit card information directly to the merchant.

3. Implement fraud detection measures
Fraudulent activity can happen even with the best security measures in place. That’s why it’s important to implement measures to detect and prevent fraud. Some things you can do include requiring CVV verification for credit card transactions and using a fraud detection service.

4. Keep your app up to date
As new security threats emerge, it’s important to keep your app up to date with the latest security patches. This will help to protect your app and your customers.

By following these tips, you can help create a secure shopping app that your customers can trust.

Looking for Mobile App Development Services (2)

5: Testing

There are various types of testing that should be considered in shopping app development. These include functional testing to ensure that the app functions as intended, usability testing to ensure that users can navigate the app easily and find what they are looking for, and performance testing to ensure that the app can handle large amounts of data and traffic.

Functional testing should cover all of the app’s features and ensure that they work as intended. This includes testing the search function, the checkout process, and the payment process.

Usability testing should be conducted to ensure that users can navigate the app easily and find what they are looking for. This includes testing the search function, the navigation, and the checkout process.

Performance testing should be conducted to ensure that the app can handle large amounts of data and traffic. This includes testing the app’s ability to load quickly, handle multiple users, and process transactions smoothly.


To summarize, here is a table listing all of the must-have features.

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How to Build a Fintech Mobile App – From Idea to Delivery Wed, 10 Aug 2022 11:26:19 +0000 The post How to Build a Fintech Mobile App – From Idea to Delivery appeared first on WDI Blog.

How to Build an Fintech Mobile App

Quick Summary

Lately, the finance industry has made numerous advances in serving its clients in a superior manner. Fintech is a recently begat term that is for anything involved with finance and innovation from the foundation of moving cash to budget mobile applications. It is quite possibly the quickest developing innovation across the globe as it offers first-rate security and accommodation of customary acts of money. In 2020, the Fintech market valuation was $127 billion. According to the Business Research Company, by 2022, it will arrive at a valuation of $309, 98 billion with a CAGR of 24.8%. being an exceptionally complex industry, Fintech is becoming well known and is supplanting conventional methods of eCommerce, payments, banking, and wealth management. With Fintech, entrepreneurs and expert accountants deal with their accounts easily. Hence, in this article, we will understand every part of the Fintech Mobile Application Developing including the significance of Fintech, Types of Fintech applications, and how to build a Fintech Wallet application.

A - What Is A Fintech App: An Introduction

Financial Technology (Fintech) alludes to any web or mobile app which intends to improve and mechanize the conveyance and utilization of financial services. It is helping organizations, entrepreneurs, bankers, and different entities to effectively deal with their money tasks by using specific applications and calculations which can be used on computers or even on their smartphones. It emerged in the 21st century and initially, the term was limited to the back-end systems of established financial institutions. Yet, now it has been moved to customer-oriented solutions. Now, it also incorporates various areas, for example, education, retail banking, financial exchange, stock market, etc.

B - Types Of Fintech Apps

A Fintech mobile app development company includes technologies and financial areas like blockchain, banking platforms, and budgeting applications. If you believe your development should comprehend your idea, you need to decide the worth of a product to shoppers. There are various kinds of applications associated with Fintech:

1. Insurance Mobile Apps

As the name indicated, these applications are for the insurance business for speeding the claim processes, policy administration, and reducing fraudulent activities. It can be a fundamental CRM for an insurance site. A few features of an insurance application should be insurance app, claims filing, quotes, contracts, looking through contracts according to various parameters, etc.

2. Investment Mobile Apps - For Stock Trading, Mutual Funds and Cryptocurrency

These applications are for the most part used in the stock market. Using these applications users can’t explore assets and invest in them but it can also increase the effectiveness of investments. To create an investment application, you need to include center features, for example, multi-currency, investment funds, credit management, correlation of assets, real-time notification, and client support.

3. Banking and Money Management Mobile Apps

Banking applications allow users to rapidly deal with their bank accounts and look at financial exchanges without going to bank premises. Generally, mobile applications are the best option for banks as individuals like to use their smartphones for financial transactions.

4. Lending Apps - Money Lending Mobile Apps

The lending applications allow you to lend money without the involvement of a traditional bank or credit union. You can lend money sitting on your chair. They have become among the most trending tech in the Fintech world. There is no investment of delegates, for example, loan specialists, banks, or some other financial institution. As there are no intermediaries, the interest rate isn’t as high and investors gain more profit.

5. Consumer Finance Apps - Budgeting and Personal Finance Mobile Apps

These applications don’t necessarily accompany payment services. These applications help customers deal with their expenses, save money, and forecast future expenses so they won’t spend more than planned. The common features in these sorts of applications are financial objectives, costs and bills tracking, investment analysis, fraud alerts, etc.

C - Major Requirements Of Fintech App Development

As we already know, the Fintech ecosystem is quite complex hence you need to first consider the features which will help you succeed in your startup. Here are the major features of a Fintech App Development:

1. Security

In the Fintech business, security is the principal concern. If users face security issues even once, they won't flicker an eye while uninstalling your application. Some of the important features which will improve security in your Fintech application are:

● 2-factor verification
● Fingerprint or Face Scan security
● Login through OTP
● Dynamic CVV2 Codes

2. Integrations

The foundation block of building a fintech application is API. Application Programming Interfaces or APIs can connect different applications or portals to each other. In the Fintech business, APIs can give orders to 3rd party service employees.

Of course, Flutter uses the Dart programming language. Dart is a completely object-situated programming language, and since it has a C-based sentence structure style, it is not difficult to get and learn in the event that you know about a comparative grammar style. Furthermore, Dart can be ordered to ARM and x86 code, and with the most recent variant of Flutter, you could actually hope to have the option to transpile it to JavaScript so your Dart code can run successfully on the Web.

3. Simplicity

If you need your Fintech application to succeed, then make it with an easy-to-understand plan. The Fintech users don’t have to dive into a ton of questions to use your application. The possibility of fintech application development is to make analytical tools for collecting financial information and making financial projects with a simple interface.

There are real-time analytics and statistics which generally show with the goal that the users or companies can easily find their income, costs, investment funds, etc. For attracting more audiences, the Fintech application should be simple and intelligible.

4. Support

The entire Fintech industry includes the use of highly confidential information. Thus, you can’t depend on any 3rd party customer support rather you should have advisors to deal with customer queries. They should be prepared in fact to work under exceptionally strict safety rules and requirements.

D - Fintech Apps That Might Inspire Your Startup

1. Affirm

If users don’t have credit or money, in these situations, Affirm gives no-expense credits for one-time buys. It offers finance for a furniture store, mattress store, travel site, and around 2,000 unique retailers. Affirm is a company that provides point-of-sale financing.

2. Citi Bank

Established in 1812 as City Bank of New York, it has developed into the biggest financial institution in the United States by the late 19th. In 1976 the bank changed its name to Citibank. There are five levels of banking administration packages for users, basic banking, access account, Citibank account, Citigold, and City priority. The charges and APYs rely upon the consolidated average account balance. Clients can link their savings, checking, and retirement accounts to decide their average account balance.

3. Kabbage

Kabbage gives credit to businesses that are qualified for it. They can apply, get a report on their expenses and rates, and begin getting funds shortly. It is a quick process. It is free to apply, and users will require to just pay for the funds they use. The loan terms are simple and transparent to understand. Users can review schedules, and payment details prior to taking credit. With the application, clients can pull out of their credit extension, make payments, and view their funds.

E - Monetizing Your Fintech Application

If you’ve chosen to make a fintech application, the first thing you need to do is pick a primary monetization model. Later on, once your application is up and running, you can present extra features and service choices in view of various monetization standards, however, you need to begin with something to start returning on investments.

The following are a couple of examples of the most widely recognized adaptation models used by well-known fintech companies today.


The most typical and recognizable model for any individual who has at any point used an online service or mobile app of any kind. Users generally get a trial period for a few days to half a month to research the highlights and settle on their importance to their needs. After that expires, users are then charged the expense of the chosen membership at customary intervals (weekly, monthly or yearly).

2. Transactional fees

This model is generally used by applications for mobile payments and payment systems, where fees can apply to either all or specific payment types. Payoneer and WorldRemit are great examples of money exchange services that offer low rates on worldwide cash transfers with flexible choices for getting remitted funds. This monetization model can be used in addition to memberships or as the primary revenue channel.

3. Promotions and Referrals

If you build a sufficiently enormous client base, highly talented ads and referrals from significant advertisers can turn into the core of your fintech monetization technique. Users can partake in your services free of charge, yet will be seeing profoundly customized business offers from advertisers. The owner of the service gets paid for every conversion. For instance, Mint uses this model for the free version of their service, consolidating it with other revenue-generation mechanisms for premium service.

4. Selling Big Data

Fintech applications are an ideal source of significant, usable financial data pertaining to users’ ways of managing money, installment recurrence, average spending, consumption of particular services, and more. It is entirely expected for fintech organizations to offer paid access to this information (anonymized, obviously) to any intrigued outsider hoping to improve their marketing or sales strategy with better targeting and great informational data sets for their artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

F - Key Functional Domains to Make a Fintech Application in 2022

Fintech is an enormous industry with various verticals and business models that continue developing and combining constantly. Let’s take a look at some of the famous areas where financial technology is being used nowadays. If you are thinking about building a fintech application, you’ll need to look at these categories for inspiration.

1. Digital banking

Generic banking applications have been around for quite a while and can be tracked down on most smartphones in virtually any global region. Built to connect directly to users’ bank accounts, they offer all things required for managing personal funds, taking care of recurring bills and making SWIFT cash moves, generating spending reports and performing various other fundamental daily activities. Banking applications can be developed by comparing financial institutions or by third parties, for example, Chime or Atom Bank.

2.Payments and cash transfers

Online payments and money transfers have typically been among the most famous and popular online services that replaced the inflexible banks of the pre-digital period. Contactless payments and installments made through a QR code are on the rise. Organizations like Klarna, Venmo, and Stripe have changed payments for people and businesses, while money-transfer services like Payoneer, Wise, PayPal, and Revolut have made it incomparably more simple for individuals to move cash to their loved ones.

3. Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are one of the most trending financial trends and a driving force behind the fast development of the fintech area. Financial services in this area are generally addressed by crypto exchanges, real-time investment and trading platforms, and multi-currency wallets supporting both fiat and digital currencies. A few of these wallets support blockchain technology for putting away users’ information and financial records.

4. Robo-advising and stock trading

The dynamics of the stock market are so intense to the point that trading requires information, experience, and instinct, yet in addition to a lot of automation and the use of cutting-edge AI/ML algorithms for data analytics and pattern identification. Robo-advisors are insightful algorithmic stages that help users with wealth management and investment management for a fraction of the cost of similar services presented by human portfolio managers at banks.

Why Choose WDIPL?

If you’ve chosen to embrace a fintech adventure, you have every one of the opportunities to make an effective and beneficial business. Obviously, there’ll be a lot of moves en route to progress. How to build a fintech application with the right technologies? How to make a fintech application that will withstand the market competition? All these multitude of difficulties and various others can be effectively combated with the right team next to you.

WDIPL, is a top-notch award-winning mobile app development company in India, having experience in developing top-notch Fintech applications for almost 21+ years. We always sign a well-structured NDA with our clients thus making sure nothing is shared about our current projects.

We have exceptionally skilful and experienced mobile app developers, project managers, QA analysts, designers, and team who won’t simply foster an amazing Fintech application but will also help you in the initial business consultation.

We have broad skills in the fintech field. We know how to create a fintech application that will be a hit with your clients. Check out our portfolio to get to know our experience. We’re persuaded that one project can improve the entire business, so let’s not wait around and start developing it together right now!

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Build Your Website With The Best Web Development Company Mon, 13 Apr 2020 12:53:56 +0000 Websites are your hero. It does not matter what sort of profession you are into, what really matters is how you get connected with your customers or your clients.

The post Build Your Website With The Best Web Development Company appeared first on WDI Blog.

Websites are your hero. It does not matter what sort of profession you are into, what really matters is how you get connected with your customers or your clients. A website can help you easily generate business and help in providing you with goodwill and deliver some strong marketing messages.

How small or big your business is, what is important is to have an understanding of how you maintain your brand. People are still going to search or want to know about you if you would want them to know about your services. Your business web page helps in delivering the right picture to your customers and displaying your products and services to them 24/7.


Build Your Website With The Best Web Development Company


Why does your business need a website?

Consumer behavior has been rapidly changing every new day. These changes develop the urge of adapting modern technology and consumer behavior to the digital age. When websites were not in the picture, people had their sources through the phone. A technology in the late 1800s that had changed ways for consumers to do their business. But, this tool was used by many with which business owners realized advertising in it was a smart way. Gradually, the technology got a new way that Is the world wide web. Increasingly, this became quite famous for every business owner.

Understanding this, we see how the use of the internet through people and consumers, make a business a lot of money. If you do not have a website, it won’t make any difference to your consumers, but it would make a lot of difference to your business. Consumers won’t consider a business without a website. Secondly, if your business is reaching peaks, your consumers would want to know you more online. Majority of people make use of websites to find you so they communicate with you effectively. Website development companies in India, help business owners by providing them with the right services that can include hosting, domain, designing, development, etc.


How do you know which is the best web development company?

When it comes to choosing the right type of web development company for your business can at times be really frustrating. You may come across exciting and really attractive options from many companies, but it can also be risky. It is very important to be careful when selecting the right company for your business. What do you need to know when it comes to choosing the right company?

1. You need to be specific and clear with your needs. What is it that you are looking out for? What are the types of services your business is up with?

2. When you come across the web development company, first and foremost gaze through their portfolios. Check their works and clients.

3. Check their reviews, testimonials, etc.

4. Prefer a company that offers you with many services and not just one.

5. Make sure their communication skills are strong.

6. Make sure they know about responsive designing.


eCommerce web development


About “Website Developers India”

Website Developers India empowers businesses with the help of the right and advanced technologies that streamline internal processes and increase end-customer interactions. As a global Software Development Company, we believe not only in developing but in building advanced websites, software and mobile apps with the help of the latest technologies for almost 17 years now. We proudly build on strategies and processes that help our clients achieve their desired goal and take their business and our relation with them to the next level. This bond has helped us as a company to create and have a relationship of trust and security.

We as a developed software company, make use of Agile Scrum for project management. We have been successfully working and managing projects with start-ups and businesses to deliver web applications, mobile applications and software solutions. Having experience in managing a large online business as well as expertise in emerging technologies and global trends. With our offices in 5 countries, they are as well geared to cater to customers in India, USA, UK and Australia.

We at WDI have partnered with leading technology platforms, industry leaders and many marketing solutions around the world, with an oath of providing end-to-end solutions for highly-successful development. We don’t just work, but believe in creating a history of great projects! And, that cannot be possible without a terrific team of great enthusiasts. The great experience of project development starts right when you have a trust-worthy team following processes with the help of personalized setups for your business. With over 17 years of experience, 500+ clients, we take complete pride in building strategies and processes that work just right for you.


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Laravel vs CodeIgniter. Which is better? Thu, 26 Mar 2020 11:58:29 +0000 PHP is a powerful programming language that is widely used to develop massive web applications. Under which comes two popular PHP web development frameworks, which are CodeIgniter and Laravel.

The post Laravel vs CodeIgniter. Which is better? appeared first on WDI Blog.

PHP is a powerful programming language that is widely used to develop massive web applications. Under this comes two popular PHP web development frameworks, which are CodeIgniter and Laravel. But, the question arises, which one is to be chosen between the two most used ones?

Whether it be the CodeIgniter or Laravel. Web Development Company in India and all over the world, have been using both or either of the two languages. In today’s article, we shall help you understand the difference, and other much-needed information on the two programming languages and leave it up to you to decide on which out of the two is to be used.

Laravel vs CodeIgniter. Which is better?


About Laravel

An open-source PHP framework that is designed to help developers with developing web apps with much easier and faster built-in features that can be used. The features used are all part of how Laravel is used vastly by many developers in top companies. It is called a modular packaging system with the management of dependency. What it means is that you easily add functionalities to your app made by Laravel. Eloquent ORM is something that is included with Laravel and already includes database tables that are set for easier data access. Laravel, a programming language is basically a command-line interface (CLI) that has a variety of pre-built commands. This language is basically an automatic test.

Why use Laravel?

  • Offers you with a version of the control system that is useful in the management of migrations
  • It supports eloquent ORM which is an advanced ActiveRecord implementation.
  • Includes features like blade templating engine
  • Massive and impressive documentation

About CodeIgniter

One of the most powerful PHP frameworks that are created to be built for developers that prefer a simpler and elegant toolkit that also helps them in creating a fully-integrated web application. This programming language is known to be one of the best options for creating really dynamic websites. CodeIgniter provides you with a complete free use for all the users, as the language does not depend on the MVC development pattern. With the help of the third-party plugin, the language can be really helpful to get things easier with complicated functionalities, also offering you security and encryption procedures.


eCommerce web development


Why use CodeIgniter?

  • It gives you a much more clearer and structured documentation
  • It is a great support that provides you with a very active CodeIgniter community support.
  • It offers you a simpler routing method.


“Talking about the two frameworks, experts like Website Developers India think Laravel is the Winner!!!”

There are many reasons for our claim, out of which a few are:

  1. Authentication

– One of the most important parts of any web application is to have an understanding of writing the authentication codes. With the help of this framework, it has made things quite easier.

  1. Multi-app

– The degree to which a specific system’s components may be separated and recombined at the same time. This is what the Laravel framework helps you with.

  1. Application logic

– Laravel is specially designed with benefits to help a developer with the flexibility needed from a small site to that of a massive enterprise application.

  1. Automatic Pagination

– It helps in simplifying the tasks in terms of implementation pagination. It helps in replacing the manual implementation approaches with the help of an automated method that is integrated into Laravel.


What more could add in with the benefits of this framework? Well, you need to know a lot more. How about visiting Website Developers India, and get to know more about the framework before you start with anything else.


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A Top Web Development Company, Functioning With Mobile Apps and Custom Softwares Too Mon, 04 Nov 2019 13:31:37 +0000 Every sort of business vertical we see nowadays, are all getting themselves well acquainted and updated with trendy and the latest ongoing technology

The post A Top Web Development Company, Functioning With Mobile Apps and Custom Softwares Too appeared first on WDI Blog.

Every sort of business vertical we see nowadays, are all getting themselves well acquainted and updated with trendy and the latest ongoing technology. According to the research, maximum and organic traffic is getting its way to the usage of mobile applications. Are you looking out in undergoing, the following change for the benefit of your own company? We are right here to help you achieve the same. At Website Developers India, we boast of having the best in class in terms of technical brains with the help of technical skillset and the right knowledge in developing an outstanding mobile app for you.  

A Top Web Development Company, Functioning With Mobile Apps and Custom Softwares Too

Our ardent efforts make us the leading Mobile App Development Company. Not just an
android app development company, but also the best
iOS app development company with highly skilled app developers.. Since our inception, we have provided the best application development services with diverse commercial ventures.

At Website Developers India, we have professionally and highly experienced designers and developers giving you top-notch and savvy mobile app development solutions. As a business partner, we assist you and provide you with necessary technical inputs in normal possible language which develops a helping hand from us in decision making. With an extensive variety of ability on distinctive mobile platforms, we provide you with the best solutions as per client’s needs, demand in a timely manner and requirements.

We are also known as one of India’s leading Software Development Company, offering you a wide range of customized software fit to fulfill every specific operational requirements. Our service is all-inclusive, including software testing and after-sales support. Our team of highly experienced system analysts. Solution architect and software developers have the right understanding of a wide range of technologies, which makes it really easy for us to choose the right technical solution for your business. We understand the tech behind developing the software needed that adds value to your ongoing business operation.

Our project manager has the right and needed experience with a proven track record in delivering software solutions on time and on a budget that meets our customer’s expectations. Our customer support team, on the other hand, makes it a must in assuring if the software works perfectly fine and if there is anything at all required on run time that will be available. With the help of our support process and practicality, we tend to resolve issues quickly and effectively every time it needs one. We ensure that you overcome all your challenges without having to compromise with speed, quality, and budget.

How do we make things easy for you?

It ain’t no rocket science for us. We’re just pros at doing the right thing for you. We define a clear vision and goal for you. We strategize and design the look and feel of the product. Hell no getting back, when it comes to developing and testing, we definitely do it right. On spot work with market submission or app deployment. Digital promotion to our target audience as per our clients, which are your needs, with customized support. This is just the start, you’re still way back to know more of what we do and see our outstanding clients from around the world.

Visit: Top eCommerce Web Design Companies

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