Failed to get type type and id id with includes excludes set – How to solve this Elasticsearch exception

Opster Team

August-23, Version: 6.8-7.17

Briefly, this error occurs when Elasticsearch fails to retrieve a document of a specific type and id with includes/excludes parameters set. This could be due to incorrect type or id, or improper setting of includes/excludes parameters. To resolve this, ensure that the type and id are correct and exist in the database. Also, check the syntax and usage of the includes/excludes parameters. They should be used correctly to filter the fields of the returned source document.

This guide will help you check for common problems that cause the log ” Failed to get type [” + type + “] and id [” + id + “] with includes/excludes set ” to appear. To understand the issues related to this log, read the explanation below about the following Elasticsearch concepts: index.

Log Context

Log “Failed to get type [” + type + “] and id [” + id + “] with includes/excludes set” class name is We extracted the following from Elasticsearch source code for those seeking an in-depth context :

 sourceAsMap = typeMapTuple.v2();
 sourceAsMap = XContentMapValues.filter(sourceAsMap; fetchSourceContext.includes(); fetchSourceContext.excludes());
 try {
 source = BytesReference.bytes(XContentFactory.contentBuilder(sourceContentType).map(sourceAsMap));
 } catch (IOException e) {
 throw new ElasticsearchException("Failed to get type [" + type + "] and id [" + id + "] with includes/excludes set"; e);
 }  return new GetResult(

